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Urban green spaces provide manifold environmental benefits and promote human well‐being. Unfortunately, these services are largely undervalued, and the potential of urban areas themselves to mitigate future climate change has received little attention. In this study, we quantified and mapped city‐wide aboveground carbon storage of urban green spaces in China's capital, Beijing, using field survey data of diameter at breast height (DBH) and tree height from 326 field survey plots, combined with satellite‐derived vegetation index at a fine resolution of 6 m. We estimated the total amount of carbon stored in the urban green spaces to be 956.3 Gg (1 Gg = 109 g) in 2014. There existed great spatial heterogeneity in vegetation carbon density varying from 0 to 68.1 Mg C ha‐1, with an average density of 7.8 Mg C ha?1. As expected, carbon density tended to decrease with urban development intensity (UDI). Likely being affected by vegetation cover proportion and configuration of green space patches, large differences were presented between the 95th and 5th quantile carbon density for each UDI bin, showing great potential for carbon sequestration. However, the interquartile range of carbon density narrowed drastically when UDI reached 60%, signifying a threshold for greatly reduced carbon sequestration potentials for higher UDI. These findings suggested that urban green spaces have great potential to make contribution to mitigating against future climate change if we plan and design urban green spaces following the trajectory of high carbon density, but we should be aware that such potential will be very limited when the urban development reaches certain intensity threshold.  相似文献   
微卫星标记分析中国梨木虱种群的遗传多样性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国梨木虱Cacopsylla chinensis (Yang et Li)是梨树主要害虫之一。为了从分子水平评估中国梨木虱种群内的遗传变异和种群间的遗传分化, 本文应用7对微卫星DNA引物对中国16个地区中国梨木虱种群进行遗传多样性分析。结果表明: 各位点有效等位基因为2.2927~10.0610, 多态信息含量(PIC)值在0.5073~0.8735之间。16个种群的平均期望杂合度为0.7876, 遗传距离在0.0951~1.0139之间, Nei氏期望杂合度为0.4771~0.7892, Shannon信息指数在0.8396~1.9989之间, 群体分化率FST为11.61%, 基因流平均值为2.2236。结果表明, 7个微卫星位点均具有较高的多态性, 各种群间的遗传分化水平较低, 基因交流程度较高, 遗传变异主要存在于种群内的个体间。研究结果为制定针对中国梨木虱的有效防治策略提供部分分子生物学的基础资料。  相似文献   
入侵植物三叶鬼针草(Bidens pilosa)对我国农牧业生产造成了重大的损失。本文主要研究三叶鬼针草入侵与不同本地植物竞争对土壤微生物群落结构和土壤养分的影响。利用磷脂脂肪酸方法(phospholipid fatty acids, PLFAs)测定土壤微生物群落组成, 同时测定土壤养分和酶活性, 并利用Canoco4.5软件分析了土壤微生物、土壤养分和土壤酶活性的相关性。结果表明: (1)三叶鬼针草对革兰氏阳性菌、革兰氏阴性菌、丛枝菌根真菌等土壤微生物具有较强的聚集能力, 且其根际土壤聚集的微生物类群与本地植物种类密切相关。(2)三叶鬼针草入侵显著增加了入侵地土壤的有机碳含量, 降低了铵态氮的含量; 土壤中的速效钾、速效磷和硝态氮的含量则与本地植物种类密切相关。(3)相关性分析表明, 16:00和16:1 ω5c对铵态氮的含量影响较大, 而三叶鬼针草入侵地16:00和16:1 ω5c的含量显著高于裸土对照, 进而推测这一状况导致了铵态氮含量的降低。(4) 15:1 anteiso A和18:1 ω5c与速效钾的含量呈显著正相关, 而其含量在狗尾草(Setaria viridis)中显著高于其他处理, 三叶鬼针草与狗尾草混种处理中土壤中速效钾的含量高于其他处理。以上结果说明, 三叶鬼针草通过改变土壤微生物群落结构影响了土壤酶活性和土壤养分, 且这种改变与入侵地本地植物种类有关。  相似文献   
来源于超嗜热古菌Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius的酯酶EST2是目前报道的活性最高的超嗜热酯酶,具有极大的工业应用价值。为促进EST2的生产应用,将其分别在大肠杆菌及毕赤酵母中进行异源表达,并就不同宿主对表达情况和重组酶酶学性质的影响进行了分析。在大肠杆菌和毕赤酵母中重组表达的EST2酶学性质基本一致:最适温度分别为75℃和77.5℃,最适pH均为8.0,比活力分别为4656.6 U/mg和4078.3 U/mg,70℃水浴保温4.5 h,残余活力均在70%以上。在摇瓶发酵的基础上,于5 L发酵罐中进行了重组大肠杆菌及毕赤酵母的高密度发酵。毕赤酵母高密度发酵120 h菌体干重达68 g/L,最大表达酶活力为959.6 U/ml。大肠杆菌高密度发酵25 h菌体干重达60.8 g/L,最大酶活力14825.6 U/ml,表达量是毕赤酵母的15.4倍,单位时间产量是酵母的74.2倍。结果表明大肠杆菌发酵周期短、表达量高,更适合进行嗜热酯酶EST2的高效生产,这为促进嗜热酯酶在工业生物技术产业的应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   
TaqMan-MGB荧光定量RT-PCR技术快速检测H5亚型禽流感病毒   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
建立以TaqMan-MGB荧光探针为特点的荧光定量RT-PCR方法,用于检测H5亚型禽流感病毒.针对H5亚型禽流感病毒血凝素(HA)基因保守区域设计特异性引物与TaqMan-MGB荧光探针,筛选并优化荧光定量RT-PCR反应体系与反应条件,用以提高方法的特异性、敏感性与准确性;并通过体外克隆技术建立病毒基因拷贝数进行定量分析.结果表明引物与探针的优化浓度分别640nmol/L和480nmol/L,体系具有良好的保守性和特异性,与其他呼吸道病毒均无交叉反应.方法检测灵敏度为100拷贝/反应,标准曲线线性范围为107~102拷贝/反应,从病毒核酸提取至检测完成仅需3h左右,操作简便,重现性好.本研究建立的TaqMan-MGB荧光定量PCR方法特异、敏感、快速,适合于临床实验室进行H5亚型禽流感病毒的快速定量检测.  相似文献   
PNAS-4 is a novel pro-apoptotic protein activated during the early response to DNA damage; however, the molecular mechanisms and pathways regulating PNAS-4 expression in tumors are not well understood. We hypothesized that PNAS-4 is a p53 down-stream target gene and designed this study. We searched online for putative p53-binding sites in the entire PNAS-4 gene and did not find any corresponding information. In HCT116 colon cancer cells, after being transfected with small interfering RNA to silence p53, the expressions of PNAS-4 and other known p53 target gene (Apaf1, Bax, Fas and Dr5) were determined by real-time PCR. We found that PNAS-4 was up-regulated while Apaf1, Bax, Fas and Dr5 were down-regulated. We then examined the expression of PNAS-4 and p53 mutation in colorectal cancer patients. PNAS-4 expressed both in colorectal cancers and normal tissues, but compared with paired control, PNAS-4 was up-regulated in cancers (P = 0.018). PNAS-4 overexpression ratios were correlated to the p53 mutant status (P = 0.001). The mean PNAS-4 expression levels of p53 mutant homozygote group and heterozygote group were higher than that of p53 wild type group (P = 0.013). The expression ratios of PNAS-4 (every sample in relative to its paired normal mucosa) were different between negative lymph node metastasis (66% up-regulated, 34% down-regulated) and positive metastasis (42% up-regulated, 58% down-regulated). Taken together, these findings suggested that PNAS-4 was not a p53 target, but overexpression of PNAS-4 was correlated to p53 inactivity in colorectal cancer.  相似文献   
着丝粒、端粒和复制起点是保持染色体在有丝分裂时稳定性的重要组分,利用酵母染色体的这些组分,1983年人们首次成功地构建了酵母人工染色体(YAC).此后,生物学家对于构建以人类为代表的哺乳动物的人工染色体产生了极大的兴趣,并于1997年成功地构建了第一条人类人工染色体(HAC).人工染色体具有极其重要的理论和实际意义,不仅可以作为研究必需组分的基础,还为基因治疗开辟了一条新的途径.目前,人们正致力于人工染色体的实际应用的研究,并期望在包括绿色植物的更多物种中构建人工染色体,前景十分广阔.  相似文献   
自噬(autophagy)是一种溶酶体依赖性的细胞内降解途径,其主要功能是将生物大分子(蛋白质、多糖等)或细胞器(线粒体等)回收至溶酶体中并将其降解为单糖、氨基酸等小分子以重复利用。发现HOPS复合体中的两个基因vps39和vps41的缺失会导致酵母内GFP-ATG8大量积累。进一步研究表明,积累的原因是GFP-ATG8与液泡不能发生融合。而在HOPS复合体中的另外两个基因vps16和vps18缺失的情况下,自噬融合没有受到影响;在vps16和vps18双敲除的菌株中,自噬融合同样没有受到影响。该实验结果为理解HOPS复合体的功能和自噬体与液泡融合的过程提供了新的线索。  相似文献   
Autohydrolysis is a hot water pretreatment to extract soluble components from wood that can be used prior to converting the woody residuals into paper, wood products, fuel, or other goods. In this study, mixed softwood chips were autohydrolyzed in hot water at 150, 160, 170, and 180 °C for 1 and 2 h residence times. The objective was to understand the tradeoff between the extraction of fermentable sugar and the residual solid total energy of combustion quantitatively. This process strategy will be referred to as “value prior to combustion”. High-performance liquid chromatography was used to determine chemical compositions (sugars and byproducts such as acetic acid, furfural, and hydroxymethylfurfural) of the extracted liquid and residuals; a bomb calorimeter was used to measure the heating value of original wood and solid residue. As the autohydrolysis temperature increased, material balances of the system indicated higher volatile byproducts loss. More hemicelluloses were solubilized by the hot water extraction process at higher temperatures and longer residence times, and a greater degree of sugar degradation was also observed. The maximum sugar yield was determined to occur at conditions of 170 °C for 2 h, during which 13 g of sugar was recovered from the extract out of 100 g of oven-dried wood. The heating value of the solid residues after extraction was greater than the original wood. The total energy content of the solid residual after extraction ranged from 85 to 98 % of the original energy content of the feed with higher temperatures reducing the total energy content.  相似文献   
胶质芽胞杆菌对黑麦草生长特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了从玉米(K02)、草地早熟禾(K05)、披碱草(K09)、多年生黑麦草(K11)、匍匐翦股颖(K12)根际土壤中分离到的5株胶质芽胞杆菌菌株对黑麦草株高、叶绿素含量以及根系活力的影响。结果表明在苗期(播种后10 d)、中期(播种后50 d)以及收获期(播种后90 d)3个采样期各处理黑麦草株高、叶绿素含量和根系活力均高于对照(CK)。研究表明施入胶质芽胞杆菌菌剂对黑麦草株高、叶绿素含量和根系活力具有一定的促进作用,其结果可为生物钾肥的研制提供必要的数据。  相似文献   
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