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The CO2-concentrating mechanism (CCM) in cyanobacteria supports high rates of photosynthesis by greatly increasing the concentration of CO2 around the major carbon fixing enzyme, Rubisco. However, the CCM remains poorly understood, especially in regards to the enigmatic CO2-hydration enzymes which couple photosynthetically generated redox energy to the hydration of CO2 to bicarbonate. This CO2-hydration reaction is catalysed by specialized forms of NDH-1 thylakoid membrane complexes that contain phylogenetically unique extrinsic proteins that appear to couple CO2 hydration to NDH-1 proton pumping. The development of the first molecular genetic system to probe structure-function relationships of this important enzyme system is described. A CO2-hydration deficient strain was constructed as a recipient for DNA constructs containing different forms of the CO2-hydration system. This was tested by introducing a construct to an ectopic location that gives constitutive expression, rather than native inducible expression, of the ndhF3-ndhD3-cupA-cupS, (cupA operon) encoding high affinity CO2-hydration complex, NDH-13. Uptake assays show the restoration of high affinity for CO2 uptake, but demonstrate that the CupA complex can drive only modest uptake fluxes, underlining the importance of its tandem operation with the CupB-containing complex NDH-14, the complementary high flux, low affinity CO2 hydration system. Experiments with the carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, ethoxyzolamide, indicate that the NDH-13 complex is strongly inhibited, yet the remaining NDH-14 activity in the wild-type is less so, suggesting structural differences between the low affinity and high affinity CO2–hydration systems. This new construct will be an important tool to study and better understand cyanobacterial CO2 uptake systems.  相似文献   
A 500 bp fragment encoding an isoform of cysteine proteinase from Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis was subcloned and expressed in the pHis vector, resulting in a recombinant protein of 24 kDa, rLacys24. In Western blots of L. (L.) amazonensis extracts, antibodies directed to rLacys24 recognized a cysteine proteinase isoform of 30 kDa. Analysis by fluorescence-activated cell sorter showed a significantly higher expression of CD8+ lymphocytes in animals immunized with rLacys24 plus CFA, whereas a low expression of CD4+ lymphocytes was observed in these animals. The cytotoxicity of lymphocytes isolated from mice immunized with rLacys24 plus CFA on L. (L.) amazonensis-infected macrophages was significantly higher than that observed in the presence of lymphocytes from control animals. Immunization of BALB/c mice with rLacys24 plus CFA resulted in a low but significant decrease of foot lesions after challenge with L. (L.) amazonensis compared to those exhibited by control mice.  相似文献   
Most species of social insects have singly mated queens, but in some species each queen mates with numerous males to create a colony whose workers belong to multiple patrilines. This colony genetic structure creates a potential for intracolonial nepotism. One context with great potential for such nepotism arises in species, like honey bees, whose colonies reproduce by fissioning. During fissioning, workers might nepotistically choose between serving a young (sister) queen or the old (mother) queen, preferring the former if she is a full-sister but the latter if the young queen is only a half-sister. We examined three honeybee colonies that swarmed, and performed paternity analyses on the young (immature) queens and samples of workers who either stayed with the young queens in the nest or left with the mother queen in the swarm. For each colony, we checked whether patrilines represented by immature queens had higher proportions of staying workers than patrilines not represented by immature queens. We found no evidence of this. The absence of intracolonial nepotism during colony fissioning could be because the workers cannot discriminate between full-sister and half-sister queens when they are immature, or because the costs of behaving nepotistically outweigh the benefits.  相似文献   
Calophyllum brasiliense (Clusiaceae/Guttiferae) is a native Brazilian medicinal plant traditionally used against several diseases, including infectious pathologies. Crude methanolic extracts (CME) and two fractions, denoted non-polar (soluble in chloroform) and polar (nonsoluble in chloroform), were prepared from different parts of the plant (roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits) and studied. The following compounds were isolated and tested against pathogenic bacteria and yeasts by determination of the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC): brasiliensic acid (1), gallic acid (2), epicatechin (3), protocatechuic acid (4), friedelin (5) and 1,5-dihydroxyxanthone (6). The results indicated that all the parts of the plant exhibited antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive bacteria, which are selectively inhibited by components of C. brasiliense. No activity was observed against Gram-negative bacteria and yeasts tested. Regarding the isolated compounds, substance 4 showed antimicrobial activity against all the tested microorganisms, whereas compound 6 exhibited antimicrobial activity only against Gram-positive bacteria. The results from the current study confirm and justify the popular use of this plant to treat infectious processes.  相似文献   
An interview tool, Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies (DIGS 3.0), was translated into Spanish for application in studies of psychiatric disorders in Colombia. Two Spanish translations of the original English version of DIGS were prepared and back-translated into English. A review committee verified the linguistic and cultural equivalence of the translations. The evaluator and test-retest reliability were assessed calculating Cohen's kappa for samples of 65 and 91 patients respectively. DIGS proved valid in both appearance and content. The confidence interval (C.I.) was excellent for schizophrenia (kappa = 0.81, C.I. 95% = 0.68-0.93), bipolar disorder (kappa = 0.87, C.I. 95% = 0.75-0.99), major depressive disorder (kappa = 0.86, C.I. 95% = 0.70-1.00), and for a normal diagnosis (kappa = 0.65, C.I. 95% = 0.41-0.89); it was good for other psychiatric diagnosis (kappa = 0.65, C.I. 95% = 0.41-0.89) and poor for schizoaffective disorder (kappa = 0.37, C.I. 95% = -0.02-0.76). Test-retest reliability was excellent for all diagnoses (kappa > 0.8), except for "other psychiatric diagnoses" (kappa = 0.64, C.I. 95% = 0.31-0.96). The Spanish translation of the DIGS was comprehensible, with face and content validity, and good test-retest and evaluator reliability. This translation will be a useful tool for genetic studies of psychiatric disorders in Latin America, particularly where schizophrenia and affective disorders are involved.  相似文献   
Chromobacterium violaceum is a Gram-negative bacterium found in a wide variety of tropical and subtropical ecosystems. The complete genome sequence of C. violaceum ATCC 12472 is now available, and it has considerable biotechnological potential for various applications, such as environmental detoxification, as well as medical and agricultural use. We examined the biotechnological potential of C. violaceum for environmental detoxification. Three operons, comprising the ars operon, involved in arsenic resistance, the cyn operon, involved in cyanate detoxification, and the hcn operon, encoding a cyanase, responsible for biogenic production of cyanide, as well as an open reading frame, encoding an acid dehalogenase, were analyzed in detail. Probable catalytic mechanisms for the enzymes were determined, based on amino acid sequence comparisons and on published structural information for these types of proteins.  相似文献   
Induction of HIV-1-specific CD8(+) T cells during acute infection is associated with a decline in viremia. The role CD8(+) effectors play in subsequently establishing viral set point remains unclear. To address this, we focused on two acutely infected patients with the same initial Tat-specific CD8(+) response, analyzing their CD8(+) T cell responses longitudinally in conjunction with viral load and sequence evolution. In one patient initiating treatment during acute infection, the frequencies of Tat-specific CD8(+) T cells gradually diminished but persisted, and the Tat epitope sequence was unaltered. By contrast, in the second patient who declined treatment, the Tat-specific CD8(+) T cells disappeared below detection, in conjunction with Gag-specific CD4(+) T cell loss, as plasma viremia reached a set point. This coincided with the emergence of an escape variant within the Tat epitope and an additional Vpr epitope. New CD8(+) T cell responses emerged but with no further associated decline in viremia. These findings indicate that, in the absence of treatment, the initial CD8(+) T cell responses have the greatest impact on reducing viremia, and that later, continuously evolving responses are less efficient in further reducing viral load. The results also suggest that T cell help may contribute to the antiviral efficiency of the acute CD8(+) T cell response.  相似文献   
In the present work murine thymocytes exposed to Thapsigargin (TG 10, 20 and 50 nM), Phorbol-12,13,20-triacetate (TPA16 nM) and Ouabain (OUA100 nM) exhibited an increased expression of CD69, a molecule related to cellular activation and associated to Ca(++) influx in other systems. The kinetics of CD69 appearance depended on the stimuli and dose used. TG 50 nM induced an increased expression by 6 h whereas with lower doses (10 and 20 nM) an increase was detected at 18 h. TPA maximal increase was evident at 6 h. OUA lead to an observable increase at 18 h. However, in the case of TPA or TG the presence of the stimuli was only necessary for the first 2 h of culture, whereas OUA needed to be present during the whole assay. It was also demonstrated that Ca(++) influx was an essential feature, as EGTA diminished or abolished CD69 increased expression. Nevertheless, EGTA was only capable of this effect when present at the time of the stimuli. No correlation of CD69 expression with thymocyte death was observed. Similarly, the agents under study did not promote the maturation from double-positive into single-positive thymocytes. TPA and Thapsigargin were capable of decreasing the level of CD4 molecules on the cell surface, probably due to the loss of these molecules. OUA, on the other hand, did not modify CD4/CD8 expression on these cells.  相似文献   
Central cholinergic mechanisms are suggested to participate in osmoreceptor-induced water intake. Therefore, central injections of the cholinergic agonist carbachol usually produce water intake (i.e., thirst) and are ineffective in inducing the intake of hypertonic saline solutions (i.e., the operational definition of sodium appetite). Recent studies have indicated that bilateral injections of the serotonin receptor antagonist methysergide into the lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPBN) markedly increases salt intake in models involving the activation of the renin-angiotensin system or mineralocorticoid hormones. The present studies investigated whether sodium appetite could be induced by central cholinergic activation with carbachol (an experimental condition where only water is typically ingested) after the blockade of LPBN serotonergic mechanisms with methysergide treatment in rats. When administered intracerebroventricularly in combination with injections of vehicle into both LPBN, carbachol (4 nmol) caused water drinking but insignificant intake of hypertonic saline. In contrast, after bilateral LPBN injections of methysergide (4 microg), intracerebroventricular carbachol induced the intake of 0.3 M NaCl. Water intake stimulated by intracerebroventricular carbachol was not changed by LPBN methysergide injections. The results indicate that central cholinergic activation can induce marked intake of hypertonic NaCl if the inhibitory serotonergic mechanisms of the LPBN are attenuated.  相似文献   
The involvement of actin filaments from the host cell on the process of invasion of trypomastigote forms of Trypanosma cruzi was analyzed in seven different cell lines. Prior incubation of all cell lines with cytochalasin D, under conditions which interfere with actin filaments, markedly inhibited parasite internalization and increased parasite attachment. Attached parasites were readily ingested following washing of the drug-treated cells. Cytochalasin treatment interfered with the distribution of actin filaments of the host cell as evaluated by visualization of the filaments using confocal laser scanning microscopy of cells incubated in the presence of FITC-phalloidin. Concentration of actin filaments could be observed in most, but not all, parasites in the process of internalization. We also treated LLCMK 2 and macrophage cells with Jasplakinolide, a drug that stabilizes actin filaments, before interaction with the trypomastigote forms. This drug partially inhibits parasite invasion into the cells. Prior incubation of the host cells in the presence of colchicine, which interfere with microtubules, also inhibited parasite internalization into the cells.  相似文献   
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