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SYNOPSIS. Reticulocytosis, stimulated by the destruction of red blood cells by phenylhydrazine, altered the course of infection of both Plasmodium chabaudi and P. berghei in the mouse. P. chabaudi, lacking a preference for reticulocytes, was adversely affected when young cells were present in abundance. Parasitemias diminished and most of the animals survived the otherwise fatal infection. P. berghei preferentially invaded reticulocytes to the extent that the parasitemia became contained largely in the reticulocyte population. This was accompanied by a delay in time to death.  相似文献   
Multiple associations of fossil snails with dinosaur coprolites demonstrate that snails and dinosaurs not only shared ancient habitats but were trophically linked via dinosaur dung. Over 130 fossil snails representing at least seven different taxa have been found on or within herbivorous dinosaur coprolites from the Upper Cretaceous Two Medicine Formation of Montana. The terrestrial snail Megomphix is the most common taxon, but three other terrestrial taxa (Prograngerella, Hendersonia and Polygyrella) and three aquatic snails (Lioplacodes, ?Viviparus and a physid) also occur in coprolites. At least 46% of the shells in the faeces are whole or nearly so, indicating that most (if not all) of the snails were not ingested by dinosaurs, but were post‐depositional visitors to the dung pats. The sizeable, moist and microbially enriched dinosaur faeces would have provided both food and roosting sites for the ancient snails, and the large number of snail–coprolite associations reflect recurring, opportunistic exploitation of dung. The terrestrial taxa in the coprolites suggest that this Late Cretaceous locality included sufficiently moist detrital or vegetative cover for snails when dinosaur dung was not present. The aquatic snails probably entered the faeces during flood events. Dinosaur dung would have provided an abundant but patchy influx of resources that was probably seasonally available in the ancient environment.  相似文献   
The number of biomarkers being evaluated as environmental indicatorscontinues to increase even as proposed assessments expand incomplexity. One key to a rational consolidation may lie in clearlyidentifying and characterizing those biochemical pathways sharedamong many biomarkers which are sensitive to environmental perturbation.Recent studies suggest that signal transduction pathways whichare common to many cell types and species may provide multipletargets for the toxic effects of heavy metals. Such intracellularcommunication pathways might provide a useful framework forunderstanding hormetic effects and for predicting responsesto complex contaminant mixtures. Preliminary in vitro experimentstested the effects of mercuric chloride (HgCl2) and cadmiumchloride (CdCl2) on signal transduction in cells of the teleostimmune system. Concentrations of inorganic mercury µMsuppressed DNA synthesis and induced rapid influx of radiolabelledcalcium within ten minutes as well as tyrosine phosphorylationof numerous cellular proteins within one minute. Lower concentrations(0.1 – 1 µM) of HgCl2 which activated cell growthalso induced a slow rise over two minutes in intracellular calciumin cells loaded with the calcium indicator dye, fura-2, butdid not produce detectable tyrosine phosphorylation of leukocyteproteins. Although CdCl2 >10 µM also suppressed DNAsynthesis, this environmental metal failed to activate cellgrowth or to induce tyrosine kinase activity at any concentrationtested. Future experiments will assess how cells which are exposedto both metals integrate these mixed signals. This approachmay provide a means of predicting cellular responses to multiplecontaminants over broad dose ranges  相似文献   
1. Insects emerging from mountain lakes provide an important food source for many terrestrial predators. The amount of insect subsidy that emerges from lakes is influenced by predator composition, but predator effects could be ameliorated by greater habitat complexity. We conducted a replicated whole‐lake experiment to test the effects of introduced fish predators on the abundance and composition of aquatic insects within and emerging from the littoral zone of 16 mountain lakes in the Trinity Alps Wilderness in northwestern California. 2. Study treatments matched the fisheries management options being implemented in California’s wilderness areas: (i) continued stocking with non‐native trout, (ii) suspension of stocking, and (iii) suspension of stocking and removal of fish. We also included four naturally fishless ‘reference’ lakes. We compared abundances and biomass of emerging aquatic insects before treatments were initiated and for 3 years following their establishment. Abundances of benthic insects were also compared in the third year post‐treatment. 3. Trout removal rapidly increased abundances of mayflies, caddisflies, and insect predators, and overall insect biomass emerging from lakes. No significant differences were found between the suspension of stocking lakes and continued stocking lakes. Fish density was a more important predictor of aquatic insect emergence than habitat complexity. 4. Mayfly larvae responded positively to fish removal and caddisfly larvae tended to be more abundant in lakes without fish, but we did not detect effects on abundance of predatory insects. However, we found large insect predators in shallower water in lakes with fish compared to fish removal or fish‐free reference lakes. 5. These results provide insights into the continuing effects of past and current fish stocking practices on the flow of insect prey from mountain lakes into the neighbouring terrestrial environment. We also show that these consequences can rapidly be reversed by removing non‐native fishes.  相似文献   
The Importance of Body Stiffness in Undulatory Propulsion   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
During steady swimming in fish, the dynamic form taken by theaxial undulatory wave may depend on the bending stiffness ofthe body. Previous studies have suggested the hypothesis thatfish use their muscles to modulate body stiffness. In orderto expand the theoretical and experimental tools available fortesting this hypothesis, we explored the relationship betweenbody stiffness, muscle activity, and undulatory waveform inthe mechanical context of dynamically bending beams. We proposethat fish minimize the mechanical cost of bending by increasingtheir body stiffness, which would allow them to tune their body'snatural frequency to match the tailbeat frequency at a givenswimming speed. A review of the literature reveals that theform of the undulatory wave, as measured by propulsive wavelength,is highly variable within species, a result which calls intoquestion the use of propulsive wavelength as a species-specificindicator of swimming mode. At the same time, the smallest wavelengthwithin a species is inversely proportional to the number ofvertebrae across taxa (r2 = 0.21). In order to determine ifintact fish bodies are capable of increasing bending stiffness,we introduce a method for stimulating muscle in the body ofa dead fish while it is being cyclically bent at physiologicalfrequencies. The bending moment (N m) and angular displacement(radians) are measured during dynamic bending with and withoutmuscle stimulation. Initial results from these whole body workloops demonstrate that largemouth bass possess the capabilityto increase body stiffness by using their muscles to generatenegative mechanical work.  相似文献   
The detailed effects of diagenetic flattening on the graptolitc rhabdosomc have been investigated experimentally. The initial procedure, to test the effects of flattening on cylinders constructed from a variety of semi-brittle to plastic materials when compressed in a plaster 'matrix', demonstrates that a degree of rigidity is necessary to prevent lateral spread on diagenetic compression, even when lateral confining pressures are present. A second experiment demonstrates conclusively that the effects of flattening on the thecal style of Dicellograptus complanatus proposed by Briggs & Williams (1981; Lethaia 14) can be simulated. A model of an aseptate diplograptid produced a median depression when compressed but no preservational 'median septum', which is considered to be produced in several diplograptid taxa. It is shown that some diplograptids spread laterally along a median line when flattened in scalariform orientation although this has not yet been achieved experimentally owing to the high degree of compression required. □ Graptolithina, diagenesis, flattening,  相似文献   
  • 1 The western spruce budworm, Choristoneura occidentalis Freeman, and Douglas-fir, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco, have been used to test the hypothesis that variation in levels of foliar sugars form part of the basis for plant resistance to herbivore attack.
  • 2 Budworm population growth was evaluated on artificial diets with 2–45% sucrose using a three generation bioassay. Diets with 1.2% and 3.9% N were tested to determine if responses to sugar were dependent on levels of protein. The 3.9% N diets were supplemented with a mineral salt mixture, so they had high levels of N and minerals.
  • 3 The response of budworm population growth to sucrose concentrations ≤20% was convex at 1.2% N and flat for 3.9% N. Population growth on the 1.2% N diet, which had levels of N and minerals similar to host foliage, was good with only 2% sugar, but optimal at the 6% sucrose level; the number of F1, F2 and F3 larvae produced declined substantially when sugar was increased to 11% and 20%. On the 3.9% N diets, population growth was equivalent for diets with 2% and 11% sucrose. Sucrose concentrations ≥29% were detrimental to the budworm at both N levels.
  • 4 Sugar concentrations in Douglas-fir foliage varied between 5.7% and 18.4%. Thus, results from the 1.2% N experiment indicated that budworm performance was best on diets with sugar concentrations near the lower limit observed for host foliage. This implies that plants with higher foliar sugar may be inferior hosts for the budworm. Field observations supported this conclusion, as putatively resistant Douglas-fir trees had significantly higher levels of sugars in their foliage than nearby paired susceptible trees. Variation in foliar sugars among individual trees may be part of the mechanism in Douglas-fir resistance to C.occidentalis damage.
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