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We consider the problem of using permutation-based methods to test for treatment–covariate interactions from randomized clinical trial data. Testing for interactions is common in the field of personalized medicine, as subgroups with enhanced treatment effects arise when treatment-by-covariate interactions exist. Asymptotic tests can often be performed for simple models, but in many cases, more complex methods are used to identify subgroups, and non-standard test statistics proposed, and asymptotic results may be difficult to obtain. In such cases, it is natural to consider permutation-based tests, which shuffle selected parts of the data in order to remove one or more associations of interest; however, in the case of interactions, it is generally not possible to remove only the associations of interest by simple permutations of the data. We propose a number of alternative permutation-based methods, designed to remove only the associations of interest, but preserving other associations. These methods estimate the interaction term in a model, then create data that “looks like” the original data except that the interaction term has been permuted. The proposed methods are shown to outperform traditional permutation methods in a simulation study. In addition, the proposed methods are illustrated using data from a randomized clinical trial of patients with hypertension.  相似文献   
The mediators of the DNA damage response (DDR) are highly phosphorylated by kinases that control cell proliferation, but little is known about the role of this regulation. Here we show that cell cycle phosphorylation of the prototypical DDR mediator Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rad9 depends on cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) complexes. We find that a specific G2/M form of Cdc28 can phosphorylate in vitro the N-terminal region of Rad9 on nine consensus CDK phosphorylation sites. We show that the integrity of CDK consensus sites and the activity of Cdc28 are required for both the activation of the Chk1 checkpoint kinase and its interaction with Rad9. We have identified T125 and T143 as important residues in Rad9 for this Rad9/Chk1 interaction. Phosphorylation of T143 is the most important feature promoting Rad9/Chk1 interaction, while the much more abundant phosphorylation of the neighbouring T125 residue impedes the Rad9/Chk1 interaction. We suggest a novel model for Chk1 activation where Cdc28 regulates the constitutive interaction of Rad9 and Chk1. The Rad9/Chk1 complex is then recruited at sites of DNA damage where activation of Chk1 requires additional DDR–specific protein kinases.  相似文献   
In the presence of predators, animals may reduce or alter theirmating activities. There has been little experimental studyof whether mating behavior varies with the level of predationrisk. Two species of moths, Pseudaletia unipuncta (Noctuidae)and Ostrinia nubilalis (Pyralidae), significantly reduced theirmate-seeking behavior under high levels of simulated predationrisk. Male moths aborted upwind flight in a pheromone plume,and females stopped releasing pheromone in response to soundssimulating the echolocation calls of bats. For O. nubilalis,but not for P. unipuncta, the response varied significantlywith the level of predation risk. Interspecific differencesin behavioral responses likely reflect differences in physiologicalauditory sensitivity and/or behavioral thresholds. Female behavioralresponses to sounds simulating the calls of bats that gleantheir prey from surfaces were significantly weaker than theirresponses to sounds resembling the calls of aerially hawkingbats; these results support the neurophysiological data thatthe calls of gleaning bats are relatively inaudible to moths.This study indicates that some animals can modify their reproductiveactivities in response to auditory cues from predators.  相似文献   
Biodiversity‐ecosystem functioning experiments have established that species richness and composition are both important determinants of ecosystem function in an experimental context. Determining whether this result holds for real‐world ecosystem services has remained elusive, however, largely due to the lack of analytical methods appropriate for large‐scale, associational data. Here, we use a novel analytical approach, the Price equation, to partition the contribution to ecosystem services made by species richness, composition and abundance in four large‐scale data sets on crop pollination by native bees. We found that abundance fluctuations of dominant species drove ecosystem service delivery, whereas richness changes were relatively unimportant because they primarily involved rare species that contributed little to function. Thus, the mechanism behind our results was the skewed species‐abundance distribution. Our finding that a few common species, not species richness, drive ecosystem service delivery could have broad generality given the ubiquity of skewed species‐abundance distributions in nature.  相似文献   
Starting from HTS hit 1a, X-ray co-crystallization and molecular modeling were used to design potent and selective inhibitors of PI3-kinase. Bioavailablity in this series was improved through careful modulation of physicochemical properties. Compound 12 displayed in vivo knockdown of PI3K pharmacodynamic markers such as pAKT, pPRAS40, and pS6RP in a PC3 prostate cancer xenograft model.  相似文献   
Past anthrax attacks in the United States have highlighted the need for improved measures against bioweapons. The virulence of anthrax stems from the shielding properties of the Bacillus anthracis poly-γ-d-glutamic acid capsule. In the presence of excess CapD, a B. anthracis γ-glutamyl transpeptidase, the protective capsule is degraded, and the immune system can successfully combat infection. Although CapD shows promise as a next generation protein therapeutic against anthrax, improvements in production, stability, and therapeutic formulation are needed. In this study, we addressed several of these problems through computational protein engineering techniques. We show that circular permutation of CapD improved production properties and dramatically increased kinetic thermostability. At 45 °C, CapD was completely inactive after 5 min, but circularly permuted CapD remained almost entirely active after 30 min. In addition, we identify an amino acid substitution that dramatically decreased transpeptidation activity but not hydrolysis. Subsequently, we show that this mutant had a diminished capsule degradation activity, suggesting that CapD catalyzes capsule degradation through a transpeptidation reaction with endogenous amino acids and peptides in serum rather than hydrolysis.  相似文献   
Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium invades intestinal epithelial cells using a type three secretion system (TTSS) encoded on Salmonella Pathogenicity Island 1 (SPI1). The SPI1 TTSS injects effector proteins into the cytosol of host cells where they promote actin rearrangement and engulfment of the bacteria. We previously identified RtsA, an AraC-like protein similar to the known HilC and HilD regulatory proteins. Like HilC and HilD, RtsA activates expression of SPI1 genes by binding upstream of the master regulatory gene hilA to induce its expression. HilA activates the SPI1 TTSS structural genes. Here we present evidence that hilA expression, and hence the SPI1 TTSS, is controlled by a feedforward regulatory loop. We demonstrate that HilC, HilD and RtsA are each capable of independently inducing expression of the hilC, hilD and rtsA genes, and that each can independently activate hilA. Using competition assays in vivo, we show that each of the hilA regulators contribute to SPI1 induction in the intestine. Of the three, HilD has a predominant role, but apparently does not act alone either in vivo or in vitro to sufficiently activate SPI1. The two-component regulatory systems, SirA/BarA and OmpR/EnvZ, function through HilD, thus inducing hilC, rtsA and hilA. However, the two-component systems are not responsible for environmental regulation of SPI1. Rather, we show that 'SPI1 inducing conditions' cause independent activation of the rtsA, hilC and hilD genes in the absence of known regulators. Our model of SPI1 regulation provides a framework for future studies aimed at understanding this complicated regulatory network.  相似文献   
Urogenital infections are a major reason that women visit their family physician and are referred to gastroenterology, gynecology, urology, and infectious disease specialists. The association between abnormal vaginal microbiota and increased risk for sexually transmitted infections, bladder and vaginal infections per se, and a higher rate of preterm labor indicate the need to better understand and manage urogenital health. The concept of probiotics arose from the realization that humans are inhabited with microbes from birth and that these organisms play a role in preventing disease. Defined as "live microorganisms, which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host," probiotic strains have already been shown to effectively prevent diarrhea and to hold potential in preventing and treating tonsillitis, caries, renal calculi, and respiratory infections. This review provides a rationale for the use of probiotics in maintaining female vaginal and bladder health and as a treatment option for recurrent bacterial vaginosis, urinary tract infection, yeast vaginitis, and sexually transmitted infections. We consider only probiotic strains that fulfill the United Nations/World Health Organization Guidelines for Probiotics in being fully characterized and clinically documented through scientific investigations describing known or presumed mechanisms of action. Although medical practitioners as yet are unable to access these probiotic strains, an awareness of recent and ongoing research for probiotics is important, as results are encouraging. The concept of probiotic therapy is familiar to many consumers and although it has historically lacked credibility in the medical community, perceptions are changing.  相似文献   
Direct molecular profiling of biological samples using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry is a powerful tool for identifying phenotypic markers. In this report, protein profiling was used for the first time to generate peptide and protein profiles of brain tissue sections obtained from experimental Parkinson's disease (unilaterally 6-hydroxydopamine treated rats). The mass spectrometer was used to map the peptide and protein expression directly on 12 microm tissue sections in mass-to-charge (m/z) values, providing the capability of mapping specific molecules of the original sample, that is, localization, intensity and m/z ratio. Several protein expression profile differences were found in the dopamine depleted side of the brain when compared to the corresponding intact side, for example, calmodulin, cytochrome c, and cytochrome c oxidase. An increased ratio of post-translational modifications such as acetylations were found in the striatum of proteins in the dopamine depleted side of the brain. These modifications were decreased after subchronic administration of L-Dopa. The present study shows that unique protein profiles can be obtained in specific brain regions (and subregions) directly on brain tissue sections and allows for the study of complex biochemical processes such as those occurring in experimental Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   
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