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Wilhelm J  Pingoud A  Hahn M 《BioTechniques》2003,34(2):324-332
Quantitative real-time PCR has proven to be an extremely useful technique in life sciences for many applications. Although a lot of attention has been paid to the optimization of the assay conditions, the analysis of the data acquired is often done with software tools that do not make optimum use of the information provided by the data. Particularly, this is the case for high-throughput analysis, which requires a careful characterization and interpretation of the complete data by suitable software. Here we present a software solution for the robust, reliable, accurate, and fast evaluation of real-time PCR data, called SoFAR. The software automatically evaluates the data acquired with the LightCycler system. It applies new algorithms for an adaptive background correction of signal trends, the calculation of the effective signal noise, the automated identification of the exponential phases, the adaptive smoothing of the raw data, and the correction of melting curve data. Finally, it provides information regarding the validity of the results obtained. The SoFAR software minimizes the time required for evaluation and increases the accuracy and reliability of the results. The software is available upon request.  相似文献   
The role in protein folding of the eukaryotic chaperonin TRiC/CCT is only partially understood. Here, we show that a group of WD40 beta-propeller proteins in the yeast cytosol interact transiently with TRiC upon synthesis and require the chaperonin to reach their native state. TRiC cooperates in the folding of these proteins with the ribosome-associated heat shock protein (Hsp)70 chaperones Ssb1/2p. In contrast, newly synthesized actin and tubulins, the major known client proteins of TRiC, are independent of Ssb1/2p and instead use the co-chaperone GimC/prefoldin for efficient transfer to the chaperonin. GimC can replace Ssb1/2p in the folding of WD40 substrates such as Cdc55p, but combined deletion of SSB and GIM genes results in loss of viability. These findings expand the substrate range of the eukaryotic chaperonin by a structurally defined class of proteins and demonstrate an essential role for upstream chaperones in TRiC-assisted folding.  相似文献   
Die Analyse der DNA aus den Chloroplasten der Oenothera berteriana und der Oe. odorata durch Fragmentierung mit den Restriktionsendonukleasen EcoR I, BamH I, Bst I, Kpn I sowie Sma I und anschließende elektrophoretische Trennung der Bruchstücke erbrachte eindeutige molekulare Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Plastomen. Die vorhandenen Unterschiede erlauben die Identifizierung der elterlichen Chloroplasten-DNAs in einer ganzen Reihe von Hybriden, die aus reziproken Kreuzungen sowie aus daran anschließenden Rückkreuzungsfolgen hervorgegangen sind. Die so ermittelte genetische Konstitution der Piastiden der einzelnen Hybridformen stimmt mit der aus der Kreuzungsherkunft erschlossenen überein. Die Chloroplasten-DNA der jeweiligen Mutterpflanze findet sich unverändert in den Bastarden wieder, deren genetische Information im Zellkern aus Chromosomenkomplexen beider Elternformen verschieden gemischt ist. Die Unterschiede sind auch dann reproduzierbar, wenn die Piastiden der einen Art mit dem gesamten Kerngenom der anderen Art kombiniert oder noch zusätzlich vom Cytoplasma der anderen Art umgeben sind. Die DNA in den Chloroplasten hat sich also weder unter dem Einfluß artfremder Kern-Chromosomen-Komplexe noch unter dem Einfluß artfremden Cytoplasmas verändert.  相似文献   
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3-4A protease is essential for viral replication. All current small molecular weight drugs against NS3-4A are substrate peptidomimetics that have a similar binding and resistance profile. We developed inhibitory peptides (IPs) capping the active site and binding via a novel “tyrosine” finger at an alternative NS3-4A site that is of particular interest for further HCV drug development. The peptides are not cleaved due to a combination of geometrical constraints and impairment of the oxyanion hole function. Selection and optimization through combinatorial phagemid display, protein crystallography, and further modifications resulted in a 32-amino acid peptide with a Ki of 0.53 nm. Inhibition of viral replication in cell culture was demonstrated by fusion to a cell-penetrating peptide. Negligible susceptibility to known (A156V and R155K) resistance mutations of the NS3-4A protease was observed. This work shows for the first time that antiviral peptides can target an intracellular site and reveals a novel druggable site on the HCV protease.  相似文献   
The worldwide distribution and high bioaccumulation potential of pentachlorophenol (PCP) in aquatic organisms imply a high toxicological impact in aquatic systems. Firstly, our investigations show that, similar to mammalian cell lines, PCP can be metabolized to tetrachlorohydroquinone (TCHQ) in the permanent cell line derived from rainbow trout liver cells (RTL-W1). Moreover, we demonstrate that PCP as well as its metabolite TCHQ is capable of influencing the viability of these cells. Three cell viability assays were performed to assess possible cellular targets of these substances. Thus, the cytotoxicity of the PCP-derivative TCHQ was shown for the first time in a fish cell line. Further investigations revealed the involvement of ROS in the cytotoxicity of PCP and its metabolite TCHQ. The observation of oxidative stress provides a plausible explanation for the increased cytotoxicity at higher concentrations especially for PCP and implies possible mechanisms underlying these observations. In addition, antioxidants such as ascorbic acid and quercetin modulate the detrimental effects of PCP and TCHQ whereby both compounds exacerbate the cytotoxic effects of high PCP and TCHQ concentrations.  相似文献   
Cytokines are key to control cellular communication. Interleukin-31 (IL-31) was recently discovered as a new member of the IL-6 family of cytokines. IL-31 signals through a heterodimeric receptor composed of OSMR and IL-31RA, a complex that stimulates the JAK-STAT, the RAS/ERK and the PI3K/AKT signal transduction pathways. The available data suggests that IL-31 is important for both innate and adaptive immunity in tissues that are in close contact with the environment, i.e. the skin, the airways and the lung, and the lining of the intestine. Enhanced expression of IL-31 is associated with a number of diseases, including pruritic diseases such as atopic dermatitis, but also in allergy and inflammatory bowel disease. In these tissues IL-31 coordinates the interaction of different immune cells, including T-cells, mast cells, and eosinophils, with epithelial cells. In this review we have summarized the available data on IL-31 and its receptor, their expression pattern and how they are regulated. We describe the current state of knowledge of the involvement of IL-31 in diseases, both in humans and in mouse models. From these studies it is becoming clear that IL-31 plays an important role in the proper functioning of the skin and of airway and intestinal epithelia. The findings available suggest that IL-31 might be an interesting target for directed drug therapy.  相似文献   
The gold standard for investigating the efficacy of a new therapy is a (pragmatic) randomized controlled trial (RCT). This approach is costly, time-consuming, and not always practicable. At the same time, huge quantities of available patient-level control condition data in analyzable format of (former) RCTs or real-world data (RWD) are neglected. Therefore, alternative study designs are desirable. The design presented here consists of setting up a prediction model for determining treatment effects under the control condition for future patients. When a new treatment is intended to be tested against a control treatment, a single-arm trial for the new therapy is conducted. The treatment effect is then evaluated by comparing the outcomes of the single-arm trial against the predicted outcomes under the control condition. While there are obvious advantages of this design compared to classical RCTs (increased efficiency, lower cost, alleviating participants’ fear of being on control treatment), there are several sources of bias. Our aim is to investigate whether and how such a design—the prediction design—may be used to provide information on treatment effects by leveraging external data sources. For this purpose, we investigated under what assumptions linear prediction models could be used to predict the counterfactual of patients precisely enough to construct a test and an appropriate sample size formula for evaluating the average treatment effect in the population of a new study. A user-friendly R Shiny application (available at: https://web.imbi.uni-heidelberg.de/PredictionDesignR/ ) facilitates the application of the proposed methods, while a real-world application example illustrates them.  相似文献   
In this study, Nocardia iowensis was used to transform oleanolic acid (OA) into oleanane derivatives. The first derivative, which was found after 24 h of cultivation, was the known and already described OA methyl ester. After 1 week, two other derivatives (oleanonic acid methyl ester and an unknown metabolite) were identified as new products of a biotransformation by N. iowensis. These oleanane metabolites were characterized by HPLC, HPLC‐ESI‐MS, and HPLC‐1H NMR spectroscopy. The biotransformation was performed by suspended and immobilized cells (ICs) of N. iowensis. Cells immobilized in alginate beads were used in order to prepare a continuous process. The substrate uptake of free and ICs was similar, whereas the peak area of OA methyl ester of the ICs was only about 10% of the native cells. However, the final product (oleanonic acid methyl ester) concentrations were similar in both approaches, whereas the unknown metabolite 3 was only detected transiently in the medium of ICs. Based on these results, a new biosynthetic pathway for the biotechnological production of oleanonic acid methyl ester is proposed.  相似文献   
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