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Fructosamine-3-kinase (FN3K) is a recently described protein-repair enzyme responsible for the removal of fructosamines, which are the products of a spontaneous reaction of glucose with amines. We show here that, compared with glucose, glucose 6-phosphate (Glu-6-P) reacted 3-6-fold more rapidly with proteins and 8-fold more rapidly with N-alpha-t-Boc-lysine, being therefore a more significant intracellular glycating agent than glucose in skeletal muscle and heart. Fructosamine 6-phosphates, which result from the reaction of amines with Glu-6-P, were not substrates for FN3K. However, a phosphatase that dephosphorylates protein-bound fructosamine 6-phosphates was found to be present in rat tissues. This enzyme was purified to near homogeneity from skeletal muscle and was identified as magnesium-dependent phosphatase-1 (MDP-1), an enzyme of the haloacid dehalogenase family with a putative protein-tyrosine phosphatase function. Human recombinant MDP-1 acted on protein-bound fructosamine 6-phosphates with a catalytic efficiency >10-fold higher than those observed with its next best substrates (arabinose 5-phosphate and free fructoselysine 6-phosphate) and >100-fold higher than with protein-phosphotyrosine. It had no detectable activity on fructosamine 3-phosphates. MDP-1 dephosphorylated up to approximately 75% of the fructosamine 6-phosphates that are present on lysozyme after incubation of this protein with Glu-6-P. Furthermore, lysozyme glycated with Glu-6-P was converted by MDP-1 to a substrate for FN3K. We conclude that MDP-1 may act physiologically in conjunction with FN3K to free proteins from the glycation products derived from Glu-6-P.  相似文献   
We investigated the effects of bovine serum albumin (BSA) on both the assay and the stability of ammonia-oxidizing activity in cell extracts of Nitrosomonas europaea. Ammonia-dependent O2 uptake activity of freshly prepared extracts did not require BSA. However, a dependence on BSA developed in extracts within a short time. The role of BSA in the assay of ammonia-oxidizing activity apparently is to absorb endogenous free fatty acids which are present in the extracts, because (i) only proteins which bind fatty acids, e.g., BSA or beta-lactoglobulin, supported ammonia-oxidizing activity; (ii) exogenous palmitoleic acid completely inhibited ammonia-dependent O2 uptake activity; (iii) the inhibition caused by palmitoleic acid was reversed only by proteins which bind fatty acids; and (iv) the concentration of endogenous free palmitoleic acid increased during aging of cell extracts. Additionally, the presence of BSA (10 mg/ml) or CuCl2 (500 microM) stabilized ammonia-dependent O2 uptake activity for 2 to 3 days at 4 degrees C. The stabilizing effect of BSA or CuCl2 was apparently due to an inhibition of lipolysis, because both additives inhibited the increase in concentrations of free palmitoleic acid in aging extracts. Other additives which are known to modify lipase activity were also found to stabilize ammonia-oxidizing activity. These additives included HgCl2, lecithin, and phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride.  相似文献   
Polyglutamylation is a post-translational modification in which glutamate side chains of variable lengths are formed on the modified protein. It is evolutionarily conserved from protists to mammals and its most prominent substrate is tubulin, the microtubule (MT) building block. Various polyglutamylation states of MTs can be distinguished within a single cell and they are also characteristic of specific cell types or organelles. Polyglutamylation has been proposed to be involved in the functional adaptation of MTs, as it occurs within the carboxy-terminal tubulin tails that participate directly in the binding of many structural and motor MT-associated proteins. The discovery of a new family of enzymes that catalyse this modification has brought new insight into the mechanism of polyglutamylation and now allows for direct functional studies of the role of tubulin polyglutamylation. Moreover, the recent identification of new substrates of polyglutamylation indicates that this post-translational modification could be a potential regulator of diverse cellular processes.  相似文献   
In the St. Lawrence Estuary, annual recurrent blooms of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense L. Balech are associated with brackish waters. Riverine inputs are suspected to favor bloom development by increasing water column stability and/or by providing growth stimulants such as humic substances (HS). A 17‐day culture experiment was conducted to evaluate the importance of HS as growth factors for A. tamarense. Nonaxenic cultures were exposed to four HS extracts from three different sources: humic and fulvic acids isolated from the Manicouagan River, Quebec, Canada; humic acids from the Suwannee River, Georgia, United States; and a desalted alkaline soil extract. For each extract, four concentrations were tested as supplements to the artificial Keller medium, a nitrate‐rich algal culture medium. Additions of HS from all sources significantly enhanced the overall growth rates relative to the controls. Concentrations of HS, estimated by UV spectrophotometry, remained constant throughout the exponential growth phase, suggesting that the HS were acting mainly as growth promoters during our experiment. Dose–response curves indicated that HS could increase the growth rate of A. tamarense even at low concentrations, such as those encountered in the St. Lawrence Estuary. Our results support the hypothesis that HS from the Manicouagan River plume can stimulate the development of toxic dinoflagellate blooms.  相似文献   
The absence of a good interface between scientific and other knowledge holders and decision-makers in the area of biodiversity and ecosystem services has been recognised for a long time. Despite recent advancements, e.g. with the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), challenges remain, particularly concerning the timely provision of consolidated views from different knowledge domains. To address this challenge, a strong and flexible networking approach is needed across knowledge domains and institutions. Here, we report on a broad consultation process across Europe to develop a Network of Knowledge on biodiversity and ecosystem services (NoK), an approach aiming at (1) organising institutions and knowledge holders in an adaptable and responsive framework and (2) informing decision-makers with timely and accurate biodiversity knowledge. The consultation provided a critical analysis of the needs that should be addressed by a NoK and how it could complement existing European initiatives and institutions at the interface between policy and science. Among other functions, the NoK provides consolidated scientific views on contested topics, identification of research gaps to support relevant policies, and horizon scanning activities to anticipate emerging issues. The NoK includes a capacity building component on interfacing activities and contains mechanisms to ensure its credibility, relevance and legitimacy. Such a network would need to ensure credibility, relevance and legitimacy of its work by maximizing transparency and flexibility of processes, quality of outputs, the link to data and knowledge provision, the motivation of experts for getting involved and sound communication and capacity building.  相似文献   
A new comparative study of the two crania, LGPUT RZO-03 and LGPUT RZO-68 attributed to Palaeoreas zouavei Bouvrain, 1980 from the Late Miocene of Axios Valley, Greece reveals great morphological and metric differences between them, which require the exclusion of LGPUT RZO-68 from this species and even from Palaeoreas Gaudry, 1861. This decision leaves unsupported many diagnostic features of P. zouavei applied by previous authors and along with recent data from Bulgaria put in doubt the validity of P. zouavei as a whole. As a result, the genus Palaeoreas is re-defined as monotypic and the cranial morphometric changes of P. lindermayeri (Wagner, 1848) are discussed on a temporal basis. An updated taxonomic analysis confirms the presence of P. lindermayeri in the Late Turolian mammal assemblage of Dytiko-1 (Axios Valley, Greece) but rejects its occurrence at Dytiko-2. Instead, a re-examination of old cranial specimens and a study of new ones suggest the presence in both sites of Majoreas Kostopoulos, 2004 a Late Miocene taxon previously mostly known from the eastern banks of the Aegean Sea. A reassessment of the LGPUT RZO-68 cranium, and its comparison with Palaeoreas and Criotherium Forsyth-Major, 1891, suggests that it deserves taxonomic distinction at genus and species levels: Stryfnotherium exophthalmon.  相似文献   
In the context of climate change, there is a sustained interest in understanding better the functional mechanisms by which marine ectotherms maintain their physiological scope and define their ability to cope with thermal changes in their environment. Here, we present evidence that the variable shrimp Palaemonetes varians shows genuine acclimation capacities of both the thermal limit (CT(max)) and the heat shock response (hsp70 induction temperature). During cold acclimation to 10?°C, the time lag to adjust the stress gene expression to the current environmental temperature proved to exceed 1?week, thereby highlighting the importance of long-term experiments in evaluating the species' acclimation capacities. Cold and warm-acclimated specimens of P. varians can mobilise the heat shock response (HSR) at temperatures above those experienced in nature, which suggests that the species is potentially capable of expanding its upper thermal range. The shrimp also survived acute heat shock well above its thermal limit without subsequent induction of the HSR, which is discussed with regard to thermal adaptations required for life in highly variable environments.  相似文献   
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