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ABSTRACT. Honeybees ( Apis mellifera L.) were presented with a series of binary choices between two equally rewarding yellow or blue artificial flowers. When flowers were placed equidistant from each other, the bees maintained high degrees of constancy to one flower colour. When flowers were spaced unequally, the bees most often chose to visit the closest flower, as is predicted by an optimal foraging model.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT The disruption of vimentin and actin filaments of host BSC-1 fibroblast cells by Trypanosoma cruzi was investigated using a mouse monoclonal anti-vimentin antibody and rhodamine phalloidin, respectively. Indirect immunofluorescence microscopy demonstrated that infection of BSC-1 cells by T. cruzi caused disruption of both cytoskeletal components. The disruption was greater as infection progressed. Mechanisms other than mechanical ones may play a role in the disruption since disrupted cytoskelelal elements were well removed from the parasites. In the determination of intracellular calcium concentrations using Fura-2 AM, infected and uninfected cells both showed an initial increase in intracellular calcium levels. At later times of infection (3 to 5 days), intracellular calcium levels of infected cells were significantly lower than those of control cells. There was no specific localization of intracellular calcium in the infected host cells as determined by image analysis.  相似文献   
On the assumption that the holotype of the South American frog Hylopsis platycephalus, described by Franz Werner in 1894, had been lost, Lynch (1981) designated a neotype, but in so doing incorrectly associated a centrolenid species with that name. As a result of the neotype designation, the genus Centrolenella Noble, 1920 (Centrolenidae) became a junior subjective synonym of Hylopsis Werner, 1894.
The holotype of Hylopsis platycephalus, which has never been lost, was obtained from the Institut fur Zoologie der Universität Wien and on examination was found to be a species of Sphaenorhynchus Tschudi, 1838 (Hylidae) distinct from other known members of the genus. Centrolenella Noble is thus validated and Hylopsis (ayn. nov.) becomes a junior subjective synonym of Sphaenorhynchus.
The rules of nomenclature relating to the neotype are discussed and Sphaenorhynchus platycephalus comb. nov. is redescribed. The centrolenid species which Lynch (1981) assigned to Hylopsis platycephalus is named Centrolenella savagei sp. nov.  相似文献   
Abstract We examined relations between vegetation and soils, using multivariate methods, in hitherto poorly-known upland swamps on the Woronora Plateau, south of Sydney. A major trend in floristic composition was related to the height and cover of the herbaceous stratum and reflected a gradient in soil moisture and nutrients. A second trend in floristic composition was related to the height and cover of the shrub stratum, and may reflect the influence of recurring fires on certain dominant shrub species. Five plant communities were recognized on the basis of floristic composition and were distinguishable by their different soil habitats and/or structural characteristics. We report some of the highest species-richness values in the world (at scales of 1–15 m2) for shrub/sedge-dominated vegetation, with up to 70 vascular plant species in 15 m2. Variation in species richness is inversely related to the resource gradient and positively related to the penetration of light through the vegetation canopy. This pattern is consistent with resource-competition models and warrants further investigation.  相似文献   
1. Freshwater crayfish of the genus Astacoides are endemic to the highlands of eastern Madagascar. Very little is known about their ecology and how this affects their vulnerability to threats. Working in the Fianarantsoa forest corridor, we used a combination of ecological research (>29 000 crayfish caught and released) and interviews (>130 interviews in 38 villages) to investigate the ecology and status of four of the seven described species. 2. Astacoides species studied showed very slow growth, with growth rates of Astacoides granulimanus and Astacoides crosnieri among the slowest known in any species of crayfish. We found individuals of all three species for which we had growth data which we estimate at more than 20‐years old. The size at which females became ovigerous varied among species. Astacoides betsileoensis withheld reproduction until a large size (only 30% of females were gravid at 60‐mm carapace length, compared with 90% for A. granulimanus). This is likely to make A. betsileoensis particularly vulnerable to overexploitation and we found that only 10% of individuals measured in a market (n = 909) would have reproduced before being caught compared with 35% of the more common A. granulimanus (n = 30 561). 3. Habitat loss is a serious threat to the genus; even A. granulimanus, the most widespread species, was only found in rivers or streams flanked by natural vegetation. Astacoides caldwelli, the rarest species in this study, was found only at low altitudes (<800 m) in rivers draining forested catchments. Habitat loss is particularly rapid in low elevation forest. A. crosnieri was restricted to swampy land that is rapidly being converted to rice fields. Introduced Asian snakehead fish (Channa maculata) may pose a hitherto unrecognised threat to some species, particularly A. betsileoensis. 4. Madagascar's freshwater habitats have great significance for global biodiversity yet conservation effort, as in much of the world, has focused on terrestrial ecosystems. Until recently almost nothing was known about the ecology of Astacoides crayfish, a diverse and economically important genus. Here, we show that members of the genus vary markedly in their reproductive biology, growth rates, habitat requirements and the threats they face. We suggest that habitat loss is an urgent threat, especially to A. caldwelli and A. crosnieri, while overharvesting is probably the most immediate threat to the larger A. betsileoensis. We call for more attention to be paid to Madagascar's exceptional, yet understudied, freshwater biodiversity.  相似文献   
Abstract 1. Periodical cicadas occur widely in deciduous forests of eastern North America and represent the largest insect emergences in the world. Their effects on forest community dynamics, via oviposition damage and root feeding, are potentially great but not well understood. If tree species vary in their susceptibility to cicada oviposition and root colonization, then periodical cicadas may affect ecological interactions among tree species and forest composition. 2. We measured oviposition damage on 63 tree species at 52 sites in southern Indiana, U.S.A. for two broods of periodical cicadas. We compared oviposition damage among different sites, habitats, and tree species. We also measured cicada emergence rates in mature and successional forest habitats and from beneath different tree species. 3. Certain tree species received significantly more oviposition damage than others, and the most and least damaged species were consistent between the two broods. For some species, oviposition damage varied between mature and successional sites. Despite the differences in oviposition rates among species, there was no difference in emergence rates from beneath different tree species, suggesting that initial differences in cicada density among tree species are not maintained through the nymphal life cycle. 4. Cicadas oviposited more at successional sites, but emerged more in mature forest stands, suggesting that successive generations of cicadas represent a shifting mosaic between forests of different ages. As tree species consistently vary in their susceptibility to oviposition damage, periodical cicadas could alter local competitive interactions and therefore affect forest dynamics.  相似文献   
Over the last 60 years Britain's broadleaved woodlands have undergone a complex pattern of ecological change. The total extent has expanded from c . 676 000 ha in 1947 to c . 904 000 ha in 2002, but there has also been significant turnover, with losses of ancient woodland and a gain from new planting. Structural change has occurred due, in part, to change in management. In 1947 21% of the broadleaved resource was classed as coppice, 28% as scrub and only 51% of the area as high forest, compared with 97% high forest in 2002. This has been accompanied by changes in ground flora and the regeneration pattern of tree species, which will impact upon the character of the woodlands. Woods have also become more ecologically isolated because of the decline in semi-natural vegetation in the surrounding countryside, although the long-term impacts of this are poorly understood. Other factors driving ecological change are increased pollution, change in grazing pressures, climate change, alien species and game management. Overall woodland specialist species and those of open habitats tend to be doing less well than woodland generalists. Progress has been made in reversing some adverse impacts such as acid deposition, and action is being taken to reduce the impact of others such as over-grazing by deer. However, some drivers, notably climate change, will be more difficult to address. In the long term integrated management of woods as landscape components whilst meeting economic and societal needs will be required.  相似文献   
This paper presents new results of risk-sensitive foraging studiesof the carpenter bee, Xylocopa micans, and reviews the workto date on risk sensitivity in nectarivores. In the field, nectarivoreschoose among alternative food sources (flowers) that differin the variabilities of their nectar rewards. In the lab, theforaging situation for carpenter bees was experimentally simplifiedby offering the bees a choice between either "low variance"or "high variance" artificial flowers. The two flower typesdiffered in their variabilities but offered the same expectedshortterm rates of net energy gain to test the predictions ofthe short-term rate maximization mechanism. Foragers were testedunder two energy budget conditions, hungry and well-fed, totest the predictions of the z-score model. Individual carpenterbees were indifferent to variability in both nectar volume andnectar sugar concentrations, and their risk-indifference wasunaffected by energy budget. These findings of risk indifferencesupport neither the variance discounting nor the z-score modelof risk sensitivity. Since the low and high variance flowertypes are equivalent for carpenter bees in short-term rate ofenergy gain, there can be no selection on carpenter bees tobe sensitive to variability based on differences in rate ofgain. Studies of risk sensitivity in honey bees and bumble beesusing variance in nectar concentration support this contention.These findings are compared with other nectarivore risk sensitivitystudies in order to highlight the most likely mechanisms underlyingaversion to variation in nectar rewards (short-term rate maximizing,the Weber-Fechner law of perception and learning non-empty flowers)and to suggest future research in the interplay of these threemechanisms.  相似文献   
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