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The pale brown colour morph in Cepaea nemoralis appears to be determined by an allele at the C (colour) locus ( C P B). Pale brown is dominant to yellow, codominant with pink and recessive to dark brown. It is linked to the B locus (which controls the presence or absence of banding on the shell), but not to the U locus, which determines whether there is one band or five. In segregations of pale brown and yellow there is a significant deficiency of pale brown, suggesting that there are differences in viability between the morphs.  相似文献   
Gladiolus has a dry type of stigma. Compatible pollen grainsalight and germinate on the receptive surface of the papillae,penetrate the cuticle and grow towards the style through a sub-cuticularpollen-tube guide of mucilage. This is secreted from epidermalcells of the stylodium and style canal. The cuticle, which coversthe pollen tube guide mucilage, is continuous through the stylecanal to the ovary. The wet stigma of Lilium also has cuticulartissue running through the style canal, covering the mucilage.  相似文献   
Using seed priming and accelerated ageing techniques, a singlelot of leek (Allium porrum) seeds was manipulated to producefour lots of seeds with different germination performance. Changesin content of the major nucleic acid species in whole seedsand embryos of two of these lots (primed and unprimed), weredetermined over the early stages of germination. The major effectof priming was an increased level of RNA species in the seedsand embryos, and this difference was maintained during germination.Comparison of nucleic acid levels in the dry seeds of thesetwo lots and two others (aged and aged then primed) indicatedthat there was no correlation with germination performance.Similar comparisons of the nucleic acid levels in the embryosof seeds imbibed for 1 d showed only a limited correlation betweenrRNA levels and germination performance. Analysis of these datasuggests that accelerated ageing has an adverse effect uponendosperm cells, which results in the degradation of their nucleicacids during priming. Furthermore, the viability of these agedseeds also falls during priming. The data also indicate thatratios of rRNA to DNA correlate with germination performanceof the four lots of seeds studied. It is proposed that sucha relationship is indicative of the efficiency of a primingtreatment, and may be useful in comparisons of naturally varyingseed lots. Key words: Leek, seed, germination, priming, nucleic acids  相似文献   
The concept of 'metabolic cold adaptation', namely that polar marine ectotherms are adapted in having an elevated basal metabolic rate, has been examined in the light of recent biochemical, physiological and ecological data for Antarctic marine organisms. It is now clear that marine invertebrates from Antarctic waters are characterized by slow growth rates, low basal metabolism and reduced annual reproductive effort, and there is thus no clear evidence of the traditional view of an elevated metabolic rate. By analogy with fish, protein synthesis rates are probably also low. This suggests that the major feature of cold adaptation is a reduction in the individual total annual energy intake in comparison with ecologically similar organisms from warm water. This allows a high standing crop of suspension feeders to develop, and low temperature is thus a significant factor in the successful widespread adoption of typical K-strategies in Antarctic marine invertebrates.  相似文献   
The genus Cicer has traditionally been placed in the Vicieae, although it has a number of morphological characters which suggest that it is out of place in that tribe and that its affinities lie elsewhere. A survey of pollen morphology in Cicer , the other genera of the Vicieae, the Trifolieae and the Ononideae has been carried out to help determine the relationships of Cicer. The tribe Vicieae (without Cicer) is very homogeneous and is characterized by its long, rectangular pollen grains with small, heavily thickened endoapertures. The Trifolieae is more variable in its pollen morphology but, in general, has rather similar grains to the Vicieae although the structure of the endoaperture is different. The Ononideae and Cicer have nearly spheroidal pollen with very large, unthickened endoapertures. It therefore appears that as far as pollen characters are concerned, Cicer does not belong in the Vicieae but has much more in common with the Ononideae.  相似文献   
The success of non-native species may depend on the genetic resources maintained through the invasion process. The Coqui ( Eleutherodactylus coqui ), a frog endemic to Puerto Rico, was introduced to Hawaii in the late 1980s via the horticulture trade, and has become an aggressive invader. To explore whether genetic diversity and population structure changed with the introduction, we assessed individuals from 15 populations across the Hawaiian Islands and 13 populations across Puerto Rico using six to nine polymorphic microsatellite loci and five dorsolateral colour patterns. Allelic richness ( R T) and gene diversity were significantly higher in Puerto Rico than in Hawaii populations. Hawaii also had fewer colour patterns (two versus three to five per population) than Puerto Rico. We found no isolation by distance in the introduced range, even though it exists in the native range. Results suggest extensive mixing among frog populations across Hawaii, and that their spread has been facilitated by humans. Like previous research, our results suggest that Hawaiian Coquis were founded by individuals from sites around San Juan, but unlike previous research the colour pattern and molecular genetic data (nuclear and mtDNA) support two separate introductions, one on the island of Hawaii and one on Maui. Coquis are successful invaders in Hawaii despite the loss of genetic variation. Future introductions may increase genetic variation and potentially its range.  相似文献   
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