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Coxsackieviruses are important pathogens in children and the outcomes of neonatal infection can be serious or fatal. However, the outcomes of coxsackievirus infection during early gestation are not well defined. In this study, we examined the possibility of vertical transmission of coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) and the effects of CVB3 infection on early pregnancy of ICR mice. We found that the coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor (CAR) was highly expressed not only in embryos but also in the uterus of ICR mice. CVB3 replicated in the uterus 1 to 7 days post-infection (dpi), with the highest titer at 3 dpi. The pregnancy loss rate in mice infected with CVB3 during early gestation was 38.3%, compared to 4.7% and 2.7% in mock-infected and UV-inactivated-CVB3 infected pregnant mice, respectively. These data suggest that the uterus and embryo, which express abundant CAR, are important targets of CVB3 and that the vertical transmission of CVB3 during early gestation induces pregnancy loss.  相似文献   
Optimum allocation of resources is of fundamental importance for the efficiency of breeding programs. The objectives of our study were to (1) determine the optimum allocation for the number of lines and test locations in hybrid maize breeding with doubled haploids (DHs) regarding two optimization criteria, the selection gain ΔG k and the probability P k of identifying superior genotypes, (2) compare both optimization criteria including their standard deviations (SDs), and (3) investigate the influence of production costs of DHs on the optimum allocation. For different budgets, number of finally selected lines, ratios of variance components, and production costs of DHs, the optimum allocation of test resources under one- and two-stage selection for testcross performance with a given tester was determined by using Monte Carlo simulations. In one-stage selection, lines are tested in field trials in a single year. In two-stage selection, optimum allocation of resources involves evaluation of (1) a large number of lines in a small number of test locations in the first year and (2) a small number of the selected superior lines in a large number of test locations in the second year, thereby maximizing both optimization criteria. Furthermore, to have a realistic chance of identifying a superior genotype, the probability P k of identifying superior genotypes should be greater than 75%. For budgets between 200 and 5,000 field plot equivalents, P k > 75% was reached only for genotypes belonging to the best 5% of the population. As the optimum allocation for P k (5%) was similar to that for ΔG k , the choice of the optimization criterion was not crucial. The production costs of DHs had only a minor effect on the optimum number of locations and on values of the optimization criteria. C. Friedrich H. Longin and H. Friedrich Utz contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   
Odors are initially represented in the olfactory bulb (OB) by patterns of sensory input across the array of glomeruli. Although activated glomeruli are often widely distributed, glomeruli responding to stimuli sharing molecular features tend to be loosely clustered and thus establish a fractured chemotopic map. Neuronal circuits in the OB transform glomerular patterns of sensory input into spatiotemporal patterns of output activity and thereby extract information about a stimulus. It is, however, unknown whether the chemotopic spatial organization of glomerular inputs is maintained during these computations. To explore this issue, we measured spatiotemporal patterns of odor-evoked activity across thousands of individual neurons in the zebrafish OB by temporally deconvolved two-photon Ca2+ imaging. Mitral cells and interneurons were distinguished by transgenic markers and exhibited different response selectivities. Shortly after response onset, activity patterns exhibited foci of activity associated with certain chemical features throughout all layers. During the subsequent few hundred milliseconds, however, MC activity was locally sparsened within the initial foci in an odor-specific manner. As a consequence, chemotopic maps disappeared and activity patterns became more informative about precise odor identity. Hence, chemotopic maps of glomerular input activity are initially transmitted to OB outputs, but not maintained during pattern processing. Nevertheless, transient chemotopic maps may support neuronal computations by establishing important synaptic interactions within the circuit. These results provide insights into the functional topology of neural activity patterns and its potential role in circuit function.  相似文献   


Rhinoentomophthoromycosis, or rhino-facial conidiobolomycosis, is a rare, grossly disfiguring disease due to an infection with entomophthoralean fungi. We report a case of rhinoentomophthoromycosis from Gabon and suggest a staging system, which provides information on the prognosis and duration of antifungal therapy.


We present a case of rhinoentomophthoromycosis including the histopathology, mycology, and course of disease. For the suggested staging system, all cases on confirmed rhinoentomophthoromycosis published in the literature without language restriction were eligible. Exclusion criteria were missing data on (i) duration of disease before correct diagnosis, (ii) outcome, and (iii) confirmation of entomophthoralean fungus infection by histopathology and/or mycology. We classified cases into atypical (orbital cellulitis, severe pain, fever, dissemination), early, intermediate, and late disease based on the duration of symptoms before diagnosis. The outcome was evaluated for each stage of disease.


The literature search of the Medpilot database was conducted on January 13, 2014, (updated on January 18, 2015). The search yielded 8,333 results including 198 cases from 117 papers; of these, 145 met our inclusion criteria and were included in the final analysis. Median duration of treatment was 4, 3, 4, and 5 months in atypical, early, intermediate, and late disease, respectively. Cure rates were clearly associated with stage of disease and were 57%, 100%, 82%, and 43% in atypical, early, intermediate, and late disease, respectively.


We suggest a clinical staging system that underlines the benefit of early case detection and may guide the duration of antifungal treatment. The scientific value of this classification is its capacity to structure and harmonize the clinical and research approach towards rhinoentomophthoromycosis.  相似文献   
Integrated top-down bottom-up proteomics combined with on-line digestion has great potential to improve the characterization of protein isoforms in biological systems and is amendable to high throughput proteomics experiments. Bottom-up proteomics ultimately provides the peptide sequences derived from the tandem MS analyses of peptides after the proteome has been digested. Top-down proteomics conversely entails the MS analyses of intact proteins for more effective characterization of genetic variations and/or post-translational modifications. Herein, we describe recent efforts toward efficient integration of bottom-up and top-down LC-MS-based proteomics strategies. Since most proteomics separations utilize acidic conditions, we exploited the compatibility of pepsin (where the optimal digestion conditions are at low pH) for integration into bottom-up and top-down proteomics work flows. Pressure-enhanced pepsin digestions were successfully performed and characterized with several standard proteins in either an off-line mode using a Barocycler or an on-line mode using a modified high pressure LC system referred to as a fast on-line digestion system (FOLDS). FOLDS was tested using pepsin and a whole microbial proteome, and the results were compared against traditional trypsin digestions on the same platform. Additionally, FOLDS was integrated with a RePlay configuration to demonstrate an ultrarapid integrated bottom-up top-down proteomics strategy using a standard mixture of proteins and a monkey pox virus proteome.In-depth characterization and quantitation of protein isoforms, including post-translationally modified proteins, are challenging goals of contemporary proteomics. Traditionally, top-down (1, 2) and bottom-up (3, 4) proteomics have been two distinct analytical paths for liquid-based proteomics analysis. Top-down proteomics is the mass spectrometry (MS)-based characterization of intact proteins, whereas bottom-up proteomics requires a chemical or enzymatic proteolytic digestion of all proteins into peptides prior to MS analysis. Both strategies have their own strengths and challenges and can be thought of as complementary rather than competing analytical techniques.In a top-down proteomics approach, proteins are usually separated by one- or two-dimensional liquid chromatography (LC) and identified using high performance MS (5, 6). This approach is very attractive because it allows the identification of protein isoforms arising from various amino acid modifications, genetic variants (e.g. single nucleotide polymorphisms), mRNA splice variants, and multisite modifications (7) (e.g. specific histone modifications) as well as characterization of proteolytic processing events. However, there are several challenges that have limited the broad application of the approach. Typically, intact proteins are less soluble than their peptide complement, which effectively results in greater losses during various stages of sample handling (i.e. limited sensitivity). Similarly, proteins above ∼40–50 kDa in size are more difficult to ionize, detect, and dissociate in most high throughput MS work flows. Additionally, major challenges associated with MS data interpretation and sensitivity, especially for higher molecular mass proteins (>100 kDa) and highly hydrophobic proteins (e.g. integral membrane proteins), remain largely unsolved, thus limiting the applicability of top-down proteomics on a large scale.Bottom-up proteomics approaches have broad application because peptides are easier to separate and analyze via LC coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS), offering a basis for more comprehensive protein identification. As this method relies on protein digestion (which produces multiple peptides for each protein), the sample complexity can become exceedingly large, requiring several dimensions of chromatographic separations (e.g. strong cation exchange and/or high pH reversed phase) prior to the final LC separation (typically reversed phase (RP)1 C18), which is oftentimes directly coupled with the mass spectrometer (3, 8). In general, the bottom-up analysis rarely achieves 100% sequence coverage of the original proteins, which can result in an incorrect/incomplete assessment of protein isoforms and combinatorial PTMs. Additionally, the digested peptides are not detected with uniform efficiency, which challenges and distorts protein quantification efforts.Because the data obtained from top-down and bottom-up work flows are complementary, several attempts have been made to integrate the two strategies (9, 10). Typically, these efforts have utilized extensive fractionation of the intact protein separation followed by bottom-up analysis of the collected fractions. Results so far have encouraged us to consider on-line digestion methods for integrating top-down and bottom-up proteomics in a higher throughput fashion. Such an on-line digestion approach would not only benefit in terms of higher sample throughput and improved overall sensitivity but would also allow a better correlation between the observed intact protein and its peptide digestion products, greatly aiding data analysis and protein characterization efforts.So far, however, none of the on-line integrated methods have proven robust enough for routine high throughput analyses. One of the reasons for this limited success relates to the choice of the proteolytic enzyme used for the bottom-up segment. Trypsin is by far the most widely used enzyme for proteome analyses because it is affordable (relative to other proteases), it has been well characterized for proteome research, and it offers a nice array of detectable peptides due to a fairly even distribution of lysines and arginines across most proteins. However, protein/peptide RPLC separations (optimal at low pH) are fundamentally incompatible with on-line trypsin digestion (optimal at pH ∼ 8) (11, 12). Therefore, on-line coupling of trypsin digestion and RPLC separations is fraught with technological challenges, and proposed solutions (12) have not proven to be robust enough for integration into demanding high throughput platforms.Our approach to this challenge was to investigate alternative proteases that may be more compatible with automated on-line digestion, peptide separation, and MS detection. Pepsin, which is acid-compatible (i.e. it acts in the stomach to initially aid in the digestion of food) (13), is a particularly promising candidate. This protease has previously been successfully used for the targeted analyses of protein complexes, hydrogen/deuterium exchange experiments (14, 15), and characterization of biopharmaceuticals (16, 17). Generally, pepsin preferentially cleaves the peptide bond located on the N-terminal side of hydrophobic amino acids, such as leucine and phenylalanine, although with less specificity than the preferential cleavage observed for trypsin at arginine and lysine. The compatibility of pepsin with typical LC-MS operation makes it an ideal choice for the development of novel approaches combining protein digestion, protein/peptide separation, and MS-based protein/peptide identification.To develop an automated system capable of simultaneously capturing top-down and bottom-up data, enzyme kinetics of the chosen protease must be extremely fast (because one cannot wait hours as is typical when performing off-line proteolysis). Another requirement is the use of immobilized enzyme or a low enough concentration of the enzyme such that autolysis products do not obscure the detection of substrate peptides. The latter was a concern when using pepsin because prior hydrogen/deuterium exchange experiments used enzyme:substrate ratios up to 1:2 (18, 19). To test whether or not such a large concentration of pepsin was necessary, we performed pepsin digestion at ratios of 1:20. Many alternative energy inputs into the system were considered for speeding up the digestion. For instance, it has been shown that an input of ultrasonic energy could accelerate the reaction rate of a typical trypsin digestion while using small amounts of a protease (20). Because ultrasonic energy results in an increase of temperature and microenvironments of high pressure, it has been hypothesized that the higher temperature was the component responsible for the enhanced enzyme activity (21). López-Ferrer et al. (22, 23), however, have demonstrated that application of higher pressure with incorporation of a Barocycler alone can make trypsin display faster enzyme kinetics. This phenomenon can easily be integrated with an LC separation (which already operates at elevated pressure) to enable an automatable ultrarapid on-line digestion LC-MS proteomics platform. Herein, we refer to this platform as the fast on-line digestion system (FOLDS) (23). Although FOLDS has been described before using trypsin, here the system is characterized with pepsin, and the results obtained are compared with results attainable with trypsin. Like trypsin, pepsin produced efficient protein digestion in just a few minutes when placed under pressure. Because of the natural maximal activity of pepsin at low pH, the FOLDS can be incorporated with a RePlay (Advion Biosciences, Ithaca, NY) system, and this powerful combination is what ultimately makes the integration of top-down and bottom-up proteomics analyses possible. The integrated analysis begins with a chromatographic separation of intact proteins. The separated proteins are then split into two streams. One stream proceeds directly to the mass spectrometer for MS and/or tandem MS analysis. The second stream is split into a long capillary where the chromatographic separation of the proteins is maintained, but their arrival to the mass spectrometer for detection is delayed. This is in essence the concept of RePlay (24, 25). Herein, we have taken the RePlay a step further by implementing our FOLDS technology into the second split delayed stream of proteins. While these delayed proteins travel down the long and narrow capillary, we exposed them to pepsin where, in combination with the pressure, the proteins are quickly and reproducibly digested. These peptide fragments are subsequently subjected to MS and/or tandem MS analysis. The FOLDS RePlay system allows the rapid and robust incorporation of the integrated top-down bottom-up proteomics work flow with the ability to not only identify proteins but also to sequence multisite/combinatorial PTMs because all detected peptides (from the FOLDS analysis) are confined to the original chromatographic peak of the protein they were derived from. The analysis of protein mixtures using this integrated strategy reduces the total amount of samples required to obtain both the top-down and bottom-up data, increases throughput, and improves protein sequence coverage.  相似文献   
Selenite negatively regulates caspase-3 through a redox mechanism   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Selenium, an essential biological trace element, exerts its modulatory effects in a variety of cellular events including cell survival and death. In our study we observed that selenite protects HEK293 cells from cell death induced by ultraviolet B radiation (UVB). Exposure of HEK293 cells to UVB radiation resulted in the activation of caspase-3-like protease activity, and pretreatment of the cells with z-DEVD-fmk (N-benzyloxycarbonyl-Asp-Glu-Val-Asp-fluoromethylketone), a caspase-3 inhibitor, prevented UVB-induced cell death. Interestingly, enzymatic activity of caspase-3-like protease in cell lysates of UVB-exposed cells was repressed in vitro by the presence of selenite. Selenite also inhibited the in vitro activity of purified recombinant caspase-3 in cleaving Ac-DEVD-pNA (N-acetyl-Asp-Glu-Asp-p-nitroanilide) or ICAD(L) (inhibitor of a caspase-activated deoxyribonuclease) and in the induction of DNA fragmentation. The inhibitory action of selenite on a recombinant active caspase-3 could be reversed by sulfhydryl reducing agents, such as dithiothreitol and beta-mercaptoethanol. Furthermore, pretreatment of cells with selenite suppressed the stimulation of the caspase-3-like protease activity in UVB-exposed cells, whereas dithiothreitol and beta-mercaptoethanol reversed this suppression of the enzymatic activity. Taken together, our data suggest that selenite inhibits caspase-3-like protease activity through a redox mechanism and that inhibition of caspase-3-like protease activity may be the mechanism by which selenite exerts its protective effect against UVB-induced cell death.  相似文献   
An 1H-NMR study of ferric cytochrome P450cam in different paramagnetic states was performed. Assignment of three heme methyl resonances of the isocyanide adduct of cytochrome P450 in the ferric low-spin state was recently performed using electron exchange in the presence of putidaredoxin [Mouro, C., Bondon, A., Jung, C., Hui Bon Hoa, G., De Certaines, J.D., Spencer, R.G.S. & Simonneaux, G. (1999) FEBS Lett. 455, 302-306]. In this study, heme methyl protons of cytochrome P450 in the native high-spin and low-spin states were assigned through one-dimensional and two-dimensional magnetization transfer spectroscopy using the paramagnetic signals enhancement (PASE) method. The order of the methyl proton chemical shifts is inverted between high-spin and low-spin states. The methyl order observed in the ferric low-spin isocyanide complexes is related to the orientation of the cysteinate ligand.  相似文献   
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