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Integrin-mediated Signaling Events in Human Endothelial Cells   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Vascular endothelial cells are important in a variety of physiological and pathophysiological processes. The growth and functions of vascular endothelial cells are regulated both by soluble mitogenic and differentiation factors and by interactions with the extracellular matrix; however, relatively little is known about the role of the matrix. In the present study, we investigate whether integrin-mediated anchorage to a substratum coated with the extracellular matrix protein fibronectin regulates growth factor signaling events in human endothelial cells. We show that cell adhesion to fibronectin and growth factor stimulation trigger distinct initial tyrosine phosphorylation events in endothelial cells. Thus, integrin-dependent adhesion of endothelial cells leads to tyrosine phosphorylation of both focal adhesion kinase and paxillin, but not of several growth factor receptors. Conversely, EGF stimulation causes receptor autophosphorylation, with no effect on focal adhesion kinase or paxillin tyrosine phosphorylation. Adhesion to fibronectin, in the absence of growth factors, leads to activation of MAPK. In addition, adhesion to fibronectin also potentiates growth factor signaling to MAPK. Thus, polypeptide growth factor activation of MAPK in anchored cells is far more effective than in cells maintained in suspension. Other agonists known to activate MAPK were also examined for their ability to activate MAPK in an anchorage-dependent manner. The neuropeptide bombesin, the bioactive lipid lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), and the cytokine tumor necrosis factor α, which signal through diverse mechanisms, were all able to activate MAPK to a much greater degree in fibronectin-adherent cells than in suspended cells. In addition, tumor necrosis factor α activation of c-Jun kinase (JNK) was also much more robust in anchored cells. Together, these data suggest a cooperation between integrins and soluble mitogens in efficient propagation of signals to downstream kinases. This cooperation may contribute to anchorage dependence of mitogenic cell cycle progression.  相似文献   
Treatment of Chinese hamster ovary cells with dansylcadaverine or N-(6-aminohexyl)-5-chloro-1-naphthylenesulfonamide (W7) reduced cell attachment in a reversible, dose-dependent manner. The concentration of dansylcadaverine required to produce 50% inhibition of adhesion was significantly higher than that of W7, 300 microM and 50 microM, respectively. Concentrations of dansylcadaverine and W7 which produced decreased adhesion also antagonized calmodulin-dependent activation of phosphodiesterase. Chlorpromazine, another calmoldulin antagonist also decreased cell attachment. Dansylcadaverine and W7 both interfere with cellular transglutaminase activity, but several other transglutaminase antagonists, such as methylamine, butylamine, putrescine and bacitracin, had no effect on CHO cell attachment. We conclude that naphthylsulfonamides such as dansylcadaverine and W7 may inhibit the attachment of CHO cells by a mechanism which could involve inhibition of calmodulin-dependent processes, although further studies are required to show a direct role of calmodulin in cell adhesion.  相似文献   
Liposomes are taken up as intact vesicles by mouse peritoneal macrophages in a process which is temperature sensitive and is affected by inhibitors of glycolytic metabolism and of microfilament activity. Macrophages take up negatively charged vesicles more readily than positively charged vesicles (2-fold) or neutral vesicles (4-fold). Macrophages take up similar amounts of multilamellar liposomes, reversed phase liposomes and small unilamellar liposomes in terms of lipid, however this corresponds to vastly different numbers of particles and amounts of trapped volume. Coating the liposomes with macromolecular ligands capable of interacting with macrophage surface receptors can markedly promote liposome uptake. Thus, formation of an IgG-antigen complex on the liposome surface results in a 102-fold enhancement of liposome uptake, while coating the vesicles with fibronectin results in a 10-fold augmentation of uptake. Uptake via IgG-mediated and fibronectin-mediated processes seem to be independent since excess unlabelled, IgG-coated liposomes will inhibit the uptake of radioactively-labelled IgG-coated liposomes much more effectively than the uptake of radioactively-labelled fibronectin-coated liposomes. Cell-bound liposomes can readily be visualized on and inside of the macrophages using fluorescence microscopy techniques.  相似文献   
The study of the reaction of p-nitrophenyl acetate (PNPA) with histidine and certain derivatives showed that the species in which the amino group is unprotonated (R(NH2)Im) react with second-order rate constants ( ) that are higher than predicted by a Brønsted relation for a series of neutral amino acids. The reason for this behavior was investigated through an analysis of the kinetics of the reaction of PNPA with these compounds in order to assess the reactivities of the amino and imidazole groups in the two species . The rate constant for the reaction with the imidazole group ( ) of Nπ-methyl histidine agrees with the value predicted by a Brønsted relation obtained from a series of model imidazole compounds. Nτ-Methyl histidine, however, is unreactive, indicating that Nτ is the reactive nitrogen in the imidazole ring of histidine. The values found for histidine, histidine methyl ester, and Nα-dimethyl histidine are lower than predicted by the Brønsted relation. This behavior was found to be due to low reactivity of the
. The evidence presented suggests that the lower reactivity of is due to an ion-dipole interaction between the protonated amino group and the unprotonated imidazole ring, which displaces the tautomeric equilibrium toward the unreactive Nτ-H form. The higher reactivity of the imidazole group in the species R(NH2)Im, relative to that in , is responsible for the observed high values for histidine, for histidine methyl ester, for Nτ-methyl histidine, and for Nα-dimethyl histidine, in contrast with the normal value found for Nτ-methyl histidine. The conclusions from this study of histidine and its derivatives support the proposal of an interaction between the protonated N-terminal amino group and the imidazole ring of His6 in the octapeptide hormone angiotensin.  相似文献   
Summary A genomic library of Mycobacterium bovis BCG has been constructed by cloning DNA partially digested with Sau3A into the Escherichia coli expression vector pAS1. The gene coding for ornithine carbamoyltransferase (EC. ; OTCase), hereafter referred to as argF, was isolated from the library by complementation of a double argF-argI mutant of E. coli and its sequence was determined. The translation initiation codon used, GTG, was identified by comparing the amino acid sequence deduced from the gene with the N-terminal sequence of the corresponding purified protein. On this basis, the M. bovis BCG OTCase monomer consists of 307 amino acid residues and displays about 44% identity with other OTCases, the most closely related homologue being the anabolic enzyme of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The native enzyme has an estimated molecular mass of 110 kDa, suggesting a trimeric structure as is the case for most of the anabolic OTCases known from various organisms.  相似文献   
In developing grains of rice (Oryza sativa L.) of the dormant variety H4, peroxidase activity decreased sharply about a week before grain maturity without any change in grain dormancy and oxygen uptake of intact grain. During storage or after-ripening of mature dormant intact grains of four varieties (H4, H6, Mayang Ebos and Seraup 27) at 25–30°, the critical range in peroxidase activity was 1·0–1·4 μmol purpurogallin/hr/grain above which rice grains were almost completely dormant and below which the grains were almost completely nondormant. The oxygen uptake of intact H4 grain tended to decrease during the loss of dormancy. The decrease in both the peroxidase activity and oxygen uptake could be attributed mainly to the lower activities of the hull. Dehulling of developing and mature H4 grains reduced dormancy and increased the oxygen uptake of the grain. Thus, reduction by the hull of the level of oxygen available to the dehulled grain (embryo) was mainly responsible for grain dormancy in rice.  相似文献   
A study was made of the changes in activity of enzymes involved in the breakdown of stored phytin, lipid, and hemicellulose in the aleurone layer of rice seed (Oryza sativa L., variety IR8) during the 1st week of germination in the light. Enzyme assays were made on crude extracts from degermed seed, and activities were expressed on a per seed basis. Phytase activity increased within the 1st day of germination. The increase in activity of most other enzymes—phosphomonoesterase, phosphodiesterase, esterase, lipase, peroxidase, catalase, β-glucosidase, and α- and β-galactosidase—closely followed the increase in protein content. Their peak activities occurred by the 5th to the 7th day. Some enzymes, such as β-1, 3-glucanase and α-amylase, continued to increase in activity after the 7th day. Phytase, β-1, 3-glucanase, and α-amylase followed a similar sequence of production in embryoless seed halves incubated in 0.12 μM gibberellin A3, but the production of lipase was delayed.  相似文献   
Surface label experiments using the galactose oxidase-[3 H] -borohydride technique reveal that cells from drug-resistant Chinese hamster ovary clones possess a surface carbohydrate component of apparent molecular weight 165,000 which is absent from wild-type cells. The component may also be demonstrated by [14C] glucosamine incorporation but not by [3 H] leucine incorporation or by the lactoperoxidase surface labeling reaction.  相似文献   
The effect of membrane-fluidizing agents on the adhesion of CHO cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Treatment of CHO cells with drugs which are known to increase membrane lipid fluidity reduced the cells' ability to adhere to protein coated substrates, The concentrations of local anesthetics, nonionic detergents or aliphatic alcohols required to reduce CHO cell adhesion by 50% were similar to those reported to block nerve conduction, indicating that these drugs can affect the membrane at physiologically significant concentrations. Nonionic detergents and aliphatic alcohols, but not local anesthetics, caused increases in the fluidity of CHO plasma membranes (measured by fluorescence polarization) at concentrations which inhibited cell adhesion. The adhesion versus temperature profile had a sigmoidal shape, suggesting that a temperature dependent cooperative process such as a lipid phase transition, might be involved. However, the temperature profile for CHO membrane fluidity manifested no discontinuities, indicating the absence of any discrete phase transitions of the lipid matrix. This observation, coupled with the result that the inhibition of CHO cell adhesion produced by low temperatures was not relieved by drugs which can increase membrane fluidity, suggests that the reduced adhesion seen at low temperature is probably not due to reduced lipid fluidity.  相似文献   
We investigated the ability of cathepsin L to induce a hypotensive effect after intravenous injection in rats and correlated this decrease in blood pressure with kinin generation. Simultaneously with blood pressure decrease, we detected plasma kininogen depletion in the treated rats. The effect observed in vivo was abolished by pre-incubation of cathepsin L with the cysteine peptidase-specific inhibitor E-64 (1 microM) or by previous administration of the bradykinin B2 receptor antagonist JE049 (4 mg/kg). A potentiation of the hypotensive effect caused by cathepsin L was observed by previous administration of the angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitor captopril (5 mg/kg). In vitro studies indicated that cathepsin L excised bradykinin from the synthetic fluorogenic peptide Abz-MTSVIRRPPGFSPFRAPRV-NH2, based on the Met375-Val393 sequence of rat kininogen (Abz = o-aminobenzoic acid). In conclusion, our data indicate that in vivo cathepsin L releases a kinin-related peptide, and in vitro experiments suggest that the kinin generated is bradykinin. Although it is well known that cysteine proteases are strongly inhibited by kininogen, cathepsin L could represent an alternative pathway for kinin production in pathological processes.  相似文献   
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