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Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis is used to visualize the regulatory subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase from cultured S49 mouse lymphoma cells and to demonstrate its in vivo phosphorylation. Regulatory subunits from mutant cells with altered kinases exhibit at least two patterns of charge shifts consistent with substitutions of single amino acids. The direct demonstration of structural alteration of this protein provides strong evidence for structural gene mutation in this cultured cell system. While mutant and wild-type gene products co-exist in the mutant cells, there is apparently preferential expression and phosphorylation of mutant subunit in these heterozygotes.  相似文献   
In experiments in vitro, neither benzene, toluene nor xylene changed the number of sister-chromatid exchanges (SCEs) or the number of chromosomal aberrations in human lymphocytes. Toluene and xylene caused a significant cell growth inhibition which was not observed with benzene in the same concentrations.  相似文献   
High-affinity nickel transport in Alcaligenes eutrophus H16 is mediated by a function designated hoxN. hoxN lies within the hydrogenase gene cluster of megaplasmid pHG1. An insertional mutation at the hoxN locus led to an increased nickel requirement. In this mutant (strain HF260) both autotrophic growth on hydrogen and wild-type level of urease, a nickel-containing enzyme, were dependent on high concentration of nickel in the medium. Studies with a heterologous in vivo expression system revealed that the hoxN locus encodes two proteins with Mr = 30,000 and 28,000. Only the larger polypeptide was essential for nickel transport. The hoxN locus was cloned on a 2.2-kilobase pair fragment. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the hoxN locus revealed an open reading frame with a coding capacity for a protein of 33.1 kDa. The insertion leading to the Nic- phenotype of strain HF260 maps within this open reading frame indicating that it does in fact have coding function. The deduced amino acid sequence of the hoxN gene has several features typical of a hydrophobic integral membrane protein. Alkaline phosphatase fusion proteins produced by insertion of the transposon TnphoA into hoxN gave significant levels of alkaline phosphatase activity indicating that protein HoxN contains periplasmic domains. Taken together, our results suggest that gene hoxN encodes the high-affinity nickel transporter of A. eutrophus.  相似文献   
The nosZ genes encoding the multicopper enzyme nitrous oxide reductase of Alcaligenes eutrophus H16 and the type strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa were cloned and sequenced for structural comparison of their gene products with the homologous product of the nosZ gene from Pseudomonas stutzeri [Viebrock, A. & Zumft, W. G. (1988) J. Bacteriol. 170, 4658-4668] and the subunit II of cytochrome-c oxidase (COII). Both types of enzymes possess the CuA binding site. The nosZ genes were identified in cosmid libraries by hybridization with an internal 1.22-kb PstI fragment (NS220) of nosZ from P. stutzeri. The derived amino acid sequences indicate unprocessed gene products of 70084 Da (A. eutrophus) and 70695 Da (P. aeruginosa). The N-terminal sequences of the NosZ proteins have the characteristics of signal peptides for transport. A homologous domain, extending over at least 50 residues, is shared among the three derived NosZ sequences and the CuA binding region of 32 COII sequences. Only three out of nine cysteine residues of the NosZ protein (P. stutzeri) are invariant. Cys618 and Cys622 are assigned to a binuclear center, A, which is thought to represent the CuA site of NosZ and is located close to the C terminus. Two conserved histidines, one methionine, one aspartate, one valine and two aromatic residues are also part of the CuA consensus sequence, which is the domain homologous between the two enzymes. The CuA consensus sequence, however, lacks four strictly conserved residues present in all COII sequences. Cys165 is likely to be a ligand of a second binuclear center, Z, for which we assume mainly histidine coordination. Of 23 histidine residues in NosZ (P. stutzeri), 14 are invariant, 7 of which are in regions with a degree of conservation well above the 50% positional identity between the Alcaligenes and Pseudomonas sequences. Conserved tryptophan residues are located close to several potential copper ligands. Trp615 may contribute to the observed quenching of fluorescence when the CuA site is occupied.  相似文献   
The effect of red (R) and far-red (FR) light on stem elongation and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) levels was examined in dwarf and tall Pisum sativum L. seedlings. Red light reduced the extension-growth rate of etiolated seedlings by 70–90% after 3 h, and this inhibition was reversible by FR. Inhibition occurred throughout the growing zone. After 3 h of R, the level of extractable IAA in whole stem sections from the growing zone of etiolated plants either increased or showed no change. By contrast, extractable IAA from epidermal peels consistently decreased 3 h after R treatments. Decreases of 40% were observed for epidermal peels from the top 1 cm of tall plants receiving 3 h R. Brief R treatments resulted in smaller decreases in epidermal IAA levels and these decreases were not as great when FR followed R. In lightgrown plants, end-of-day FR stimulated growth during the following dark period in a photoreversible manner. The uppermost 1 cm of expanding third internodes was most responsive to the FR. Extractable IAA from epidermal peels from the upper 1 cm of third internodes increased by 30% or more 5 h after FR. When R followed the FR the increases were smaller. Levels of IAA in whole stem sections did not change and were twofold greater than in dark-grown plants. In both dark- and light-grown tall plants, IAA levels were lower in epidermal peels than in whole stem segments. These results provide evidence that IAA is compartmentalized at the tissue level within the growing stem and that phytochrome regulation of stem elongation rates may be partly based on modulating the level of IAA within the epidermis.Abbreviations IAA indole-3-acetic acid - R red light - FR farred light We thank Yu-Xian Zhu for helping to develop methods for IAA analysis, James Reid for supplying the genetic lines of Pisum and Richard Cyr for the use of microscopy equipment. This work was supported by NSF grant DCB-8801880 and by Hatch funds from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University. The gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer was funded by NSF grant DMB-8505974 and funds from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University. A preliminary report of some of these experiments has appeared in Plant Growth Substances, 1991 (Behringer et al. 1992 b).  相似文献   
Genetic variation of a codominantly inherited pancreas protease, designated CTRA-1, was discovered in the house mouse by isoelectric focusing in polyacrylamide gels. Phenotype CTRA-1A was found in MOLH/Fre and in the majority of common laboratory mouse strains. Phenotype CTRA-1B was found in PWD/Ph. It was characterized by the absence of a corresponding protease band. A third phenotype, CTRA-1C, was observed in IS/Cam and a fourth phenotype, CTRA-1D, was detected in SEG/1. CTRA-1 was found only in the pancreas and may represent the A form of chymotrypsin. The enzyme was shown to be controlled by the presumed structural locus Ctra-1 located on chromosome 8. From two backcross series, including a total of 274 animals, the gene order (Es-1, Es-9)-3.9 +/- 1.7%-Got-2-3.9 +/- 1.7%-(Es-2, Es-7, Es-23)-0.7 +/- 0.5%- Ctra-1-6.3 +/- 2.2%-Prt-2 was established.  相似文献   
The metabolic transformation of methandienone (I) in the horse was investigated. After administration of a commercial drug preparation to a female horse (0.5 mg/kg), urine samples were collected up to 96 h and processed without enzymic hydrolysis. Extraction was performed by a series of solid—liquid and liquid—liquid extractions, thus avoiding laborious purification techniques. For analysis by gas chromatography—mass spectrometry, the extracts were trimethylsilylated. Besides the parent compound I and its C-17 epimer II, three monohydroxylated metabolites were identified: 6β-hydroxymethandienone (III), its C-17 epimer (IV) and 16β-hydroxy-methandienone (V). In addition, three isomers of 6β,16-dihydroxymethandienone (VIa–c) were discovered. Apparently, reduction of the δ4 double bond of 16β-hyroxymethandienone (V) in the horse yields 16β,17β-dihydroxy-17α-methyl-5β-androst-1-en-3-one (VII). Reduction of the isomers VIa–c results in the corresponding 6β,16,17-trihydroxy-17-methyl-5β-androst-1-en-3-ones (VIIIa–c). The data presented here suggest that screening for the isomers of VI and VIII, applying the selected-ion monitoring technique, will be the most successful way of proving methandienone administration to a horse.  相似文献   
Histidine supported good growth of Alcaligenes eutrophus strain H 16 as a nitrogen source, but only poor growth as a carbon and energy source. The facultative chemolithoautotrophic bacterium was also able to utilize urocanic acid, the first intermediate of histidine catabolism. The products of histidine degradation were ammonium, formate and glutamate. Three enzymes of the pathway, histidase, urocanase and formiminoglutamate hydrolase, were present in histidine-grown cells. Two types of spontaneous mutants, derived from the wild type, were characterized by an increased growth rate on histidine. One of these types was found to produce histidase constitutively and at a higher activity compared with the parental strain. The second type of mutant had apparently gained an improved histidine uptake system, which is supposed to be growth rate-limiting in the wild type. From the physiological studies the conclusion was drawn that the control of histidine-degrading enzymes is based on induction by urocanate and catabolite repression by carbon sources supporting fast growth, such as succinate or pyruvate. Ammonium was found not to affect catabolite repression, however, we obtained evidence that histidine uptake is subject to a nitrogen control.Abbreviation CTAB hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide  相似文献   
The nonproteinogenic amino acid, cyclopentenylglycine, is found in certain Flacourtiaceae. This compound may be synthesized by two C1-chain elongations of -ketoglutarate via -ketopimelate (C5+2C1) or by condensation of C4 and C3 units (C4+C3), a pathway not involving -ketopimelate. The following experimental design elucidated the biosynthetic pathway: Idesia polycarpa callus cultures were freshly established from leaf petioles; synthetic -[1,2-14C]ketopimelate was added to the medium and cultures were incubated for 3 weeks. After isolation and separation of free amino acids from the tissues, the radioactivity incorporated into cyclopentenylglycine was determined. The results establish -ketopimelate as a precursor for cyclopentenylglycine, thus providing evidence for the C5+2C1 biosynthetic path.  相似文献   
α-Satellite DNA from African green monkey cells was analysed with restriction nucleases in some detail confirming and complementing our earlier results. With EcoRI and HaeIII (or BsuRI isoschizomer), about 25 and 10%, respectively, of the satellite DNA were cleaved into a series of fragments of the 172 bp repeat length and multiples thereof. To allow studies with fragments of homogeneous sequence unit length, HindIII fragments were covalently joined with the plasmid pBR313. After transformation 19 clones were obtained, containing up to three monomer fragments. Nine of the clones were characterized by digestion with EcoRI. Three of these had cleavage sites for this nuclease in the satellite DNA portion. In the six clones tested with HaeIII no cleavage site was detected in the cloned DNA. The results are discussed in relation to the nucleotide sequence data recently published by Rosenberg et al. (1978) and in the context of random and nonrandom processes in satellite DNA evolution.  相似文献   
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