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HIV-1 evolved from SIV during cross-species transmission events, though viral genetic changes are not well understood. Here, we studied the evolution of SIVcpzLB715 into HIV-1 Group M using humanized mice. High viral loads, rapid CD4+ T-cell decline, and non-synonymous substitutions were identified throughout the viral genome suggesting viral adaptation.  相似文献   
Chemical compounds are highly important in the ecology of animals. In social insects, compounds on the body surface represent a particularly interesting trait, because they comprise different compound classes that are involved in different functions, such as communication, recognition and protection, all of which can be differentially affected by evolutionary processes. Here, we investigate the widely unknown and possibly antagonistic influence of phylogenetic and environmental factors on the composition of the cuticular chemistry of tropical stingless bees. We chose stingless bees because some species are unique in expressing not only self-produced compounds, but also compounds that are taken up from the environment. By relating the cuticular chemistry of 40 bee species from all over the world to their molecular phylogeny and geographical occurrence, we found that distribution patterns of different groups of compounds were differentially affected by genetic relatedness and biogeography. The ability to acquire environmental compounds was, for example, highly correlated with the bees'' phylogeny and predominated in evolutionarily derived species. Owing to the presence of environmentally derived compounds, those species further expressed a higher chemical and thus functional diversity. In Old World species, chemical similarity of both environmentally derived and self-produced compounds was particularly high among sympatric species, even when they were less related to each other than to allopatric species, revealing a strong environmental effect even on largely genetically determined compounds. Thus, our findings do not only reveal an unexpectedly strong influence of the environment on the cuticular chemistry of stingless bees, but also demonstrate that even within one morphological trait (an insect''s cuticular profile), different components (compound classes) can be differentially affected by different drivers (relatedness and biogeography), depending on the functional context.  相似文献   
?. P. Marin?ek, N. Nolde, I. Kardum‐Skelin, R. Nizzoli, B. Önal, T. Rezanko, E. Tani, K. T. Ostovi?, P. Vielh, F. Schmitt and G. Kocjan
Multinational study of oestrogen and progesterone receptor immunocytochemistry on breast carcinoma fine needle aspirates Objectives: To collect data on the variability of immunocytochemical (ICC) procedures used to detect oestrogen/progesterone receptors (ER/PR) on cytological material; to test the reproducibility of results; and to identify the crucial points in the ICC procedures that affect the result. Methods: Ten laboratories from eight countries participated in a two‐part study. In the first part, one of the participants (the coordinator) prepared and distributed cytospins from a fine needle aspirate of a primary breast carcinoma. Laboratories performed ICC staining for ER/PR according to their own methods on the test slides and in‐house positive controls. Slides were returned to the coordinator together with information on the preparation of positive control slides and the ICC methodology used. In the second part, obligatory methods of fixation and antigen retrieval were specified. Evaluation of results included grading the number of positive cells, staining intensity, background staining, cytoplasmic staining, sample condition and cellularity. Participants evaluated their own results, which were subsequently evaluated by the coordinator. Results: There was great variability in the preparation of slides for in‐house controls and ICC methodology. The outcome of ICC staining of in‐house control slides was excellent in two laboratories, adequate in three, sub‐optimal in four and inadequate in one. Only six obtained a positive reaction on the test slides and not all were of a high quality. Results of the second run were greatly improved in terms of cellularity of in‐house positive control slides, and scores for the percentage of stained cells and staining intensity of control and test slides. Cytospins and monolayer (ThinPrep®) preparations were superior to direct smears; methods of fixation and antigen retrieval were the key points in the staining process. Conclusions: Our experience points to the need for guidelines for hormonal receptor determination and external quality control on cytological material, in order for cytological methods to be used in routine clinical practice with a suitable degree of confidence.  相似文献   
Disorders of iron metabolism are among the most common acquired and constitutive diseases. Hemochromatosis has a solid genetic basis and in Northern European populations it is usually associated with homozygosity for the C282Y mutation in the HFE protein. However, the penetrance of this mutation is incomplete and the clinical presentation is highly variable. The rare and common variants identified so far as genetic modifiers of HFE-related hemochromatosis are unable to account for the phenotypic heterogeneity of this disorder. There are wide variations in the basal iron status of common inbred mouse strains, and this diversity may reflect the genetic background of the phenotypic diversity under pathological conditions. We therefore examined the genetic basis of iron homeostasis using quantitative trait loci mapping applied to the HcB-15 recombinant congenic strains for tissue and serum iron indices. Two highly significant QTL containing either the N374S Mon1a mutation or the Ferroportin locus were found to be major determinants in spleen and liver iron loading. Interestingly, when considering possible epistatic interactions, the effects of Mon1a on macrophage iron export are conditioned by the genotype at the Slc40a1 locus. Only mice that are C57BL/10ScSnA homozygous at both loci display a lower spleen iron burden. Furthermore, the liver-iron lowering effect of the N374S Mon1a mutation is observed only in mice that display a nonsense mutation in the Ceruloplasmin (Cp) gene. This study highlights the existence of genetic interactions between Cp, Mon1a, and the Slc40a1 locus in iron metabolism, suggesting that epistasis may be a crucial determinant of the variable biological and clinical presentations in iron disorders.  相似文献   


To contribute to the upcoming United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) in 2012 by introducing a life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) and showing how it can play a crucial role in moving towards sustainable consumption and production. The publication, titled Towards a Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment, and published by the UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative aims to show how three life cycle techniques—(environmental) LCA, S-LCA and LCC—can be combined as part of an over-arching LCSA.


The method was demonstrated by evaluating the characteristics of each phase for each life cycle technique. In defining the goal and scope of an LCSA, for example, different aspects should be taken into account to establish the aim of the study as well as the functional unit, system boundaries, impact category and allocation. Then, the data to be collected for the life cycle sustainability inventory can be either in a unit process or on an organisational level. They can also be quantitative or qualitative. Life cycle sustainability impact assessment should consider the relevance of the impacts as well as the perspective of stakeholders. The interpretation should not add up the results, but rather evaluate them jointly. In order to clarify the approach, a case study is presented to evaluate three types of marble according to the proposed method.

Results and discussion

The authors have identified that while LCSA is feasible, following areas need more development: data production and acquisition, methodological development, discussion about LCSA criteria (e.g. cutoff rules), definitions and formats of communication and dissemination of LCSA results and the expansion of research and applications combining (environmental) LCA, LCC and S-LCA. The authors also indicate that it is necessary to develop more examples and cases to improve user capacity to analyse the larger picture and therefore address the three dimensions or pillars of sustainability in a systematic way. Software and database providers are called for in order to facilitate user-friendly and accessible tools to promote LCSAs.


The application demonstrated that, although methodological improvements are still needed, important steps towards an overarching sustainability assessment have been accomplished. LCSA is possible and should be pursued; however, more efforts should be made to improve the technique and facilitate the studies in order to contribute to a greener economy.  相似文献   
Butterflies are strongly declining on grassland habitats of Central Europe. Therefore, the success of conservation measures on high quality grassland habitats is controversially discussed. We compared the changes in butterfly diversity and community structure on six managed calcareous grasslands with eight unmanaged vineyard fallows. We obtained strong losses of species diversity and remarkable shifts of community compositions on both habitat types. However, the changes on vineyard fallows were only slightly more severe but more stochastic than on the calcareous grasslands. The shifts in community composition with respect to functional species traits were rather similar between the two different grassland types so that complex butterfly communities evolved into generalist-dominated ones. Connectivity was higher among vineyard fallows than among calcareous grasslands. Consequently, conservation measures on calcareous grasslands only partly achieved their goal to maintain the high species diversity and functional complexity still observed in the 1970s. The negative impacts of eutrophication and monotonisation of the landscape as well as climate change are affecting all habitats, independently from management concepts. Therefore, management on conservation sites can buffer against these effects, but is not sufficient for a full compensation.  相似文献   
Time processing critically relies on the mesencephalic dopamine system and striato-prefrontal projections and has thus been suggested to play a key role in schizophrenia. Previous studies have provided evidence for an acceleration of the internal clock in schizophrenia that may be linked to dopaminergic pathology. The present study aimed to assess the relationship between altered time processing in schizophrenia and symptom manifestation in 22 patients and 22 controls. Subjects were required to estimate the time needed for a visual stimulus to complete a horizontal movement towards a target position on trials of varying cognitive demand. It was hypothesized that patients – compared to controls – would be less accurate at estimating the movement time, and that this effect would be modulated by symptom manifestation and task difficulty. In line with the notion of an accelerated internal clock due to dopaminergic dysregulation, particularly patients with severe positive symptoms were expected to underestimate movement time. However, if altered time perception in schizophrenia was better explained in terms of cognitive deficits, patients with severe negative symptoms should be specifically impaired, while generally, task performance should correlate with measures of processing speed and cognitive flexibility. Patients underestimated movement time on more demanding trials, although there was no link to disease-related cognitive dysfunction. Task performance was modulated by symptom manifestation. Impaired estimation of movement time was significantly correlated with PANSS positive symptom scores, with higher positive symptom scores associated with stronger underestimation of movement time. The present data thus support the notion of a deficit in anticipatory and predictive mechanisms in schizophrenia that is modulated both by symptom manifestation and by cognitive demand.  相似文献   
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