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1. We analysed photosynthetic rates and inorganic carbon use of thirty-five vascular macrophyte species collected submerged in eight nutrient- and CO2-rich Danish lowland streams. The species were classified in four groups as mainly terrestrial, homophyllous and heterophyllous amphibious and truly submerged. These groups represent plant species differently adapted to life in water. 2. Photosynthetic rates measured in water increased in the gradual transition from mainly terrestrial, through amphibious to truly submerged species. Species normally in contact with air adapted to submergence by increasing the photosynthetic rate at limiting CO2. Photosynthetic rates of submerged parts of heterophyllous amphibious species were close to those of submerged species. Submerged species with thin or finely dissected leaves had the highest photosynthetic rates, probably because of low diffusional resistance to uptake of nutrients and gases. 3. In contrast to submerged species, terrestrial and amphibious species were unable to use HCO3?. Extensive oversaturation with CO2 in the streams allows, however, many amphibious species to photosynthesize well under water, based on CO2-use alone. Amphibious CO2-users, with very few structural adaptations to life under water, can therefore be as dominant in the submerged vegetation of lowland streams as HCO3?-using water plants. Moreover, the streams provide open space for colonization from the dense vegetation ashore. 4. Among the 1265 Danish herbaceous species no less than seventy-five terrestrial species occasionally grow submerged, forty-five species are amphibious, and fifty-one are true water plants. These numbers suggest that adaptation to permanent or temporary submergence is an ongoing process involving many species and that the land-water interface does not represent as difficult a barrier as often believed.  相似文献   
The physiochemical characteristics of the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) from whole sheep pituitary glands have been studied. The hormone behaves as a single protein in electrophoresis, diffusion, and ultracentrifugation. It has an isoelectric point at pH 4.5 and a molecular weight of 67,000 and contains 1.23 per cent hexose and 1.51 per cent hexosamine. The amino acid composition has also been determined in large part. The stability of the hormone to acid and heat has been investigated.  相似文献   
The breeding system is expected to strongly influence the genetic structure of plant populations. In the present study, isozyme variation is documented in Danish populations of three species of Epipactis , varying in breeding system from allogamy to obligate autogamy. The allogamous and widespread E. helkborine subsp. helkborine shows high levels of polymorphism. Most of the genetic variation is found within local populations. A hierarchical analysis indicates significant among-population differentiation, but no regional differentiation in E. helkborine is apparent. This may be due to higher levels of gene flow in the past, before forest was fragmented. The ecotype from coastal dunes, E. helleborine subsp. neerlandka , does not differ from E. helkborine subsp. helkborine in any of the examined loci, but it has a significant population inbreeding coefficient that can probably be explained by higher levels of geitonogamy and the possibility of spontaneous autogamy. The entomophilous E. purpurata and the obligately autogamous E. phylhmthes are monomorphic at all loci examined. Several factors, including a founder effect at the time of colonization, high levels of geitonogamy, as well as habitat specialization combined with erratic flowering may have contributed to the lack of variation in E. purpurata. The lack of variation in the autogamous E. phyllanthes is probably due to inbreeding. It is proposed diat autogamy in Epipactis may in some cases have evolved through paedomorphosis of allogamous flowers and that the occurrence of local breeding groups may have facilitated the speciation process.  相似文献   
Abstract Managers of recovering wolf (Canis lupus) populations require knowledge regarding the potential impacts caused by the loss of territorial, breeding wolves when devising plans that aim to balance population goals with human concerns. Although ecologists have studied wolves extensively, we lack an understanding of this phenomenon as published records are sparse. Therefore, we pooled data (n = 134 cases) on 148 territorial breeding wolves (75 M and 73 F) from our research and published accounts to assess the impacts of breeder loss on wolf pup survival, reproduction, and territorial social groups. In 58 of 71 cases (84%), ≥1 pup survived, and the number or sex of remaining breeders (including multiple breeders) did not influence pup survival. Pups survived more frequently in groups of ≥6 wolves (90%) compared with smaller groups (68%). Auxiliary nonbreeders benefited pup survival, with pups surviving in 92% of cases where auxiliaries were present and 64% where they were absent. Logistic regression analysis indicated that the number of adult-sized wolves remaining after breeder loss, along with pup age, had the greatest influence on pup survival. Territorial wolves reproduced the following season in 47% of cases, and a greater proportion reproduced where one breeder had to be replaced (56%) versus cases where both breeders had to be replaced (9%). Group size was greater for wolves that reproduced the following season compared with those that did not reproduce. Large recolonizing (>75 wolves) and saturated wolf populations had similar times to breeder replacement and next reproduction, which was about half that for small recolonizing (≤75 wolves) populations. We found inverse relationships between recolonizing population size and time to breeder replacement (r= —0.37) and time to next reproduction (r= —0.36). Time to breeder replacement correlated strongly with time to next reproduction (r=0.97). Wolf social groups dissolved and abandoned their territories subsequent to breeder loss in 38% of cases. Where groups dissolved, wolves reestablished territories in 53% of cases, and neighboring wolves usurped territories in an additional 21% of cases. Fewer groups dissolved where breeders remained (26%) versus cases where breeders were absent (85%). Group size after breeder loss was smaller where groups dissolved versus cases where groups did not dissolve. To minimize negative impacts, we recommend that managers of recolonizing wolf populations limit lethal control to solitary individuals or territorial pairs where possible, because selective removal of pack members can be difficult. When reproductive packs are to be managed, we recommend that managers only remove wolves from reproductive packs when pups are ≥6 months old and packs contain ≥6 members (including ≥3 ad-sized wolves). Ideally, such packs should be close to neighboring packs and occur within larger (≥75 wolves) recolonizing populations.  相似文献   
1. Effects of the frequency and duration of flooding on the structural and functional characteristics of riparian vegetation were studied at four sites (n = 80, 50 × 50 cm, plots) along medium‐sized naturally meandering lowland streams. Special focus was on rich fens, which – due to their high species richness – are of high priority in nature conservation. 2. Reed beds, rich fens and meadows were all regularly flooded during the 20‐year study period, with a higher frequency in reed bed areas than in rich fen and meadow areas. In rich fens, species richness was higher in low frequency flooded areas (≤3 year?1) than in areas with a high frequency of flooding (>3 year?1) or no flooding, whereas species richness in reed beds and meadows was unaffected by flood frequency. 3. The percentage of stress‐tolerant species was higher in low intensity flooded rich fen areas than in high intensity and non‐flooded areas, indicating that the higher species richness in low frequency flooded rich fens was caused by competitive release. We found no indication that increased productivity was associated with high flooding frequencies. 4. We conclude that the restoration of morphological features in stream channels to increase the flooding regime can be beneficial for protected vegetation within riparian areas, but also that groundwater discharge thresholds and critical levels for protected vegetation should be identified and considered when introducing stream ecosystem restoration plans.  相似文献   
The movement of auxin in Phaseolus vulgaris roots has been examined after injection of IAA?3H into the basal root/hypocotyl region of intact, dark-grown seedlings. Only a portion of the applied IAA?3H was transported unchanged to the root tip. The major part of the chromatographed, labelled compounds translocated to the roots was indole-3-acetylaspartic acid (IAAsp) and an unidentified compound running near the front in isopropanol, ammonia, water. The velocity of the auxin transport (7.2 mm per hour) was calculated from scintillation countings of methanol extracts from serial sections of the root. An accumulation of radioactive compounds in the extreme root tip, was observed 5 h after the injection of IAA. The influence of exogenous IAA on the geotropical behaviour of the bean seedling roots was examined. Pretreated roots were stimulated for 5 min in the horizontal position and then rotated parallel to the horizontal axis of the klinostat for 60 or 90 min. The resulting geotropic curvature of IAA-injected and control roots showed significantly different patterns of development. When the stimulation was started 5 h after application of the auxin, the geotropic curvature became larger in roots of the injected plants than in the controls. If, however, the translocation period was extended to 20 h the geotropic curvature was significantly smaller in the roots of the injected plants. The auxin injection did not significally affect the rate of root elongation. The change in geotropical behaviour of the roots is interpreted as a result of the influence of the conversion products of the applied IAA on the geotropical responsiveness.  相似文献   
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