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An Arabidopsis thaliana gene (UBC6) encoding a homologue to ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes has been isolated which is capable of encoding a protein of 183 amino acids of ca. 21 kDa. Northern analysis indicates that the gene is expressed in flowers, seeds and, to a somewhat lesser extent, in 10-day seedlings but not in mature leaves, callus and pre-flowering plants. This pattern of expression is confirmed using transgenic Arabidopsis plants containing a UBC6 promoter-GUS gene fusion construct. These plants displey GUS activity in mature anthers prior to dehiscence, in developing embryos, sepals and the style after pollination.  相似文献   
Closing of stomatal pores in the leaf epidermis of higher plants is mediated by long-term release of potassium and the anions chloride and malate from guard cells and by parallel metabolism of malate. Previous studies have shown that slowly activating anion channels in the plasma membrane of guard cells can provide a major pathway for anion efflux while also controlling K+ efflux during stomatal closing: Anion efflux produces depolarization of the guard cell plasma membrane that drives K+ efflux required for stomatal closing. The patch-clamp technique was applied to Vicia faba guard cells to determine the permeability of physiologically significant anions and halides through slow anion channels to assess the contribution of these anion channels to anion efflux during stomatal closing. Permeability ratio measurements showed that all tested anions were permeable with the selectivity sequence relative to Cl- of NO3- > Br- > F- ~ Cl- ~ I- > malate. Large malate concentrations in the cytosol (150 mM) produced a slow down-regulation of slow anion channel currents. Single anion channel currents were recorded that correlated with whole-cell anion currents. Single slow anion channels confirmed the large permeability ratio for nitrate over chloride ions. Furthermore, single-channel studies support previous indications of multiple conductance states of slow anion channels, suggesting cooperativity among anion channels. Anion conductances showed that slow anion channels can mediate physiological rates of Cl- and initial malate efflux required for mediation of stomatal closure. The large NO3- permeability as well as the significant permeabilities of all anions tested indicates that slow anion channels do not discriminate strongly among anions. Furthermore, these data suggest that slow anion channels can provide an efficient pathway for efflux of physiologically important anions from guard cells and possibly also from other higher plant cells that express slow anion channels.  相似文献   
Recent ethnobotanical exploration of henequen (Agave fourcroydes) in the Peninsula of Yucatan, Mexico, finds that inflorescence peduncles are used as emergency food and in the preparation of a fermented drink. Bromatological analysis and determination of total carbohydrates were made for the two length classes (ca. 3.30 m and ca. 0.60 m) which are consumed. The analysis of both the cultivated plant and its putative wild ancestor (Agave angustifolia) suggests that utilization of the inflorescence peduncles as food may have been involved in the initial stages of the history of its evolution under artificial selection, because the wild and the cultivated plants have similar palatability. The subsequent agricultural prevalence of annual crop species in the region was possibly responsible for the abandonment of henequen in the local diet. No significant differences are observed between the bromatological and total carbohydrate values of domesticated and wild plants. The preference for small inflorescence peduncles as a vegetable is a consequence of its significantly minor content of raw fiber and its larger content of total carbohydrates. As a fermented drink, longer peduncles are preferred because they provide more substrate material and because fiber can be eliminated by filtering. This agricultural byproduct, almost totally wasted, has potential value as a source of carbohydrates and raw fiber.  相似文献   
By monitoring the mitotic transmission of a marked chromosome bearing a defective centromere, we have identified conditional alleles of two genes involved in chromosome segregation (cse). Mutations in CSE1 and CSE2 have a greater effect on the segregation of chromosomes carrying mutant centromeres than on the segregation of chromosomes with wild-type centromeres. In addition, the cse mutations cause predominantly nondisjunction rather than loss events but do not cause a detectable increase in mitotic recombination. At the restrictive temperature, cse1 and cse2 mutants accumulate large-budded cells, with a significant fraction exhibiting aberrant binucleate morphologies. We cloned the CSE1 and CSE2 genes by complementation of the cold-sensitive phenotypes. Physical and genetic mapping data indicate that CSE1 is linked to HAP2 on the left arm of chromosome VII and CSE2 is adjacent to PRP2 on chromosome XIV. CSE1 is essential and encodes a novel 109-kDa protein. CSE2 encodes a 17-kDa protein with a putative basic-region leucine zipper motif. Disruption of CSE2 causes chromosome missegregation, conditional lethality, and slow growth at the permissive temperature.  相似文献   
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is the most common adenoma in old men. Tomatoes are a rich source of bioactive compounds that, as well as selenium (Se), possess antioxidant and antiproliferative activity. The aim was to evaluate the therapeutic effect of Se in combination with a tomato extract in aged rats with BPH. Aged male Wistar rats were divided in the following groups (n = 10 rats/group): Control (C), BPH, BPH + Finasteride (BPH + F), BPH + Tomato Lipidic Extract (BPH + E), BPH + Selenium (BPH + S) and BPH plus E plus S (BPH + E + S). After 4 weeks of treatment, prostate weight, diuresis, antioxidants enzymes, prooxidants and inflammatory markers, growth factors and androgens were determined. BPH + E + S reduced prostate weight by 59.29% and inhibited growth by 99.35% compared to BPH + F which only decreased weight and inhibited growth by 15.31% and 57.54%, respectively. Prooxidant markers were higher with BPH + F (49.4% higher vs. BPH), but BPH + E + S decreased these markers (94.27% vs. BPH) and increased antioxidant activity. Finally, diuresis was higher with the BPH + E + S combination and markers of inflammation and growth factors were significantly lower with respect to BPH + F. Our findings provide a beneficial and protective therapeutic option of E + S directed against androgens, oxidative stress and inflammation that regulates cell proliferation in the prostate gland.  相似文献   
Mine wastewater often contains dissolved metals at concentrations too low to be economically extracted by existing technologies, yet too high for environmental discharge. The most common treatment is chemical precipitation of the dissolved metals using limestone and subsequent disposal of the sludge in tailing impoundments. While it is a cost-effective solution to meet regulatory standards, it represents a lost opportunity. In this study, we engineered Escherichia coli to overexpress its native NikABCDE transporter and a heterologous metallothionein to capture nickel at concentrations in local effluent streams. We found the engineered strain had a 7-fold improvement in the bioaccumulation performance for nickel compared to controls, but also observed a drastic decrease in cell viability due to metabolic burden or inducer (IPTG) toxicity. Growth kinetic analysis revealed the IPTG concentrations used based on past studies lead to growth inhibition, thus delineating future avenues for optimization of the engineered strain and its growth conditions to perform in more complex environments.  相似文献   
Summary Ecosystem management often proceeds within the context of sub‐optimal relationships between ecologists and ecosystem managers, and management outcomes could be improved with greater collaboration between members of these disciplines. This paper identifies an ecosystem management problem resulting from the interaction between timber harvesting and browsing wallabies, and this case study is used to exemplify how ecological data and expertise can contribute to the process of ecosystem management. It is argued that appropriate use of existing ecological data, establishment of strategic new research and the implementation of management actions as experimental hypothesis tests can facilitate achievement of management objectives, but greater collaboration between ecologists and managers is required before this can occur. Reasons for sub‐optimal relationships are outlined, and the potential for structural change within large State‐run ecosystem management agencies to improve interactions between managers and ecologists is discussed.  相似文献   
Reproductive performance varies with age in a wide range of organisms, and increasingly such patterns are interpreted in terms of state-dependent models. We sought to characterise 'state' with regards to age-related variation in clutch size, egg mass and timing of breeding in captive zebra finches Taeniopygia guttata , focusing on the roles of diet quality, age and breeding experience. Females on a high-quality diet laid larger clutches of larger eggs than did females on a low-quality diet. The effect of age on reproductive performance was examined by comparing females breeding (i.e. paired) for the first time at either 3- and/or 6-months of age. Clutch size increased with age but on the low-quality diet only, not on the high-quality diet. Furthermore, clutch size decreased between 3- and 6-months of age in birds bred first on the high-quality diet and then on the low-quality diet. Age did not affect egg mass but older birds had shorter laying intervals. Reproductive performance did not differ between females breeding at 6-months of age for the first or second time: the effects of age were not due to 'training' effects or experience specific to breeding (e.g. undergoing the physiological process of egg formation). In conclusion, nutritional condition (diet) emerged as a central component of state that could strongly influence, and even reverse, any age-dependent increase in primary reproductive performance.  相似文献   
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