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Signalling by cGMP-dependent protein kinase type I (cGKI) relaxes various smooth muscles modulating thereby vascular tone and gastrointestinal motility. cGKI-dependent relaxation is possibly mediated by phosphorylation of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor I (IP(3)RI)-associated protein (IRAG), which decreases hormone-induced IP(3)-dependent Ca(2+) release. We show now that the targeted deletion of exon 12 of IRAG coding for the N-terminus of the coiled-coil domain disrupted in vivo the IRAG-IP(3)RI interaction and resulted in hypomorphic IRAG(Delta12/Delta12) mice. These mice had a dilated gastrointestinal tract and a disturbed gastrointestinal motility. Carbachol- and phenylephrine-contracted smooth muscle strips from colon and aorta, respectively, of IRAG(Delta12/Delta12) mice were not relaxed by cGMP, while cAMP-mediated relaxation was unperturbed. Norepinephrine-induced increases in [Ca(2+)](i) were not decreased by cGMP in aortic smooth muscle cells from IRAG(Delta12/Delta12) mice. In contrast, cGMP-induced relaxation of potassium-induced smooth muscle contraction was not abolished in IRAG(Delta12/Delta12) mice. We conclude that cGMP-dependent relaxation of hormone receptor-triggered smooth muscle contraction essentially depends on the interaction of cGKI-IRAG with IP(3)RI.  相似文献   
Animal models have become an essential tool in the investigations of gut motility under experimental conditions. To determine the influence of various anaesthetic drugs on the motility pattern of the gastroduodenal tract, a new long-term model has had to be developed for allowing measurements in conscious and unrestrained as well as in sedated and analgosedated pigs. Since mechanical ventilation influences gut motility, it was necessary that this animal model enabled the investigation of the effect of drugs causing sedation and analgosedation during spontaneous breathing. Seven male, castrated pigs, German landrace, 32-40 kg bodyweight (BW) were investigated in this study. After habituation of the pigs to local housing conditions over 5 days, the animals were trained over 4 days to prepare for experimental situations and investigators. Pigs were inserted with a central venous catheter and with percutaneous enterogastrostomy (PEG) under general anaesthesia. Intestinal motility was measured by intraluminal impedancometry. The catheter was introduced over the PEG into the stomach and positioned into the duodenum by duodenoscopy. Measurements were done in conscious, unrestrained pigs and with sedated, and analgosedated animals on subsequent days. The habituation and training of the pigs to the investigators and for the laboratory conditions took between 7 and 9 days. The initial anaesthesia protocol for the instrumentation using remifentanil/propofol led to pyloric spasm and was thus unsuitable for duodenal intubation with an endoscope. In contrast, a combination of ketamine/propofol enabled this procedure. It was practicable to measure gut motility in conscious, unrestrained pigs. Spontaneous breathing was sufficient under propofol sedation and analgosedation using fentanyl-propofol. Systematically local application of polividon iodine in the area of the subcutaneous catheters avoided the necessity of using systemic prophylactic antibiotics. In conclusion, the habituation and training for 9 days enabled the measurement of gut motility by intraluminal impedancometry in conscious pigs. The insertion of the catheter was done during general anaesthesia using a combination of propofol and ketamine. For the future determination of gut motility performed under general anaesthesia, each sedation and analgosedation concept has to be evaluated to see whether it allows spontaneous breathing or whether mechanical ventilation is necessary.  相似文献   
X-linked cone-rod dystrophy (COD1) is a retinal disease that primarily affects the cone photoreceptors; the disease was originally mapped to a limited region of Xp11.4. We evaluated the three families from our original study with new markers and clinically reassessed all key recombinants; we determined that the critical intervals in families 2 and 3 overlapped the RP3 locus and that a status change (from affected to probably unaffected) of a key recombinant individual in family 1 also reassigned the disease locus to include RP3 as well. Mutation analysis of the entire RPGR coding region identified two different 2-nucleotide (nt) deletions in ORF15, in family 2 (delAG) and in families 1 and 3 (delGG), both of which result in a frameshift leading to altered amino acid structure and early termination. In addition, an independent individual with X-linked cone-rod dystrophy demonstrated a 1-nt insertion (insA) in ORF15. The presence of three distinct mutations associated with the same disease phenotype provides strong evidence that mutations in RPGR exon ORF15 are responsible for COD1. Genetic heterogeneity was observed in three other families, including the identification of an in-frame 12-nt deletion polymorphism in ORF15 that did not segregate with the disease in one of these families.  相似文献   
Melampodium divaricatum is a medicinal plant, which occurs in Central America. In a recent paper we reported the occurrence of acylated 2-hydroxy thymol glycosides as main constituents in this plant. This paper deals with the isolation of two new 2,5-dihydroxythymol ester derivatives. The formerly reported sesquiterpene lactone mikanokryptin was not found in our plant material.  相似文献   
Brain morphology is an important character in the discussion of arthropod relationships. While a large body of literature is available on the brains of Hexapoda and Malacostraca, the structure of the brain has been rarely studied in representatives of the Entomostraca. This account examines the morphology and development of the nervous system in the brine shrimp Artemia salina Linnaeus, 1758 (Crustacea, Branchiopoda, Anostraca) by classical histology and immunohistochemistry against synaptic proteins (synapsins), and the neurotransmitters serotonin and histamine. The results indicate that the shape of the developing larval brain in A. salina (a circumstomodeal ring of neuropil) closely resembles that in malacostracan embryos. Furthermore, the organization of the central complex as well as the tritocerebral innervation pattern of the labrum is homologous in this species and in Malacostraca. Nevertheless, differences exist in the layout of the deutocerebrum, specifically in the absence of olfactory glomeruli in A. salina while the glomerular organization of the olfactory lobe is a character in the ground pattern of Malacostraca. These findings are compared to the brain structure in other Euarthropoda and possible phylogenetic implications are discussed.  相似文献   
The large ribosomal subunit catalyzes peptide bond formation during protein synthesis. Its peptidyl transferase activity has often been studied using a 'fragment assay' that depends on high concentrations of methanol or ethanol. Here we describe a version of this assay that does not require alcohol and use it to show, both crystallographically and biochemically, that crystals of the large ribosomal subunits from Haloarcula marismortui are enzymatically active. Addition of these crystals to solutions containing substrates results in formation of products, which ceases when crystals are removed. When substrates are diffused into large subunit crystals, the subsequent structure shows that products have formed. The CC-puromycin-peptide product is found bound to the A-site and the deacylated CCA is bound to the P-site, with its 3prime prime or minute OH near N3 A2486 (Escherichia coli A2451). Thus, this structure represents a state that occurs after peptide bond formation but before the hybrid state of protein synthesis.  相似文献   
The role in protein folding of the eukaryotic chaperonin TRiC/CCT is only partially understood. Here, we show that a group of WD40 beta-propeller proteins in the yeast cytosol interact transiently with TRiC upon synthesis and require the chaperonin to reach their native state. TRiC cooperates in the folding of these proteins with the ribosome-associated heat shock protein (Hsp)70 chaperones Ssb1/2p. In contrast, newly synthesized actin and tubulins, the major known client proteins of TRiC, are independent of Ssb1/2p and instead use the co-chaperone GimC/prefoldin for efficient transfer to the chaperonin. GimC can replace Ssb1/2p in the folding of WD40 substrates such as Cdc55p, but combined deletion of SSB and GIM genes results in loss of viability. These findings expand the substrate range of the eukaryotic chaperonin by a structurally defined class of proteins and demonstrate an essential role for upstream chaperones in TRiC-assisted folding.  相似文献   
In this study, Nocardia iowensis was used to transform oleanolic acid (OA) into oleanane derivatives. The first derivative, which was found after 24 h of cultivation, was the known and already described OA methyl ester. After 1 week, two other derivatives (oleanonic acid methyl ester and an unknown metabolite) were identified as new products of a biotransformation by N. iowensis. These oleanane metabolites were characterized by HPLC, HPLC‐ESI‐MS, and HPLC‐1H NMR spectroscopy. The biotransformation was performed by suspended and immobilized cells (ICs) of N. iowensis. Cells immobilized in alginate beads were used in order to prepare a continuous process. The substrate uptake of free and ICs was similar, whereas the peak area of OA methyl ester of the ICs was only about 10% of the native cells. However, the final product (oleanonic acid methyl ester) concentrations were similar in both approaches, whereas the unknown metabolite 3 was only detected transiently in the medium of ICs. Based on these results, a new biosynthetic pathway for the biotechnological production of oleanonic acid methyl ester is proposed.  相似文献   
ObjectiveApplication of 3-iodothyronamine (3-T1AM) results in decreased body temperature and body weight in rodents. The trace amine-associated receptor (TAAR) 1, a family A G protein-coupled receptor, is a target of 3-T1AM. However, 3-T1AM effects still persist in mTaar1 knockout mice, which suggest so far unknown further receptor targets that are of physiological relevance. TAAR5 is a highly conserved TAAR subtype among mammals and we here tested TAAR5 as a potential 3-T1AM target. First, we investigated mouse Taar5 (mTaar5) expression in several brain regions of the mouse in comparison to mTaar1. Secondly, to unravel the full spectrum of signaling capacities, we examined the distinct Gs-, Gi/o-, G12/13-, Gq/11- and MAP kinase-mediated signaling pathways of mouse and human TAAR5 under ligand-independent conditions and after application of 3-T1AM. We found overlapping localization of mTaar1 and mTaar5 in the amygdala and ventromedial hypothalamus of the mouse brain. Second, the murine and human TAAR5 (hTAAR5) display significant basal activity in the Gq/11 pathway but show differences in the basal activity in Gs and MAP kinase signaling. In contrast to mTaar5, 3-T1AM application at hTAAR5 resulted in significant reduction in basal IP3 formation and MAP kinase signaling. In conclusion, our data suggest that the human TAAR5 is a target for 3-T1AM, exhibiting inhibitory effects on IP3 formation and MAP kinase signaling pathways, but does not mediate Gs signaling effects as observed for TAAR1. This study also indicates differences between TAAR5 orthologs with respect to their signaling profile. In consequence, 3-T1AM-mediated effects may differ between rodents and humans.  相似文献   
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