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We examined variability in yolk hormone levels among songbird species and the role of yolk steroids as a mechanism for enhanced exploitation of hosts by the parasitic brown-headed cowbird Molothrus ater . Within-clutch variation in yolk steroids has been found in several avian species in single species studies, but few comparisons have been made among species. We found a large range of differences in yolk testosterone among the seven passerine species examined, with significant differences between those at the high end (song sparrow Melospiza melodia , red-winged blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus , and house sparrow, Passer domesticus ) and those at the low end (eastern phoebe Sayornis phoebe , and house finch Carpodacus mexicanus ). We also found that the testosterone level in cowbird eggs was intermediate in relation to host species levels and was significantly lower than that in three common cowbird hosts (song sparrow, red-winged blackbird, and house sparrow), but not significantly different from three others. Geographical comparisons of yolk testosterone levels in all cowbird subspecies and populations from several regions showed no significant differences, though a trend that deserves further exploration was the pattern of lowest level in the ancestral population of cowbirds in the central prairies and of highest level in the northwestern population where range invasion occurred approximately 40 years ago. The levels of 17 beta-estradiol were similar in the seven songbird species examined, which is consistent with current hypotheses that this hormone plays a role in embryonic sexual differentiation. Further investigation is needed to determine whether the large differences observed among species in absolute level of yolk testosterone are the relevant focal point or whether target tissue sensitivity differences mediate the effects of this yolk steroid, particularly between parasitic and non-parasitic species.  相似文献   
In this report we present a spontaneous mouse mutant, named Polypodia (Ppd), that primarily exhibits ectopic, ventral/caudal limbs and associated pelvic girdle malformation or duplication. Less penetrant features include diphallia, microphthalmia, small kidney, curled or kinked tail, forelimb anomaly, and skin papillae. Ppd mice have a normal karyotype and no large-scale genomic deletions or insertions by BAC-based array comparative genomic hybridization (CGH). Ppd is X-linked dominant with approximately 20% penetrance on the C3H background and maps to X:61.6 Mb-X:71.24 Mb. The limb and a subset of the nonlimb anomalies are similar to those in offspring from retinoic acid-treated dams at E4.5-5.5 and feature overlap with the Disorganization mouse mutant and human patients with ectopic legs. We hypothesize that Ppd affects very early steps in the formation of caudal structures including limb and appendage number. The existence of noncaudal anomalies implies the involvement of Ppd in a broad array of cell fate decisions.  相似文献   
In this study, we present the DNA-Binding Site Identifier (DBSI), a new structure-based method for predicting protein interaction sites for DNA binding. DBSI was trained and validated on a data set of 263 proteins (TRAIN-263), tested on an independent set of protein-DNA complexes (TEST-206) and data sets of 29 unbound (APO-29) and 30 bound (HOLO-30) protein structures distinct from the training data. We computed 480 candidate features for identifying protein residues that bind DNA, including new features that capture the electrostatic microenvironment within shells near the protein surface. Our iterative feature selection process identified features important in other models, as well as features unique to the DBSI model, such as a banded electrostatic feature with spatial separation comparable with the canonical width of the DNA minor groove. Validations and comparisons with established methods using a range of performance metrics clearly demonstrate the predictive advantage of DBSI, and its comparable performance on unbound (APO-29) and bound (HOLO-30) conformations demonstrates robustness to binding-induced protein conformational changes. Finally, we offer our feature data table to others for integration into their own models or for testing improved feature selection and model training strategies based on DBSI.  相似文献   
Species with cryptic origins (i.e. those that cannot be reliably classed as native or non‐native) present a particular challenge to our understanding of the generation and maintenance of biodiversity. Such species may be especially common on islands given that some islands have had a relatively recent history of human settlement. It is likely that select island species considered native might have achieved their current distributions via direct or indirect human actions. As an example, we explore the origins of eastern bluebirds (Sialia sialis bermudensis) on the island of Bermuda. Considered native to the island and a distinct subspecies, this population has diverged in morphology relative to mainland North America. Using microsatellite markers and simulation of island colonization, we show that the Bermuda population of bluebirds is the likely result of a single colonization event that occurred during the 1600s, making this a cryptic invader. To our knowledge, this is one of the youngest examples of a terrestrial vertebrate cryptic invader. We suggest that the eastern bluebird is not an isolated case of cryptic invader on either Bermuda or elsewhere and that caution be exercised when studying present‐day distributions of organisms.  相似文献   
Low environmental temperature is a major factor affecting the feeding activities, growth rates, and growth efficiencies of metazooplankton, but these features are poorly characterized for most protistan species. Laboratory experiments were conducted to examine the growth and ingestion rates of cultured herbivorous Antarctic ciliates. Three ciliates fed several algal species individually at 0 °C exhibited uniformly low growth rates (<0.26 day?1), but the algae varied substantially in their ability to support ciliate growth. Specific ingestion rate (prey biomass consumed per unit ciliate biomass per unit time) was strongly affected by ciliate physiological state (starved vs. actively growing). Starved cells ingested many more prey than cells in balanced growth during short-term (minutes-to-hours) experiment but did not grow faster, indicating temperature compensation of ingestion rate but not growth rate. Field experiments were also conducted in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, to characterize the feeding rates of ciliates in natural plankton assemblages. Specific ingestion rates of two dominant ciliates were an order of magnitude lower than rates reported for temperate ciliates, but estimated rates were strongly affected by prey abundance. Our data indicate that short-term ingestion rates of Antarctic ciliates were not constrained by low environmental temperature although overall growth rates were, indicating the need for caution when designing experiments to measure the ingestion rates of these species at low environmental temperature. We present evidence that artifacts arising from estimating ingestion in short-term experiments may lead to errors in estimating feeding impact and growth efficiencies that are particularly large for polar protists.  相似文献   
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