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The surface-located M protein functions to protect Streptococcus pyogenes (the group A streptococcus) from phagocytosis by polymorphonuclear leukocytes. It has been suggested that this protection results from the ability of M protein to bind factor H, a serum protein that can inhibit the activation of complement. Among different serological variants of M protein, the C-repeat domain is highly conserved and is exposed on the bacterial surface. This domain has been implicated in binding to complement factor H and in M-protein-mediated adherence of streptococci to human keratinocytes in the cutaneous epithelium. In this study, we constructed an S. pyogenes mutant strain which expresses an M6 protein from which the entire C-repeat domain was deleted. As predicted, this mutant did not adhere well to human keratinocytes and was unable to bind to factor H. Unexpectedly, the mutant was able to survive and multiply in human blood. Therefore, while the binding of factor H and the facilitation of adherence to keratinocytes appear to involve recognition of the C-repeat domain, a region of the M-protein molecule distinct from the C-repeat domain confers upon S. pyogenes its ability to resist phagocytosis.  相似文献   
Synopsis The timing of ovarian maturation and spawning of 17 warmwater fish species in Lake Oahe (South and North Dakota) was estimated from changes in the mean ovary indices (ratios of ovary weight to fish length). The onset of vitellogenesis varied within species (up to 2 months). Maturation of the ova took from 7.5 to 10 months, depending on species. Annual variations in the mean date of peak spawning of individual species during 1964–1971 were usually less than a week. There was little overlap of the annual mean peak spawning dates of the 17 species, and an established sequence of spawning among species was shown. A relatively high incidence of atresia in the shovelnose sturgeon, northern pike, and carp indicated that these species had apparently not yet adapted to the altered and variable spawning conditions in this reservoir. Regularity of spawning would seem to provide the best chance for spawning success in variable environments such as Lake Oahe.  相似文献   
The turnover rate of tubulin in rat brain was determined from the decay in specific radioactivity of the protein after pulse-labeling. When precursors were administered by a parenteral route, the shortest half-life, 9.8 days, was obtained with [14C]NaHCO3; the longer half-lives obtained with [U-14C]glucose or [4,5-3H]leucine suggest significant reutilization of label. Furthermore, with leucine as precursor maximal specific radioactivity of tubulin was not obtained until eight days after administration of label. Labeling and decay kinetics obtained with [4,5-3H]leucine were markedly different when the isotope was administered directly into the lateral ventricle. The difference between the turnover rates of the -α and β subunits of tubulin purified by means of high resolution polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was not statistically significant. A half-life for tubulin of 6.2 days was measured by continuous intravenous infusion of [U-14C]tyrosine.  相似文献   
The role of protein kinase C PKC in B cell activation is controversial. These studies were undertaken to determine whether protein kinase C has a stimulatory or inhibitory role in B cell activation. We found that treatment of B cells for a short period of time (30 min) with the PKC activator phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (PDBU) primed the cells for enhanced proliferative responses to anti-immunoglobulin (anti-Ig) antibody whereas treatment for a longer period of time (3 h or more) resulted in suppression of proliferation. The enhanced proliferative response to treatment of B cells with PDBU for short periods of time was associated with inhibition of anti-Ig-stimulated increases in phosphatidyl 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) hydrolysis and inhibition of increases in [Ca2+]i, indicating that activation of PKC per se might be sufficient for enhancing B cell activation. The time-dependent effect of phorbol esters on the inhibition of B cell proliferation was found to be closely correlated with the kinetics of disappearance of PKC as measured by Western blot and by enzymatic activity but not with inhibition of [Ca2+]i and PIP2. These data demonstrate a bimodal time-dependent effect of PDBU on B cell activation and suggest that (a) the inhibitory effect of phorbol ester on anti-Ig-induced proliferation may be due to the disappearance of PKC rather than to the inhibition of PIP2 and Ca2+; and (b) the early activation of PKC is a stimulatory rather than an inhibitory signal in the induction of B lymphocyte proliferation by anti-Ig.  相似文献   
Ly-6A/E is a phosphatidylinositol (PI)-linked membrane protein whose expression is induced or upregulated on normal murine T and B cells by IFN-gamma. Cross-linkage of Ly-6A/E expressed on normal murine T cells stimulates Ca2+ translocation, and in the presence of a protein kinase C (PKC) activator, lymphokine secretion, and cellular proliferation. Utilizing an anti-Ly-6A/E mAb, we studied the effect of cross-linking Ly-6A/E on IFN-gamma-treated resting B cells, for Ca2+ translocation, PI turnover, and cellular proliferation. Since these events are known to be stimulated by cross-linkage of B cell membrane (m)Ig, we compared the changes mediated through these respective membrane proteins. We show that cross-linkage of B cell Ly-6A/E stimulates a large, rapid, and sustained increase in the concentration of intracellular free calcium ([Ca2+]i) comparable in magnitude, though somewhat delayed, relative to that observed after cross-linking of mIg. Cross-linkage of B cell Ly-6A/E does not, however, stimulate detectable PI turnover, in contrast to PI turnover induced by ligation of mIg. Both the Ly-6A/E- and mIg-mediated increase in [Ca2+]i occur through mobilization of internal Ca2+ stores as well as entry of Ca2+ into the cell from the extracellular compartment. Ly-6A/E-mediated Ca2+ translocation appears to be under the regulation of PKC in that short term pretreatment of B cells with the PKC activator, PMA, inhibits the Ly-6A/E- as well as the mIg-mediated increase in [Ca2+]i, whereas prolonged exposure to PMA, under conditions that lead to depletion of PKC, results in an augmentation in Ca2+ translocation after ligation of either Ly-6A/E or mIg. Co-capping studies indicate that Ly-6A/E and mIg cap independently in the B cell membrane, thus suggesting that the Ly-6A/E-induced effects on Ca2+ translocation are not mediated through simultaneous modulation of mIg. Anti-Ly6A/E, by itself, does not stimulate an increase in [3H]thymidine incorporation by IFN-gamma-treated resting B cells, but induces a striking increase in the presence of PMA. By contrast, anti-Ig by itself stimulates significant increases in [3H]thymidine incorporation that is inhibited by PMA. Thus, Ly-6A/E is a potent mediator of B cell activation that may use a signal transduction system in quiescent B cells that is distinct from that of the Ag receptor.  相似文献   
Perturbation of the T cell antigen-specific receptor leads to a series of signaling events that includes a rapid increase in phosphoinositide hydrolysis, intracellular Ca2+, and tyrosine phosphorylation. We have examined the function of tyrosine phosphorylation in isolation by introducing the v-src tyrosine kinase into a T cell hybridoma. T cell receptor-mediated increases in phosphoinositide hydrolysis and, in particular the generation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate, were comparable between v-src+ and v-src- cells. Unexpectedly, the v-src+ cells exhibited spontaneously elevated intracellular Ca2+ and exaggerated Ca2+ increases when stimulated via the T cell receptor. The enhanced Ca2+ response was not due to tyrosine phosphorylation of the T cell receptor itself, since the phenotype was evident in T cell receptor zeta chain-/v-src+ cells as well. These results demonstrate that an active protein tyrosine kinase can markedly affect intracellular Ca2+ handling by a process independent of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate production and T cell receptor tyrosine phosphorylation and raise the possibility that tyrosine kinases may directly regulate T cell receptor-mediated changes in intracellular Ca2+.  相似文献   
Characterization of Enkephalin Release from Rat Striatum   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Abstract: Using antisera specific for methionine- and leucine-enkephalin, we studied the characteristics of the release of these peptides from rat striatal slices. Only 2–3% of the total tissue stores of enkephalin could be released by potassium depolarization; similar percentages were released from globus pallidus, thalamus, and nucleus accumbens. Enkephalin release from hippocampus could not be detected. The striatal release of both enkephalins was affected similarly by changes in potassium and calcium levels in the superfusion medium. Lithium has no effect on either basal or potassium-stimulated release; tyr-arg did not affect basal release of either peptide. Striatal enkephalin levels were stable during the short-term incubation periods used in these experiments.  相似文献   
A bacteriophage P1-specific DNA binding protein has been partially purified from P1-infected Escherichia coli and identified as the P1c1 repressor. This protein is absent from non-suppressing cells infected with a P1c1 amber mutant. The binding activity of the protein isolated from cells infected with a c1ts mutant is thermolabile in vitro, so the repressor protein is the product of the c1 gene. Studies on P1 DNA fragments generated by restriction endonuclease digestion indicate that the c1 repressor binds preferentially in vitro at a site or sites located close to the c1 gene itself.  相似文献   
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