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Copper (Cu) is one of the most abundant trace metals in all organisms, involved in a plethora of cellular processes. Yet elevated concentrations of the element are harmful, and interestingly prokaryotes are more sensitive for environmental Cu stress than humans. Various transport systems are present to maintain intracellular Cu homeostasis, including the prokaryotic plasmid‐encoded multiprotein pco operon, which is generally assigned as a defense mechanism against elevated Cu concentrations. Here we structurally and functionally characterize the outer membrane component of the Pco system, PcoB, recovering a 2.0 Å structure, revealing a classical β‐barrel architecture. Unexpectedly, we identify a large opening on the extracellular side, linked to a considerably electronegative funnel that becomes narrower towards the periplasm, defining an ion‐conducting pathway as also supported by metal binding quantification via inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. However, the structure is partially obstructed towards the periplasmic side, and yet flux is permitted in the presence of a Cu gradient as shown by functional characterization in vitro. Complementary in vivo experiments demonstrate that isolated PcoB confers increased sensitivity towards Cu. Aggregated, our findings indicate that PcoB serves to permit Cu import. Thus, it is possible the Pco system physiologically accumulates Cu in the periplasm as a part of an unorthodox defense mechanism against metal stress. These results point to a previously unrecognized principle of maintaining Cu homeostasis and may as such also assist in the understanding and in efforts towards combatting bacterial infections of Pco‐harboring pathogens.  相似文献   
We compared the microbial community composition in soils from the Brazilian Amazon with two contrasting histories; anthrosols and their adjacent non-anthrosol soils of the same mineralogy. The anthrosols, also known as the Amazonian Dark Earths or terra preta, were managed by the indigenous pre-Colombian Indians between 500 and 8,700 years before present and are characterized by unusually high cation exchange capacity, phosphorus (P), and calcium (Ca) contents, and soil carbon pools that contain a high proportion of incompletely combusted biomass as biochar or black carbon (BC). We sampled paired anthrosol and unmodified soils from four locations in the Manaus, Brazil, region that differed in their current land use and soil type. Community DNA was extracted from sampled soils and characterized by use of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism. DNA bands of interest from Bacteria and Archaea DGGE gels were cloned and sequenced. In cluster analyses of the DNA fingerprints, microbial communities from the anthrosols grouped together regardless of current land use or soil type and were distinct from those in their respective, paired adjacent soils. For the Archaea, the anthrosol communities diverged from the adjacent soils by over 90%. A greater overall richness was observed for Bacteria sequences as compared with those of the Archaea. Most of the sequences obtained were novel and matched those in databases at less than 98% similarity. Several sequences obtained only from the anthrosols grouped at 93% similarity with the Verrucomicrobia, a genus commonly found in rice paddies in the tropics. Sequences closely related to Proteobacteria and Cyanobacteria sp. were recovered only from adjacent soil samples. Sequences related to Pseudomonas, Acidobacteria, and Flexibacter sp. were recovered from both anthrosols and adjacent soils. The strong similarities among the microbial communities present in the anthrosols for both the Bacteria and Archaea suggests that the microbial community composition in these soils is controlled more strongly by their historical soil management than by soil type or current land use. The anthrosols had consistently higher concentrations of incompletely combusted organic black carbon material (BC), higher soil pH, and higher concentrations of P and Ca compared to their respective adjacent soils. Such characteristics may help to explain the longevity and distinctiveness of the anthrosols in the Amazonian landscape and guide us in recreating soils with sustained high fertility in otherwise nutrient-poor soils in modern times.  相似文献   
Aim Ecologists seeking to describe patterns at ever larger scales require compilations of data on the global abundance and distribution of species. Comparable compilations of biological data are needed to elucidate the mechanisms behind these patterns, but have received far less attention. We assess the availability of biological data across an entire assemblage: the well‐documented demersal marine fauna of the United Kingdom. We also test whether data availability for a species depends on its taxonomic group, maximum body size, the number of times it has been recorded in a global biogeographic database, or its commercial and conservation importance. Location Seas of the United Kingdom. Methods We defined a demersal marine fauna of 973 species from 15 phyla and 40 classes using five extensive surveys around the British Isles. We then quantified the availability of data on eight key biological traits (termed biological knowledge) for each species from online databases. Relationships between biological knowledge and our predictors were tested with generalized linear models. Results Full data on eight fundamental biological traits exist for only 9% (n= 88) of the UK demersal marine fauna, and 20% of species completely lack data. Clear trends in our knowledge exist: fish (median biological knowledge score = six traits) are much better known than invertebrates (one trait). Biological knowledge increases with biogeographic knowledge and (to a lesser extent) with body size, and is greater in species that are commercially exploited or of conservation concern. Main conclusions Our analysis reveals deep ignorance of the basic biology of a well‐studied fauna, highlighting the need for far greater efforts to compile biological trait data. Clear biases in our knowledge, relating to how well sampled or ‘important’ species are suggests that caution is required in extrapolating small subsets of biologically well‐known species to ecosystem‐level studies.  相似文献   
Carbohydrates are involved in many immunological responses including the rejection of incompatible blood, tissues and organs. Carbohydrate antigens with Galalpha(1,3)Gal epitopes are recognized by natural antibodies in humans and pose a major barrier for pig-to-human xenotransplantation. Genetically modified pigs have been established that have no functional alpha1,3-galactosyltransferase (alpha1,3GT), which transfers alphaGal to N-acetyllactosamine (LacNAc) type oligosaccharides. However, a low level of Galalpha(1,3)Gal is still expressed in alpha1,3GT knockout animals in the form of a lipid, isoglobotrihexosylceramide (iGb3), which is produced by iGb3 synthase on lactose (Lac) type core structures. Here, we define the reactivity of a series of monoclonal antibodies (mAb) generated in alpha1,3GT-/- mice immunized with rabbit red blood cells (RbRBC), as a rich source of lipid-linked antigens. Interestingly, one mAb (15.101) binds weakly to synthetic and cell surface-expressed Galalpha(1,3)Gal on LacNAc, but strongly to versions of the antigen on Lac cores, including iGb3. Three-dimensional models suggest that the terminal alpha-linked Gal binds tightly into the antibody-binding cavity. Furthermore, antibody interactions were predicted with the second and third monosaccharide units. Collectively, our findings suggest that although the terminal carbohydrate residues confer most of the binding affinity, the fine specificity is determined by subsequent residues in the oligosaccharide.  相似文献   
The land‐atmosphere exchange of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in a high‐Arctic wet tundra ecosystem (Rylekærene) in Zackenberg, north‐eastern Greenland, was studied over the full growing season and until early winter in 2008 and from before snow melt until early winter in 2009. The eddy covariance technique was used to estimate CO2 fluxes and a combination of the gradient and eddy covariance methods was used to estimate CH4 fluxes. Small CH4 bursts were observed during spring thawing 2009, but these existed during short periods and would not have any significant effect on the annual budget. Growing season CH4 fluxes were well correlated with soil temperature, gross primary production, and active layer thickness. The CH4 fluxes remained low during the entire autumn, and until early winter. No increase in CH4 fluxes were seen as the soil started to freeze. However, in autumn 2008 there were two CH4 burst events that were highly correlated with atmospheric turbulence. They were likely associated with the release of stored CH4 from soil and vegetation cavities. Over the measurement period, 7.6 and 6.5 g C m?2 was emitted as CH4 in 2008 and in 2009, respectively. Rylekærene acted as a C source during the warmer and wetter measurement period 2008, whereas it was a C sink for the colder and drier period of 2009. Wet tundra ecosystems, such as Rylekærene may thus play a more significant role for the climate in the future, as temperature and precipitation are predicted to increase in the high‐Arctic.  相似文献   
The present study was designed to investigate the potential protective effect of melatonin as an antioxidant separately or in combination with antigens (cercarial; CAP or soluble worm; SWAP) against Schistosoma mansoni infection in hamsters. Each hamster was sensitized with an initial immunization of 0.6 ml of the extracted antigen (30 μg protein/mL). After four days,a second injection of 0.4 mL was given (20 μg protein/mL). Then,each hamster was exposed to 260±20 S.mansoni cercariae followed with melatonin...  相似文献   
Hard rock quarries are commonly located close to national parks and special areas of conservation and are generally regarded as visually intrusive. Consequently, restoration strategies that effectively accelerate natural plant regeneration processes are required. Slate waste tips present extreme conditions for plant establishment with multiple potential limiting factors (e.g., lack of organic matter, nutrients, and poor water retention). In this study, we investigated ecological strategies to accelerate natural regeneration at the largest slate quarry in Europe. A field experiment was conducted to assess ecosystem restoration using a contrasting set of native woody species. Treatments included amendments of waste tips with: polyacrylamide gel to increase water‐holding capacity; mineral fertilizer to increase nutrient supply; and two treatments that increased both (organic waste or boulder clay addition). Ecosystem recovery was evaluated through above‐ and below‐ground productivity (plant and microbial, respectively) and soil analyses. Neither increasing nutrient supply (with mineral fertilizer) nor water‐holding capacity (with polyacrylamide gel) was sufficient, alone, to improve plant establishment. However, both boulder clay and organic waste amendment significantly enhanced plant growth. There was a marked positive interaction in the effects on tree growth of the amendment with organic waste and boulder clay. Large interactions occurred between tree species and substrate amendments. The growth of N2‐fixing species was strongly favored over non‐fixers where there was no addition of material increasing soil nitrogen supply, whereas the growth advantage of pioneer species over non‐pioneers was greatest with fertilizer, organic waste, or clay additions. Organic waste addition had the greatest positive impact on soil processes.  相似文献   
Summary A method is presented for growing large numbers of pure isolated smooth muscle cells from adult human, monkey, and rabbit blood vessels in primary culture.In the first few days in culture these cells closely resembled those in vivo and could be induced to contract with angiotensin II, noradrenaline and mechanical stimulation. They stained intensely with antibodies against smooth muscle actin and myosin. Fibroblasts and endothelial cells did not stain with these antibodies thereby allowing the purity of each batch of cultures to be monitored. This was consistently found to be better than 99%. The smooth muscle cells modified or dedifferentiated after about 9 days in culture to morphologically resemble fibroblasts. At this stage cells could no longer be induced to contract and did not stain with the myosin antibodies. Intense proliferation of these cells soon resulted in a confluent monolayer being formed at which stage some differentiated characteristics returned. The modification or dedifferentiation process could be inhibited by the presence of a feeder layer of fibroblasts or endothelial cells, or the addition of cAMP to the culture medium.Smooth muscle cells which had migrated from explants in primary culture, and cells in subculture, had morphological and functional properties of dedifferentiated cells at all times.The advantages of differentiated rather than dedifferentiated smooth muscle cells in culture for the study of mitogenic agents in atherosclerosis is discussed.The authors wish to thank Professor H.H. Bentall of the Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Hammersmith Hospital, London, for making available human material, and Dr. S. Zeki of Department of Anatomy, University College London for material from monkeys. We are also extremely grateful to Professor G. Burnstock for the use of his laboratory facilitiesHolder of a John Halliday Travelling Fellowship from the Life Insurance Medical Research Fund of Australia and New ZealandResearch Fellow with the National Heart Foundation of AustraliaSupported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   
The bile acid receptor farnesoid X receptor (FXR) is expressed in adipose tissue, but its function remains poorly defined. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPARγ) is a master regulator of adipocyte differentiation and function. The aim of this study was to analyze the role of FXR in adipocyte function and to assess whether it modulates PPARγ action. Therefore, we tested the responsiveness of FXR-deficient mice (FXR−/−) and cells to the PPARγ activator rosiglitazone. Our results show that genetically obese FXR−/−/ob/ob mice displayed a resistance to rosiglitazone treatment. In vitro, rosiglitazone treatment did not induce normal adipocyte differentiation and lipid droplet formation in FXR−/− mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) and preadipocytes. Moreover, FXR−/− MEFs displayed both an increased lipolysis and a decreased de novo lipogenesis, resulting in reduced intracellular triglyceride content, even upon PPARγ activation. Retroviral-mediated FXR re-expression in FXR−/− MEFs restored the induction of adipogenic marker genes during rosiglitazone-forced adipocyte differentiation. The expression of Wnt/β-catenin pathway and target genes was increased in FXR−/− adipose tissue and MEFs. Moreover, the expression of several endogenous inhibitors of this pathway was decreased early during the adipocyte differentiation of FXR−/− MEFs. These findings demonstrate that FXR regulates adipocyte differentiation and function by regulating two counteracting pathways of adipocyte differentiation, the PPARγ and Wnt/β-catenin pathways.  相似文献   
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