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Pollen tubes are an established model system for examining polarized cell growth. The focus here is on pollen tubes of the conifer Norway spruce (Picea abies, Pinaceae); examining the relationship between cytosolic free Ca2+, tip elongation, and intracellular motility. Conifer pollen tubes show important differences from their angiosperm counterparts; they grow more slowly and their organelles move in an unusual fountain pattern, as opposed to reverse fountain, in the tip. Ratiometric ion imaging of growing pollen tubes, microinjected with fura-2-dextran, reveals a tip-focused [Ca2+]i gradient extending from 450 nM at the extreme apex to 225 nM at the base of the tip clear zone. Injection of 5,5' dibromo-BAPTA does not dissipate the apical gradient, but stops cell elongation and uniquely causes rapid, transient increases of apical free Ca2+. The [Ca2+]i gradient is, however, dissipated by reversible perfusion of extracellular caffeine. When the basal cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration falls below 150 nM, again a large increase in apical [Ca2+]i occurs. An external source of calcium is not required for germination but significantly enhances elongation. However, both germination and elongation are significantly inhibited by the inclusion of calcium channels blockers, including lanthanum, gadolinium, or verapamil. Modulation of intracellular calcium also affects organelle position and motility. Extracellular perfusion of lanthanides reversibly depletes the apical [Ca2+]i gradient, altering organelle positioning in the tip. Later, during recovery from lanthanide perfusion, organelle motility switches direction to a reverse fountain. When taken together these data show a unique interplay in Picea abies pollen tubes between intracellular calcium and the motile processes controlling cellular organization.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of standardized anterior glenohumeral capsular lesions on axial humeral rotation in a full arc of glenohumeral elevation. Using a testing apparatus, the range of internal and external humeral rotation was assessed in an arc of glenohumeral elevation in the scapular plane with steps of 15 degrees in six isolated shoulder joint specimens. Cutting of the glenohumeral joint capsule 1 cm laterally from, and parallel to the glenoid rim was performed in seven steps of 1 cm till the anterior capsule was cut. Capsular lesions were made in three ways: from inferior, from superior and from the middle of the capsule. Anterior capsular lesions resulted in significant increase of external humeral rotation. This occurred particularly at 15-60 degrees glenohumeral elevation. Lesions of the inferior part of the capsule mainly increased external rotation at 30-60 degrees glenohumeral elevation, lesions of the superior part mainly in lower elevation angles and lesions of the middle more gradually in the range till 60 degrees of glenohumeral elevation. Cutting of the anterior glenohumeral capsule barely increased passive axial humeral rotation at elevation angles over 60 degrees. Above 60 degrees glenohumeral elevation, tightening of the inferior posterior glenohumeral joint capsule prevented both internal and, increasingly, external humeral rotation. From these observations it is concluded that increased external rotation correlates with progressive anterior capsular lesions, mainly below 60 degrees glenohumeral elevation. To assess anterior glenohumeral capsular lesions in patients, axial humeral rotation tests should probably not exceed 60 degrees glenohumeral elevation, i.e. 90 degrees thoracohumeral elevation.  相似文献   
Specific PCR detection and electron microscopy of Flavobacterium columnare revealed the risk of false-negative results in molecular detection of this fish pathogen. Freezing and thawing destroyed the cells so that DNA was for the most part undetectable by PCR. The detection of bacteria was also weakened after prolonged enrichment cultivation of samples from infected fish.  相似文献   
A sensitive nisin quantification bioassay was constructed, based on Lactococcus lactis chromosomally encoding the nisin regulatory proteins NisK and NisR and a plasmid with a green fluorescent protein (GFP) variant gfp(uv) gene under the control of the nisin-inducible nisA promoter. This strain, LAC275, was capable of transducing the signal from extracellular nisin into measurable GFPuv fluorescence through the NisRK signal transduction system. The LAC275 cells detected nisin concentrations of 10 pg/ml in culture supernatant, 0.2 ng/ml in milk, 3.6 ng/g in processed cheese, 1 ng/g in salad dressings and crushed, canned tomatoes, and 2 ng/g in liquid egg. This method was up to 1,000 times more sensitive than a previously described GFP-based nisin bioassay. This new assay made it possible to detect significantly smaller amounts of nisin than the presently most sensitive published nisin bioassay based on nisin-induced bioluminescence. The major advantage of this sensitivity was that foods could be extensively diluted prior to the assay, avoiding potential inhibitory and interfering substances present in most food products.  相似文献   
Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG) produces two major secreted proteins, designated here Msp1 (LGG_00324 or p75) and Msp2 (LGG_00031 or p40), which have been reported to promote the survival and growth of intestinal epithelial cells. Intriguingly, although each of these proteins shares homology with cell wall hydrolases, a physiological function that correlates with such an enzymatic activity remained to be substantiated in LGG. To investigate the bacterial function, we constructed knock-out mutants in the corresponding genes aiming to establish a genotype to phenotype relation. Microscopic examination of the msp1 mutant showed the presence of rather long and overly extended cell chains, which suggests that normal daughter cell separation is hampered. Subsequent observation of the LGG wild-type cells by immunofluorescence microscopy revealed that the Msp1 protein accumulates at the septum of exponential-phase cells. The cell wall hydrolyzing activity of the Msp1 protein was confirmed by zymogram analysis. Subsequent analysis by RP-HPLC and mass spectrometry of the digestion products of LGG peptidoglycan (PG) by Msp1 indicated that the Msp1 protein has D-glutamyl-L-lysyl endopeptidase activity. Immunofluorescence microscopy and the failure to construct a knock-out mutant suggest an indispensable role for Msp2 in priming septum formation in LGG.  相似文献   
Vav is a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for the Rho/Rac family predominantly expressed in hematopoietic cells and implicated in cell proliferation and cytoskeletal organization. The oncogenic tyrosine kinase Bcr-Abl has been shown to activate Rac-1, which is important for Bcr-Abl induced leukemogenesis. Previous studies by Matsuguchi et al. (Matsuguchi, T., Inhorn, R. C., Carlesso, N., Xu, G., Druker, B., and Griffin, J. D. (1995) EMBO J. 14, 257-265) describe enhanced phosphorylation of Vav in Bcr-Abl-expressing Mo7e cells yet fail to demonstrate association of the two proteins. Here, we report the identification of a direct complex between Vav and Bcr-Abl in yeast, in vitro and in vivo. Furthermore, we show tyrosine phosphorylation of Vav by Bcr-Abl. Mutational analysis revealed that the SH2 domain and the C-terminal SH3 domain as well as a tetraproline motif directly adjacent to the N-terminal SH3 domain of Vav are important for establishing this phosphotyrosine dependent interaction. Activation of Rac-1 by Bcr-Abl was abrogated by co-expression of the Vav C terminus encoding the SH3-SH2-SH3 domains as a dominant negative construct. Bcr-Abl transduced primary bone marrow from Vav knock-out mice showed reduced proliferation in a culture cell transformation assay compared with wild-type bone marrow. These results suggest, that Bcr-Abl utilizes Vav as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor to activate Rac-1 in a process that involves a folding mechanism of the Vav C terminus. Given the importance of Rac-1 activation for Bcr-Abl-mediated leukemogenesis, this mechanism may be crucial for the molecular pathogenesis of chronic myeloid leukemia and of importance for other signal transduction pathways leading to the activation of Rac-1.  相似文献   
A plasmid coding for the nisin two-component regulatory proteins, NisK and NisR, was constructed; in this plasmid a gfp gene (encoding the green fluorescent protein) was placed under control of the nisin-inducible nisF promoter. The plasmid was transformed into non-nisin-producing Lactococcus lactis strain MG1614. The new strain could sense extracellular nisin and transduce it to green fluorescent protein fluorescence. The amount of fluorescence was dependent on the nisin concentration, and it could be measured easily. By using this strain, an assay for quantification of nisin was developed. With this method it was possible to measure as little as 2.5 ng of pure nisin per ml in culture supernatant, 45 ng of nisin per ml in milk, 0.9 μg of nisin in cheese, and 1 μg of nisin per ml in salad dressings.  相似文献   
Abstract Airborne pheromone plumes in wind comprise filaments of odour interspersed with gaps of clean air. When flying moths intercept a filament, they have a tendency to surge upwind momentarily, and then fly crosswind until another filament is intercepted. Thus, the moment-to-moment contact with pheromone mediates the shape of a flight track along the plume. Within some range of favourable interception rates, flight tracks become straighter and are headed more due upwind. However, as the rate of interception increases, there comes a point at which the moth should not be able to discern discreet filaments but, rather, should perceive a 'fused signal'. At the extreme, homogeneous clouds of pheromone inhibit upwind progress by representative tortricids. In a wind tunnel, Cadra cautella (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) were presented with 10 ms pulses of pheromone at a repetition rate of 5, 10, 17 and 25/s and a continuous, internally turbulent plume. Pulse size and concentrations were verified with a miniature photoionization detector sampling surrogate odour, propylene, at 100 Hz. Male moths maintain upwind progress even at plumes of 25 filaments/s. Furthermore, moths exhibited greater velocities and headings more due upwind at 17 and 25 Hz than at the lower frequencies or with the continuous plume. It is hypothesized that either C. cautella possesses a versatile sensory system that allows the resolution of these rapidly pulsed pheromone plumes, or that this species does not require a 'flickering' signal to fly upwind.  相似文献   
The sensitivity of nisin to proteolytical breakdown in intestinal environment was studied in an ex vivo model using jejunal chyme from fistulated dogs. Sixty six percentage of the added nisin retained induction activity after 30 min incubation in jejunal chyme, indicating that nisin has potential to be used as an inducing agent in in situ delivery systems of bioactive peptides and proteins by genetically modified bacteria in the intestine.  相似文献   
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