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Myocardial hibernation represents an adaptation to sustained ischemia to maintain tissue vitality during severe supply-demand imbalance which is characterized by an increased glucose uptake. To elucidate this adaptive protective mechanism, the regulation of anaerobic glycolysis was investigated using human biopsies. In hibernating myocardium showing an increase in anaerobic glycolytic flux metabolizing exogenous glucose, the adjustment of flux through this pathway was analyzed by flux:metabolite co-responses. By this means, a previously unknown pattern of regulation using multisite modulation was found which largely differs from traditional concepts of metabolic control of the Embden-Meyerhof pathway in normal and diseased myocardium.  相似文献   
The kinetic parameters of several substrates of penicillin acylase from Streptomyces lavendulae have been determined. The enzyme hydrolyses phenoxymethyl penicillin (penicillin V) and other penicillins with aliphatic acyl-chains such as penicillin F, dihydroF, and K. The best substrate was penicillin K (octanoyl penicillin) with a k(cat)/K(m) of 165.3 mM(-1) s(-1). The enzyme hydrolyses also chromogenic substrates as NIPOAB (2-nitro-5-phenoxyacetamido benzoic acid), NIHAB (2-nitro-5-hexanoylamido benzoic acid) or NIOAB (2-nitro-5-octanoylamido benzoic acid), however failed to hydrolyse phenylacetil penicillin (penicillin G) or NIPAB (2-nitro-5-phenylacetamido benzoic acid) and penicillins with polar substituents in the acyl moiety. These results suggest that the structure of the acyl moiety of the substrate is more determinant than the amino moiety for enzyme specificity. The enzyme was inhibited by several organic acids and the extent of inhibition changed with the hydrophobicity of the acid. The best inhibitor was octanoic acid with a K(i) of 0.8 mM. All the results, taking together, point to an active site highly hydrophobic for this penicillin acylase from Streptomyces lavendulae.  相似文献   
Characterization of a new endogenous vitamin A metabolite   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Here, we describe the discovery of a new major endogenous vitamin A metabolite with particularly high hepatic concentrations. This metabolite was isolated from mouse livers and was characterized as 9-cis-4-oxo-13,14-dihydro-retinoic acid (RA) based on mass spectral, ultraviolet, and nuclear magnetic resonance analyses. It was also detected in one human liver. To gain further insight into endogenous retinoid metabolism, mice were fed over a period of 14 days ad libitum with diets enriched with different amounts of retinyl palmitate [15,000, 45,000 or 150,000 international units (IU)/kg diet]. Higher retinyl palmitate amounts in the diet resulted surprisingly in a dose-dependent decrease in all-trans-RA levels in serum, kidney, and brain, whereas levels of 9-cis-4-oxo-13,14-dihydro-RA, retinol, and retinyl esters were dose-dependently elevated in serum, kidney, and liver. 13-cis-RA levels could be detected in serum, liver, and kidney, but were unaffected by the dietary vitamin A status. 9-cis-RA levels were below the detection limit of 0.2 ng/ml serum or 0.4 ng/g tissue. This study indicates that the oxidation at C4 of the cyclohexenyl ring, isomerization of the C9/C10 double bond, and reduction of the C13/C14 double bond are major endogenous metabolic pathways of vitamin A.  相似文献   
The 22-kDa peroxisomal membrane protein (PMP22) is a major component of peroxisomal membranes in mammals. Although its precise role in peroxisome function is poorly understood, it seems to be involved in pore forming activity and may contribute to the unspecific permeability of the organelle membrane. PMP22 is synthesized on free cytosolic ribosomes and then directed to the peroxisome membrane by specific targeting information. Previous studies in rats revealed that PMP22 contains one distinct peroxisomal membrane targeting signal in the amino-terminal cytoplasmic tail. We cloned and characterized the targeting signal of human PMP22 and compared it with the already described characteristics of the corresponding rat protein. Amino acid sequence alignment of rat and human protein revealed 77% identity including a high conservation of several protein motifs. We expressed various deletion constructs of PMP22 in fusion with the green fluorescent protein in COS-7 cells and determined their intracellular localization. In contrast to previous studies on rat PMP22 and most other peroxisomal membrane proteins, we showed that human as well as rat PMP22 contains two distinct and nonoverlapping peroxisomal membrane targeting signals, one in the amino-terminal and the other in the carboxyl-terminal protein region. They consist of two transmembrane domains and adjacent protein loops with almost identical basic clusters. Both of these peroxisomal targeting regions interact with PEX19, a factor required for peroxisome membrane synthesis. In addition, we observed that fusing the green fluorescent protein immediately adjacent to the targeting region completely abolishes targeting function and mislocalizes PMP22 to the cytosol.  相似文献   
The traditional paradigm of male polygamy and female monogamy has been replaced by the recognition that both sexes may typically mate with several partners. As a consequence, much attention has focused on the evolution of polyandry, while the evolutionary significance of monogyny (male monogamy) remains poorly understood. Monogyny, a taxonomically widespread mating system that includes dramatic examples of male self-sacrifice, is predicted when the benefits of paternal investment exceed those of searching for additional mates. However, monogyny also occurs in animals lacking paternal investment, instead representing a form of paternity protection. It has been suggested that such mating systems are expected where the costs of mate search for males are high. However, this argument fails to recognize that if there is a low probability of a male finding a mate, then there may be a high probability that he will not need to defend his paternity. Using a mathematical model, we show that monogyny as a means of increasing paternity is favored when the sex ratio is male biased, but not necessarily by high search costs. The importance of a male-biased sex ratio for the evolution of monogyny is supported by various empirical studies.  相似文献   
Pulse treatment with cadmium chloride followed by recovery caused apoptosis in U937 human promonocytic cells. In addition, the treatment-induced PKCdelta translocation from cytosol to membrane fraction, which was already detected at 30 min of treatment; and also caused PKCdelta cleavage to give a 41-kDa fragment, which was detected at 3-6 h of recovery, concomitantly with the execution of apoptosis. All these effects were reduced by the PKCdelta-specific inhibitor rottlerin. By contrast, rottlerin did not prevent the cadmium-provoked stimulation of the stress response (as measured by HSP70 expression), nor inhibited the generation of apoptosis by heat-shock, which failed to cause PKCdelta translocation. Cadmium chloride rapidly induced p38(MAPK) activation, which was not affected by rottlerin. By contrast, the p38(MAPK) inhibitor SB203580 reduced PKCdelta translocation and cleavage, indicating that p38(MAPK) activation precedes and regulates PKCdelta activation. It is concluded that PKCdelta mediates apoptosis induction by cadmium ions via early membrane translocation, and also possibly through late kinase proteolytic cleavage and phosphorylation on tyrosine residues.  相似文献   
Schipka F  Heimann J  Leuschner C 《Oecologia》2005,143(2):260-270
Forest hydrologists have hypothesised that canopy transpiration (Ec) of European temperate forests occurs at rather similar rates in stands with different tree species and hydrologic regimes. We tested this hypothesis by synchronously measuring xylem sap flow in four mature stands of Fagus sylvatica along a precipitation gradient with the aim (1) of exploring the regional variability of annual canopy transpiration (Ec(t)) in this species, and (2) of analysing the relationship between precipitation (P) and Ec(t). Ec(t) rates of 216, 225, 272 and 303 mm year–1 corresponded to precipitation averages of 520, 710, 801 and 1,040 mm year–1 in the four stands. We explored the regional variability of Ec(t) in Central European colline to sub-montane beech stands in two meta-analyses based on (1) existing sap flow data on beech (n=5 observations), or (2) all canopy transpiration data on beech obtained by different techniques (sap flow, micrometeorological or soil water budget approaches, n=25). With a coefficient of variation (CV) of 20%, the regional variability of Ec(t) (213–421 mm year–1) was smaller than the variation in corresponding precipitation (550–1,480 mm year–1). The mean Ec(t) for beech was 289 (±58) mm year–1 (n=25). A humped-shaped relationship between Ec(t) and P, with a broad transpiration maximum in the precipitation range from ca. 700 to 1,000 mm year–1, was found which may indicate soil moisture limitation of transpiration for P –1, and reduced transpiration by increased cloudiness or leaf wetness for P>1,000 mm year–1. Thus, the precipitation level significantly influences canopy transpiration of humid temperate forests; however, the size of the P influence on Ec(t) and, in part, the direction of its effect differ from forests in semi-arid or arid climates. European beech has the capacity to maintain high Ec rates in both humid and partly dry summer climates (P<550 mm year–1).  相似文献   
The functional expression and distribution of intracellular ATPase (sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase: SERCA) and plasma membrane Ca(2+)-ATPase (PMCA) was analyzed in the developing chick cerebellum. The activity and Ca(2+) uptake increase with development for both ATPases. However, the protein content increases with the stage of development only for SERCA, remaining constant for PMCA. Immunohistochemical assays showed that the ontogenesis of these ATPases goes along with definite stages of cerebellum histogenesis, and is complete at hatching. The SERCA is mainly distributed in Purkinje neurons, whereas the PMCA seems to be expressed initially in climbing fibers, shifting to soma and spiny branchlets of Purkinje cells at late embryonic stages. Granule cells express both ATPases according to their degree of maturity, whereas only PMCA is present in cerebellar glomeruli. These pumps are present in deep nuclei and the choroid plexus, although in this latter tissue their expression declines with development. The spatio-temporal distribution of SERCA and PMCA must be closely related to their association with the development of specific cells and processes of the chick cerebellum.  相似文献   
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