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Abstract Internodal cells of Lamprothamnium succinctum, a brackish water Characeae, regulate turgor pressure in response to changes in external osmotic pressure (turgor regulation). When internodal cells were transferred to a hypotonic medium containing 3.9 mol m?3 Ca2+, the cell osmotic pressure decreased and the original turgor pressure was recovered. During turgor regulation Ca content of the cytoplasm increased significantly. Lowering the external Ca2+ concentration from 3.9 to 0.01 mol m?3 inhibited this increase in cytoplasmic calcium content. In a hypotonic medium containing 0.01 mol m?3 Ca2+, turgor regulation was inhibited as previously reported (Okazaki & Tazawa, 1986a). Thus transient increase in cytoplasmic Ca, probably in the ionized form, induced by hypotonic treatment may play an important role in turgor regulation.  相似文献   
Abstract The brackish water charophyte Lamprothamnium succinctum regulates its turgor pressure against changes in the external osmotic pressure. Upon hypotonic treatment, the rate of cytoplasmic streaming in the internodal cells fell to almost zero, and then recovered to the original value within 20 min. The decrease could be inhibited by lowering the external Ca2+ concentration in the hypotonic medium. Also, cytoplasmic streaming in tonoplast-free cells of L. succintum was sensitive to Ca2+ like freshwater charophyte. Thus, the concentration of free Ca2+ in the cytoplasm seems to increase transiently upon hypotonic treatment.  相似文献   
The micromeres at the 16-cell stage of sea urchin embryo have already been endowed with a faculty to self-differentiate into spicule-forming cells (11). The present experiment was designed to test whether the factor(s) necessary for such self-differentiation had already been localized at the 8-cell stage in an area corresponding to the presumptive micromere region in Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus. Since the blastomeres at the 8-cell stage are all equal in size in normal embryo, unequal 3rd cleavage, by which small blastomeres are pinched off toward the vegetal pole (precocious micromeres), was experimentally induced either by treatment with 4NQO (4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide) at the 2-cell stage or by continuous culture in Ca-free sea water. The precocious micromeres were cultured in vitro in natural sea water containing horse serum. Descendants of the precocious micromeres formed spicules. In comparison their spicule formation with that by the descendants of the micromere of normal embryo, no differences were found regarding 1) time of initiation of spicule formation, 2) rate of growth of spicule, 3) size and shape of resultant spicule and 4) percentage of clones which formed spicule. The fact indicates that factor(s) indispensable for self-differentiation into spicule-forming cells have already been localized near the vegetal pole as early as the 8-cell stage.  相似文献   
Abstract. Pre-imbibed cocklebur ( Xanthium penn-sylvanicum Wallr.) seeds displayed bimodal germination-temperature responses with two optima at 8 and 33° C. Such germination responses occurred subsequent to bimodal respiration-temperature upsurges at lower and higher temperature regions. At lower temperatures, cocklebur seeds respired predominantly through a cyanide-sensitive cytochrome pathway. A rise in temperature resulted in a marked increase in flux via an alternative pathway, a propyl gallate- (PG) or benzohydroxamic-acid- (BHAM) sensitive pathway, thus resulting in an increase in the ratio of this pathway relative to the cytochrome pathway. Both an increased capacity for the alternative pathway and an increase in the ratio of this pathway to the cytochrome pathway were obtained when pre-imbibed seeds were exposed to either 8 or 33°C for a short period. The effects of low temperature were reduced as the exposure time was prolonged beyond 3d, resulting in a reduction in germination. Neither PG nor BHAM had an inhibitory effect on the chilling-induced germination, but the germination-stimulating effect of high temperatures was less pronounced in the presence of PG or BHAM. At high temperatures, on the other hand, KCN and NaN3 were ineffective or, rather, slightly inhibited germination. It was thus concluded that low and high temperatures exert their germination-stimulating effects by an essentially similar manner which increases fluxes both via the cytochrome pathway and, especially, via the alternative pathway and, as a result, raises the ratio of the latter to the former.  相似文献   
Total cell number and number of the primary mesenchyme cells of 1/2 and 1/4 larvae were counted at several developmental stages after hatching in comparison with those of a whole larva, using Clypeaster japonicus as material. To obtain partial larvae, blastomeres were isolated at the 2- or 4-cell stage in Ca-free sea water and cultured in natural sea water at around 23°C. Isolated blastomeres cleaved as in situ, namely, as a part of an embryo. Although each partial embryo tended to spread into a plate, it acquired spherical shape prior to hatching of control whole embryo and developed normally in terms of both developmental rate and morphogenesis. Total cell number of a whole larva was about 620 just after hatching and increased almost linearly until i t reached 1850 at the pluteus stage. A half and quarter larvae contained roughly 1/2 and 1/4, respectively, of the number of cells of whole larva through all stages counted. Numbers of the primary mesenchyme cells in the partial larvae, however, tended to be slightly larger than a half or a fourth of that in whole larva. In whole larva, 35, 50, 56 and 58 was counted at the mesenchyme blastula, early gastrula, late gastrula and pluteus stage, respectively.  相似文献   
A pair of pluteus skeletal spicules arises from a pair of calcareous granules via the triradiate form. In polarized light, each spicule behaves as though carved out of a single crystal of magnesian calcite. The optic axis lies perpendicular to the plane of the triradiate and parallel to the body rod of the pluteus. However, in the scanning electron microscope, the spicule surface appeared smooth or somewhat spongy and manifested no crystal faces. Neither etching nor fracturing revealed underlying crystalline texture. Nevertheless, rhombohedral calcite crystals could be grown epitaxially onto isolated spicules immersed in a medium containing CaCl2 and NaHCO3. The optic axes of all crystals coincided with the optic axis of the spicule on which they were grown. Corresponding faces of the crystals were all aligned parallel to each other despite the complex shape of each spicule. Where the left and right spicules joined, two mutually tilted sets of crystals were observed but not crystals of intermediate orientation. Thus, the sea urchin larval spicule is built from a stack of molecularly contiguous microcrystals but its overall shape is generated by the mesenchyme cells independent of the magnesian calcite crystal habit.  相似文献   
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