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[目的]DNA磷硫酰化修饰是DNA骨架上非桥接的氧原子以序列选择性和R-构型被硫取代的一种新型DNA修饰。目前,磷硫酰化修饰在多种细菌、古生菌以及人类致病菌中多有发现,但其分子调控机制尚不清楚。为了全面解析磷硫酰化修饰的调控机制,本文选择荧光假单胞菌Pf0-1为研究对象,开展了其DNA磷硫酰化修饰的调控机制研究。[方法]首先,构建了spfB基因缺失和回补菌株,使用碘能特异性断裂磷硫酰化修饰DNA的方法,研究了该基因缺失对修饰表型的影响。利用cDNA在相邻同方向的基因间隔区进行PCR,确定了磷硫酰化修饰基因簇spfBCDE内的共转录单元。通过荧光定量RT-PCR,分析了spfB基因缺失突变株中磷硫酰化修饰基因的转录量。利用异源表达并纯化得到的重组蛋白SpfB进行了体外功能研究。通过EMSA实验,验证了SpfB蛋白具有与spfB启动子序列结合活性。通过DNase I footprinting实验,精确定位了SpfB蛋白与DNA结合序列。[结果]spfB基因的缺失加剧了磷硫酰化修饰DNA断裂所致电泳条带弥散的表型,spfB基因的回补能够恢复该表型,证明spfB基因负调控磷硫酰化修饰。鉴定了spf基因簇中只含有1个共转录单元,且该共转录单元在△spfB突变株中转录水平明显上升。通过EMSA和DNase I footprint实验,检测了SpfB蛋白与磷硫酰化修饰基因spfBCDE的启动子区域5''-TGTTTGT-3''相结合。[结论]SpfB作为转录调控因子负调控磷硫酰化修饰基因spfBCDE的表达,为解析磷硫酰化修饰的调控机制和全面理解基因组上的部分修饰特征奠定了基础。  相似文献   
目的研究地塞米松和硫酸镁对大鼠小肠缺血再灌注(I/R)损伤的保护作用,并初步探讨其机制。方法制作小肠I/R模型,实验分为假手术阴性对照组、I/R组、硫酸镁治疗组、地塞米松治疗组、地塞米松和硫酸镁联合治疗组,比较五组血浆二胺氧化酶(DAO)、丙二醛(MDA)的含量,同时比较小肠的病理切片观察治疗效果。结果①I/R组小肠组织病理变化明显,血浆DAO、MDA比假手术阴性对照组显著升高;②硫酸镁治疗组和地塞米松治疗组小肠病理变化减轻,血浆DAO、MDA比I/R组显著降低,且两组无显著差别;③硫酸镁和地塞米松合用组的血浆MDA比I/R组显著升高,但是小肠病理变化和I/R组相比无明显区别,血浆DAO也和I/R组无明显差别。结论硫酸镁,地塞米松分别对大鼠小肠缺血再灌注有保护作用而二者合用却无明显的保护作用。  相似文献   
带内含子卡那霉素抗性基因双元载体构建及烟草转化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农杆菌介导法是植物基因转化的常用方法,然而由于筛选培养基中常用的抗生素头孢霉素和羧苄青霉素具有类植物激素活性,影响外植体的再生和转化频率。将一个植物的内含子插入卡那霉素抗性基因编码区的N端,合成了一个带内含子的卡那霉素抗性基因。构建带该基因的植物双元表达栽体pYP1202并转化烟草,受侵外植体在含卡那霉素50~200mg/L的选择培养基中抗性芽分化频率不受卡那霉素浓度影响,然而具有GUS活性的转化子占分化芽的比例却随着卡那霉素浓度的增加而升高。当培养基中加入500mg/L羧苄青霉素后受侵外植体产生的抗性芽频率比单一的卡那霉素筛选提高近1倍,高达91.4%,然而具GUS活性的转化子占抗性芽的比例仅有26.7%,在200m/L的卡那霉素筛选下,比例升至93.3%。用带内含子卡那霉素抗性基因构建的植物表达载体转化植物可以减少假抗性芽的产生。  相似文献   
To investigate genes involved in cancer metastasis, mRNA differential display was used to compare the levels of gene expression of two cancer sublines derived from prostate carcinoma cell PC-3M that had different metastatic potentials. The differentially expressed genes were confirmed by Northern blot, and sequenced. The full-length cDNA of a tumor metastasis suppressor gene (TMSG-1) was obtained by using EST assembling and verified by RT-PCR and sequencing. The results showed that expression levels of TMSG-1 were lower in the highly metastatic cell line 1E8, compared with the non-metastatic cell line 2B4. The difference was significant. Full-length cDNA of TMSG-1 was about 2 kb, containing an open reading frame that encoded a protein of 230 amino acids. GenBank Blastn showed no marked homology with known genes. The functional prediction of amino acids sequence encoded by TMSG-1 gene indicated TMSG-1 protein was transmembrane protein, with 3 transmembrane domains, 3 putative protein kinase phosphorylatio  相似文献   
花生四烯酸作为一种重要的多价不饱和脂肪酸,因其具有多种生理功能而被认为是潜在的食品添加剂和药物。近年来,利用高山被孢霉合成花生四烯酸已成为研究热点。前期相关研究主要集中在菌种选育及发酵调控方面。随着研究的不断深入,关于高山被孢霉合成花生四烯酸的代谢途径的研究取得了较大进展。以下简要概述前期工作进展,着重论述花生四烯酸合成途径的关键酶及其高山被孢霉的遗传改造的研究情况,包括生物合成花生四烯酸代谢途径、关键酶及其应用、高山被孢霉的遗传操作系统的构建以及遗传改造的应用,并对其研究前景进行了展望。  相似文献   
You J  Hu FQ  Du YZ  Yuan H 《Biomacromolecules》2007,8(8):2450-2456
Herein, polymeric micelles with glycolipid-like structure and about 40 nm diameter are prepared by self-aggregation from stearate-grafted chitosan oligosaccharides in aqueous medium. The micelles, with high degree of substitution (DS), present specific spatial structure with multiple hydrophobic "minor cores", and thus obtain excellent internalization into cancer cells and accumulation in cytoplasm. Furthermore, the micelles showed pH-sensitive properties, thus favoring intracellular delivery of encapsulated drug via endocytosis. The cell cytotoxicity of paclitaxel encapsulated in micelles was improved sharply and contributed to the increased intracellular delivery of the drug. The present micelles are a promising carrier candidate for targeting therapy of antitumor drugs with a cytoplasmic molecule target.  相似文献   
Ionic liquid (IL)‐acid pretreatment is known to not only enhance the enzymatic hydrolysis efficiency of lignocellulose but also to generate deposits on the surface of fiber by conventional water regeneration, which retard the increment. In this study, ethanol aqueous solution regeneration was developed as a new method to change the substrates characteristics for IL‐acid pretreatment and their effects on the enzymatic hydrolysis were evaluated. Following the IL‐acid reaction, the biomass slurry was subjected to ethanol aqueous solution at various concentration. Results indicated that anti‐solvent choice significantly influenced the reconstruction of both hemicelluloses and lignin as a result of the competition between water and ethanol. The partial removal of hemicelluloses and suitable lignin re‐localization contributed to a more porous structure. Consequently, the cellulose digestibility of aqueous ethanol regenerated samples was dramatically enhanced to ~100% and approximately 11‐ and 2‐fold higher than that of untreated and conventional water regenerated pretreated samples, respectively. A giant leap in the initial rate of enzymatic hydrolysis was also detected in 50% ethanol aqueous solution regenerated samples and only about 10 hr was needed to convert 80% of cellulose to glucose due to the appearance of cellulose II hydrate‐like and more porous structure.  相似文献   
两种野生花卉的扦插繁殖研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
开展野生花卉车轮梅(Raphiolepis indica)和赤楠(Syzygium buxifolium)扦插试验,结果表明:车轮梅硬枝扦插需一定浓度的外源激素方能生根;对激素浓度大小不敏感;总体上NAA组合生根质量优于IBA组合。综合不同处理生根率、根数和不定根根长3个指标,以800 mg/L NAA或800 mg/L IBA作为车轮梅生产上扦插的激素种类和浓度。赤楠生根率较低,最高扦插率达66.7%,生根时间长,约需45 d始生根。综合生根率、不定根根数和不定根根长3个生根指标,试验的4种激素均能较好促进赤楠生根,200×根太阳在生根率和根数上效果最好,生产上可用200×根太阳浸泡2 h,也可用50-100 mg/L NAA或100-400 mg/L IBA浸泡2 h后进行扦插。  相似文献   
通过对热带季节雨林雾凉季和湿热季昼间林窗区域不同热力作用面的热力效应初步分析,指出在西双版纳,不论是雾凉季还是湿热季,热带季节雨林林窗边缘壁面均具有不可忽视的热力作用,且由于受林缘树木的影响,热力效应较强的东侧,北侧林缘壁面最大区域出现位置高于次生林林窗,而强度小于次生林林窗,显示了林窗边缘壁面的热力效应除与太阳高度角,太阳辐射的时间长短和强度有关之外,林窗边缘树木高度也是不可忽视的因子,其结果可为进一步研究林窗小气候形成机制提供研究基础,为研究林窗更新及生物多样性问题提供科学参考。  相似文献   
Nitrogen (N) availability is projected to increase in a warming climate. But whether the more available N is immobilized by microbes (thus stimulates soil carbon (C) decomposition), or is absorbed by plants (thus intensifies C uptake) remains unknown in the alpine meadow ecosystem. Infrared heaters were used to simulate climate warming with a paired experimental design. Soil ammonification, nitrification, and net mineralization were obtained by in situ incubation in a permafrost region of the Qinghai‐Tibet Plateau (QTP). Available N significantly increased due to the stimulation of net nitrification and mineralization in 0–30 cm soil layer. Microbes immobilized N in the end of growing season in both warming and control plots. The magnitude of immobilized N was lower in the warming plots. The root N concentration significantly reduced, but root N pool intensified due to the significant increase in root biomass in the warming treatment. Our results suggest that a warming‐induced increase in biomass is the major N sink and will continue to stimulate plant growth until plant N saturation, which could sustain the positive warming effect on ecosystem productivity.  相似文献   
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