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Summary The asymmetric hydrolysis of N-acetyl-1-methyl-3-phenypropylamine (MPAc) by microorganisms was investigated. Various bacteria belonging to the genera Bacillus, Agrobacterium, Corynebacterium, Arthrobacter, Brevibacterium, Cellulomonas, Acinetobacter, Nocardia and Rhodococcus showed this hydrolysing activity and yielded (S)-1-methyl-3-phenylpropylamine (MPPA). Using washed cells of N. erythropolis IAM 1440, 15.1 mg/ml of (S)-MPPA was formed, with a 38.8% conversion yield and high stereoselectivity (97.9% enantiomeric excess), in an organic solvent-water diphase system. The same (S)-amine and (S)-1-phenylethylamine were also produced in good yields from the valeryl and isovaleryl derivatives of MPPA, and N-acetyl-1-phenylethylamine, respectively.  相似文献   
Cryopreservation of infective larvae of Dipetalonema viteae.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
infective larvae of Dipetalonema viteae produced infections in Mongolian jirds (Meriones unguiculatus) after storage of infected ticks (Ornithodoros tartakovskyi) in the presence of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO, 5%) for 7 or 595 days in liquid nitrogen (-196 C). Infectivity of these larvae was only partially impaired. Microfilaremias of test jirds were generally lower than those of control jirds given nonfrozen larvae; however, the majority of test jirds developed microfilarial counts suitable for use in infecting ticks. In contradistinction, larvae frozen free of the tick failed to retain infectivity. Apparently the tick, in conjunction with DMSO, protects the larvae during freezing and thawing.  相似文献   
有机卤代物在工农业生产中的广泛应用及不合理处置与排放导致其成为地下环境中普遍存在的一类污染物,严重威胁地下生态系统功能、饮用水安全和人类健康。有机卤呼吸细菌在有机卤污染场地的原位生物修复中起到了至关重要的作用。本文简要概述了影响和制约有机卤呼吸微生物生长代谢及脱卤活性的一些关键环境因子,如pH、温度、盐度、电子供受体和氧气等,并且对有机卤呼吸细菌未来的研究方向提出展望,以期为污染场地原位生物修复工程的有效实施提供理论与技术参考。  相似文献   
【背景】Effective microorganisms (EM)复合菌在我国农业种植上的应用越来越广泛,但对色素辣椒的促生作用与根际细菌群落结构的影响未见报道。【目的】评估EM复合菌对新疆色素辣椒的促生长作用,并分析其对色素辣椒根际细菌群落组成的影响。【方法】通过随水灌溉方式将EM复合菌接种到色素辣椒根部,在收获期测定辣椒生长指标、土壤养分和酶活活性,明确EM复合菌对辣椒生长和土壤质量的影响;利用16S rRNA基因高通量测序技术测定EM复合菌对辣椒根系细菌群落组成和结构的影响。【结果】与对照组相比,EM复合菌的施用使辣椒株高、鲜重、单个果重和单株结果数分别提高23.89%、85.41%、42.31%和46.04%;土壤中碱解氮和速效磷含量分别提高5.83%和13.39%,土壤中脲酶、蔗糖酶和过氧化物酶的活性分别提高11.47%、9.42%和21.43%;施用EM复合菌显著改变辣椒根际微生物群落的α多样性和β多样性,提高有益菌群变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)、芽单胞菌门(Gemmatimonadetes)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)和厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)的相对丰度,其中变形菌门黄单胞菌科(Xanthomonadaceae)的相对丰度增加119.32%;在属的水平上,施用EM复合菌显著增加了藤黄色杆菌属(Luteitalea)、藤黄单胞菌属(Luteimonas)、鞘脂单胞菌属(Sphingobacterium)和盐单胞菌属(Halomonas)的相对丰度,尤其是藤黄单胞菌属的丰度提高244.17%,同时显著降低黄杆菌属(Flavobacterium)的相对丰度。此外,与土壤理化指标呈正相关的微生物菌群相对丰度也显著升高。【结论】EM复合菌能够通过提高土壤营养成分与酶活活性,调控根系微生物群落结构,富集大量在盐碱地生存能力较强的有益菌群,进而起到促进色素辣椒生长的功效。  相似文献   
【背景】细菌耐药性已成为全球健康卫生和经济发展的巨大威胁。替加环素是治疗多重耐药肠杆菌所致严重感染的主要药物之一,但在2019年发现了可介导其高水平耐药的可转移替加环素耐药基因tet(X3)。外膜囊泡作为介导水平基因转移的新型方式,在介导tet(X3)水平转移中的作用目前尚无报道。【目的】以tet(X3)阳性替加环素耐药鲍曼不动杆菌34AB为对象,探究不同抗菌药物对其外膜囊泡产量及主要生物学特性的影响。【方法】采用微量肉汤稀释法测定细菌药物敏感性,超速离心法提取细菌外膜囊泡,BCA法测定外膜囊泡产量,使用马尔文纳米粒度电位仪测定外膜囊泡的粒径与电位,PCR法(定性)及RT-qPCR法(定量)检测外膜囊泡中携带的tet(X3)基因。【结果】相较于无抗生素对照组[(0.64±0.04) mg/mL],在不同抗菌药物亚抑菌浓度(1/2 MIC和1/4 MIC)处理后,34AB外膜囊泡的产量均有所增加,以头孢他啶[1/2 MIC,(2.83±0.57) mg/mL;1/4 MIC,(2.38±0.29) mg/mL]和美罗培南[1/2 MIC,(2.19±0.11) mg/mL;1/4 MIC,(1.96±0.37) mg/mL]作用最为显著(p<0.01)。同时抗菌药物作用后,各组外膜囊泡粒径和电位均有所降低,而携带的tet(X3)基因拷贝数均有所上升(2.80×104-2.63×107copies/μL)。【结论】抗菌药物的临床应用可能会导致耐药细菌外膜囊泡产量及携带的耐药基因丰度增加,进而增强其作为水平基因转移载体传播耐药基因的风险。  相似文献   
杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)是亚热带地区主要造林树种之一,其在区域碳循环和缓解气候变化中起着重要的作用。以亚热带地区6个站点(荆关、马鬃岭、分宜、将乐、东风、高峰)杉木人工林为研究对象,建立树轮标准化年表,分析树木年轮年表与气候因子的关系,解析不同研究区杉木径向生长对气候变化的响应机制,探讨不同站点杉木对干旱事件的响应策略,为该地区杉木人工林的经营管理提供理论依据。研究结果表明,6个研究区杉木树轮宽度对气候变化的平均敏感度大于0.15,样本总体代表性大于0.85,均处于可接受水平,表明6个站点的杉木样本具有区域代表性,适用于进行气候相关分析。杉木径向生长主要与生长季的平均温度和降水量、上一年夏季的最低温度正相关,与当年夏季最高温度负相关,高峰站点的径向生长与7—10月的相对湿度显著正相关,其他地点径向生长与月相对湿度相关性较弱,分宜、东风和高峰站的径向生长与干旱指数显著正相关,其他地点的杉木树轮宽度与干旱指数相关性较弱。干旱事件对6个站点杉木生长均产生了负面影响,胸高断面积增长(Basal area increment, BAI)呈先上升后下降的趋势,在生长后...  相似文献   
Genomic sequence data provide a rich source of information about the history of species divergence and interspecific hybridization or introgression. Despite recent advances in genomics and statistical methods, it remains challenging to infer gene flow, and as a result, one may have to estimate introgression rates and times under misspecified models. Here we use mathematical analysis and computer simulation to examine estimation bias and issues of interpretation when the model of gene flow is misspecified in analysis of genomic datasets, for example, if introgression is assigned to the wrong lineages. In the case of two species, we establish a correspondence between the migration rate in the continuous migration model and the introgression probability in the introgression model. When gene flow occurs continuously through time but in the analysis is assumed to occur at a fixed time point, common evolutionary parameters such as species divergence times are surprisingly well estimated. However, the time of introgression tends to be estimated towards the recent end of the period of continuous gene flow. When introgression events are assigned incorrectly to the parental or daughter lineages, introgression times tend to collapse onto species divergence times, with introgression probabilities underestimated. Overall, our analyses suggest that the simple introgression model is useful for extracting information concerning between-specific gene flow and divergence even when the model may be misspecified. However, for reliable inference of gene flow it is important to include multiple samples per species, in particular, from hybridizing species.  相似文献   
To identify prostate cancer (PCa) patients with a high risk of recurrence is critical before delivering adjuvant treatment. We developed a classifier based on the Enzalutamide treatment resistance‐related genes to assist the currently available staging system in predicting the recurrence‐free survival (RFS) prognosis of PCa patients. We overlapped the DEGs from two datasets to obtain a more convincing Enzalutamide‐resistance‐related‐gene (ERRG) cluster. The five‐ERRG‐based classifier obtained good predictive values in both the training and validation cohorts. The classifier precisely predicted RFS of patients in four cohorts, independent of patient age, pathological tumour stage, Gleason score and PSA levels. The classifier and the clinicopathological factors were combined to construct a nomogram, which had an increased predictive accuracy than that of each variable alone. Besides, we also compared the differences between high‐ and low‐risk subgroups and found their differences were enriched in cancer progression‐related pathways. The five‐ERRG‐based classifier is a practical and reliable predictor, which adds value to the existing staging system for predicting the RFS prognosis of PCa after radical prostatectomy, enabling physicians to make more informed treatment decisions concerning adjuvant therapy.  相似文献   
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