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Sucrose (Suc) transporters belong to a large gene family. The physiological role of SUT1 proteins has been intensively investigated in higher plants, whereas that of SUT4 proteins is so far unknown. All three known Suc transporters from potato (Solanum tuberosum), SUT1, SUT2, and SUT4, are colocalized and their RNA levels not only follow a diurnal rhythm, but also oscillate in constant light. Here, we examined the physiological effects of transgenic potato plants on RNA interference (RNAi)-inactivated StSUT4 expression. The phenotype of StSUT4-RNAi plants includes early flowering, higher tuber production, and reduced sensitivity toward light enriched in far-red wavelength (i.e. in canopy shade). Inhibition of StSUT4 led to tuber production of the strict photoperiodic potato subsp. andigena even under noninductive long-day conditions. Accumulation of soluble sugars and Suc efflux from leaves of transgenic plants are modified in StSUT4-RNAi plants, leading to modified Suc levels in sink organs. StSUT4 expression of wild-type plants is induced by gibberellins and ethephon, and external supply of gibberellic acid leads to even more pronounced differences between wild-type and StSUT4-RNAi plants regarding tuber yield and internode elongation, indicating a reciprocal regulation of StSUT4 and gibberellins.  相似文献   
Normal chondrocytes are targets for natural killer (NK) cells. Since the mechanism of this phenomenon remains unknown, the present study was aimed at testing whether it is associated with chondrocyte-specific phenotype defined as ability of cartilage cells to produce sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAG) and express collagen II and aggrecan mRNA. Lysis of rat epiphyseal chondrocytes by syngeneic spleen mononuclear cells (SMCs) was evaluated by 51Cr-release assay. Loss of chondrocyte phenotype following long-term culture resulted in their decreased susceptibility to lysis. Similar effect was also observed after suppression of chondrocyte phenotype by TNF. On the other hand, stimulation of cartilage-specific matrix component synthesis by IGF-1 resulted in increased chondrocyte killing and exogenous chondroitin sulfate A stimulated NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity against chondrocytes and human K562 cells. This suggests that chondrocyte susceptibility to lysis by NK cells depends on chondrocyte-specific phenotype, especially sulfated GAG production.  相似文献   
Parasites play important roles in local population dynamics and genetic structure. However, due to insufficient diagnostic tools, detailed host-parasite interactions may remain concealed by hidden parasite diversity in natural systems. Microscopic examination of 19 European lake Daphnia populations revealed the presence of three groups of parasites: fungi, microsporidia, and oomycetes. For most of these parasites no genetic markers have been described so far. Based on sequence similarities of the nuclear small-subunit and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rRNA gene regions, one fungus, four microsporidian, and nine oomycete taxa were discovered in 147 infected Daphnia (and/or three other zooplankton crustaceans). Additionally, cloning of rRNA gene regions revealed parasite sequence variation within host individuals. This was most pronounced in the ITS region of one microsporidian taxon, where the within-host sequence variation ranged from 1.7% to 5.3% polymorphic sites for parasite isolates from 14 different geographical locations. Interestingly, the parasite isolates from close locations grouped together based on sequence similarities, suggesting that there was parasite dispersal. Taken together, the data obtained in this study revealed hidden diversity of parasite communities in Daphnia lake populations. Moreover, a higher level of resolution for identifying parasite strains makes it possible to test new hypotheses with respect to parasite dispersal, transmission routes, and coinfection.During the last decade, microparasites of Daphnia species, which are small zooplankton crustaceans, have become a popular study system in ecological and evolutionary research (for a review, see reference 15). It has been shown both in the field and under controlled laboratory conditions that parasites have a substantial impact on Daphnia fitness (7, 21, 52). Parasite-induced reductions in Daphnia population density (11, 12) or even population crashes (17) might result in disruptions of aquatic food webs, as daphnids play important roles as main phytoplankton grazers and as a major food of planktivorous fish (27). Moreover, as infections are often genotype specific (6, 8), they can lead to changes in the gene pool of a Daphnia population (7, 14), sometimes significantly increasing the genetic diversity of the host population (12, 54). Thus, Daphnia parasites cause not only ecological but also evolutionary changes in aquatic systems.Conclusions regarding the importance of parasites in natural systems require powerful tools to detect and properly identify parasite taxa. Thus far, few species-specific molecular markers have been developed for Daphnia parasites (33, 38, 39, 41) and then used in experimental studies (3). In surveys of natural Daphnia populations, parasite identification has been based primarily on microscopic examination (4, 5, 29, 52), with only one exception (32). The parasites recorded in natural populations of Daphnia are thus considered members of certain taxa, or even species, without genetic confirmation. The fact that molecular markers are not used to characterize Daphnia infections makes it difficult to compare epidemic patterns across different habitats and/or various field surveys, as parasites cannot be unambiguously identified by microscopic examination alone. Even if microscopic identification is theoretically possible (for example, by examining ultrastructural morphology by electron microscopy [37]), this approach is not feasible for routine analysis. Consequently, classification of parasites that actually belong to different taxa in the same group might introduce noise into field surveys, as parasite taxa differ widely in virulence and host range (for a review, see reference 15).Most of the known Daphnia parasites that have been described were obtained from small temporary ponds and rock pools (4, 16, 43). In permanent lakes, lower parasite diversity was assumed, mainly because increased fish predation reduces the population density of potential hosts (18), whereas high host density is a crucial determinant of epidemic spread (1, 2, 45). In addition, infected Daphnia spp. are more vulnerable to fish that hunt visually due to loss of their transparent appearance (11, 13). On the other hand, it was recently shown that even if Daphnia host density was reduced by selective fish predation, the prevalence of infection did not decline, probably due to the very high rates of transmission of the parasite that was observed (11). In contrast, we expected that the highly heterogeneous biotic and abiotic conditions in permanent lakes (27) would provide a variety of niches (for a review, see reference 47), which also favor a high level of parasite diversity. Therefore, Czech canyon-shaped reservoirs were chosen as our main study systems, because in these lakes environmental gradients are particularly pronounced in both the horizontal and vertical dimensions (42). Moreover, the Daphnia communities of these reservoirs are dominated by members of the Daphnia longispina complex (35), taxa which have previously been shown to be infected by a variety of parasites (52).The results of our study revealed a high level of diversity of Daphnia parasites in permanent lakes. Fourteen different parasite taxa were detected using nuclear small-subunit (SSU) and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rRNA gene sequence information. In addition, a high level of sequence variation was observed in the ITS region of one microsporidian taxon. Thus, molecular markers are now available which allow discrimination with high resolution among and within parasite taxa and provide tools to address more detailed questions concerning lake Daphnia-microparasite systems.  相似文献   
In previous studies we have demonstrated that prion protein (PrP) binds directly to tubulin and this interaction leads to the inhibition of microtubule formation by inducement of tubulin oligomerization. This report is aimed at mapping the regions of PrP and tubulin involved in the interaction and identification of PrP domains responsible for tubulin oligomerization. Preliminary studies focused our attention to the N‐terminal flexible part of PrP encompassing residues 23–110. Using a panel of deletion mutants of PrP, we identified two microtubule‐binding motifs at both ends of this part of the molecule. We found that residues 23–32 constitute a major site of interaction, whereas residues 101–110 represent a weak binding site. The crucial role of the 23–32 sequence in the interaction with tubulin was confirmed employing chymotryptic fragments of PrP. Surprisingly, the octarepeat region linking the above motifs plays only a supporting role in the interaction. The binding of Cu2+ to PrP did not affect the interaction. We also demonstrate that PrP deletion mutants lacking residues 23–32 exhibit very low efficiency in the inducement of tubulin oligomerization. Moreover, a synthetic peptide corresponding to this sequence, but not that identical with fragment 101–110, mimics the effects of the full‐length protein on tubulin oligomerization and microtubule assembly. At the cellular level, peptide composed of the PrP motive 23–30 and signal sequence (1–22) disrupted the microtubular cytoskeleton. Using tryptic and chymotryptic fragments of α‐ and β‐tubulin, we mapped the docking sites for PrP within the C‐terminal domains constituting the outer surface of microtubule. Proteins 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Enzymatic activity, i.e. respiratory activity, dehydrogenase activity, phosphatase activity, caseinian protease activity, BAA protease activity and urease activity, was determined to investigate the process of biochemical transformations and to select enzymatic indices of maturity of composts prepared from feathers and lignocellulose wastes (bark, straw). Composting was conducted for 7 months, with periodic determinations of activity of the enzymes. The study revealed significant differences in the enzymatic activity, related with the duration of composting and with the substrate composition of the composts. Generally, composts enriched with straw were characterised by higher enzymatic activity than composts without any addition of straw. It was found that the activity of such enzymes as cellulase and protease, towards the end of the period of composting decreased and stabilised. The enzymes enumerated can be taken into consideration in estimation of the maturity of composts prepared from feathers and lignocellulose wastes.  相似文献   
Strong evidence indicates that oxidative stress may be causally involved in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease. We have employed human dopaminergic neuroblastoma cells and rat primary mesencephalic neurons to assess the protective potential of three novel bisarylimine antioxidants on dopaminergic cell death induced by complex I inhibition or glutathione depletion. We have found that exceptionally low concentrations (EC50 values ∼20 nM) of these compounds (iminostilbene, phenothiazine, and phenoxazine) exhibited strong protective effects against the toxicities of MPP+, rotenone, and l -buthionine sulfoximine. Investigating intracellular glutathione levels, it was found that MPP+, l -buthionine sulfoximine, and rotenone disrupted different aspects of the native glutathione equilibrium, while the aromatic imines did not further influence glutathione levels or redox state on any baseline. However, the imines independently reduced protein oxidation and total oxidant flux, saved the mitochondrial membrane potential, and provided full cytoprotection under conditions of complete glutathione depletion. The unusually potent antioxidant effects of the bisarylimines could be reproduced in isolated mitochondria, which were instantly protected from lipid peroxidation and pathological swelling. Aromatic imines may be interesting lead structures for a potential antioxidant therapy of Parkinson's disease and other disorders accompanied by glutathione dysregulation.  相似文献   
In plant post-embryonic epidermis mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling promotes differentiation of pavement cells and inhibits initiation of stomata. Stomata are cells specialized to modulate gas exchange and water loss. Arabidopsis MAPKs MPK3 and MPK6 are at the core of the signaling cascade; however, it is not well understood how the activity of these pleiotropic MAPKs is constrained spatially so that pavement cell differentiation is promoted only outside the stomata lineage. Here we identified a PP2C-type phosphatase termed AP2C3 (Arabidopsis protein phosphatase 2C) that is expressed distinctively during stomata development as well as interacts and inactivates MPK3, MPK4 and MPK6. AP2C3 co-localizes with MAPKs within the nucleus and this localization depends on its N-terminal extension. We show that other closely related phosphatases AP2C2 and AP2C4 are also MAPK phosphatases acting on MPK6, but have a distinct expression pattern from AP2C3. In accordance with this, only AP2C3 ectopic expression is able to stimulate cell proliferation leading to excess stomata development. This function of AP2C3 relies on the domains required for MAPK docking and intracellular localization. Concomitantly, the constitutive and inducible AP2C3 expression deregulates E2F-RB pathway, promotes the abundance and activity of CDKA, as well as changes of CDKB1;1 forms. We suggest that AP2C3 downregulates the MAPK signaling activity to help maintain the balance between differentiation of stomata and pavement cells.  相似文献   
High-yielding capacity of the modern barley varieties is mostly dependent on the sources of semi-dwarfness associated with the sdw1/denso locus. The objective of the study was to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with the plant height and yield potential of barley recombinant inbred lines (RILs) grown under various soil moisture regimes. The plant material was developed from a hybrid between the Maresi (European cv.) and CamB (Syrian cv.). A total of 103 QTLs affecting analysed traits were detected and 36 of them showed stable effects over environments. In total, ten QTLs were found to be significant only under water shortage conditions. Nine QTLs affecting the length of main stem were detected on 2H-6H chromosomes. In four of the detected QTLs, alleles contributed by Maresi had negative effects on that trait, the most significant being the QLSt-3H.1-1 in the 3H.1 linkage group. The close linkage between QTLs identified around the sdw1/denso locus, with positive alleles contributed by Maresi, indicates that the semi-dwarf cv. Maresi could serve as a donor of favourable traits resulting in grain yield improvement, also under water scarcity. Molecular analyses revealed that the Syrian cv. also contributed alleles which increased the yield potential. Available barley resources of genomic annotations were employed to the biological interpretation of detected QTLs. This approach revealed 26 over-represented Gene Ontology terms. In the projected support intervals of QGWSl-5H.3-2 and QLSt-5H.3 on the chromosome 5H, four genes annotated to ‘response to stress’ were found. It suggests that these QTL-regions may be involved in a response of plant to a wide range of environmental disturbances.  相似文献   
The outer wall of Ornithogalum umbellatum ovary and the fruit epidermis are covered with a thick cuticle and contain lipotubuloids incorporating 3H-palmitic acid. This was earlier evidenced by selective autoradiographic labelling of lipotubuloids. After post-incubation in a non-radioactive medium, some marked particles insoluble in organic solvents (similar to cutin matrix) moved to the cuticular layer. Hence, it was hypothesised that lipotubuloids participated in cuticle synthesis. It was previously suggested that cutinsomes, nanoparticles containing polyhydroxy fatty acids, formed the cuticle. Thus, identification of the cutinsomes in O. umbellatum ovary epidermal cells, including lipotubuloids, was undertaken in order to verify the idea of lipotubuloid participation in cuticle synthesis in this species. Electron microscopy and immunogold method with the antibodies recognizing cutinsomes were used to identify these structures. They were mostly found in the outer cell wall, the cuticular layer and the cuticle proper. A lower but still significant degree of labelling was also observed in lipotubuloids, cytoplasm and near plasmalemma of epidermal cells. It seems that cutinsomes are formed in lipotubuloids and then they leave them and move towards the cuticle in epidermal cells of O. umbellatum ovary. Thus, we suggest that (1) cutinsomes could take part in the synthesis of cuticle components also in plant species other than tomato, (2) the lipotubuloids are the cytoplasmic domains connected with cuticle formation and (3) this process proceeds via cutinsomes.  相似文献   
Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spin-labeling methods were used to study the organization of cholesterol and phospholipids in membranes formed from Chol/POPS (cholesterol/1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylserine) mixtures, with mixing ratios from 0 to 3. It was confirmed using the discrimination by oxygen transport and polar relaxation agent accessibility methods that the immiscible cholesterol bilayer domain (CBD) was present in all of the suspensions when the mixing ratio exceeded the cholesterol solubility threshold (CST) in the POPS membrane. The behavior of phospholipid molecules was monitored with phospholipid analogue spin labels (n-PCs), and the behavior of cholesterol was monitored with the cholesterol analogue spin labels CSL and ASL. Results indicated that phospholipid and cholesterol mixtures can form a membrane suspension up to a mixing ratio of ~2. Additionally, EPR spectra for n-PC, ASL, and CSL indicated that both phospholipids and cholesterol exist in these suspensions in the lipid-bilayer-like structures. EPR spectral characteristics of n-PCs (spin labels located in the phospholipid cholesterol bilayer, outside the CBD) change with increase in the cholesterol content up to and beyond the CST. These results present strong evidence that the CBD forms an integral part of the phospholipid bilayer when formed from a Chol/POPS mixture up to a mixing ratio of ~2. Interestingly, CSL in cholesterol alone (without phospholipids) when suspended in buffer does not detect formation of bilayer-like structures. A broad, single-line EPR signal is given, similar to that obtained for the dry film of cholesterol before addition of the buffer. This broad, single-line signal is also observed in suspensions formed for Chol/POPS mixtures (as a background signal) when the Chol/POPS ratio is much greater than 3. It is suggested that the EPR spin-labeling approach can discriminate and characterize the fraction of cholesterol that forms the CBD within the phospholipid bilayer.  相似文献   
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