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In cultures of xenopus myotomal muscle cells and spinal cord (SC) some of the nerve-muscle contacts exhibit a high density of acetylcholine receptors (AchRs [Anderson et al., 1977, J. Physiol. (Lond.). 268:731- 756,757-773]) and synaptic ultrastructure (Weldon and Cohen, 1979, J. Neurocytol. 8:239-259). We have examined whether similarly specialized contacts are established when the muscle cells are cultured with explants of xenopus dorsal root ganglia (DRG) or sympathetic ganglia (SG). The outgrowth from the ganglionic explants contained neuronal and non- neuronal cell processes. Although both types of processes approached within 100 A of muscle cells, synaptic ultrastructure was rarely observed at these contacts. Because patches of postsynaptic ultrastructure also develop on noncontacted muscle cells, the very few examples of contacts with such specializations probably occurred by chance. AChRs were stained with fluroscent α-bungarotoxin. More than 70 percent of the SC-contacted muscle cells exhibited a high receptor density along the path of contact. The corresponding values for DRG- and SG- contacted muscle cells were 10 and 6 percent. Similar values were obtained when the ganlionic and SC explants were cultured together in the same chamber. The few examples of high receptor density at ganglionic-muscle contacts resembled the characteristic receptor patches of noncontacted muscle cells rather than the narrow bands of high receptor density seen at SC-muscle contacts. In addition, more than 90 percent of these ganglionic- contacted muscle cells had receptor patches elsewhere, compared to less than 40 percent for the SC-contacted muscle cells. These findings indicate that the SC neurites possess a specific property which is important for the establishment of synaptically specialized contacts with muscle and that this property is lacking in the DRG and SG neurites.  相似文献   
A functional calcineurin A fusion to enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP), CnaA-EGFP, was expressed in the Aspergillus fumigatus DeltacnaA mutant. CnaA-EGFP localized in actively growing hyphal tips, at the septa, and at junctions between the vesicle and phialides in an actin-dependent manner. This is the first study to implicate calcineurin in septum formation and conidiophore development of a filamentous fungus.  相似文献   
The orientation of the insect antibiotic peptide cecropin A (CecA) in the phospholipid bilayer membrane was determined using (15)N solid-state NMR spectroscopy. Two peptide samples, each specifically labeled with (15)N at Val(11) or Ala(27), were synthesized by solid phase techniques. The peptides were incorporated into phospholipid bilayers, prepared from a mixture of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine and dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol, and oriented on glass slides. The (15)N chemical shift solid-state NMR spectra from these uniaxially oriented samples display a single (15)N chemical shift frequency for each labeled residue. Both frequencies are near the upfield end of the (15)N chemical shift powder pattern, as expected for an alpha-helix with its long axis in the plane of the membrane and the NH bonds perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field. These results support a mechanism of action in which CecA binds to and covers the membrane surface, thereby causing a general destabilization and leakiness of the lipid bilayer membrane. The data are discussed in relation to a proposed mechanism of membrane lysis and bacterial killing via an ion channel activity of CecA.  相似文献   
Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) is used worldwide to prevent neutropenia caused by high-dose chemotherapy. It has limited stability, strict formulation and storage requirements, and because of poor oral absorption must be administered by injection (typically daily). Thus, there is significant interest in developing analogs with improved pharmacological properties. We used our ultrahigh throughput computational screening method to improve the physicochemical characteristics of G-CSF. Improving these properties can make a molecule more robust, enhance its shelf life, or make it more amenable to alternate delivery systems and formulations. It can also affect clinically important features such as pharmacokinetics. Residues in the buried core were selected for optimization to minimize changes to the surface, thereby maintaining the active site and limiting the designed protein's potential for antigenicity. Using a structure that was homology modeled from bovine G-CSF, core designs of 25-34 residues were completed, corresponding to 10(21)-10(28) sequences screened. The optimal sequence from each design was selected for biophysical characterization and experimental testing; each had 10-14 mutations. The designed proteins showed enhanced thermal stabilities of up to 13 degrees C, displayed five-to 10-fold improvements in shelf life, and were biologically active in cell proliferation assays and in a neutropenic mouse model. Pharmacokinetic studies in monkeys showed that subcutaneous injection of the designed analogs results in greater systemic exposure, probably attributable to improved absorption from the subcutaneous compartment. These results show that our computational method can be used to develop improved pharmaceuticals and illustrate its utility as a powerful protein design tool.  相似文献   
Woronin body, a specialized peroxisome, is a unique organelle involved in septal pore sealing and protecting filamentous fungus from excessive cytoplasmic bleeding. We recently characterized the Aohex1 gene encoding the major protein of the Woronin body in the fungus Aspergillus oryzae. Although three-dimensional microscopy revealed plugging of the septal pore by Woronin body, the mechanism of its formation remains unknown. We report here a reduction in the oligomeric forms (dimeric and tetrameric) of AoHex1 upon l-phosphatase treatment, which indicated that AoHex1 phosphorylation in vivo facilitates its oligomerization. Concomitant with the presence of a highly conserved predicted PKC (protein kinase C)-phosphorylatable site (Ser151), the recombinant AoHex1 was phosphorylated by PKC in vitro and the administration of the PKC inhibitors, bisindolylmaleimide I and chelerythrine, resulted in the reduction of the oligomeric forms of AoHex1 in vivo. While spherical dot-like Woronin bodies were visualized by expressing the dsred2-Aohex1 and egfp (enhanced green fluorescent protein)-Aohex1 constructs in A. oryzae, treatment with the PKC inhibitors caused an abnormal localization to ring-like structures. In addition to the reduced phosphorylation of the mutagenized recombinant AoHex1[S151A] (Ser151 to alanine substitution) by PKC in vitro, the overexpression of Aohex1[S151A] as dsred2 fusion against the wild-type background also showed reduction of the oligomeric forms of the endogenous AoHex1 and its perturbed localization to ring-like structures in vivo. In conclusion, the present study implicates the relevance of PKC-dependent phosphorylation of the Woronin body protein, AoHex1, for its multimerization and proper localization.  相似文献   
In this study, we investigated the effects of proteinase gene disruption on heterologous protein production by Aspergillus oryzae. The human lysozyme (HLY) was selected for recombinant production as a model for the heterologous protein. A tandem HLY construct fused with α-amylase (AmyB) was expressed by A. oryzae in which the Kex2 cleavage site was inserted at the upstream of HLY. HLY was successfully processed from AmyB and produced in the medium. We performed a systematic disruption analysis of five proteinase genes (pepA, pepE, alpA, tppA, and palB) in the HLY-producing strain with the adeA selectable marker. Comparative analysis indicated that disruption of the tppA gene encoding a tripeptidyl peptidase resulted in the highest increase (36%) in the HLY production. We further deleted the tppA gene in the pepE or palB disruptant with another selectable marker, argB. Consequently, a double disruption of the tppA and pepE genes led to a 63% increase in the HLY production compared to the control strain. This is the first study to report that the double disruption of the tppA and pepE genes improved the production level of a heterologous protein by filamentous fungi. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was adapted for genomic identification of cell cultures and evaluation of DNA stability in cells of different origin at different culture passages. DNA stability was observed in cultures after no more than 5 passages. Adipose-derived stromal cells demonstrated increased DNA instability. RAPD fragments from different cell lines after different number of passages were cloned and sequenced. The chromosomal localization of these fragments was identified and single-nucleotide variations in RAPD fragments isolated from cell lines after 8–12 passages were revealed. Some of them had permanent localization, while most variations demonstrated random distribution and can be considered as de novo mutations.  相似文献   
Antigen-presenting cells survey their environment and present captured antigens bound to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules. Formation of MHC-antigen complexes occurs in specialized compartments where multiple protein trafficking routes, still incompletely understood, converge. Autophagy is a route that enables the presentation of cytosolic antigen by MHC class II molecules. Some reports also implicate autophagy in the presentation of extracellular, endocytosed antigen by MHC class I molecules, a pathway termed “cross-presentation.” The role of autophagy in cross-presentation is controversial. This may be due to studies using different types of antigen presenting cells for which the use of autophagy is not well defined. Here we report that active use of autophagy is evident only in DC subtypes specialized in cross-presentation. However, the contribution of autophagy to cross-presentation varied depending on the form of antigen: it was negligible in the case of cell-associated antigen or antigen delivered via receptor-mediated endocytosis, but more prominent when the antigen was a soluble protein. These findings highlight the differential use of autophagy and its machinery by primary cells equipped with specific immune function, and prompt careful reassessment of the participation of this endocytic pathway in antigen cross-presentation.  相似文献   
We performed random sequencing of cDNAs from nine biologically or industrially important cultures of the industrially valuable fungus Aspergillus oryzae to obtain expressed sequence tags (ESTs). Consequently, 21 446 raw ESTs were accumulated and subsequently assembled to 7589 non-redundant consensus sequences (contigs). Among all contigs, 5491 (72.4%) were derived from only a particular culture. These included 4735 (62.4%) singletons, i.e. lone ESTs overlapping with no others. These data showed that consideration of culture grown under various conditions as cDNA sources enabled efficient collection of ESTs. BLAST searches against the public databases showed that 2953 (38.9%) of the EST contigs showed significant similarities to deposited sequences with known functions, 793 (10.5%) were similar to hypothetical proteins, and the remaining 3843 (50.6%) showed no significant similarity to sequences in the databases. Culture-specific contigs were extracted on the basis of the EST frequency normalized by the total number for each culture condition. In addition, contig sequences were compared with sequence sets in eukaryotic orthologous groups (KOGs), and classified into the KOG functional categories.  相似文献   
Fish is a very important part of the human diet in Amazonia. Near the growing cities, fish populations and individual size have decreased over the past decades. Alternatives to traditional and industrial fishing arise, including fish farming. Strategies to minimize the impact of fish farms on the environment are needed to have a regular and healthy fish supply. This is to avoid a reduction of biodiversity, a depletion of natural resources, and/or the induction of significant changes in the structure and functioning of adjacent ecosystems. Very little research has been performed on management of effluents as to maintain the quality of water resources. The present study aimed at testing the efficiency of the Amazonian aquatic macrophyte Eichhornia crassipes as a biofilter for the treatment of effluents from fish farming. In three filtering treatments (50%, 75% and 100% plant cover) and a control (0%), physical and chemical properties of the water were measured and analyzed in a nursery with fish after passing the biofilter system, with a hydraulic retention time of 24 hours. The analyzed variables showed no significant differences (p>0.05) among the treatments with 50-100% cover, indicating that 50% cover would be enough for a good efficiency of the biofilter. All parameters were reduced after passage of the biofilter under the presence of E. crassipes: 73.7% for electrical conductivity, 15% for pH, 84.5% for turbidity, 86.8% for nitrite, 69% for total phosphorus, and 77.8% for orthophosphate. The concentrations of total nitrogen, nitrate and ammonium ions were not significantly changed (p>0.05). We conclude that E. crassipes is effective in improving the quality of effluents from fish farming, with less efficiency for nitrogen compounds. Our treatment system can be adopted by small and medium-sized farmers, aiming at a sustainable employment of the activity.  相似文献   
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