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  • 1 Tortoise beetle larvae possess a shield composed of exuviae and faeces which functions as an effective defence against some invertebrate predators.
  • 2 In the laboratory, Charidotella bicolor, Deloyala guttata and Chelymorpha cassidea larvae with their shields experimentally removed did not exhibit enhanced performance (i.e. decreased development time, increased body mass, or higher survival) compared to control larvae with shields intact.
  • 3 Disturbance caused during shield removal did not adversely affect larvae because performance did not differ among controls (undisturbed larvae with intact shields), disturbance controls (shield removal simulated, but shield left in place), and larvae with shields removed.
  • 4 Larvae without shields did not exhibit compensatory feeding to reconstruct the shield following its removal.
  • 5 In a field experiment in which predators were excluded, larvae with shields removed did not develop faster than controls; in fact, survival was slightly reduced (10%) for larvae without shields and may have resulted from desiccation.
  • 6 For slow-moving tortoise beetle larvae, the cost of bearing the shield is minimal. Thus, larval shields, composed of recycled waste products, provide an inexpensive mode of protection from some natural enemies.
Multiple associations of fossil snails with dinosaur coprolites demonstrate that snails and dinosaurs not only shared ancient habitats but were trophically linked via dinosaur dung. Over 130 fossil snails representing at least seven different taxa have been found on or within herbivorous dinosaur coprolites from the Upper Cretaceous Two Medicine Formation of Montana. The terrestrial snail Megomphix is the most common taxon, but three other terrestrial taxa (Prograngerella, Hendersonia and Polygyrella) and three aquatic snails (Lioplacodes, ?Viviparus and a physid) also occur in coprolites. At least 46% of the shells in the faeces are whole or nearly so, indicating that most (if not all) of the snails were not ingested by dinosaurs, but were post‐depositional visitors to the dung pats. The sizeable, moist and microbially enriched dinosaur faeces would have provided both food and roosting sites for the ancient snails, and the large number of snail–coprolite associations reflect recurring, opportunistic exploitation of dung. The terrestrial taxa in the coprolites suggest that this Late Cretaceous locality included sufficiently moist detrital or vegetative cover for snails when dinosaur dung was not present. The aquatic snails probably entered the faeces during flood events. Dinosaur dung would have provided an abundant but patchy influx of resources that was probably seasonally available in the ancient environment.  相似文献   
Frost has been shown to cause frost fatigue (reduced cavitation resistance) in branch segments in the lab. Here, we studied the change in cavitation resistance and percent loss of conductivity (PLC) from fall to spring over 2 consecutive years in three diffuse‐porous species in situ. We used the cavitron technique to measure P25, P50 and P90 (the xylem pressure causing a 25, 50 and 90% conductivity loss) and PLC and stained functioning vessels. Cavitation resistance was reduced by 64–87% (in terms of P50), depending on the species and year. P25 was impacted the most and P90 the least, changing the vulnerability curves from s‐ to r‐shaped over the winter in all three species. The branches suffered an almost complete loss of conductivity, but frost fatigue did not necessarily occur concurrently with increases in PLC. In two species, there was a trade‐off between conduit size and vulnerability. Spring recovery occurred by growth of new vessels, and in two species by partial refilling of embolized conduits. Although newly grown and functioning conduits appeared more vulnerable to cavitation than year‐old vessels, cavitation resistance generally improved in spring, suggesting other mechanisms for partial frost fatigue repair.  相似文献   
Plunge‐diving is a highly successful strategy for dealing with the challenges confronting birds feeding on pelagic prey. We tested for evidence of fatal injuries due to collision between conspecifics in plunge‐diving Australasian Gannets Morus serrator and Cape Gannets Morus capensis, respectively, by performing post‐mortem examinations of carcasses recovered from New Zealand waters and analysing video footage of Cape Gannet foraging events from South Africa. We found evidence of accidental collisions between Gannets and also observed a case of attempted kleptoparasitism, in which a diving Cape Gannet targeted a previously captured fish in the beak of a conspecific.  相似文献   
Over the past several decades, global warming has been linked to shifts in the distributions and abundances of species. In the southern North Sea, temperatures have increased in the last three decades and this will likely have consequences on the seasonality of marine organisms living in the area. Ctenophores such as Beroe gracilis and Pleurobrachia pileus could be particularly affected by changes in their own phenology and that of their prey, thus causing shifts in ecosystem function. Despite their global relevance and their potentially deleterious effect on the fishing industry, only a few long‐term records of ctenophore abundance exist, and most of these records are semiquantitative in nature. Therefore, our knowledge of the influence of environmental factors on their population development is presently very limited. In this study, the long‐term abundance dynamics of B. gracilis, P. pileus and their food calanoid copepods were analysed for a highly temporally resolved time series in the German Bight at Helgoland Roads. Special attention was focused on the response of these organisms to climate warming. Bayesian statistics showed that the phenology of the two ctenophores shifted in a step‐like mode in the year 1987/1988 to permanent earlier appearances. The seasonal change in the population blooms of P. pileus and B. gracilis correlated remarkably well with a step‐like increase in winter and spring sea surface temperatures of the southern North Sea. Possible explanations for the changes observed in these organisms include higher reproductive rates, increased winter survival rates or both. Interannual variations in ctenophore abundances correlated best with the interannual changes in spring temperatures, although the impact of temperature on B. gracilis appeared less pronounced. The changes in copepods abundance were not consistent with changes in P. pileus and B. gracilis. P. pileus showed longer periods of high abundance after the permanent seasonal advancement. These longer periods were correlated with a decline in the average autumn abundance of copepods. Changes in the phenology of these organisms raise the concerns on the declining state of fish stocks, which could potentially be exacerbated by gelatinous zooplankton outbreaks. These conditions may ultimately lead to trophic dead ends by channelling the flow of energy away from higher trophic levels.  相似文献   
Rheumatoid arthritis is a heterogeneous disease with clinical and biological polymorphisms. IL-1RN is a protein that binds to interleukin-1 (IL-1) receptors and inhibits the binding of IL-1-alpha and IL-1-beta. IL-1RN levels are elevated in the blood of patients with a variety of infectious, immune, and traumatic conditions. Balb/c mice deficient in IL-1ra (mouse gene of IL-1RN) develop spontaneous autoimmune arthritis while DBA/1 mice deficient in IL-1ra do not. Previously, we identified a major QTL that regulates the susceptibility to arthritis in Balb/c mice with IL-1ra deficiency. In this study, we found that the QTL may contain two peaks that are regulated by two sets of candidate genes. By haplotype analysis, the total genomic regions of candidate genes were reduced from about 19 Mbp to approximately 9 Mbp. The total number of candidate genes was reduced from 208 to 21.  相似文献   
Wilsonia backhousei is a clonal saltmarsh plant restricted to the southern latitudes of Australasia and threatened in New South Wales. We have identified eight informative microsatellite loci in the species from (AG)n‐ and (AC)n‐enriched libraries. In 48 samples from two populations we detected an average of five alleles per locus (range 2–8, average HE = 0.45), of which 72% were unique to one population or the other. Six of the eight loci were also amplifiable in Wilsonia rotundifolia under the same reaction conditions. The markers will be excellent tools for use in the management and conservation of both species.  相似文献   
The number of biomarkers being evaluated as environmental indicatorscontinues to increase even as proposed assessments expand incomplexity. One key to a rational consolidation may lie in clearlyidentifying and characterizing those biochemical pathways sharedamong many biomarkers which are sensitive to environmental perturbation.Recent studies suggest that signal transduction pathways whichare common to many cell types and species may provide multipletargets for the toxic effects of heavy metals. Such intracellularcommunication pathways might provide a useful framework forunderstanding hormetic effects and for predicting responsesto complex contaminant mixtures. Preliminary in vitro experimentstested the effects of mercuric chloride (HgCl2) and cadmiumchloride (CdCl2) on signal transduction in cells of the teleostimmune system. Concentrations of inorganic mercury µMsuppressed DNA synthesis and induced rapid influx of radiolabelledcalcium within ten minutes as well as tyrosine phosphorylationof numerous cellular proteins within one minute. Lower concentrations(0.1 – 1 µM) of HgCl2 which activated cell growthalso induced a slow rise over two minutes in intracellular calciumin cells loaded with the calcium indicator dye, fura-2, butdid not produce detectable tyrosine phosphorylation of leukocyteproteins. Although CdCl2 >10 µM also suppressed DNAsynthesis, this environmental metal failed to activate cellgrowth or to induce tyrosine kinase activity at any concentrationtested. Future experiments will assess how cells which are exposedto both metals integrate these mixed signals. This approachmay provide a means of predicting cellular responses to multiplecontaminants over broad dose ranges  相似文献   
Abstract Urban environments are highly modified with unique assemblages of bird species. Much of the research on urban bird assemblages comes from the northern hemisphere. Southern hemisphere bird assemblages differ from northern hemisphere assemblages in that they contain a large proportion of nectarivores. In this study we focus on bird use of street trees in Australia. We investigate the relative influence of tree species (plane tree, Platanus x acerifolia; red gums, Eucalyptus camaldulensis; jacaranda, Jacaranda mimosifolia; bottlebrush, Callistemon citrinus), season and the environment surrounding street trees, on the abundance and species richness of birds in Adelaide, South Australia. Our study considers birds in terms of granivore, nectarivore and insectivore trophic guilds. Nectarivores accounted for the greatest proportion of observations, in terms of abundance, in each of the tree species investigated. Species of street tree was a significant influence on bird use of the trees for all birds and each dietary guild. Red gums were used more than the other tree species by nectarivores, while plane trees were used more than the other trees by insectivores. Use of the tree species by granivores varied with the season. The measures of the environment surrounding street trees were largely unimportant with the exception of traffic for nectarivores in some cases. Urban avifauna use street trees and the species of tree will strongly influence its use by birds. However, the pattern of use of street tree species varied at different times of year and differed between different trophic guilds of birds. The dominance of nectarivores in the southern avifauna will likely produce different patterns of urban environment use to northern hemisphere avifaunas.  相似文献   
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