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Highlights? Using NMR and SAXS, we depict the dynamic structure of the MAGUK core PSD-95 ? PDZ3 of the MAGUK core interacts with SH3 via its canonical peptide binding groove ? Binding of PDZ peptides, such as CRIPT, disrupts the interaction between PDZ3 and SH3 ? Rosetta modeling shows that linker residues L411/M412 dock into the PDZ3 binding site  相似文献   
磷石膏浸提液对豌豆种子生理及幼苗生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用不同浓度的磷石膏浸提液处理豌豆种子,测定豌豆种子淀粉酶活性、可溶性糖、种子生命力、吲哚乙酸含量、吲哚乙酸氧化酶活性和发芽率、苗高、植株鲜重。结果表明:磷石膏浸提液处理后,豌豆种子可溶性糖含量和吲哚乙酸含量分别比对照增加6.7%~43.3%和9.4%~40.8%。豌豆幼芽中α-淀粉酶活性和吲哚乙酸氧化酶活性分别比对照高出8%~64%和15.2%~30.9%;发芽率、苗高和植株鲜重分别比对照提高10%以上。表明磷石膏能促进豌豆萌发和生长。  相似文献   
对马尾松毛虫、落叶松毛虫、云南松毛虫、思茅松毛虫4种松毛虫的8个表型性状(蛹重、蛹长、雌雄虫体重、雌雄虫翅展和雌雄虫体长)进行了遗传多样性分析.结果表明:8项性状指标在4种松毛虫之间差异极显著;在所有性状中变异系数最大的是蛹重(CV=51.99%);对各种群变异系数比较分析发现,变异系数最大的是落叶松毛虫,最小的是云南松毛虫.主成分分析表明,蛹长、雌虫体重和雌虫翅展3个主分量构成的信息量基本能代表这8个性状的变异.系统聚类的结果为马尾松毛虫与落叶松毛虫聚为第一分支,思茅松毛虫和云南松毛虫聚为第二分支.松毛虫属昆虫表型性状的变异与生态环境因子的相关性较密切.  相似文献   
为了解贵州省2011年诺如病毒的基因型,监测了2011年5月至12月于贵州省人民医院就诊的急性胃肠炎病例,收集粪便标本,采用荧光定量逆转录-聚合酶链反应(Real-time RT-PCR)初步鉴定,并对阳性株的VP1基因区克隆及测序。检测标本70份,GⅠ型诺如病毒阳性1株,阳性率1.43%,GⅡ型诺如病毒阳性34株,阳性率48.57%,获得7份GⅡ型诺如病毒VP1基因序列,3株为GⅡ.4亚型,为新型变异株(GⅡ4 2011),与GⅡ4 2006b变异株的亲缘关系最近,有1个氨基酸位发生了回复突变;4株为GⅡ.3亚型,分为2个基因簇,1簇与2008~2009年韩国株(HM635118)及上海株(GU991355)的亲缘关系最近,1簇与2010年日本株(AB629943)及2007年印度株(EU921389)等的亲缘关系最近,有4个氨基酸位点易发生回复突变。  相似文献   
对采用超声辅助法萃取苦丁茶防晒组分进行了较为系统的研究。选择萃取时间、萃取剂体积分数、萃取温度、样品细度4个主要影响因素,运用多因素多水平可视化设计法安排实验。以防晒光区的紫外吸收面积值作为防晒组分萃取含量的实验评定指标。用自主提出的多因素多水平实验结果可视化分析方法对多维空间实验数据进行分析。得出当ρ(苦丁茶)=0.20 g/L时,最佳工艺范围为萃取时间30~60 min、萃取剂体积分数φ(C2H5OH)为50%~70%、萃取温度50~65℃、萃取样品细度140~160目。  相似文献   
为选择最适于猴头菌多糖的脱色方法,本论文先比较了活性炭吸附法、化学脱色法、大孔树脂法等三种常用的脱色方法对猴头菌多糖的脱色效果及脱色前后免疫活性的变化,发现大孔树脂法更适合于猴头菌多糖的脱色,接着对十种不同类型的大孔树脂进行了筛选,通过脱色前后脱色率、多糖保留率及体外免疫活性的比较,最后发现大孔弱碱性阴离子树脂D315最适合用于猴头菌粗多糖的脱色.  相似文献   
本文建立了一个快速高效的HPLC方法同时检测苦杏仁苷及其4个体外酶解产物,色谱分析系统为安捷伦液相色谱系统,自动进样器,迪马ODS C18色谱柱(250 mm×4.6 mm,5μm),柱温25℃,流动相30%甲醇,检测波长210 nm,进样量10μL。结果表明,苦杏仁苷、phenyl-(3,4,5-trihydroxy-6-methyl-tetrahydro-pyran-2-yloxy)-acetonitrile、野樱花苷、苯甲醛和杏仁腈的保留时间分别为5.087、13.836、16.357、22.775和3.307 min。该HPLC方法的重现性好,精确度和准确度高,当柱温低于30℃、pH值介于6.0~7.0时该方法结果稳定、重现性好。  相似文献   
Aijun Sun  Jun Ren 《Cell research》2013,23(7):874-875
In a recent paper published in Cell Research, an association between expression of mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH2), a mitochondrial chaperon expressed in the brain, and the prevalence of stroke is revealed. This finding indicates that ALDH2 may serve as a potential endogenous neuroprotective target and a promising therapeutic strategy for the management of stroke.Stroke is one of the leading causes of death and a major reason of adult chronic disability as well as age-related cognitive decline and dementia1. Ischemic stroke represents > 80% of all stroke incidences with the remaining 20% due to primary hemorrhage. Proper management of the conventional risk factors for stroke, such as high blood pressure, elevated blood cholesterol, cigarette smoking, carotid stenosis, diabetes mellitus and heart failure, may reduce the incidence of stroke only to a certain degree, suggesting the existence of undiscovered or undefined risk factors1,2. The unidentified risk factors for stroke, in conjunction with unsatisfactory control of known risk factors (e.g., high cholesterol and hypertension), may explain the intimate clinical challenge or failure for stroke management. To this end, identification of novel risk factors may hold promises in the development of strategies for prevention and treatment of stroke. Ample evidence has implicated the importance of genetic predisposition in the onset and progression of stroke2. More recently, genome-wide association study (GWAS) approach has transformed the genetics of many complex chronic diseases and is just beginning to impact the field of stroke3. Genetic variants predisposing to ischemic stroke have been revealed by GWAS, such as two loci associated with atrial fibrillation (PITX2 and ZFHX3) linked to cardioembolic stroke and a locus on chromosome 9p21 tied to large-vessel stroke1,4,5. Nonetheless, the precise contribution of genetics to the etiology of stroke, in particular various stroke subtypes, remains somewhat elusive. Gene candidates that have been identified to be associated with stoke warrant further validation in a large independent data set to consolidate their causative role in the pathogenesis of stroke.In a recent paper published in Cell Research, Guo and colleagues performed an unbiased proteomic examination and unveiled a unique role of deficiency in mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH2), the so-called “facial flash gene” responsible for detoxification of toxic aldehydes such as 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (4-HNE), in the pathogenesis of stroke6. In their study, overexpression or activation of ALDH2 conferred neuroprotection through clearance of 4-HNE whereas ALDH2 knockdown mitigated the neuroprotective property of PKCɛ. The PKCɛ-ALDH2 pathway was shown to mediate neuroprotection offered by moderate ethanol intake. Serum 4-HNE levels were inversely correlated with lifespan and elevated plasma 4-HNE levels were observed for at least 6 months following stroke onset. Perhaps the most intriguing evidence is that much higher initial plasma 4-HNE levels were associated with development of stroke in an 8-year follow-up study. These findings favor a likely role of ALDH2 in the prevalence of stroke or stroke-prone subjects, and furthermore, its therapeutic potential as a target in the management of stroke (Figure 1).Open in a separate windowFigure 1Schematic diagram depicting the possible interplay between ischemic stroke and elevated serum 4-HNE levels. Serum 4-HNE levels positively correlates with stroke injury and remains elevated after stroke. Deficiency and activation of ALDH2 significantly accentuates and attenuates stroke-associated cerebral ischemia injury, respectively.ALDH2 is a human gene found on chromosome 12. All Caucasians are homozygous for ALDH2 while approximately 50% of Asians are heterozygous and possess only one normal copy of the ALDH2 gene and one mutant copy encoding an inactive mitochondrial isozyme7. A recent meta-analysis of GWAS identified a tight association between ALDH2 genetic mutation and elevated blood pressure, a known risk factor for stroke, in Asian decedents8. This is supported by the recent observation favoring a crucial role for ALDH2 in the regulation of cardiovascular homeostasis in diabetes, alcoholism, endoplasmic reticulum stress, arrhythmias and ischemia-reperfusion injury9,10,11. Stroke is known to interrupt mitochondrial function and promote mitochondrial swelling and depolarization, leading to ultimate neuronal cell death12. ALDH2 exerts a major role in aldehyde detoxification in mitochondria, and attenuates or ablates neuronal mitochondrial damage. Reactive aldehydes, including MDA, 4-HNE and 1-palmitoyl-2-oxovaleroyl phosphatidyl choline (POVPC), all of which are potential substrates for ALDH2, are elevated in ischemic stroke injury1,12. Higher levels of 4-HNE and MDA were found in the serum of stroke-prone hypertensive rats compared with normotensive WKY rats6. Interestingly, only 4-HNE, but not MDA, was elevated in stroke-prone hypertensive rats compared with hypertensive rats, suggesting a role of 4-HNE as a possible biomarker for stroke.Given that approximately 40% of the East Asian population carries an ALDH2*2 mutant allele with dramatic reduction in ALDH2 enzymatic activity, the current observation suggest that ALDH2 mutation serves as a risk factor for stroke6. Unlike its reported role in the heart, little information is available for ALDH2 in the brain and cerebrovascular function. Like all animal studies, caution needs to be taken to translate experimental findings to a clinical setting. It is noteworthy that the animal outcome studies were performed at a relatively short period after stroke. A longer time window should be essential to the ultimate assessment of stroke injury. Further studies are needed to uncover the precise mechanism behind the regulation of ALDH2 in stroke.  相似文献   
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