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In the diploid vegetative plant cell, the nuclear DNA is present in two copies, whereas the chloroplast and mitochondria genomes are present in a higher and variable copy number. We have studied the replication of the nuclear, chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA in culturedNicotiana tabacum cells using density and radioactive markers. Essentially all the 10 000 chloroplast genomes in a given cell replicate in one cell cycle as do all the mitochondrial DNA molecules. No measurable level of unreplicated organellar DNA molecules can be detected in these cells.  相似文献   
Hydrostatic pressure can be used to perturb the ribosome-ribosomal subunit equilibrium. We have used glutaraldehyde fixation and subsequent sucrose gradient analysis to determine the equilibrium concentrations of Escherichia coli 70 S, 50 S, and 30 S particles at pressures from 1 to 1400 atm. This method is shown to be sufficiently rapid and free of interfering ribosomal aggregation artifacts when performed at Mg2+ concentrations below 8 mM. We show directly that the E. coli ribosome is in equilibrium with its subunits and that the pressure-sensitive reaction is appropriately described by the expression: In Kp = ln K0 + (P delta V/RT), where Kp and K0 are the equilibrium constants at pressure P and 1 atm, respectively, and delta V is the change in molecular volume that occurs during the reaction. The method provides values for K0 under different conditions, and the effects of Mg2+ ion can be readily ascertained. K0 and delta V were also estimated by a method of fitting computer-generated sucrose gradient profiles to experimental profiles. Determination of delta H0, delta S0, and delta V0 at 5 mM Mg2+ are presented. The results are discussed in the context of previous thermodynamic studies of the E. coli ribosome.  相似文献   
An analysis of the available data on the cytidine pathway for the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine, by the logic derived from the theoretical principles of metabolic regulation, shows that the first two reactions catalysed by choline (ethanolamine) kinase and phosphocholine (phosphoethanolamine) cytidylyltransferase are rate-limiting, whereas the phosphocholine (phosphoethanolamine) transferase step is near equilibrium in rat liver.  相似文献   
Choline kinase and phosphocholine cytidylytransferase catalyse the rate-limiting steps of the cytidine pathway for the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine [Infante (1977) Biochem. J. 167, 847--849]. Essential-fatty acid deficiency induces a 3.5-fold increase in the specific activity of choline kinase, whereas the specific activity of the cytidylytransferase remains unchanged in rat liver. This change in specific activity accounts for the calculated increase in flux through the cytidine pathway produced in vivo by the same dietary state [Trewhella & Collins (1973 Biochim. Biophys. Acta 296, 34--50], thus confirming the fact that choline kinase has a regulatory role in the cytidine pathway for the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine.  相似文献   
Experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis (EAMG) is an important model for testing current concepts in autoimmunity and novel immunotherapies for autoimmune diseases. The EAMG autoantigen, acethylcholine receptor (AChR), is structurally and immunologically complex, a potential obstacle to the application of therapeutic strategies aimed at oligoclonal T cell populations. Inasmuch as we had previously shown that the clonal heterogeneity of T cell epitope recognition in EAMG was unexpectedly limited, we examined TCR V beta expression. AChR primed lymph node T cells and established AChR reactive T cell clones from EAMG-susceptible C57BL/6 (B6; H-2b, Mls-1b) mice showed preferential utilization of the TCR V beta 6 segment of the TCR. After in vivo priming and in vitro restimulation for 7 days with AChR or a synthetic peptide bearing an immunodominant epitope, V beta 6 expressing lymph node cells (LNC) were expanded several-fold, accounting for up to 75% of recovered viable CD4+ cells. The LNC of B6.C-H-2bm12 (bm12; H-2bm12, Mls-1b) mice, which proliferated in response to AChR but not to the B6 immunodominant peptide, failed to expand V beta 6+ cells. Inasmuch as nonimmune bm12 and B6 animals had similar numbers of V beta 6+ LNC (4-5%), this suggested that structural requirements for TCR recognition of Ag/MHC complexes dictated V beta usage. Results concerning peptide reactivity and V beta 6 expression among T cells from (B6 x bm12)F1 animals also suggested that structure-function relationships, rather than negative selection or tolerance, accounted for the strain differences between B6 and bm12. To examine the potential effects of thymic negative selection of V beta 6+ cells on the T cell response to AChR, CB6F1 (H-2bxd, Mls-1b; V beta 6-expressing) and B6D2F1 (H-2bxd, Mls-1axb; V beta 6-deleting) strains were analyzed for AChR and peptide reactivity and V beta 6 expression. Both F1 strains responded well to AChR but the response of B6D2F1 mice to peptide was significantly reduced compared to CB6F1. Short and long term cultures of peptide-reactive B6D2F1 LNC showed no expansion of residual V beta 6+ cells, although similar cultures of CB6F1 LNC were composed of more than 60% V beta 6+ cells. The results from the F1 strains further indicated that the T cell repertoire for peptide was highly constrained and that non-V beta 6 expressing cells could only partially overcome Mls-mediated negative selection of V beta 6+ TCR capable of recognizing peptide.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
In twenty two adult cats, distributed in four groups, stainless steel electrodes were implanted in the superior colliculus and the substantia nigra of both sides in order: 1) to find the current intensity threshold values necessary to evoke turning behavior, and record their variations after lesion of the cited structures; 2) to study the effects of lesioning two of these structures, specifically related to the direction of turning behavior, and 3) to assess the time-course of recovery from postural asymmetry after damaging two structures involved in rotation behavior, located either in the same or in the opposite side, as well as the importance of performing these lesions simultaneously or at different periods. Three main results were observed: 1) a large proportion of lesioned cats showed an increase in threshold values necessary to evoke rotation of the implanted structures located either in the same or in the opposite side; 2) the lesions induced in a significant number of cats a transient postural asymmetry. After lesioning the superior colliculus, the direction of turning was towards the damaged hemisphere. Apomorphine injected fourteen days later demonstrated the existence of an occult asymmetry, and the direction of turning was maintained. In the substantia nigra lesioned animals, the direction of turning, was towards the non-lesioned side. Apomorphine reversed the direction of turning; 3) the cats showed a remarkable capacity to recover from the postural asymmetry produced by the lesion. This experimental series further support the hypothesis of a close functional relationship between structures of both cerebral hemispheres related to turning behavior.  相似文献   
The proliferative response of the mouse bladder was investigated, using continuous labelling with tritiated thymidine, at various times after a single dose of radiation. Bladder epithelial and vascular endothelial cells were studied. The cell turnover rate in unirradiated epithelium and endothelium was found to be extremely slow (in excess of 1 year). Irradiation with a single dose of 25 Gy resulted in compensatory proliferation of the epithelium but the response was not initiated for many months. At 3 months after irradiation there was little difference from the control proliferation rate, but from 6 to 22 months after irradiation (the end of the study) there was a period of sustained rapid proliferation with the cell turnover time reduced to approximately 1 week. The increase in proliferative activity observed at 22 months was found to be dose—dependent. Endothelial cells in the blood vessels of the submucosa also showed an increased turnover rate after irradiation and the timing of this reponse was found to be similar to that of the epithelium. The onset of compensatory proliferation in both cell types was found to coincide with marked histological and functional changes in the bladder. In this slowly proliferating tissue, the onset of rapid compensatory proliferation after irradiation is delayed and occurs at the time that functional impairment is observed. This supports the postulate that proliferation is unlikely to contribute much to the sparing effect of prolonged fractionated radiotherapy in slowly dividing tissues.  相似文献   
Recognition of AeE Ia antigens at the functional level was investigated using T-cell clones. The reactivities of an alloreactive and an antigen-reactive clone, both of which recognized AeE Ia molecules, were compared on a panel of stimulator/antigen-presenting cells of various genotypes. The two clones recognized all tested A e b E x Ia molecules, where x is a haplotype capable of expressing an Ia.7-bearing E polypeptide. Ia antigen recognition by either clone could be inhibited by the monoclonal antibody Y-17, which recognizes a combinatorial serologic determinant on certain AeE molecules. There were no differences in the recognition of Ia by the alloreactive versus the antigen-reactive clone, suggesting that Ia antigens are recognized by the two clones in a fundamentally similar way. The recognition of these various Ia molecules by the two cloned T-cell lines provides evidence that the E polypeptides from H-2 haplotypes k, d, r, and u are functionally indistinguishable.Abreviations MHC major histocompatibility complex - Mb myoglobin - MLR mixed leukocyte reaction - PBS phosphate buffered saline - APC antigen presenting cell - KLH keyhole limpet hemocyanin - GAT poly (glut60 alai30 tyr10)n - (TG)-A—L poly (L-tyr, L-glu)-poly (D, L-ala)—poly L-lys - GLPhe poly (glu55 lys36 phe9)n  相似文献   
Essential-fatty acid deficiency produces a 52% increase in the rate of phosphatidyl-ethanolamine synthesis in rat liver as calculated from results obtained in vivo [Trewhella & Collins (1973) Biochem. Biophys. Acta 296, 34--50]. This flux change was used to test the possible regulatory roles of ethanolamine kinase and of phosphoethanolamine cytidylyltransferase, which are rate-limiting enzymes of the cytidine pathway for the synthesis of phosphatidylethanolamine [Infante (1977) Biochem. J. 167, 847--849]. The results show that essential-fatty acid deficiency produces 50% and 53% increases respectively in the specific activity of these enzymes, accounting for the increased rate of phosphatidylethanolamine synthesis produced by this dietary insufficiency. This evidence leads to the conclusion that ethanolamine kinase and phosphoethanolamine cytidylyl-transferase have co-ordinated regulatory roles in the flux control of the cytidine pathway, and its sphinganine 1-phosphate lyase branch reaction, for the synthesis of phosphatidylethanolamine.  相似文献   
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