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Background: The uptake and biotransformation of γ-tocopherol (γ-T) in humans is largely unknown. Using a stable isotope method we investigated these aspects of γ-T biology in healthy volunteers and their response to γ-T supplementation.

Methods: A single bolus of 100 mg of deuterium labeled γ-T acetate (d2-γ-TAC, 94% isotopic purity) was administered with a standard meal to 21 healthy subjects. Blood and urine (first morning void) were collected at baseline and a range of time points between 6 and 240 h post-supplemetation. The concentrations of d2 and d0-γ-T in plasma and its major metabolite 2,7,8-trimethyl-2-(b-carboxyethyl)-6-hydroxychroman (-γ-CEHC) in plasma and urine were measured by GC-MS. In two subjects, the total urine volume was collected for 72 h post-supplementation. The effects of γ-T supplementation on α-T concentrations in plasma and α-T and γ-T metabolite formation were also assessed by HPLC or GC-MS analysis.

Results: At baseline, mean plasma α-T concentration was approximately 15 times higher than γ-T (28.3 vs. 1.9 µmol/l). In contrast, plasma γ-CEHC concentration (0.191 µmol/l) was 12 fold greater than α-CEHC (0.016 µmol/l) while in urine it was 3.5 fold lower (0.82 and 2.87 µmol, respectively) suggesting that the clearance of α-CEHC from plasma was more than 40 times that of γ-CEHC. After d2-γ-TAC administration, the d2 forms of γ-T and γ-CEHC in plasma and urine increased, but with marked inter-individual variability, while the d0 species were hardly affected. Mean total concentrations of γ-T and γ-CEHC in plasma and urine peaked, respectively, between 0–9, 6–12 and 9–24 h post-supplementation with increases over baseline levels of 6–14 fold. All these parameters returned to baseline by 72 h. Following challenge, the total urinary excretion of d2-γ-T equivalents was approximately 7 mg. Baseline levels of γ-T correlated positively with the post-supplementation rise of (d0 + d2) – γ – T and γ-CEHC levels in plasma, but correlated negatively with urinary levels of (d0 + d2)-γ-CEHC. Supplementation with 100 mg γ-TAC had minimal influence on plasma concentrations of α-T and α-T-related metabolite formation and excretion.

Conclusions: Ingestion of 100mg of γ-TAC transiently increases plasma concentrations of γ-T as it undergoes sustained catabolism to CEHC without markedly influencing the pre-existing plasma pool of γ-T nor the concentration and metabolism of α-T. These pathways appear tightly regulated, most probably to keep high steady-state blood ratios α-T to γ-T and γ-CEHC to α-CEHC.  相似文献   
Glucocorticoids are known to play a role in the maturation of the exocrine pancreas. The exact mechanism of glucocorticoid action in pancreatic ontogeny is, however, not clear. The present study characterized and quantitated the binding of [3H]dexamethasone to cytosol fractions from pancreata of rats at various ages. Trunk blood samples from these rats were also checked for levels of free and bound corticosterone. Specific and saturable bindings for dexamethasone were found in pancreatic cytosol fractions from newborn suckling and adult rats. Competition studies showed a preference for steroids with glucocorticoid activity. Specific binding was relatively low in pancreatic cytosol from newly born and 1-day old pups. A significant rise was seen after day 15. Cytosolic binding capacities were greatest from pancreata obtained from pups at weaning (3rd to 5th weeks). Values then declined toward the adult level. Scatchard analysis revealed a single class of binding sites with a dissociation constant (Kd) of 7.3 (+/- 1.1) X 10(-8) M and number of binding sites equalled to 1.29 (+/- 0.18) X 10(-13) mole/mg of cytosolic protein in adult rat pancreas. Pancreata from 25- and 15-day old rats had Kds of 3.4 (+/- 0.8) X 10(-8) M and 2.7 (+/- 0.7) X 10(-8) M with the number of binding sites equal to 1.77 (+/- 0.21) X 10(-13) mole/mg protein and 1.31 (+/- 0.16) X 10(-13) mole/mg protein respectively. Total plasma corticosterone concentration was low before day 10. It rose significantly by day 15, peaked at day 25, and then declined after weaning. About 5-15% of corticosterone during weaning and about 20-30% before and after weaning were in the free form. The peak level of dexamethasone binding corresponded to an increase in the plasma corticosterone level during weaning. This suggests a close relationship between plasma corticosterone levels and pancreatic glucocorticoid receptors. Both may, therefore, play a role in pancreatic development in the rat.  相似文献   
Striated muscle tropomyosin is classically described as consisting of 10 exons, 1a, 2b, 3, 4, 5, 6b, 7, 8, and 9a/b, in both skeletal and cardiac muscle. A novel isoform found in embryonic axolotl heart maintains exon 9a/b of striated muscle but also has a smooth muscle exon 2a instead of exon 2b. Translation and subsequent incorporation into organized myofibrils, with both isoforms, was demonstrated with green fluorescent protein fusion protein construct. Mutant axolotl hearts lack sufficient tropomyosin in the ventricle and this smooth/straited chimeric tropomyosin was sufficient to replace the missing tropomyosin and form organized myofibrils.  相似文献   
A novel alkaline α-galactosidase gene is involved in rice leaf senescence   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We previously isolated and identified numerous senescence-associated genes (SAGs) in rice leaves. Here we characterized the structure and function of an SAG-Osh69 encoding alkaline α-galactosidase that belongs to a novel family of glycosyl hydrolases. Osh69 is a single-copy gene composed of 13 exons located on rice chromosome 8. The expression level of Osh69 is not only up-regulated during natural leaf senescence but also induced rapidly by darkness, hormones (methyl jasmonic acid, salicylic acid), and stresses (H2O2 and wounding). The recombinant Osh69 protein over-expressed in Escherichia coli has displayed optimal α-galactosidase activity at pH 8.0. The enzyme showed good hydrolytic activities towards α-1,6-galactosyl oligosaccharides and galactolipid digalactosyl diacylglycerol. Immunoelectron microscopic analysis demonstrates that Osh69 is specifically localized in the chloroplasts of senescing leaves. These findings strongly suggest an important role for Osh69 in the degradation of chloroplast galactolipids during leaf senescence. The nucleotide sequence data reported will appear in the GenBank Nucleotide Sequence Database under the accession number AF251068.  相似文献   
Mutations in the gene encoding UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 (UGT1A1) may reduce the glucuronidation of estradiol, bilirubin, etc. In the present study, we used a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) method to assay the activities of recombinant mutated UGT1A1 toward 17beta-estradiol (E2), by determining its glucuronide (E2G) content. Direct evidence for glucuronide formation was provided by E2G-specific ion peaks. The UGT1A1 activities of G71R (exon 1), F83L (exon 1), I322V (exon 2) and G493R (exon 5) mutants were 24, 30, 18 and 0.6% of the normal UGT1A1 activity, respectively. In conclusion, our study showed that LC/MS/MS enabled accurate evaluation of the effects of mutations on recombinant UGT1A1 activity towards E2.  相似文献   
Seven transmembrane (7TM) synthetic peptides mimicking the α-helical TM domains of the human serotonin receptor subtype-6 (5-HT6) were autonomously reconstituted in detergent micelle and liposome environments. The degree of assembly of the 7TM peptides was characterized by monitoring the fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between donor and acceptor probes labeled at the amino termini of the second and fourth TM-peptides, respectively. The FRET efficiency of these peptides significantly increased when the 7TM peptides were reconstituted in liposome compare to detergent micelles. Furthermore, the 7TM peptides reconstituted in liposomes selectively bound to free serotonin and serotonin-conjugated magnetic beads, yielding a dissociation constant of 0.84 μM. These results show that the seven individual TM domains of 5-HT6 can spontaneously assemble into liposomes in a conformation that mimics a native structure, and further demonstrate that specific interactions between TM helices play a critical role in the folding and stabilizing of GPCRs. The autonomous assembly of 7TM-peptides can be applied to the screening of agonists for GPCRs that are difficult to manipulate.  相似文献   


Patients with unilateral neglect fail to respond normally to stimuli on the left side. To facilitate the evaluation of unilateral spatial neglect, we developed a new application that runs on a tablet device and investigated its feasibility in stroke patients.


We made the computerized table setting test (CTST) to run on the tablet computer. Forty acute ischemic stroke patients (20 patients with right hemispheric infarction with neglect, 10 patients with right hemispheric infarction without neglect, and 10 patients with left hemispheric infarction) and 10 healthy controls were prospectively enrolled to validate the CTST. The test requires subjects to set a table by dragging 12 dishes located below the table on the tablet screen. The horizontal deviation of the 12 dishes from the midline of the table, the selection tendency measured by the sequence of the dish selection, and the elapsed time for table setting were calculated automatically.


Parameters measured by the CTST were correlated with the results of conventional neglect tests. The horizontal deviation was significantly higher in patients with right hemispheric infarction with neglect compared with the other groups. The selection tendency and elapsed time also were significantly different in patients with right hemispheric infarction with neglect compared with the left hemispheric infarction and control groups, but were similar to those with right hemispheric infarction without neglect.


The CTST is feasible to administer and comparable with conventional neglect tests. This new application may be useful for the initial diagnosis and follow-up of neglect patients.  相似文献   
Expression of L-selectin on human hematopoietic cells (HC) is associated with a higher proliferative activity and a more rapid engraftment after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Two L-selectin ligands are expressed on human HCs, P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1) and a specialized glycoform of CD44 (hematopoietic cell E- and L-selectin ligand, HCELL). Although the structural biochemistry of HCELL and PSGL-1 is well characterized, the relative capacity of these molecules to mediate L-selectin-dependent adhesion has not been explored. In this study, we examined under shear stress conditions L-selectin-dependent leukocyte adhesive interactions mediated by HCELL and PSGL-1, both as naturally expressed on human HC membranes and as purified molecules. By utilizing both Stamper-Woodruff and parallel-plate flow chamber assays, we found that HCELL displayed a 5-fold greater capacity to support L-selectin-dependent leukocyte adherence across a broad range of shear stresses compared with that of PSGL-1. Moreover, L-selectin-mediated leukocyte binding to immunopurified HCELL was consistently >5-fold higher than leukocyte binding to equivalent amounts of PSGL-1. Taken together, these data indicate that HCELL is a more avid L-selectin ligand than PSGL-1 and may be the preferential mediator of L-selectin-dependent adhesive interactions among human HCs in the bone marrow.  相似文献   
Manganese peroxidase (MnP) is a key enzyme involved in the lignolysis of white-rot fungi. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of immobilization and culture conditions on MnP production in cultures of Phanerochaete chrysosporium grown on polyurethane foam. Higher concentrations of foam and lower levels of spore inoculums resulted in the formation of scattered mycelial pellets, increased autolysis of chlamydospore-like cells (a reservoir of MnP), and a higher activity of MnP. Even though MnP was a secondary metabolite, the addition of 5 times more glucose and diammonium tartrate, as carbon and nitrogen sources, resulted in a 4 fold increase in the dry cell mass. However, MnP activity decreased under these conditions to less than half, due to the formation of increasingly dense pellets and the inhibited lysis of chlamydospore-like cells.  相似文献   
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