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A series of 1-[3-(4-substituted phenylthio) propyl]-4-(substituted phenyl) piperazines has been synthesized and evaluated for hypotensive activity. The QSAR studies indicate that resonance and hydrophobic parameters of the aryl substituents are important for hypotensive activity. The similar role of resonance parameter in describing the variance of 5-HT(2A) receptor binding affinities of these compounds suggests a possible role of 5-HT(2A) receptors in mediating the hypotensive action of title compounds.  相似文献   
Metastasis is an impediment to the development of effective cancer therapies. Our understanding of metastasis is limited by our inability to follow this process in vivo. Fluorescence microscopy offers the potential to follow cells at high resolution in living animals. Semiconductor nanocrystals, quantum dots (QDs), offer considerable advantages over organic fluorophores for this purpose. We used QDs and emission spectrum scanning multiphoton microscopy to develop a means to study extravasation in vivo. Although QD labeling shows no deleterious effects on cultured cells, concern over their potential toxicity in vivo has caused resistance toward their application to such studies. To test if effects of QD labeling emerge in vivo, tumor cells labeled with QDs were intravenously injected into mice and followed as they extravasated into lung tissue. The behavior of QD-labeled tumor cells in vivo was indistinguishable from that of unlabeled cells. QDs and spectral imaging allowed the simultaneous identification of five different populations of cells using multiphoton laser excitation. Besides establishing the safety of QDs for in vivo studies, our approach permits the study of multicellular interactions in vivo.  相似文献   
The Indian subcontinent shows high levels of seasonal weather variation, but the extent to which mating-related traits (mating latency, copulation duration and number of progeny produced) are being affected by such variations in Drosophila species remain poorly understood. In the present study, we analyzed the effects of seasonal change (humidity and temperature) on mating-related traits of Drosophila melanogaster by mimicking natural conditions in the laboratory. The light body color phenotype is collected in large numbers during the rainy season, while the dark phenotype is prevalent in the winter. We found that a short-term stress, in the form of reduced humidity or temperature, causes a strong climatic selection pressure, which leads to assortative mating and longer copulation duration of the dark phenotype. By contrast, the light phenotype shows higher assortative mating and longer copulation duration after short-term high humidity or high temperature stress. Higher assortative mating and increased copulation duration results in high progeny numbers which may be a cause for the high prevalence of the dark phenotype in winter and the light phenotype in the rainy season. Thus, besides plasticity, seasonal changes in mating propensity can be a potential cause of the change in the frequency of the dark and light phenotypes of D. melanogaster during different seasons.  相似文献   
To explore bacterial diversity for elucidating genetic variability in acylhomoserine lactone (AHL) lactonase structure, we screened 800 bacterial strains. It revealed the presence of a quorum quenching (QQ) AHL-lactonase gene (aiiA) in 42 strains. These 42 strains were identified using rrs (16S rDNA) sequencing as Bacillus strains, predominantly B. cereus. An in silico restriction endonuclease (RE) digestion of 22 AHL lactonase gene (aiiA) sequences (from NCBI database) belonging to 9 different genera, along with 42 aiiA gene sequences from different Bacillus spp. (isolated here) with 14 type II REs, revealed distinct patterns of fragments (nucleotide length and order) with four REs; AluI, DpnII, RsaI, and Tru9I. Our study reflects on the biodiversity of aiiA among Bacillus species. Bacillus sp. strain MBG11 with polymorphism (115Alanine > Valine) may confer increased stability to AHL lactonase, and can be a potential candidate for heterologous expression and mass production. Microbes with ability to produce AHL-lactonases degrade quorum sensing signals such as AHL by opening of the lactone ring. The naturally occurring diversity of QQ molecules provides opportunities to use them for preventing bacterial infections, spoilage of food, and bioremediation.  相似文献   
Intermittent hypoxia (IH) during sleep is a hallmark of sleep apnea, causing significant neuronal apoptosis, and cognitive and behavioral deficits in CNS regions underlying memory processing and executive functions. IH-induced neuroinflammation is thought to contribute to cognitive deficits after IH. In the present studies, we tested the hypothesis that IH would differentially induce inflammatory factor gene expression in microglia in a CNS region-dependent manner, and that the effects of IH would differ temporally. To test this hypothesis, adult rats were exposed to intermittent hypoxia (2 min intervals of 10.5% O2) for 8 hours/day during their respective sleep cycles for 1, 3 or 14 days. Cortex, medulla and spinal cord tissues were dissected, microglia were immunomagnetically isolated and mRNA levels of the inflammatory genes iNOS, COX-2, TNFα, IL-1β and IL-6 and the innate immune receptor TLR4 were compared to levels in normoxia. Inflammatory gene expression was also assessed in tissue homogenates (containing all CNS cells). We found that microglia from different CNS regions responded to IH differently. Cortical microglia had longer lasting inflammatory gene expression whereas spinal microglial gene expression was rapid and transient. We also observed that inflammatory gene expression in microglia frequently differed from that in tissue homogenates from the same region, indicating that cells other than microglia also contribute to IH-induced neuroinflammation. Lastly, microglial TLR4 mRNA levels were strongly upregulated by IH in a region- and time-dependent manner, and the increase in TLR4 expression appeared to coincide with timing of peak inflammatory gene expression, suggesting that TLR4 may play a role in IH-induced neuroinflammation. Together, these data indicate that microglial-specific neuroinflammation may play distinct roles in the effects of intermittent hypoxia in different CNS regions.  相似文献   
Intra-acinar cell nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) and trypsinogen activation are early events in secretagogue-induced acute pancreatitis. We have studied the relationship between NF-kappaB and trypsinogen activation in rat pancreas. CCK analogue caerulein induces early (within 15 min) parallel activation of both NF-kappaB and trypsinogen in pancreas in vivo as well as in pancreatic acini in vitro. However, NF-kappaB activation can be induced without trypsinogen activation by lipopolysaccharide in pancreas in vivo and by phorbol ester in pancreatic acini in vitro. Stimulation of acini with caerulein after 6 h of culture results in NF-kappaB but not trypsinogen activation. Protease inhibitors (AEBSF, TLCK, and E64d) inhibit both intracellular trypsin activity and NF-kappaB activation in caerulein stimulated acini. A chymotrypsin inhibitor (TPCK) inhibits NF-kappaB activation but not trypsin activity. The proteasome inhibitor MG-132 prevents caerulein-induced NF-kappaB activation but does not prevent trypsinogen activation. These findings indicate that although caerulein-induced NF-kappaB and trypsinogen activation are temporally closely related, they are independent events in pancreatic acinar cells. NF-kappaB activation per se is not required for the development of early acinar cell injury by supramaximal secretagogue stimulation.  相似文献   
Volume-dependent anion channels permeable forCl and amino acids arethought to play an important role in the homeostasis of cell volume.Astrocytes are the main cell type in the mammalian brain showing volumeperturbations under physiological and pathophysiological conditions. Weinvestigated the involvement of tyrosine phosphorylation in hyposmoticmedium-induced[3H]taurine andD-[3H]aspartaterelease from primary astrocyte cultures. The tyrosine kinase inhibitorstyrphostin 23 and tyrphostin A51 partially suppressed thevolume-dependent release of[3H]taurine in adose-dependent manner with half-maximal effects at ~40 and 1 µM,respectively. In contrast, the release ofD-[3H]aspartatewas not significantly affected by these agents in the sameconcentration range. The inactive analog tyrphostin 1 hadno significant effect on the release of both amino acids. The dataobtained suggest the existence of at least two volume-dependent anionchannels permeable to amino acids in astrocyte cultures. One of thesechannels is permeable to taurine and is under the control of tyrosinekinase(s). The other is permeable to both taurine and aspartate, butits volume-dependent regulation does not require tyrosine phosphorylation.  相似文献   
Synaptotagmin is considered a calcium-dependent trigger for regulated exocytosis. We examined the role of synaptotagmin VII (Syt VII) in the calcium-dependent exocytosis of individual lysosomes in wild-type (WT) and Syt VII knockout (KO) mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) using total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy. In WT MEFs, most lysosomes only partially released their contents, their membrane proteins did not diffuse into the plasma membrane, and inner diameters of their fusion pores were smaller than 30 nm. In Syt VII KO MEFs, not only was lysosomal exocytosis triggered by calcium, but all of these restrictions on fusion were also removed. These observations indicate that Syt VII does not function as the calcium-dependent trigger for lysosomal exocytosis. Instead, it restricts the kinetics and extent of calcium-dependent lysosomal fusion.  相似文献   
As part of a project that aims at screening TNA-related oligonucleotide systems in which threose backbone units may have some or all of their oxygen functions replaced by nitrogen, two TNA analogs containing (2'NH)- and (3'NH)-phosphoramidate groups, respectively, in place of phosphodiester groups were synthesized. They show base-pairing properties that are very similar to those of TNA itself. We also synthesized 2',3'-diamino analogs of alpha-L-threofuranosyl mononucleosides, yet attempts to convert them to TNA analogs containing phosphodiamidate linker groups were not successful. Such 2',3'-diamino derivatives of threofuranosyl nucleosides may be of interest, however, as building blocks of TNA analogs that contain non-phosphorous linker groups.  相似文献   
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