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Analysis of soluble proteins from human genital skin fibroblasts by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis reveals an abundant protein doublet of mol. wt 56,000 with isoelectric points (pI) of 6.7 and 6.5. This protein is absent in non-genital skin fibroblasts as well as in genital skin fibroblasts of most patients with complete forms of androgen insensitivity. The protein specifically binds androgen. A protein of similar estimated molecular weight (58,000) from human genital skin fibroblasts has recently been found to be covalently radiolabelled by the affinity ligand dihydrotestosterone 17 beta-bromoacetate (DHT-BA). In the present study these proteins have been found to be indistinguishable on one- and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Antibodies raised against the 56 kDa pI 6.7/6.5 protein also recognized the protein covalently radiolabelled by DHT-BA. A third protein of estimated mol. wt 59,000 has been found to be associated with several steroid hormone receptor complexes but has no known ligand binding activity. This protein was found to be clearly separable from the 56/58 kDa protein on two-dimensional gel electrophoresis as it has a more acidic pI of approximately 5.4. Furthermore, antibodies against the 59 kDa protein do not recognize the 56 kDa species, and vice versa.  相似文献   
An antibody raised against a peptide in the first nucleotide-binding domain (NBD) of CFTR [1], incorporated into intact rat submandibular acini by hypotonic swelling, inhibited beta-adrenergic stimulated mucin secretion, without affecting cyclic AMP rise. The data are the first to show that a CFTR-antibody-containing cell results in defective stimulation of mucin secretion, as is seen in CF cells, and that this can be reversed by an excessive increase in cyclic AMP.  相似文献   
Summary Fe (III) and Cu (II) each at 50 M in four commercial strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae induced an increase of NAD(P)+ reduction in one strain (Turkish), but two others (Chilean and Brazilian), the presence of Fe(III) and/or Cu(II) diminished NAD(P)+ reduction presumably due to free radicais formation inside these living cells. Suprisingly, in the American strain, Fe(III) induced a decrease and Cu (II) an increase of NAD(P)+ reduction.  相似文献   
Two different genes encoding class II chitinases from peanut (Arachis hypogaea L. cv. NC4), A.h.Chi2;1 and A.h.Chi2;2, have been cloned. In peanut cell suspension cultures, mRNA levels of A.h.Chi2;2 increased after ethylene or salicylate treatment and in the presence of conidia from Botrytis cinerea. The second gene, A.h.Chi2;1, was only expressed after treatment with the fungal spores. Transgenic tobacco plants containing the complete peanut A.h.Chi2;1 gene exhibited essentially the same expression pattern in leaves as observed in peanut cell cultures. Expression characteristics of transgenic tobacco carrying a promoter-GUS fusion of A.h.Chi2;1 are described.  相似文献   
Water relations, desiccation tolerance and longevity of Taxus brevifolia (Nutt.) seeds were studied to determine the optimal stage of development and storage conditions for seeds of this species. Seeds equilibrated to a range of relative humidities (RHs) had unusually low water contents which can be accounted for by the high lipid content of gametophyte tissues (71% of the dry mass). Water relations of embryonic tissue were more typical of those reported for other seed species. The water content below which freezing transitions were not observable in the embryo was ca 0.24 g H2O (g dry weight)−1 (g g−1) for all maturity classes studied. Embryos did not achieve significant levels of desiccation tolerance (survival to water contents less than 0.5 g g−1) until the latter stages of development when dry matter was maximal. Mature embryos could be dried to 0.025 g g−1 (seed water content of 0.010 g g−1) with no loss of viability. Thus, at the latter stages of development, embryo water content could be optimized to avoid both desiccation and freezing damage. Survival of mature seeds declined over a 2-year period when seeds were stored at temperatures between 5 and 35°C and RHs between 14 and 75%, corresponding to seed water contents between 0.015 and 0.07 g g−1. The deterioration rate was slowest for seeds stored at the lowest RH and temperature. Our data indicate that seeds of Taxus brevifolia show orthodox rather than recalcitrant storage characteristics, but that the optimum water content for storage was extremely low. The results suggest that even if stored at optimal water contents and low temperatures, T. brevifolia seeds will be relatively short lived. The high quantity of lipids or reducing sugars may be contributing factors in the poor storage characteristics.  相似文献   
The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the EMBL nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession number X96986. The nameDPB1 * 6601 was officially assigned by the WHO Nomenclature Committee in May 1996. This follows the agreed policy that, subject to the conditions stated in the most recent Nomenclature Report (Bodmer et al. 1995), names will be assigned to new sequences as they are identified. Lists of such sequences will be published in the following WHO Nomenclature Report  相似文献   
Prevalence of yeasts in 35 leukoplakia and 34 oral lichen planus patients was compared with that observed in persons without oral diseases. Serotype and morphotype were determined on Candida albicans isolates. Yeasts were isolated from the oral cavity specimens of 43.7% of the patients. C. albicans (serotype A) was the predominant species (76% in leukoplakia, 88.2% in lichen planus and 60.8% in healthy persons). Sixteen morphotypes were encountered on malt extract agar, being 732, 733, 734, 753 and 754 the most frequently found. Morphotypes SP1N and SP1Y were the most common on Sabouraud-trypheniltetrazolium agar (68.4% of the isolates from leukoplakia and 73.3% from lichen planus, but only 46.6% of the isolates from healthy oral mucosa showed SP1N morphotype). Presence of oral lesions was associated with a marked reduction in the yeast species and C. albicans biotypes, suggesting that C. albicans and particularly some of its biotypes, show a high potential of adaptation to the changes associated with the development of oral leukoplakia and lichen planus.  相似文献   
Water, suspended particulate matter (SPM) and sediments were collected from the Esteiro de Estarreja (Ria de Aveiro, Portugal), which receives considerable quantities of waste mercury from a chlor-alkali plant. Dissolved and particulate Hg concentrations in the effluent ranged between 4 –167 g I–1 and 141–3144 g g–1, respectively, at pH values of >10. The effluent plume undergoes significant chemical changes during advection downestuary. The evidence suggested that adsorption of dissolved Hg onto organic-rich SPM was an important process. A maximum sediment Hg concentration of 500 g g–1 was found about 1.5 km from the discharge, as a result of the settling of Hg-rich SPM. Downestuary Hg concentrations in sediments decline to about 100 g g–1 at the mouth of the Esteiro. The particle-water interactions are discussed in terms of the transport of dissolved and particulate Hg into the Ria de Aveiro.  相似文献   
An efficient and easy method for genetic characterization of plant somatic hybrids is proposed. In a first qualitative approach, four somatic hybrids and their parental species (Nicotiana tabacum andN. plumbaginifolia) were characterized by DNA fingerprinting and Random Amplification of Polymorphic DNA (RAPD). After this, a quantitative estimation of the degree of parental contribution to the hybrids was carried out by means of a slot-blot analysis. Both qualitative methods, showed one hybrid identical toN. tabacum, two almost identical toN. plumbaginifolia, and a fourth similar to this parental species, but with someN. tabacum admixture. The quantitative method, for the same hybrids, gave 83%, 7%, 7%, and 37%N. tabacum DNA contribution, respectively.  相似文献   
In previous work, we demonstrated that there was an optimummoisture level for seed storage at a given temperature (Vertucciand Roos, 1990), and suggested, using thermodynamic considerations,that the optimum moisture content increased as the storage temperaturedecreased (Vertucci and Roos, 1993b). In this paper, we presentdata from a two year study of aging rates in pea (Pisum sativum)seeds supporting the hypothesis that the optimum moisture contentfor storage varies with temperature. Seed viability and vigourwere monitored during storage under dark or lighted conditionsat relative humidities between 1 and 90%, and temperatures between-5 and 65°C. The optimum moisture content varied from 0·015g H2O g-1 d.wt at 65°C to 0·101 g H2O g-1 d.wt at15°C under dark conditions and from 0·057 at 35°Cto 0·092 g H2O g-1 d.wt at -5°C under lighted conditions.Our results suggest that optimum moisture contents cannot beconsidered independently of temperature. This conclusion hasimportant implications for 'ultra-dry' and cryopreservationtechnologies.Copyright 1994, 1999 Academic Press Seed storage, seed aging, seed longevity, water content, temperature, glass, desiccation damage, ultradry, Pisum sativum L., pea, cryopreservation  相似文献   
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