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While physicists regularly use mathematical equations to describe natural phenomena, mathematical modeling of biological systems is still not well established and is hampered by communication barriers between experimental and theoretical biologists. In a recent study we developed a mathematical model of zinc uptake and radial transport in Arabidopsis thaliana roots. By refraining from writing many equations in the main text and confining the derivation of formulas to a supplemental file, we attempted to reach both experimentalists and theoreticians likewise. Here, we give a short summary of our results on the accumulation pattern of zinc and the importance of transporter regulation, water flow and geometry. For a better understanding of the dynamics of adaptation to changes in external conditions, we plead for more detailed and frequent measurements. As a new aspect, we analyzed the effect of buffering. Simulations indicate that it dampens oscillations and may therefore play a key role in zinc homeostasis.  相似文献   
Tuberculosis is a serious global health problem caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. There is an urgent need for discovery and development of new treatments, but this can only be accomplished through rapid and reproducible M. tuberculosis assays designed to identify potent inhibitors. We developed an automated 96-well assay utilizing a recombinant strain of M. tuberculosis expressing a far-red fluorescent reporter to determine the activity of novel compounds; this allowed us to measure growth by monitoring both optical density and fluorescence. We determined that optical density and fluorescence were correlated with cell number during logarithmic phase growth. Fluorescence was stably maintained without antibiotic selection over 5 days, during which time cells remained actively growing. We optimized parameters for the assay, with the final format being 5 days’ growth in 96-well plates in the presence of 2% w/v DMSO. We confirmed reproducibility using rifampicin and other antibiotics. The dual detection method allows for a reproducible calculation of the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), at the same time detecting artefacts such as fluorescence quenching or compound precipitation. We used our assay to confirm anti-tubercular activity and establish the structure activity relationship (SAR) around the imidazo[1,2-a]pyridine-3-carboxamides, a promising series of M. tuberculosis inhibitors.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Zinc uptake in roots is believed to be mediated by ZIP (ZRT-, IRT-like proteins) transporters. Once inside the symplast, zinc is transported to the pericycle, where it exits by means of HMA (heavy metal ATPase) transporters. The combination of symplastic transport and spatial separation of influx and efflux produces a pattern in which zinc accumulates in the pericycle. Here, mathematical modelling was employed to study the importance of ZIP regulation, HMA abundance and symplastic transport in creation of the radial pattern of zinc in primary roots of Arabidopsis thaliana.


A comprehensive one-dimensional dynamic model of radial zinc transport in roots was developed and used to conduct simulations. The model accounts for the structure of the root consisting of symplast and apoplast and includes effects of water flow, diffusion and cross-membrane transport via transporters. It also incorporates the radial geometry and varying porosity of root tissues, as well as regulation of ZIP transporters.

Key Results

Steady-state patterns were calculated for various zinc concentrations in the medium, water influx and HMA abundance. The experimentally observed zinc gradient was reproduced very well. An increase of HMA or decrease in water influx led to loss of the gradient. The dynamic behaviour for a change in medium concentration and water influx was also simulated showing short adaptation times in the range of seconds to minutes. Slowing down regulation led to oscillations in expression levels, suggesting the need for rapid regulation and existence of buffering agents.


The model captures the experimental findings very well and confirms the hypothesis that low abundance of HMA4 produces a radial gradient in zinc concentration. Surprisingly, transpiration was found also to be a key parameter. The model suggests that ZIP regulation takes place on a comparable timescale as symplastic transport.  相似文献   
The production of and care for a replacement clutch can bear costs in terms of future reproduction or survival. However, renesting is quite common among seabirds and can contribute considerably to individual fitness. Prolactin and corticosterone are two hormones involved in the mediation of breeding behavior and, as they are linked to body condition or effort, it is of interest if these hormone values change during a second demanding breeding phase within a year. We compared baseline prolactin and corticosterone between the first and the renesting attempt in common terns (Sterna hirundo) on individual level. Therefore, in addition to control birds, 37 breeders were sampled during incubation of their first and their replacement clutch in 2008 and 2009. Blood samples were taken non-invasively by blood-sucking bugs. Prolactin level was lower during the renesting period, especially in birds which abandoned their clutch afterwards, whereas corticosterone did not change. Excluding the deserting birds, the reduced prolactin level was not linked to minor success, but could be related to seasonal processes. The control group of late laying common terns showed comparably low prolactin values, but increased corticosterone concentrations. Renesting individuals exhibited higher prolactin during incubation of their first clutch than non-renesting birds, probably indicating their higher quality. The fact that terns still have relatively high prolactin and low corticosterone values during renesting might confirm their higher quality and suggests that they are able to meet the costs of a second demanding breeding period without being considerably stressed.  相似文献   
Gastroesophageal reflux disease has been implicated in the pathogenesis of adenocarcinoma of the oesophagus. The same applies to laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) and squamous cell cancer of the head and neck, but so far, this link has not been proven. The impact of low pH and bile acids has not been studied extensively in cells other than oesophageal cancer cell lines and tissue. The aims of this study were to investigate the pathogenic potential of reflux and its single components on the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract. We measured DNA stability in human miniorgan cultures (MOCs) and primary epithelial cell cultures (EpCs) in response to reflux by the alkaline comet assay. As matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are involved in extracellular matrix remodelling processes and may contribute to cancer progression, we studied the expression of MMP1, -9, and -14 in MOCs, EpC, UM-SCC-22B, and FADUDD. DNA strand breaks (DNA-SBs) increased significantly at low pH and after incubation with human or artificial gastric juice. Single incubation with glycochenodeoxycholic acid also showed a significant increase in DNA-SBs. In epithelial cell cultures, human gastric juice increased the number of DNA-SBs at pH 4.5 and 5.5. Artificial gastric juice significantly up regulated the gene expression of MMP9. Western blot analysis confirmed the results of gene expression analysis, but the up regulation of MMP1, -9, and -14 was donor-specific. Reflux has the ability to promote genomic instability and may contribute to micro environmental changes suitable for the initiation of malignancy. Further functional gene analysis may elucidate the role of laryngopharyngeal reflux in the development of head neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC).  相似文献   
Ankyrin repeat and LEM-domain containing protein 1 (ANKLE1) is a GIY-YIG endonuclease with unknown functions, mainly expressed in mouse hematopoietic tissues. To test its potential role in hematopoiesis we generated Ankle1-deficient mice. Ankle1Δ/Δ mice are viable without any detectable phenotype in hematopoiesis. Neither hematopoietic progenitor cells, myeloid and lymphoid progenitors, nor B and T cell development in bone marrow, spleen and thymus, are affected in Ankle1Δ/Δ-mice. Similarly embryonic stress erythropoiesis in liver and adult erythropoiesis in bone marrow and spleen appear normal. To test whether ANKLE1, like the only other known GIY-YIG endonuclease in mammals, SLX1, may contribute to Holliday junction resolution during DNA repair, Ankle1-deficient cells were exposed to various DNA-damage inducing agents. However, lack of Ankle1 did not affect cell viability and, unlike depletion of Slx1, Ankle1-deficiency did not increase sister chromatid exchange in Bloom helicase-depleted cells. Altogether, we show that lack of Ankle1 does neither affect mouse hematopoiesis nor DNA damage repair in mouse embryonic fibroblasts, indicating a redundant or non-essential function of ANKLE1 in mouse.  相似文献   
The causes underlying the increased mortality of honeybee Apis mellifera colonies observed over the past decade remain unclear. Since so far the evidence for monocausal explanations is equivocal, involvement of multiple stressors is generally assumed. We here focus on various aspects of forage availability, which have received less attention than other stressors because it is virtually impossible to explore them empirically. We applied the colony model BEEHAVE, which links within‐hive dynamics and foraging, to stylized landscape settings to explore how foraging distance, forage supply, and “forage gaps”, i.e. periods in which honeybees cannot find any nectar and pollen, affect colony resilience and the mechanisms behind. We found that colony extinction was mainly driven by foraging distance, but the timing of forage gaps had strongest effects on time to extinction. Sensitivity to forage gaps of 15 days was highest in June or July even if otherwise forage availability was sufficient to survive. Forage availability affected colonies via cascading effects on queen's egg‐laying rate, reduction of new‐emerging brood stages developing into adult workers, pollen debt, lack of workforce for nursing, and reduced foraging activity. Forage gaps in July led to reduction in egg‐laying and increased mortality of brood stages at a time when the queen's seasonal egg‐laying rate is at its maximum, leading to colony failure over time. Our results demonstrate that badly timed forage gaps interacting with poor overall forage supply reduce honeybee colony resilience. Existing regulation mechanisms which in principle enable colonies to cope with varying forage supply in a given landscape and year, such as a reduction in egg‐laying, have only a certain capacity. Our results are hypothetical, as they are obtained from simplified landscape settings, but they are consistent with existing empirical knowledge. They offer ample opportunities for testing the predicted effects of forage stress in controlled experiments.  相似文献   
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