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Adult butterflies are known to visit a wide variety of food substrates, but, with the exception of flower visitation, little is known about what substances are being sought or what determines substrate choice. This is especially true for the Riodinidae, a large family [c. 1300 spp.) of almost exclusively Neotropical butterflies. We present adult male feeding records for 124 species in 41 genera of Riodinidae (out of a total of 441 species in 85 genera collected in the study), based on ten months sampling in Ecuador. Records of food substrates visited in this study include flowers, damp sand or mud (‘puddling’) and rotting carrion. Rotting carrion placed in traps was the most frequently recorded food source in terms of numbers of individuals and taxa, attracting 89 species from 32 genera. A correlation is found between food substrate choice and morphology, specifically wing area to thoracic volume ratio (WA: TV ratio). Our data suggest the possible existence of two adaptive syndromes whose species have significantly different mean WA:TV ratios and differing suites of accompanying ecological traits, with lower ratios being significantiy correlated with species that were recorded feeding. Among species recorded feeding, carrion feeders and puddlers have significantly lower mean WA:TV ratios than flower nectarers, and carrion feeders have a lower mean WA:TV ratio than species not recorded on this food source, a correlation that is significant across all tribes and within some tribes (Riodinini and Saratoni). We reanalyse previously published data on flight and morphology for species in other butterfly and moth families and show mat the ratio of wing area to thoracic mass is significantly negatively correlated with flight speed and oxygen consumption (a direct indicator of metabolic rate). We suggest that adult male riodinids may puddle and feed at rotting carrion to supplement nutrient stores from larval feeding, not only to increase reproductive success, but also to provide the necessary nutrients to maintain high metabolic rates during rapid flight.  相似文献   
Different animal intraspecific classes commonly differ in their prey selection. Such differences in feeding ecology are thought to reduce resource competition between classes, but other factors (i.e. behavioural, morphological, and physiological differences) also contribute to this widespread phenomenon. Although several studies have correlated the size of the feeding apparatus with prey selection in many animals, few studies have examined how the shape of the feeding apparatus is related to prey selection. Furthermore, even though the dietary regimen of many animals changes during ontogeny, few studies have examined how shape changes in the feeding apparatus may be related to these ontogenetic dietary shifts. Here we address these issues by examining how head shape, head size and prey selection change over ontogeny in adult males, adult females and juveniles of the cottonmouth snake Agkistrodon piscivorus . Our scaling data for head characteristics showed that all head measurements in adult male and female A. piscivorus scaled with significant negative allometry, whereas juvenile head measurements typically scaled isometrically, except for head volume (positive) and head length (negative). Thus, juveniles have relatively broad and high, but short, heads. Large adult male and female A. piscivorus have relatively small head dimensions overall. Thus, juveniles appear to undergo a rapid change in head volume, which subsequently slows considerably as sexual maturity is achieved. However, our multivariate analysis of size-adjusted head dimensions showed that juveniles differed only slightly in their head shape compared with adult male and female A. piscivorus . In general, prey size increased with snake size across all age and sex groups, but an ontogenetic shift in prey type was not detected in either males or females.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 81 , 151–159.  相似文献   
Abstract. 1. Disappearance of different amounts of aphid ingested by three species of polyphagous predators, the carabids Bembidion lampros (Herbst) and Nebria brevicollis (F.) and the staphylinid Philonthus cognatus Stephens, was monitored by a quantitative enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The effect on the rate of inactivation of prey antigens by the ingestion of subsequent, non-aphid food was also studied.
2. Antigen inactivation was significantly more rapid in the staphyilinid than in the carabids.
3. No statistically significant differences were found in the rate of antigen inactivation between beetles which consumed only aphids and those which were given a different type of food after feeding on aphids; the detection period was longer in the former groups. A higher proportion of beetles with low levels of aphid antigen were found earlier in the latter group.
4. The results did not unequivocally support the prediction derived from optimal digestion theory that beetles without continuous access to food would retain an initial meal longer than beetles with unlimited access.  相似文献   
  • 1 Eggs of the mosquito Aedes punctor Kirby were found to be aggregated in a horizontal band within woodland depressions.
  • 2 The height of the peak of egg density above the lowest point in the depression varied from 24 to 39 cm in six transect studies.
  • 3 One depression, 2 m in diameter, was analysed in detail and found to contain a total of 9231 eggs with a maximum density of 944 eggs in a 250 cmz area.
Representatives of the Tradescantia geniculata alliance (genus Gibasis Rafin.) in cultivation at Kew display considerable cytological and morphological diversity. Chromosome complements consist of either large or small chromosomeS. Plants with small chromosomes have either 2 n = 16 or 2 n = 32, and all form only bivalents at meiosis and have presumed basic numbers of x – 8 and x = 8 or 16 respectively. The 2 n = 32 accessions are considered to represent T.geniculata in its strict sense; the identity of the 2 n =16 plant is uncertain. Plants with large chromosomes have either 2 n = 16 or 2n = 20 and each forms quadrivalents to the extent that they can be considered as cytological autotetraploidS. Basic numbers are then x = 4 and x =5, the lowest yet recorded for the Commelinaceae. The identity of the x = 4 species is uncertain. The x = 5 plants are readily identified as T.karwinskyana.  相似文献   
1. Interpretation of structural evolution in a group such as the Sarcopterygii requires consideration of a combination of all possible functions, rather than single functions. 2. The Dipnoi are probably more closely related to the Crossopterygii than to other groups of fishes. The Sarcopterygii are a ‘natural’ group. Certain characters in common between the elasmobranchs and the Dipnoi or Coelacanthini seem to be the result of convergent evolution. 3. Evolution of the skull, in connexion with both respiratory and feeding mechanisms, has resulted in extreme specialization in all Sarcopterygii. The crossopterygian intracranial kinesis has evolved from an earlier mobility between the skull and neck and is adapted for increasing the power of the bite and for enclosing the prey from both above and below, in addition to other factors. Adaptive radiation is seen in the feeding mechanisms of all forms. The evolution of the Amphibia proceeded through elongation of the anterior division of the skull (which is not correlated with any changes in brain morphology) and loss of the kinetic mechanism in this sequence is at least partially associated with improved buccal pumping mechanisms for lung ventilation. 4. Adaptive radiation of the respiratory system in Dipnoi shows a progressive increase in the use of aerial respiration. The aquatic condition seen in Neoceratodus is probably secondary. Comparison of the three living genera shows a striking correlation between respiratory physiology and habit. There is little indication of reduction of the branchial respiratory system in known Rhipidistia, in which respiration was probably primarily aquatic. In Dipnoi and Rhipidistia, evolution of the lung allowed a partial control of the hydrostatic properties of the body. In coelacanths, aerial respiration was abandoned, except in certain secondarily freshwater forms, and the single lung is modified as an organ of hydrostatic balance. These changes are reflected in the over-all body proportions. 5. Locomotion in Sarcopterygii (except the coelacanths Laugia and Piveteauia) is adapted for contact with the substrate in relatively shallow water in most cases. Adaptive radiation of the locomotor apparatus is seen with respect to the relative roles and functions of the paired and unpaired fins, over-all body shape, caudal fin shape, and absolute size. An important function of the pectoral fins in advanced Rhipidistia was in supporting the body in shallow water and thus aiding lung ventilation. 6. Aestivation is an early feature of dipnoan biology, but was not evolved in Rhipidistia. The common faculty of urea production via the ornithine cycle and urea retention in coelacanths and dipnoans are adaptations to conditions in which the body tissues may become dehydrated (salt water and desiccation, respectively). The common pattern of nitrogen metabolism seems to have evolved during a marine phase in sarcopterygian evolution. 7. There is evidence that the earliest members of all sarcopterygian lines included marine forms. However, the subsequent major radiations of Dipnoi and Rhipidistia occurred in fresh waters. The distribution of Sarcopterygii was entirely tropical. The late Palaeozoic distribution of the freshwater forms seems to offer evidence for the occurrence of Continental Drift. Coelacanths were primarily coastal fishes. 8. The evolution of a major group of organisms requires a different pattern of evolutionary change than that by which adaptive radiations are produced. It evolves the structural and temporal correlation of modification in a number of different functional systems rather than the separate modification of each system without reference to other systems. 9. The first tetrapods evolved in a highly seasonal swampy environment on the shores of inland lakes or rivers, in permanently moist conditions.  相似文献   
Genetic diversity in British populations of Saxifraga rivularis L. (Saxifragaceae) was assessed using isozymes, RAPDs, inter-SSRs and RFLPs of two non-coding chloroplast DNA regions. Low levels of variation were detected: only five molecular phenotypes were recovered, polymorphic for a single RAPD band and Pgd enzyme phenotype. The problem of drawing conservation recommendations from studies that show low levels of marker variation is discussed, and the importance of recognizing the limits of molecular genetic data in conservation biology is emphasized.  相似文献   
The seed coat develops primarily from maternal tissues and comprises multiple cell layers at maturity, providing a metabolically dynamic interface between the developing embryo and the environment during embryogenesis, dormancy and germination of seeds. Seed coat development involves dramatic cellular changes, and the aim of this research was to investigate the role of programmed cell death (PCD) events during the development of seed coats of cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.]. We demonstrate that cells of the developing cowpea seed coats undergo a programme of autolytic cell death, detected as cellular morphological changes in nuclei, mitochondria, chloroplasts and vacuoles, DNA fragmentation and oligonucleosome accumulation in the cytoplasm, and loss of membrane viability. We show for the first time that classes 6 and 8 caspase‐like enzymes are active during seed coat development, and that these activities may be compartmentalized by translocation between vacuoles and cytoplasm during PCD events.  相似文献   
During the summer of 1955 experiments were made with DDT to control barnacle fouling of oyster spat collectors. Results showed that effective control of barnacles on artificial collectors doubled the yield of oyster spat. Shell cultch treated in the same way gave less conclusive results, partly because of the poor spatfall experienced.
Oyster spat on treated artificial collectors were approximately 40% bigger, at the end of 2 1/2 months, than those on controls. Evidence from shells, however, indicated that DDT initially inhibited the growth of oyster spat. Apparently spat become stunted in natural conditions, because they are unable to compete effectively for food with the dense barnacle populations. Competition amongst barnacles themselves also causes stunting.
The dense population of Elminius modestus on the east coast oyster grounds may have a long-term effect on both the yield and growth of oysters.  相似文献   
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