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Protoplasts of Marchantia polymorpha L. (liverwort) regenerated new cell walls in initial culture. However, the survival rate of regenerated cells decreased rapidly after this stage. The decrease in survival rate was suppressed by the β-glucosyl Yariv reagent (βglcY), which binds to arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs), only when it was added to culture medium during the period of incipient cell wall regeneration. The addition of βglcY after the period of incipient cell wall regeneration had no effect on the survival rate. These results suggested the involvement of AGPs in the cell wall regeneration process. After cell wall regeneration, the regenerated cells started to divide actively after being transferred to a medium with 1% activated charcoal (AC). Protoplasts that had been cultured with βglcY during the period of incipient cell wall regeneration and then transferred to the AC medium divided vigorously, and the cell division rate was remarkably increased (>80%). However, without transfer to the AC medium, βglcY at concentrations higher than 20 μg ml−1 inhibited cell division. No effect on cell survival nor cell division was observed with the α-galactosyl Yariv reagent. Staining of β-1,3-glucan (callose) with aniline blue (AB) showed that a large amount of β-1,3-glucan was deposited in the regenerated cell walls of the protoplasts cultured without βglcY, while little or no β-1,3-glucan was stained by AB in protoplasts cultured with βglcY. These results suggest that AGPs and β-1,3-glucan play important roles in the survival and subsequent cell division of regenerated cells of M. polymorpha protoplast cultures.  相似文献   
To identify adaptive strategies of gall-inducing cecidomyiids, we studied the life history traits of Pseudasphondylia rokuharensis (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), a univoltine species inducing fruit galls on a deciduous shrub, Viburnum dilatatum. Although univoltine gall midges that are associated with trees or shrubs are usually difficult to rear from immature stages under artificial conditions, we successfully reared P. rokuharensis from first instar to adult. Mature larvae entered diapause in autumn, and the diapause terminated after low temperature treatment (4 mo of incubation at 5 degrees C). The adults emerged within a shorter period of time than those without low temperature treatment. Thus, the diapause provides better synchronization of adult emergence in the spring. Because adults live for only a few days, this synchronization improves the chances of adults finding a mate. This is the first report on the mechanism of larval diapause termination for univoltine and tree- or shrub-associated gall midges. The numbers of days needed for adults to emerge under laboratory conditions after low temperature incubation were significantly different between two different localities. This result might suggest the possible existence of ecoclines in their life history parameters.  相似文献   
Binding of EphB receptors to ephrinB ligands on the surface of adjacent cells initiates signaling cascades that regulate angiogenesis, axonal guidance, and neuronal plasticity. These functions require processing of EphB receptors and removal of EphB-ephrinB complexes from the cell surface, but the mechanisms involved are poorly understood. Here we show that the ectodomain of EphB2 receptor is released to extracellular space following cleavage after EphB2 residue 543. The remaining membrane-associated fragment is cleaved by the presenilin-dependent gamma-secretase activity after EphB2 residue 569 releasing an intracellular peptide that contains the cytoplasmic domain of EphB2. This cleavage is inhibited by presenilin 1 familial Alzheimer disease mutations. Processing of EphB2 receptor depends on specific treatments: ephrinB ligand-induced processing requires endocytosis, and the ectodomain cleavage is sensitive to peptide inhibitor N-benzyloxycarbonyl-Val-Leu-leucinal but insensitive to metalloproteinase inhibitor GM6001. The ligand-induced processing takes place in endosomes and involves the rapid degradation of the extracellular EphB2. EphrinB ligand stimulates ubiquitination of EphB2 receptor. Calcium influx- and N-methyl-d-aspartic acid-induced processing of EphB2 is inhibited by GM6001 and ADAM10 inhibitors but not by N-benzyloxycarbonyl-Val-Leu-leucinal. This processing requires no endocytosis and promotes rapid shedding of extracellular EphB2, indicating that it takes place at the plasma membrane. Our data identify novel cleavages and modifications of EphB2 receptor and indicate that specific conditions determine the proteolytic systems and subcellular sites involved in the processing of this receptor.  相似文献   
W1, W3, W4, and Wm genes control flower color, whereas T and Td genes control pubescence color in soybean. W1, W3, Wm, and T are presumed to encode flavonoid 3'5'-hydroxylase (EC, dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (EC, flavonol synthase (EC, and flavonoid 3'-hydroxylase (EC, respectively. The objective of this study was to determine the structure of the primary anthocyanin, flavonol, and dihydroflavonol in flower petals. Primary component of anthocyanin in purple flower cultivars Clark (W1W1 w3w3 W4W4 WmWm TT TdTd) and Harosoy (W1W1 w3w3 W4W4 WmWm tt TdTd) was malvidin 3,5-di-O-glucoside with delphinidin 3,5-di-O-glucoside as a minor compound. Primary flavonol and dihydroflavonol were kaempferol 3-O-gentiobioside and aromadendrin 3-O-glucoside, respectively. Quantitative analysis of near-isogenic lines (NILs) for flower or pubescence color genes, Clark-w1 (white flower), Clark-w4 (near-white flower), Clark-W3w4 (dilute purple flower), Clark-t (gray pubescence), Clark-td (near-gray pubescence), Harosoy-wm (magenta flower), and Harosoy-T (tawny pubescence) was carried out. No anthocyanins were detected in Clark-w1 and Clark-w4, whereas a trace amount was detected in Clark-W3w4. Amount of flavonols and dihydroflavonol in NILs with w1 or w4 were largely similar to the NILs with purple flower suggesting that W1 and W4 affect only anthocyanin biosynthesis. Amount of flavonol glycosides was substantially reduced and dihydroflavonol was increased in Harosoy-wm suggesting that Wm is responsible for the production of flavonol from dihydroflavonol. The recessive wm allele reduces flavonol amount and inhibits co-pigmentation between anthocyanins and flavonols resulting in less bluer (magenta) flower color. Pubescence color genes, T or Td, had no apparent effect on flavonoid biosynthesis in flower petals.  相似文献   
Translation of nonSTOP mRNA is repressed post-initiation in mammalian cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigated the fate of aberrant mRNAs lacking in-frame termination codons (called nonSTOP mRNA) in mammalian cells. We found that translation of nonSTOP mRNA was considerably repressed although a corresponding reduction of mRNA was not observed. The repression appears to be post-initiation since (i) repressed nonSTOP mRNAs were associated with polysomes, (ii) translation of IRES-initiated and uncapped nonSTOP mRNA were repressed, and (iii) protein production from nonSTOP mRNA associating with polysomes was significantly reduced when used to program an in vitro run-off translation assay. NonSTOP mRNAs distributed into lighter polysome fractions compared to control mRNAs encoding a stop codon, and a significant amount of heterogeneous polypeptides were produced during in vitro translation of nonSTOP RNAs, suggesting premature termination of ribosomes translating nonSTOP mRNA. Moreover, a run-off translation assay using hippuristanol and RNAse protection assays suggested the presence of a ribosome stalled at the 3' end of nonSTOP mRNAs. Taken together, these data indicate that ribosome stalling at the 3' end of nonSTOP mRNAs can block translation by preventing upstream translation events.  相似文献   
Template-directed DNA photoligation has been applied to a method to construct heat-resistant two-dimensional (2D) DNA arrays that can work as scaffolds in bottom-up assembly of functional biomolecules and nano-electronic components. DNA double-crossover AB-staggered (DXAB) tiles were covalently connected by enzyme-free template-directed photoligation, which enables a specific ligation reaction in an extremely tight space and under buffer conditions where no enzymes work efficiently. DNA nanostructures created by self-assembly of the DXAB tiles before and after photoligation have been visualized by high-resolution, tapping mode atomic force microscopy in buffer. The improvement of the heat tolerance of 2D DNA arrays was confirmed by heating and visualizing the DNA nanostructures. The heat-resistant DNA arrays may expand the potential of DNA as functional materials in biotechnology and nanotechnology.  相似文献   
External and internal flavonoids were isolated from 12 Uncarina taxa (Pedaliaceae), endemic to Madagascar. Four flavone aglycones, tricetin 7,3′,5′-trimethyl ether, tricetin 7,4′,5′-trimethyl ether, 5,3′-dihydroxy-6,7,4′,5′-tetramethoxyflavone and eupatorin were isolated from leaf wax of seven Uncarina taxa, Uncarina grandidieri, Uncarina decaryi, Uncarina abbreviata, Uncarina turicana, Uncarina platycarpa, Uncarina leandrii var. leandrii and Uncarina peltata, but not Uncarina stellulifera, Uncarina perrieri, Uncarina sakalava, Uncarina leptocarpa and U. leandrii var. rechbergeri. Furthermore, eight flavonoid glycosides were isolated from the leaves. Major glycosides were apigenin and luteolin 7-O-glucuronides and occurred in all the Uncarina taxa examined, except the absence of the former compound in U. peltata. Other glycosides were identified as hispidulin, jaceosidin, chrysoeriol and tricin 7-O-glucuronides, and luteolin 7,4′-di-O-glucuronide and a flavonol, isorhamnetin 3-O-diglucoside. From the results described above, methylated flavone aglycones and glucuronides were chemical characters of the leaves of Uncarina species, and also may be those of the family Pedaliaceae. Besides, an anthocyanin, two flavonols and three flavones were isolated from the flowers of U. grandidieri, and identified as cyanidin 3-O-rutinoside (anthocyanin), quercetin and isorhamnetin 7-O-glucuronides (flavonols) and apigenin, luteolin and jaceosidin 7-O-glucuronides (flavones).  相似文献   
The laminin alpha3 chain LG4 module (alpha3LG4 module) has cell adhesion, heparin binding, migration, and neurite outgrowth activities. The LG4 module consists of a 14-stranded beta-sheet (A-N) sandwich structure. Previously, we identified the A3G756 sequence (KNSFMALYLSKGRLVFALG in the human laminin alpha3 chain 1411-1429) as a biologically active site in the alpha3LG4 module. The A3G756 sequence is located on the E and F strands based on a crystal structure-based sequence alignment. The Lys1421 and Arg1423 residues, critical amino acids for the biological activity of A3G756, are located on the E-F connecting loop region as a KGR sequence. In this study, we focused on the KGR sequence and investigated the structural requirements of the E-F connecting loop region in the alpha3LG4 module. We synthesized three linear peptides containing the KGR sequence at the middle and the N and C termini and also prepared three cyclic analogues corresponding to the linear peptides. cyclo-hEF3A (CLYLSKGRLVFAC), which is a cyclic peptide containing the KGR sequence at the middle, showed the strongest inhibitory effect on both the heparin binding and the cell attachment to the recombinant alpha3LG4 module protein. The cyclo-hEF3A peptide was more active for syndecan-4 binding and neurite outgrowth than the linear form. Furthermore, we found that the structure of cyclo-hEF3A is similar to that of the connecting E-F loop region in human laminin alpha3LG4 module by structural analysis using molecular dynamics simulations. These results suggest that the loop structure of the E-F connecting region of the alpha3LG4 module is important for its biological activities. The cyclo-hEF3A peptide may be useful for the development of therapeutic reagents especially for wound healing and nerve regeneration.  相似文献   
To understand the molecular basis of the thermostability of a thermophilic serine protease aqualysin I from Thermus aquaticus YT-1, we introduced mutations at Pro5, Pro7, Pro240 and Pro268, which are located on the surface loops of aqualysin I, by changing these amino acid residues into those found at the corresponding locations in VPR, a psychrophilic serine protease from Vibrio sp. PA-44. All mutants were expressed stably and exhibited essentially the same specific activity as wild-type aqualysin I at 40 degrees C. The P240N mutant protein had similar thermostability to wild-type aqualysin I, but P5N and P268T showed lower thermostability, with a half-life at 90 degrees C of 15 and 30 min, respectively, as compared to 45 min for the wild-type enzyme. The thermostability of P7I was decreased even more markedly, and the mutant protein was rapidly inactivated at 80 degrees C and even at 70 degrees C, with half-lives of 10 and 60 min, respectively. Differential scanning calorimetry analysis showed that the transition temperatures of wild-type enzyme, P5N, P7I, P240N and P268T were 93.99 degrees C, 83.45 degrees C, 75.66 degrees C, 91.78 degrees C and 86.49 degrees C, respectively. These results underscore the importance of the proline residues in the N- and C-terminal regions of aqualysin I in maintaining the integrity of the overall protein structure at elevated temperatures.  相似文献   
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