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? In this study, we used a combination of theoretical (models) and experimental (field data) approaches to investigate the interaction between light and temperature signalling in the control of Arabidopsis flowering. ? We utilised our recently published phenology model that describes the flowering time of Arabidopsis grown under a range of field conditions. We first examined the ability of the model to predict the flowering time of field plantings at different sites and seasons in light of the specific meteorological conditions that pertained. ? Our analysis suggested that the synchrony of temperature and light cycles is important in promoting floral initiation. New features were incorporated into the model that improved its predictive accuracy across seasons. Using both laboratory and field data, our study has revealed an important seasonal effect of night temperatures on flowering time. Further model adjustments to describe phytochrome (phy) mutants supported our findings and implicated phyB in the temporal gating of temperature-induced flowering. ? Our study suggests that different molecular pathways interact and predominate in natural environments that change seasonally. Temperature effects are mediated largely during the photoperiod during spring/summer (long days) but, as days shorten in the autumn, night temperatures become increasingly important.  相似文献   
In this study, a recombinant monoclonal IgG antibody was produced by transient gene expression (TGE) in suspension-adapted HEK-293E cells. The objective of the study was to determine the variation in recombinant IgG yield and glycosylation in ten independent transfections. In a ten-day batch process, the variation in transient IgG yield in the ten batches was less than 30% with the specific productivity averaging 20.2 ± 2.6 pg/cell/day. We characterized the N-glycosylation profile of each batch of affinity-purified IgG by intact protein and bottom-up mass spectrometry. Four major glycans were identified at Asn(297) in the ten batches with the maximum relative deviation for a single glycoform being 2.5%. In addition, within any single transfection there was little variation in glycoforms over the ten-day culture. Our experimental data indicate that with TGE, the production of recombinant IgG with little batch-to-batch variation in volumetric yield and protein glycosylation is feasible, even in a non-instrumented cultivation system as described here.  相似文献   
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common behavioural disorder that affects not only children and adolescents but also adults; however, diagnosis of adult ADHD is difficult because patients seem to have reduced externalized behaviour. ADHD is a multifactorial disorder in which many genes, all with small effects, are thought to cause the disorder in the presence of unfavourable environmental conditions. Therefore, in this pilot study, we explored the expression profile of a list of previously established candidate genes in peripheral blood samples from adult ADHD subjects (n = 108) and compared these results with those of healthy controls (n = 35). We demonstrate that combining the gene expression levels of dopamine transporter (SLC6A3), dopamine D5 receptor, tryptophan hydroxylase-1, and SNAP25 as predictors in a regression model resulted in sensitivity and specificity of over 80 % (ROC: max R(2) = 0.587, AUC = 0.917, P < 0.001, 95 % CI: 0.900-0.985). In conclusion, the combination of these four genes could represent a potential method for estimating risk and could be of diagnostic value for ADHD. Nevertheless, further investigation in a larger independent population including different subtypes of ADHD (inattentive, hyperactive, or combined type) patients is required to obtain more specific sets of biomarkers for each subtype as well as to differentiate between child, adolescent, and adulthood forms.  相似文献   
Highlights? The fungal secondary metabolite Cladosporin inhibits liver- and blood-stage malaria parasites ? Cladosporin specifically targets lysyl-tRNA synthetase (Krs1) ? Cladosporin is >100-fold more potent against parasite Krs1 relative to the human enzyme ? Two amino acids in the Krs1 ATP-binding pocket confer species-selective inhibition  相似文献   
Seagrasses, a unique group of submerged flowering plants, profoundly influence the physical, chemical and biological environments of coastal waters through their high primary productivity and nutrient recycling ability. They provide habitat for aquatic life, alter water flow, stabilize the ground and mitigate the impact of nutrient pollution. at the coast region. Although on a global scale seagrasses represent less than 0.1% of the angiosperm taxa, the taxonomical ambiguity in delineating seagrass species is high. Thus, the taxonomy of several genera is unsolved. While seagrasses are capable of performing both, sexual and asexual reproduction, vegetative reproduction is common and sexual progenies are always short lived and epimeral in nature. This makes species differentiation often difficult, especially for non-taxonomists since the flower as a distinct morphological trait is missing. Our goal is to develop a DNA barcoding system assisting also non-taxonomists to identify regional seagrass species. The results will be corroborated by publicly available sequence data. The main focus is on the 14 described seagrass species of India, supplemented with seagrasses from temperate regions. According to the recommendations of the Consortium for the Barcoding of Life (CBOL) rbcL and matK were used in this study. After optimization of the DNA extraction method from preserved seagrass material, the respective sequences were amplified from all species analyzed. Tree- and character-based approaches demonstrate that the rbcL sequence fragment is capable of resolving up to family and genus level. Only matK sequences were reliable in resolving species and partially the ecotype level. Additionally, a plastidic gene spacer was included in the analysis to confirm the identification level. Although the analysis of these three loci solved several nodes, a few complexes remained unsolved, even when constructing a combined tree for all three loci. Our approaches contribute to the understanding of the morphological plasticity of seagrasses versus genetic differentiation.  相似文献   
We investigated whether residual material from diagnostic smears of fine needle aspirations (FNAs) of mammographically detected breast lesions can be successfully used to extract RNA for reliable gene expression analysis. Twenty-eight patients underwent FNA of breast lesions under ultrasonographic guidance. After smearing slides for cytology, residual cells were rinsed with TRIzol to recover RNA. RNA yield ranged from 0.78 to 88.40 μg per sample. FNA leftovers from 23 nonpalpable breast cancers were selected for gene expression profiling using oligonucleotide microarrays. Clusters generated by global expression profiles partitioned samples in well-distinguished subgroups that overlapped with clusters obtained using "biologic scores" (cytohistologic variables) and differed from clusters based on "technical scores" (RNA/complementary RNA/microarray quality). Microarray profiling used to measure the grade of differentiation and estrogen receptor and ERBB2/HER2 status reflected the results obtained by histology and immunohistochemistry. Given that proliferative status in the FNA material is not always assessable, we designed and performed on FNA leftover a multiprobe genomic signature for proliferation genes that strongly correlated with the Ki67 index examined on histologic material. These findings show that cells residual to cytologic smears of FNA are suitable for obtaining high-quality RNA for high-throughput analysis even when taken from small nonpalpable breast lesions.  相似文献   
A genome-wide association mapping approach for grain yield and traits of high agronomic relevance was carried out on basis of a set of 61 six-rowed and 48 two-rowed German winter barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars representing breeding progress in the period 1959?C2003. Extensive phenotyping was conducted in field trials carried out at 12 locations in 3?years. Heritability was estimated at between 0.45 for grain yield and 0.94 for grains per spike. By using the Illumina Golden Gate Bead Array technology, 833 single nucleotide polymorphisms with an allele frequency higher than 5% were obtained. Linkage disequilibrium on the whole genome extends to 7.35?cM. Based on a mixed linear model approach taking into account the population structure estimated on the basis of 72 simple sequence repeat markers covering the whole barley genome, 91 significant marker-trait associations were detected, corresponding to 48 different genomic regions.  相似文献   
Administration of therapeutic genes to human osteoarthritic (OA) cartilage is a potential approach to generate effective, durable treatments against this slow, progressive disorder. Here, we tested the ability of recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV)-mediated overexpression of human insulinlike growth factor (hIGF)-I to reproduce an original surface in human OA cartilage in light of the pleiotropic activities of the factor. We examined the proliferative, survival and anabolic effects of the rAAV-hIGF-I treatment in primary human normal and OA chondrocytes in vitro and in explant cultures in situ compared with control (reporter) vector delivery. Efficient, prolonged IGF-I secretion via rAAV stimulated the biological activities of OA chondrocytes in all the systems evaluated over extended periods of time, especially in situ, where it allowed for the long-term reconstruction of OA cartilage (at least for 90 d). Remarkably, production of high, stable amounts of IGF-I in OA cartilage using rAAV advantageously modulated the expression of central effectors of the IGF-I axis by downregulating IGF-I inhibitors (IGF binding protein [IGFBP]-3 and IGFBP4) while up-regulating key potentiators (IGFBP5, the IGF-I receptor and downstream mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 [MAPK/ERK-1/2] and phosphatidylinisitol-3/Akt [PI3K/Akt] signal transduction pathways), probably explaining the enhanced responsiveness of OA cartilage to IGF-I treatment. These findings show the benefits of directly providing an IGF-I sequence to articular cartilage via rAAV for the future treatment of human osteoarthritis.  相似文献   
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