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Zusammenfassung An 1047 Silbermöwen-Nestern auf den Watteninseln Mellum und Memmert wurden 1979/80 ermittelt (Abb. 1): Grenzrichtungen der Vegetationsstände 1–3 (1: Vegetationsstand größter Winkelgröße) und Nest-Zugänge 1–3, ihre Winkelgrößen und mittleren Richtungen. Mehr als 80% der Nester waren zu 40–90% von Vegetation umstanden (Abb. 2). Die Winkelgröße des Gesamtvegetationsstandes betrug auf Mellum 212°, auf Memmert 205° (Tab. 1). Die Nestzugänge hatten eine geringere Winkelgröße als die Vegetationsstände (Tab. 1, Abb. 3). Die Silbermöwe bevorzugte demnach Nestplätze, die von Vegetation schützend umgeben sind. Der Vegetationsstand 1 befand sich bevorzugt auf der westlichen (= Hauptwindrichtung), der Zugang 1 auf der östlichen Nestseite (Tab. 2, Abb. 4). Die Verteilung der Gesamtvegetation zeigte entsprechende Vorzugsrichtungen (Abb. 6). Im Vergleich zu 1979 war 1980 eine Verlagerung der Vorzugsrichtung des Vegetationsstandes 1 um 50–60° von West nach Nord festzustellen (Tab. 2, Abb. 4). Ein Vergleich der mittleren Windrichtungen beider Jahre zeigte eine gleichsinnige Richtungsänderung (Abb. 5). Auf den zwei untersuchten Probeflächen Mellums ließ sich eine Auswahl des Nestplatzes im Hinblick auf Sichtschutz gegen Nachbarn nicht nachweisen (Tab. 3). Die mögliche Funktion der nestumgebenden Vegetation als Wind- und Wetterschutz wird diskutiert.
Vegetation surrounding Herring Gulls'(Larus argentatus) nests in relation to wind direction
Summary The following measurements were taken for a total of 1047 Herring Gulls' nests on the North Sea islands Mellum and Memmert (West Germany) in 1979 and 1980 (cf. Fig. 1 for terminology): limiting directions, angular sizes, and mean directions of the surrounding vegetation-stands 1 to 3 (1 = vegetation-stand with largest angular size), and of the entrances 1 to 3. For more than 80% of the nests, 40–90% of the circumference were surrounded by vegetation (Fig. 2). The mean angular size of the total vegetation-stand was 212° on Mellum and 205° on Memmert (Tab. 1). The nest entrances had a smaller angular size than the vegetation-stands (Tab. 1, Fig. 3). This shows the Herring Gull's preference for nest sites protected by surrounding vegetation.Vegetation-stand 1 was preferably orientated towards the west (= main wind direction), nest entrance 1 towards the east (Tab. 2, Fig. 4). The distribution of the total vegetation showed corresponding preferred directions (Fig. 6). A comparison of the years 1979 and 1980 revealed a shift of 50°–60°, from west to north, for the preferred direction of vegetation-stand 1 (Tab. 2, Fig. 4). A similar shift could be found for the mean wind direction (Fig. 5). For the two study plots on Mellum, a nest site selection favouring visual isolation from neighbours' nests could not be demonstrated (Tab. 3). The possible function of nest-surrounding vegetation as a shelter against wind and weather is discussed.

Herrn Dr. Friedrich Goethe zur Vollendung des 70. Lebensjahres gewidmet  相似文献   
We have determined the subunit structure of the glucose- and mannose-binding lectin favin, from Vicia faba. The molecule is composed of two nonidentical polypeptide chains held together by noncovalent interactions. We have determined the complete amino acid sequence of the smaller alpha chain (Mr = 5,571) and shown that it is homologous to the alpha chain of the lectins from lentil and pea and to residues 72 to 120 of concanavalin A (Con A). The larger beta chain (Mr = 20,000) contains carbohydrate and is homologous to the beta chain of lentil, pea, soybean, peanut, and red kidney bean lectins and is homologous to a portion of the Con A molecule beginning at residue 122. Favin also contains a minor component, beta' (Mr = 18,700), that closely resembles the beta chain but lacks carbohydrate and may, on the basis of apparent molecular weight, lack some part of the COOH-terminal region of the polypeptide chain. Although favin is similar to Con A, it, like the lentil and pea lectins, appears to lack residues corresponding to positions 1 to 71 of Con A. Because these residues contribute significantly to the carbohydrate binding site of Con A, the lack of this region in the otherwise homologous lectin favin suggests that the carbohydrate binding site of favin differs from that of Con A or that the region represented by residues 1 to 71 of Con A is located in a different portion (i.e. in the beta chain) of the favin molecule.  相似文献   
Abstract— Tryptophan transport across the blood-brain barrier was studied using a single injection dual isotope label technique, in the following three conditions: normal rats, rats with portacaval shunts, and rats with portacaval shunts followed 65 h later by hepatic artery ligation. In both normal rats and those with acute hepatic failure the tryptophan transport system was found to be comprised of two kinetically distinct components. One component was saturable and obeyed Michaelis-Menten kinetics (normal: Vmax= 19.5 nmol.min?1.g?1. Km= 113 μM; hepatic failure: Vmax, = 33.8 nmol.min?1.g?1, Km= 108 μM), and the second was a high capacity system which transported tryptophan in direct proportion to concentration over the range tested (normal: K= 0.026 ml.min?1.g?1; hepatic failure: K= 0.067 ml.min?1.g?1). Since the saturable low capacity component transports several neutral amino acids, and their collective plasma concentration is high in relation to the individual Kms, tryptophan transport by this component is reduced by competitive inhibition under physiological conditions. Thus it was calculated that in normal rats approx 40% of tryptophan influx occurs via the high capacity system. During acute hepatic failure transport via both components was increased substantially, approximately doubling the rate of tryptophan penetration of the blood-brain barrier at all concentrations tested. The contribution by the high capacity component became even more significant than in normal rats, accounting for about 75% of all tryptophan passage from plasma to brain. Brain tryptophan content was 29.9 nmol/g in normal rats and rose to 45.2 nmol/g in rats with portacaval shunts and 50.5 nmol/g in those with acute hepatic failure, correlating with the increased rate of tryptophan transport. In a previous study we found that plasma competing amino acids were greatly increased during acute hepatic failure. Calculations predict that these increased concentrations would cause a reduction in tryptophan transport by the low capacity system. However, because of the increase in the rate of transport by the high capacity component, net tryptophan entry across the blood-brain barrier was actually increased. This increased rate of transport clearly contributes to the increased content of brain tryptophan found during hepatic failure.  相似文献   
Building of vertical galleries (runways) by termites of the species Heterotermes indicola (Wasmann) is suppressed in the interior area of arrangements of plastic containers with equal groups of termites and takes place preferably at the periphery. This reaction is not induced by chemical, vibrational or thermal influences. Shielding separation by plates of glass, plastic foam or various metals demonstrated, that the influence on activity and directional behaviour is caused by fields produced by the termites. They are most probably alternating electric fields. These biofields act together or, if the direction of the gradients differs, in competition with a weak alternating magnetic field in the air-conditioned experimental room. The centrifugal reaction of the termites to the biofields which do not influence the feeding activity, induces gallery building at the periphery of the nesting area.This paper was presented at the International Congress of Entomology in Washington (D.C.), USA, on August 23, 1976. —Experiments with support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   
A non-Markovian epidemic model is proposed for which a stochastic epidemic threshold theorem, like that by Whittle (1955) for a simpler model, is shown to hold. The threshold theorem can be a useful guide in determining public health measures aimed at preventing major outbreaks of a communicable disease. Bounds are obtained for the mean size of minor epidemics. A parameter of the model, whose value is crucial to applications of these results, is the product of the infection rate and the mean duration of the infectious period. Estimators are suggested for this parameter by identifying martingales associated with counting processes of the epidemic model and by constructing other martingales which can be written as stochastic integrals.  相似文献   
The occurrence of larval Anisakis in North Sea herring was examined during the period 1965-1972 using a sampling method which yielded comparable data for all eight years. Data on abundance of infestation in several herring stocks pointed to remarkable fluctuations over the study period with an increase in the period 1966-1968 followed by a decrease in the period 1968-1972. Of various hypotheses that may explain this situation, it is concluded that changes in the migration behaviour of the herring may be responsible. Other data and statistics are discussed with special reference to variations in infestation level in different samples and to the occurrence of adult nematodes in marine mammals.  相似文献   
A model is presented for intramolecular recombination of herpesvirus DNA. It is proposed that the terminal repeat sequences of the viral DNA contain insertion sequences which may integrate with homologous repeat sequences between the long (L) and short (S) components. In class 2 herpes-virus DNA (as defined by Honess &; Watson, 1977) in which the repeat sequences flank the S component only, circular-linear DNA molecules can be formed as an intermediate step. Reorientation of the S component leads to the formation of two DNA isomers. In class 3 herpesvirus DNA in which repeat sequences flank both the L and S components, either circular-linear or 8-shaped DNA molecules are proposed as intermediates leading to the formation of four DNA isomers. Fragmentation of the S component could lead to the formation of small circular DNA molecules.  相似文献   
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