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基于生态系统管理理论,从海洋投入强度、海洋利用强度、海洋经济效益及海洋生态环境质量层面,构建海域集约利用评价的指标体系,运用模糊决策分析理论计算各指标权重,得到河北省沿海地级市2005—2014年的海域集约利用综合指数,并利用聚类分析法及协调度指数对河北省海域集约利用的区域差异特征进行了分析。研究结果表明:2005—2014年河北省海域集约利用综合水平不断提高,除海洋生态环境质量准则层指数呈下降趋势外,海洋投入强度、海洋利用强度、海洋经济效益3个层面指数均呈上升趋势,其中持续增加趋势最明显的是海洋经济效益准则层;河北省沿海三市海域集约利用综合指数及各准则层指数的时序变化特征基本一致,但各区域之间仍体现着不同的变化特点,沧州市海域集约利用程度较高,唐山市海域集约利用经历了由低到高的过程,秦皇岛市海域集约利用的状况整体处于一般水平;河北省及沿海三市海域集约利用总体保持了较高的协调度,但各地区不同时段的变化特征有所不同。  相似文献   
青冈林土壤跳虫群落结构在落叶分解过程中的变化   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
柯欣  赵立军  尹文英 《生态学报》2001,21(6):982-987
1993年5月至1995年4月,用落叶代法研究青冈(Cyclobalanopsis glauca)落叶分解过程中跳虫的群落结构变化。用多样性指数、演替指数、相似系数分析跳虫在落叶分解过程中群落结构及其季节变化特点。青冈落叶分解经淋洗、养分固定 养分活化3个阶段,分解常数分别为k1=9.11,k2=2.57,k3=0.43(百分比/月)。跳中心在落叶分解过程中的集聚型分为3组:A组为落叶分解前期集聚的种类,B组为后期的种类,C组为中期或全过程的种类,分析讨论了落叶分解过程与跳虫功能群及群落结构变化的关系。  相似文献   
通过对烟草植株覆盖白、红、黄、蓝、紫色滤膜获得不同光质,研究了烟草叶片在7~70d的生长发育期内,不同光质处理对烟叶组织结构特征、核酮糖1,5-二磷酸羧化酶/加氧酶(Rubisco)羧化酶活性、Rubisco基因(rbc)表达及其活化酶(Rca)基因(rca)表达的影响。结果表明,与黄膜处理下生长的烟叶相比,红、蓝、紫膜处理下生长的烟叶有较高的叶片厚度、栅栏组织厚度、海绵组织厚度、栅栏细胞密度和较小的组织空隙率。此外,红、蓝、紫膜处理的叶片有较高的Rubis-co羧化酶活性和净光合速率及较强的rbc和rca基因表达。实验结果表明不同光质对烟草叶片的组织结构特征有显著影响,光质可能通过影响Rubisco羧化酶活性进而影响叶片光合效率,而光质、叶片组织结构和光合效率之间存在某种程度的相互联系。  相似文献   
灰头麦鸡Vanellus cinereus在江西吉安地区是夏候鸟.2010 ~2011年对当地灰头麦鸡的繁殖生态进行了调查研究.结果表明,当地灰头麦鸡最早2月20日迁入,最晚9月17日迁离,居留时间约为7个月;3月初开始产卵,平均窝卵数3.8枚(n=14),平均卵大小48.0 mm×34.5 mm,平均卵重28.8 g(n =38);产满窝卵后即开始孵卵,孵卵由雌雄鸟共同承担;孵卵期为28 ~31 d;孵化率为90.15%.  相似文献   
目的探讨胃息肉与幽门螺杆菌(Helicobacter pylori,H.pylori)感染关系。方法对1218例胃息肉同时进行H.pylori检查患者进行回顾性分析,分析胃息肉患者H.pylori感染率、胃息肉部位与H.pylori感染关系、胃息肉病理类型与H.pylori感染关系。结果发现胃息肉Hpylori感染患者532例,Hpylori感染率为43.7%。男性胃息肉患者H.pylori感染率为47.5%(216/455),女性Hpriori感染率感染率为41.4%(316/763)(P〉0.05),年龄〈20岁、20~39岁、40—59岁和≥60岁胃息肉H.priori感染率分别为41.7%、44.7%、41.6%和47.2%(P〉0.05);胃窦胃角息肉H.pylori感染率高于其他部位(胃体、胃底和贲门)(P〈0.05);炎性和增生性胃息肉H.priori感染率高于胃底腺和腺瘤性息肉(P〈0.05)。结论H.pylori感染可能与部分胃息肉发生有一定关系,需要进一步深入研究胃息肉的发生机制。  相似文献   
寄生蜂毒液和卵巢蛋白在寄生过程中起着重要作用,蛋白成分和性质的研究日益深入.本文主要通过SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)试验,分析了腰带长体茧蜂毒液和卵巢蛋白的分子量组成.结果表明,腰带长体茧蜂毒液蛋白图谱显示约有7条蛋白带介于43~100 kDa之间,含量较高的三条带为97kDa、64kDa、45kDa;卵巢蛋白图谱显示约有12条蛋白带,位于30~200 kDa之间,含量较高的两条带为39kDa、43kDa.并对毒液和卵巢的生物学功能进行了探讨.  相似文献   
小麦族(Triticeae)是禾本科、早熟禾亚科中一个有重要经济价值、以多年生植物占优势的族,族内绝大多数种类是重要的粮食作物和畜牧业上的优良牧草,饲用价值极高,有些种类具有耐寒、耐旱、耐碱等特性,是农牧业上良种繁育、牧草利用的重要基因资源。但该族同时又是分类学上的一个疑难族,各学者对族内系统分类意见不一、争议颇大,尤其在族的界限、族下类群划分以及类群演化关系上问题较多,至今尚未解决。查阅了国内外分类学文献,探讨其分类差异以及存在问题,为充分开发利用中国丰富的小麦族植物资源提供理论依据。  相似文献   

At metamorphosis the attachment of the Plumatella larva to the substrate is effected by secretions from glandular cells in the apical plate, the leading pole during swimming. The larval mantle folds back and slides down towards the substrate. By ciliary activity an adhesive secretion is spread over the metamorphosing larva and the attachment area. Two polypides appear through the larval terminal opening. The mantle fold, together with gland cells, nerve cells, sensory cells, and muscle cells from the larva form a nutritive cell mass. Reduction of this nutritive cell mass is accomplished by autolysis and phagocytosis. An invaginated area of the nutritive cell mass is provided with a dense layer of microvilli, which seem to have an absorbtive function. The nutritive cell mass consisting of transitory larval tissues provides a significant source of nutrient for the developing polypide buds.  相似文献   
Recent empirical and conceptual papers have highlighted the potential for metabolism to act as a proximate mechanism for behavior that could explain animal personality (consistency over time). Under this hypothesis, individuals with consistently high levels of behavioral activity should also have high resting metabolic rate (RMR) as it can reflect capacity to process food and generate energy. We tested for the predicted positive covariance between RMR and three behaviors that differ in energy demands in 30 male guppies, using multivariate mixed models; we repeatedly measured their activity (10 times each), courtship displays (nine times), voracity (10 times), and metabolism (four‐times). Resting metabolic rate (measured overnight in respirometry trials) did not consistently differ among males, whereas initial peak metabolism measured during those same trials (= 0.42), and all behaviors were repeatable (= 0.33–0.51). RMR declined over time suggesting habituation to the protocol, whereas peak metabolism did not. Initial peak metabolism was negatively correlated with courtship display intensity, and voracity was positively correlated with activity, but all other among‐individual correlations were not significant. We conclude that RMR does not provide a proximate explanation for consistent individual differences in behavior in male guppies, and therefore the potential for independent evolution of these physiological and behavioral traits seems possible. Finally, we identify peak metabolism as a potential measure of the stress response to confinement, which highlights the value of considering various aspects of metabolic rates recording during respirometry trials.  相似文献   
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