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Poxviruses encode proteins that suppress host immune responses, including secreted decoy receptors for pro-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-1 (IL-1) and the vaccinia virus proteins A46R and A52R that inhibit intracellular signaling by members of the IL-1 receptor (IL-1R) and Toll-like receptor (TLR) family. In vivo, the TLRs mediate the innate immune response by serving as pathogen recognition receptors, whose oligomerized intracellular Toll/IL-1 receptor (TIR) domains can initiate innate immune signaling. A family of TIR domain-containing adapter molecules transduces signals from engaged receptors that ultimately activate NF-kappaB and/or interferon regulatory factor 3 (IRF3) to induce pro-inflammatory cytokines. Data base searches detected a significant similarity between the N1L protein of vaccinia virus and A52R, a poxvirus inhibitor of TIR signaling. Compared with other poxvirus virulence factors, the poxvirus N1L protein strongly affects virulence in vivo; however, the precise target of N1L was previously unknown. Here we show that N1L suppresses NF-kappaB activation following engagement of Toll/IL-1 receptors, tumor necrosis factor receptors, and lymphotoxin receptors. N1L inhibited receptor-, adapter-, TRAF-, and IKK-alpha and IKK-beta-dependent signaling to NF-kappaB. N1L associated with several components of the multisubunit I-kappaB kinase complex, most strongly associating with the kinase, TANK-binding kinase 1 (TBK1). Together these findings are consistent with the hypothesis that N1L disrupts signaling to NF-kappaB by Toll/IL-1Rs and TNF superfamily receptors by targeting the IKK complex for inhibition. Furthermore, N1L inhibited IRF3 signaling, which is also regulated by TBK1. These studies define a role for N1L as an immunomodulator of innate immunity by targeting components of NF-kappaB and IRF3 signaling pathways.  相似文献   
Synopsis We developed and tested a new visual census technique to quantify the importance of vertical habitat structure on the associated fish assemblages in the littoral zone of a freshwater lake. We demonstrated that the primary environmental gradient, accounting for the most variation in the species data, represented a temporal gradient of seasonal characteristics. The secondary environmental gradient was related to the vertical structure at the sampling locations, showing the importance of the vertical component of the environment on fish community structure. Characterizing the vertical component at different resolutions provided different interpretations. The primary difference was the strength of influence of woody material on community structure. Woody material had a stronger influence on community structure throughout the water column when a single vertical unit defined the fish data. The appropriateness of defining the data by either multiple vertical strata or by a single vertical one would be dependent on the objectives of the study, as neither approach was found to explain substantially more variation in the species data. The current study demonstrates that fish are closely associated with particular elements of habitat structure in the littoral zone, even in the absence of major piscivorous predators. We provide a novel study quantifying the vertical multiple habitat structures and habitat use by fish in the water column of a freshwater lake. The new vertical visual census technique can be used to more comprehensively sample the three-dimensional environment of lake littoral zones, and quantify the fish–habitat spatial relationships across a range of abiotic and biotic habitat features.  相似文献   
The subtelomeric regions of organisms ranging from protists to fungi undergo a much higher rate of rearrangement than is observed in the rest of the genome. While characterizing these ~40-kb regions of the human fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans, we have identified a recent gene amplification event near the right telomere of chromosome 3 that involves a gene encoding an arsenite efflux transporter (ARR3). The 3,177-bp amplicon exists in a tandem array of 2-15 copies and is present exclusively in strains with the C. neoformans var. grubii subclade VNI A5 MLST profile. Strains bearing the amplification display dramatically enhanced resistance to arsenite that correlates with the copy number of the repeat; the origin of increased resistance was verified as transport-related by functional complementation of an arsenite transporter mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Subsequent experimental evolution in the presence of increasing concentrations of arsenite yielded highly resistant strains with the ARR3 amplicon further amplified to over 50 copies, accounting for up to ~1% of the whole genome and making the copy number of this repeat as high as that seen for the ribosomal DNA. The example described here therefore represents a rare evolutionary intermediate-an array that is currently in a state of dynamic flux, in dramatic contrast to relatively common, static relics of past tandem duplications that are unable to further amplify due to nucleotide divergence. Beyond identifying and engineering fungal isolates that are highly resistant to arsenite and describing the first reported instance of microevolution via massive gene amplification in C. neoformans, these results suggest that adaptation through gene amplification may be an important mechanism that C. neoformans employs in response to environmental stresses, perhaps including those encountered during infection. More importantly, the ARR3 array will serve as an ideal model for further molecular genetic analyses of how tandem gene duplications arise and expand.  相似文献   
Venomotion, spontaneous cyclic contractions of venules, was first observed in the bat wing 160 years ago. Of all the functional roles proposed since then, propulsion of blood by venomotion remains the most controversial. Common animal models that require anesthesia and surgery have failed to provide evidence for venular pumping of blood. To determine whether venomotion actively pumps blood in a minimally invasive, unanesthetized animal model, we reintroduced the batwing model. We evaluated the temporal and functional relationship between the venous contraction cycle and blood flow and luminal pressure. Furthermore, we determined the effect of inhibiting venomotion on blood flow. We found that the active venous contractions produced an increase in the blood flow and exhibited temporal vessel diameter-blood velocity and pressure relationships characteristic of a peristaltic pump. The presence of valves, a characteristic of reciprocating pumps, enhances the efficiency of the venular peristaltic pump by preventing retrograde flow. Instead of increasing blood flow by decreasing passive resistance, venular dilation with locally applied sodium nitroprusside decreased blood flow. Taken together, these observations provide evidence for active venular pumping of blood. Although strong venomotion may be unique to bats, venomotion has also been inferred from venous pressure oscillations in other animal models. The conventional paradigm of microvascular pressure and flow regulation assumes venules only act as passive resistors, a proposition that must be reevaluated in the presence of significant venomotion.  相似文献   
Brain death (BD) causes cardiac dysfunction in organ donors, attributable to the catecholamine storm that occurs with raised intracerebral pressure (ICP). However the direct contribution of the spinal sympathetics has not been well described. We examined the effect of total spinal anesthesia (TSA) on cardiac function in a large animal model of BD. Eighteen pigs were allocated to 3 experimental groups: Group?1, the saline-treated control group; Group?2, TSA administered prior to BD; and Group?3, TSA administered 30?min after BD. Inflation of an intracerebral balloon-tipped catheter was used to induce BD. Ventricular function was assessed using a pressure-volume loop catheter and magnetic resonance imaging. Serum catecholamine levels were assessed with high performance liquid chromatography. Inflation of the intracerebral balloon-tipped catheter was associated with a dramatic rise in heart rate and blood pressure, along with increased concentrations of serum epinephrine and norepinephrine. This phenomenon was not observed in Group 2. In Group 1, there was a significant decline in contractility, whereas groups 2 and?3 saw no change. Group 2 had greater contractile reserve than groups 1 and 3. Our data demonstrate the central role of spinal sympathetics in the hemodynamic response to raised ICP. Further work is required to determine the utility of TSA in reversing cardiac dysfunction in BD donors.  相似文献   
An asexual lineage that reproduces by automictic thelytokous parthenogenesis has a problem: rapid loss of heterozygosity resulting in effective inbreeding. Thus, the circumstances under which rare asexual lineages thrive provide insights into the trade-offs that shape the evolution of alternative reproductive strategies across taxa. A socially parasitic lineage of the Cape honey bee, Apis mellifera capensis, provides an example of a thelytokous lineage that has endured for over two decades. It has been proposed that cytological adaptations slow the loss of heterozygosity in this lineage. However, we show that heterozygosity at the complementary sex determining (csd) locus is maintained via selection against homozygous diploid males that arise from recombination. Further, because zygosity is correlated across the genome, it appears that selection against diploid males reduces loss of homozygosity at other loci. Selection against homozygotes at csd results in substantial genetic load, so that if a thelytokous lineage is to endure, unusual ecological circumstances must exist in which asexuality permits such a high degree of fecundity that the genetic load can be tolerated. Without these ecological circumstances, sex will triumph over asexuality. In A. m. capensis, these conditions are provided by the parasitic interaction with its conspecific host, Apis mellifera scutellata.  相似文献   
Mysidobdella californiensis n. sp. is described from the mysid Holmesimysis sculpta from Bodega Bay on the central California coast and from Holmesimysis costata var. from San Pedro on the southern California coast. The internal anatomy of M. californiensis is similar to that of the only other species in the genus, Mysidobdella borealis from the north Atlantic Ocean, except that M. californiensis lacks the medial, unpaired seminal receptacle present in M. borealis. Externally, M. californiensis is slightly larger and more robust than M. borealis, with a much larger caudal sucker. The most striking difference between the species is the unusually large, trumpet-shaped, fluted oral sucker in M. californiensis. At Bodega Bay, the prevalence of M. californiensis on its host was 17% with an average intensity of 1.46 (range 1-3) leeches per host.  相似文献   
We echo viewpoints presented in recent publications from EcoHealth and other journals arguing for the need to understand linkages between human health, disease ecology, and landscape change. We underscore the importance of incorporating spatialities of human behaviors and perceptions in such analyses to further understandings of socio-ecological interactions mediating human health. We use Buruli ulcer, an emerging necrotizing skin infection and serious health concern in central Ghana, to illustrate our argument.  相似文献   
Population genetics of commercial and feral honey bees in Western Australia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Due to the introduction of exotic honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) diseases in the eastern states, the borders of the state of Western Australia were closed to the import of bees for breeding and other purposes > 25 yr ago. To provide genetically improved stock for the industry, a closed population breeding program was established that now provides stock for the majority of Western Australian beekeepers. Given concerns that inbreeding may have resulted from the closed population breeding structure, we assessed the genetic diversity within and between the breeding lines by using microsatellite and mitochondrial markers. We found that the breeding population still maintains considerable genetic diversity, despite 25 yr of selective breeding. We also investigated the genetic distance of the closed population breeding program to that of beekeepers outside of the program, and the feral Western Australian honey bee population. The feral population is genetically distinct from the closed population, but not from the genetic stock maintained by beekeepers outside of the program. The honey bees of Western Australia show three mitotypes, originating from two subspecies: Apis mellifera ligustica (mitotypes C1 and M7b) and Apis mellifera iberica (mitotype M6). Only mitotypes C1 and M6 are present in the commercial populations. The feral population contains all three mitotypes.  相似文献   
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