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Grouping behavior of social ungulates may depend on both predator occurrence and perceived predation risk associated with habitat structure, reproductive state, and density of conspecifics. Over 3 years, we studied grouping behavior of guanaco (Lama guanicoe) families in Chilean Patagonia during the birthing season and determined their response to variation in predator occurrence and perceived predation risk (habitat structure, calf/adult rate, and density of conspecifics). We considered the effect of two predators, puma (Puma concolor) and culpeo fox (Lycalopex culpaeus). We measured two common (family group size and vigilance) and one novel (family group cohesion) behavioral responses of guanaco. Our results show that guanaco family groups adapted their grouping behavior to both predator occurrence and perceived predation risk. Larger family groups were found in open habitats and areas with high puma occurrence, while guanacos stayed in small family groups in areas with high shrub cover or low visibility. Group cohesion increased in areas with higher occurrence of pumas and culpeo foxes, and also increased in smaller family groups and in areas with low guanaco density. Vigilance (number of vigilant adults) was mainly related to group size and visibility, increasing in areas with low visibility, while residual vigilance (vigilance after removing the group‐size effect) did not vary with the explanatory variables examined. Our results suggest that a mix of predator occurrence and perceived predation risk influences guanaco grouping behavior and highlights the importance of evaluating different antipredator responses together and considering all predator species in studies aimed at understanding ungulate behavior.  相似文献   
Among group‐living spiders, subsocial representatives in the family of crab spiders (Thomisidae) are a special case, as they build protective communal leaf nests instead of extensive communal capture webs. It could thus be inferred that antipredator benefits (e.g., enhanced protection in larger nests) rather than foraging‐related advantages (e.g., capture of more and larger prey) promote sociality in this family. Nonetheless, subsocial crab spiders do share prey, and if this behaviour does not reflect mere food scramble but has a cooperative character, crab spiders may offer insights into the evolution of social foraging applicable to many other cooperative predators that hunt without traps. Here, we performed a comparative laboratory feeding experiment on three of the four subsocial crab spider species—Australomisidia ergandros, Australomisidia socialis and Xysticus bimaculatus—to determine if crab spiders derive advantages from foraging in groups. In particular, we tested artificially composed groups of five sibling spiderlings vs. single siblings in terms of prey capture success and prey size preference. Across species, groups had higher prey capture success (measured in terms of capture rates and capture latency) and were more likely to attack large, sharable prey—dynamics leading to reduced food competition among group members in favour of living and foraging in groups. Within groups, we further compared prey extraction efficiency among the three applied social foraging tactics: producing, scrounging and feeding alone. In A. ergandros, individuals were exceptionally efficient when using the non‐cooperative scrounger tactic, which entails feeding on the prey provided by others. Thus, our multispecies comparison confirms foraging advantages in maintaining a cooperative lifestyle for crab spiders, but also demonstrates the relevance of research into exploitation of cooperative foraging in this family.  相似文献   
Fecal Microflora in Healthy Persons in a Preindustrial Region   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Procedures for quantitating the fecal microflora of man were described. Special attention was given to criteria for characterizing the culturable aerobic, Micro-aerophilic, and anaerobic bacteria. Three groups of healthy persons were studied: wholly breast-fed infants (2 to 4 month-olds), weanlings (1 to 2 year-olds), and adults. In breast-fed children, bifidobacteria predominate and outnumber by one or several logs all other culturable bacteria. The fecal flora of wholly breast-fed infants is "simpler" and more numerous [10(11) to 10(12) per g (wet weight) of feces than that of the adult 10(2) to 10(11) per g]. In the adult, gram-negative anaerobic bacilli (bacteroides) outnumber all other groups by a factor of 1 log or more. Weanlings receiving an adult-type diet, but still breast-fed, showed a flora intermediate between that of the wholly breast-fed infant and that of the adult, but more similar to the latter. Anaerobes always constitute the predominant component of the culturable flora of children and adults and are always found in large numbers under conditions of health. The aerobes are significantly less numerous, and vary widely in their number and in the frequency with which they appear in feces.  相似文献   
Pastures in the Appalachian region of the United States comprise a mix of grasses, legumes and forbs that tend to differ in productivity within and among years. A high degree of spatial variability in hill‐land pasture creates microsite conditions that influence botanical composition of pasture. The variation in sward composition presents logistical challenges to livestock producers who rely on a dependable supply of herbage mass and nutritive value to meet production goals. Our objective was to determine if forage communities sown for specific functions, for example, superior dry matter productivity, resource patch exploitation or targeted seasonal production, adapted to changing growing conditions within and among years. Productivity of communities differed among years reflecting the cumulative influences of time, ontogenetic and environmental variations. Maximum productivity was influenced by the specific forage community and less so by simple clipping and fertiliser management. Naturalised swards clipped to emulate hay management tended to have sustained herbage productivity but lower nutritive value when compared to sown communities. Rankings of dry matter productivity of communities were similar for each year where bioactive composition, high productivity and warm season tended to produce the most, and stoloniferous‐rhizomatous and naturalised pasture the least. Regardless of initial sward composition, effective number of species as an index of diversity increased when frequently clipped swards were not fertilised, and when infrequently clipped swards were fertilised. Dry matter production patterns were not influenced by the effective number of species in any forage community suggesting that key species sustained productivity with volunteer species making lesser contribution to total productivity. The species composition of forage plant communities appears to be more important than clipping or fertiliser management practices as a means to sustain forage productivity.  相似文献   
The western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) is a climatically sensitive region where foundational changes at the basis of the food web have been recorded; cryptophytes are gradually outgrowing diatoms together with a decreased size spectrum of the phytoplankton community. Based on a 11-year (2008–2018) in-situ dataset, we demonstrate a strong coupling between biomass accumulation of cryptophytes, summer upper ocean stability, and the mixed layer depth. Our results shed light on the environmental conditions favoring the cryptophyte success in coastal regions of the WAP, especially during situations of shallower mixed layers associated with lower diatom biomass, which evidences a clear competition or niche segregation between diatoms and cryptophytes. We also unravel the cryptophyte photo-physiological niche by exploring its capacity to thrive under high light stress normally found in confined stratified upper layers. Such conditions are becoming more frequent in the Antarctic coastal waters and will likely have significant future implications at various levels of the marine food web. The competitive advantage of cryptophytes in environments with significant light level fluctuations was supported by laboratory experiments that revealed a high flexibility of cryptophytes to grow in different light conditions driven by a fast photo-regulating response. All tested physiological parameters support the hypothesis that cryptophytes are highly flexible regarding their growing light conditions and extremely efficient in rapidly photo-regulating changes to environmental light levels. This plasticity would give them a competitive advantage in exploiting an ecological niche where light levels fluctuate quickly. These findings provide new insights on niche separation between diatoms and cryptophytes, which is vital for a thorough understanding of the WAP marine ecosystem.  相似文献   
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment - In Italy, composting olive mill waste has become a common practice, since it mitigates the environmental problems associated with spreading the...  相似文献   
Dry grasslands are among the most threatened plant communities of Central Europe. We explore the time scale of spontaneous regeneration of dry grasslands on abandoned fields in an area of Central Europe, where also ancient grassland communities occur (Saxony-Anhalt, Germany). On three permanent plots with shallow soils we monitored during 10 years change of species composition and analysed whether spontaneous succession leads to assemblages similar to the ancient dry grassland communities in the direct surroundings. We found that dry grassland species are able to invade the permanent plots and during the 10 years of succession the number of dry grassland species increased. But even after 10 years there was a clear difference between ancient dry grassland communities and the assemblages on the permanent plots. Our findings suggest two important conclusions: First, spontaneous succession on abandoned fields is a cheap possibility for the conservation of some dry grassland species, at least on shallow soils. Second, the time scale of the regeneration process, however, is rather long. Hence, conservation of remnants of ancient grassland communities needs special attention.  相似文献   
Extractability and recovery of cellulose from cell walls influences many industrial processes and also the utilisation of biomass for energy purposes. The utility of genetic manipulation of lignin has proven potential for optimising such processes and is also advantageous for the environment. Hemicelluloses, particularly secondary wall xylans, also influence the extractability of cellulose. UDP-glucuronate decarboxylase produces UDP-xylose, the precursor for xylans and the effect of its down-regulation on cell wall structure and cellulose extractability in transgenic tobacco has been investigated. Since there are a number of potential UDP-glucuronate decarboxylase genes, a 490bp sequence of high similarity between members of the family, was chosen for general alteration of the expression of the gene family. Sense and antisense transgenic lines were analysed for enzyme activity using a modified and optimised electrophoretic assay, for enzyme levels by western blotting and for secondary cell wall composition. Some of the down-regulated antisense plants showed high glucose to xylose ratios in xylem walls due to less xylose-containing polymers, while arabinose and uronic acid contents, which could also have been affected by any change in UDP-xylose provision, were unchanged. The overall morphology and stem lignin content of the modified lines remained little changed compared with wild-type. However, there were some changes in vascular organisation and reduction of xylans in the secondary walls was confirmed by immunocytochemistry. Pulping analysis showed a decreased pulp yield and a higher Kappa number in some lines compared with controls, indicating that they were less delignified, although the level of residual alkali was reduced. Such traits probably indicate that lignin was less available for removal in a reduced background of xylans. However, the viscosity was higher in most antisense lines, meaning that the cellulose was less broken-down during the pulping process. This is one of the first studies of a directed manipulation of hemicellulose content on cellulose extractability and shows both positive and negative outcomes.  相似文献   
All members of the sulphotransferase (SOT, EC 2.8.2.-) protein family use 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulphate (PAPS) as the sulphuryl donor and transfer the sulphonate group to an appropriate hydroxyl group of several classes of substrates. These enzymes have highly conserved domains and can be found in eubacteria and eukaryotes. In mammals, sulphate conjugation catalysed by SOTs constitutes an important reaction in the transformation of xenobiotics, and in the modulation of the biological activity of steroid hormones and neurotransmitters. In plants, sulphate-conjugation reactions seem to play an important role in plant growth, development, and adaptation to stress. To date only a few plant SOTs have been characterized in detail. The flavonol 3- and 4'-SOTs from Flaveria species (Asteraceae), which catalyse the sulphonation of flavonol aglycones and flavonol 3-sulphates, respectively, were the first plant SOTs for which cDNA clones were isolated. The plasma membrane associated gallic acid SOT of Mimosa pudica L. pulvini cells may be intrinsic to signalling events that modify the seismonastic response. In Brassica napus L. a SOT catalyses the O-sulphonation of brassinosteroids and thereby abolishes specifically the biological activity of 24-epibrassinolide. The fully sequenced genome of Arabidopsis thaliana Heynh. contains in total 18 genes that are likely to encode SOT proteins based on sequence similarities of the translated products with an average identity of 51.1%. So far only one SOT from A. thaliana (At5g07000) was functionally characterized: the protein was shown to catalyse the sulphonation of 12-hydroxyjasmonate and thereby inactivate excess jasmonic acid in plants. The substrates and, therefore, the physiological roles of SOTs are very diverse. By using the numerous informative databases and methods available for the model plant A. thaliana, the elucidation of the functional role of the SOT protein family will be accelerated.  相似文献   
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