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An investigation of transmission and ecology of the monogenetic trypanosomatids, Blastocrithidia gerridis and Crithidia flexonema , in Gerris is described. Motile free-living flagellates of both species were found in the faeces of Gerris and in the water on which the bugs inhabited. Transmission of both trypanosomatid species occurred from naturally infected wild-caught bugs to flagellate-free laboratory-bred bugs via water. Crithidia flexonema was also transmitted to laboratory-bred bugs after being isolated in culture. Observations of experimentally infected bugs indicate that C. flexonema flagellates are imbibed and pass through the fore- and midgut to the hindgut where they become attached and multiply. There was no evidence to suggest transovarial transmission. In a 3-yr investigation into the prevalence of trypanosomatids in a natural population of adult Gerris odontogaster , it was found that the infection rate varied between 19% and 100%. There was no significant difference in infection rates between females and males. The infection rate peaked for each year in late spring or early summer. The significance of these results is discussed in relation to the ecology and behaviour of Gerris . The results indicate that the infections are maintained in hibernating bugs over winter.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Mice were used as a model system to demonstrate theeffects of increased loading on the trabecular bone in the developingproximal femur. A two-dimensional free body diagram revealedthat because the femur is normally held in a horizontal positionduring support, functional loading resulted in a net posteriorbending moment and a muscle generated axial compressive loadthat was 7.7 times the normal support weight for that limb.Experimental treatment consisted of four times normal gravityfor 10 min, six times per day for 30 days in addition to unrestrainednormal exercise. Unrestrained normal exercise served as thecontrol. An animal whose foot was amputated by his mother shortlyafter birth was used as a less than normal load example forcomparison with the hypergravity and control groups. All groupswere treated for 30 days. Two areas of trabecular bone wereexamined: a proximal central webbing area that may be underpredominantly tensile loading much of the time, and a more distalarea near the third trochanter that presumably experiences bendingstresses when the animal is exposed to normal activity or hypergravity.Results indicate that: 1) The central webbing area appears tohave a similar mass of bone regardless of loading conditions;however, with increased loading the trabeculae become orientedin directions that approximate directions of presumed principaltensile stresses. 2) There is no genetically predetermined amountof bony tissue in the third trochanter area; when the limb isrelatively unloaded no trabeculae are present, as the loadingincreases trabecular bone is formed. In the hypergravity group,trabeculae in the area of the third trochanter increased inlength and complexity and became more centrally positioned inthe lumen of the femur, a position that presumably would allowthe femur to better resist bending moments. These results demonstratethat short duration, high intensity functional loading can stimulategrowth of trabecular bone, and further, specific types of functionalloading can be correlated with specific architectural changes.  相似文献   
AS part of a search for the chemical rules underlying the recognition of a tRNA by its aminoacyl-tRNA ligase1, we are examining the effect of C?U transitions on aminoacylation of tRNA. In this paper, we describe four well-characterized modifications of yeast tRNATyr induced by reaction with bisulphite ions at pH 5.8. Three of the observed changes proved to be C-?U transitions produced by the series of reactions shown in Fig. 1 (refs. 2–5).  相似文献   
The decapitated primary root of 3-day-old Alaska pea seedlings has been used as a test system to determine the activities on lateral root formation of six auxins, six cytokinins and several other naturally-occurring compounds. Their effects were assessed on (1) the initiation of lateral root primordia, (2) the emergence of visible lateral roots, and (3) the elongation of these laterals. All the auxins, at the optimum concentration of 10-4M, promoted the initiation of lateral root primordia, and all except 3-indolylpropionic acid inhibited the elongation of the resulting lateral roots. Their effects on the emergence of laterals were small and varied. All the cytokinins, at 10-6M and above, inhibited both the initiation and the emergence of lateral roots, zeatin being the most powerful inhibitor. The emergence process was about twice as sensitive as the initiation of primordia to the presence of cytokinins. The cytokinin ribosides were generally less active than the free bases. Abscisic acid and xanthoxin inhibited both emergence and elongation, the concentration for 50% decrease of emergence being about 10-4M. Gibberellic acid had little clear effect on any of the three criteria. Nicotinic acid and thiamine at 10-3M promoted both the initiation of primordia and their emergence: pyridoxal phosphate stimulated both emergence and elongation but did not influence the initiation of primordia. Adenine and guanine had little effect but decreased root elongation some 25%. The strong inhibiting effect of the cytokinins may well be the basis for the marked inhibition exerted by the root-tip on lateral root formation, while the promoting effects of auxins may explain the previously observed promotion of lateral root formation by the young shoot and cotyledons.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. The life cycle of Eimeria vermiformis from the mouse Mus musculus is described from experimental infections. The prepatent period was 7 days, and the patent period 7–22+ days. Endogenous stages were in the lower 2/3 of the small intestine. Two generations of schizonts were found. Mature 1st generation schizonts, seen 4 days after inoculation, were 16–25 × 9–16 μ and had long vermiform merozoites. Mature 2nd generation schizonts were first seen 5 days after inoculation. They were 8–18 × 7–14 μ (mean 11.2 × 13.1 μ). Mature microgametocytes, 17–32 × 12–25 μ, were present 6 days after inoculation. Macrogametes with plastic granules were found at the same time. The life cycle of E. vermiformis is compared with those of other species of Eimeria from Mus.  相似文献   
Techniques of trilobite exuviation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Examples of the trilobites Toxochasmops extensus (Boeck, 1838), Asaphiscus wheeleri Meek, 1874, Encrinurus mitchelli Foerste, 1888, Ogygopsis klotzi (Rominger, 1887), Paradoxides davidis Salter, 1863 and Oryctocephalus spp. which are interpreted as exuvial configurations, are described. Four specimens of Toxochasmops extensus arc known in which the pygidium rests either directly behind the eephalon, or with only three intervening thoracic segments. It is considered that during exuviation the old pygidium became wedged behind the cephalon. This facilitated its removal. An ecdysial configuration of Asaphiscus wheeleri is described which possesses inverted and partially rotated free cheeks. In addition, part of the thorax of the specimen is wedged obliquely behind the cephalon. This is considered to have aided withdrawal of the trilobite from its old exoskeleton. Two specimens of Encrinurus mitchelli are described which possess free cheeks inverted beneath the cranidium by lateral rotation, in a manner similar to that of A. wheeleri. Three examples of Ogygopsis klotzi are described, one a failed exuvia and two in which the free cheeks were inverted and rotated through 180° with respect to their original position and came to rest beneath the thorax. An identical exuvia of Paradoxides davidis trapezopyge is also described. Two specimens of Oryctocephalus exhibiting two different arrangements of inverted free cheeks are recorded. Possible mechanisms for each of these free cheek inversions are proposed.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Adults of many species of Lepidoptera, principally the males, frequent mud puddles, edges of streams, carrion and animal excreta where they imbibe moisture, an activity referred to as 'puddling' Sodium ions are the only known stimulus present which cause males of at least two lepidopteran species to drink for extended periods. In the European skipper Thymelicus lineola (Ochsenheimer) (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae), only males puddle, even though they have concentrations of abdominal sodium 2–3 times that of females at emergence. During their first mating, males transfer 32% of their abdominal sodium to females. This could be of considerable importance given that an average egg complement contains >50% of the total body sodium of females at emergence. Virgin females, as well as having reduced fecundity, have reduced longevity. This is attributed to virgins not obtaining important nutrients which males transfer to females during mating. Access to sodium ions increases the total number of matings by c. 50% for males living >15 days. Access to sodium ions by once-mated males increases the percentage of males which re-mate on the day following first mating; the percentage of females, mated to the twice-mated males, which lay >50% fertile eggs; and the drought resistance of eggs laid by those females.  相似文献   
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