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Aim Propagule size and output are critical for the ability of a plant species to colonize new environments. If invasive species have a greater reproductive output than native species (via more and/or larger seeds), then they will have a greater dispersal and establishment ability. Previous comparisons within plant genera, families or environments have conflicted over the differences in reproductive traits between native and invasive species. We went beyond a genus‐, family‐ or habitat‐specific approach and analysed data for plant reproductive traits from the global literature, to investigate whether: (1) seed mass and production differ between the original and introduced ranges of invasive species; (2) seed mass and production differ between invasives and natives; and (3) invasives produce more seeds per unit seed mass than natives. Location Global. Methods We combined an existing data set of native plant reproductive data with a new data compilation for invasive species. We used t‐tests to compare original and introduced range populations, two‐way ANOVAs to compare natives and invasives, and an ANCOVA to examine the relationship between seed mass and production for natives and invasives. The ANCOVA was performed again incorporating phylogenetically independent contrasts to overcome any phylogenetic bias in the data sets. Results Neither seed mass nor seed production of invasive species differed between their introduced and original ranges. We found no significant difference in seed mass between invasives and natives after growth form had been accounted for. Seed production was greater for invasive species overall and within herb and woody growth forms. For a given seed mass, invasive species produced 6.7‐fold (all species), 6.9‐fold (herbs only) and 26.1‐fold (woody species only) more seeds per individual per year than native species. The phylogenetic ANCOVA verified that this trend did not appear to be influenced by phylogenetic bias within either data set. Main conclusions This study provides the first global examination of both seed mass and production traits in native and invasive species. Invasive species express a strategy of greater seed production both overall and per unit seed mass compared with natives. The consequent increased likelihood of establishment from long‐distance seed dispersal may significantly contribute to the invasiveness of many exotic species.  相似文献   
The anode/electrolyte interface behavior, and by extension, the overall cell performance of sodium-ion batteries is determined by a complex interaction of processes that occur at all components of the electrochemical cell across a wide range of size- and timescales. Single-scale studies may provide incomplete insights, as they cannot capture the full picture of this complex and intertwined behavior. Broad, multiscale studies are essential to elucidate these processes. Within this perspectives article, several analytical and theoretical techniques are introduced, and described how they can be combined to provide a more complete and comprehensive understanding of sodium-ion battery (SIB) performance throughout its lifetime, with a special focus on the interfaces of hard carbon anodes. These methods target various length- and time scales, ranging from micro to nano, from cell level to atomistic structures, and account for a broad spectrum of physical and (electro)chemical characteristics. Specifically, how mass spectrometric, microscopic, spectroscopic, electrochemical, thermodynamic, and physical methods can be employed to obtain the various types of information required to understand battery behavior will be explored. Ways are then discussed how these methods can be coupled together in order to elucidate the multiscale phenomena at the anode interface and develop a holistic understanding of their relationship to overall sodium-ion battery function.  相似文献   
The side chain interaction index (SCII) is a method of calculating the propensity for short-range interactions among side chains within a peptide sequence. Here, it is shown that the SCII values of secondary structure elements that have been shown to fold early and independently cluster separately from those of structures that fold later and/or are dependent on long-range interactions. In addition, the SCII values of engineered peptides that spontaneously adopt a particular desired fold in solution are significantly different from those of engineered peptides that fail to exhibit a stable conformation. Thus, the SCII, as a measure of local structural stability, constitutes a useful tool in folding prediction and in protein/peptide engineering. A program that allows rapid calculation of SCII values is presented.  相似文献   
During our earlier investigations we have observed a prominent preference of the linker histone H1 for binding to a cis-platinated DNA (a synthetic fragment with global type of platination in respect to targets for cisplatin) comparing with unmodified and trans-Pt-modified DNA. In the present work we report our recent experimental results on the binding of the linker histones H1 and H5 to a cisplatin-modified synthetic DNA fragment containing a single nucleotide target d(GC/CG) for inter-platination. Surprisingly, no preferential binding of linker histones to cis-inter-platinated DNA was observed by means of the electromobility-shift assay. The same negative results were obtained with a part of the linker histone molecule suggested to be responsible for DNA-binding--its globular domain. Contrary, the data with another nuclear protein with similar DNA-binding properties as linker histones--HMGB1--showed a strong afinity for interaction with DNA containing interstrand cross-links.  相似文献   
A human beta-ketoacyl synthase implicated in a mitochondrial pathway for fatty acid synthesis has been identified, cloned, expressed, and characterized. Sequence analysis indicates that the protein is more closely related to freestanding counterparts found in prokaryotes and chloroplasts than it is to the beta-ketoacyl synthase domain of the human cytosolic fatty acid synthase. The full-length nuclear-encoded 459-residue protein includes an N-terminal sequence element of approximately 38 residues that functions as a mitochondrial targeting sequence. The enzyme can elongate acyl-chains containing 2-14 carbon atoms with malonyl moieties attached in thioester linkage to the human mitochondrial acyl carrier protein and is able to restore growth to the respiratory-deficient yeast mutant cem1 that lacks the endogenous mitochondrial beta-ketoacyl synthase and exhibits lowered lipoic acid levels. To date, four components of a putative type II mitochondrial fatty acid synthase pathway have been identified in humans: acyl carrier protein, malonyl transferase, beta-ketoacyl synthase, and enoyl reductase. The substrate specificity and complementation data for the beta-ketoacyl synthase suggest that, as in plants and fungi, in humans this pathway may play an important role in the generation of octanoyl-acyl carrier protein, the lipoic acid precursor, as well as longer chain fatty acids that are required for optimal mitochondrial function.  相似文献   
All cultivated Thermotogales are thermophiles or hyperthermophiles. However, optimized 16S rRNA primers successfully amplified Thermotogales sequences from temperate hydrocarbon-impacted sites, mesothermic oil reservoirs, and enrichment cultures incubated at <46°C. We conclude that distinct Thermotogales lineages commonly inhabit low-temperature environments but may be underreported, likely due to “universal” 16S rRNA gene primer bias.Thermotogales, a bacterial group in which all cultivated members are anaerobic thermophiles or hyperthermophiles (5), are rarely detected in anoxic mesothermic environments, yet their presence in corresponding enrichment cultures, bioreactors, and fermentors has been observed using metagenomic methods and 16S rRNA gene amplification (6) (see Table S1 in the supplemental material). The most commonly detected lineage is informally designated here “mesotoga M1” (see Table S1 in the supplemental material). PCR experiments indicated that mesotoga M1 sequences amplified inconsistently using “universal” 16S rRNA gene primers, perhaps explaining their poor detection in DNA isolated from environmental samples (see text and Table S2 in the supplemental material). We therefore designed three 16S rRNA PCR primer sets (Table (Table1)1) targeting mesotoga M1 bacteria and their closest cultivated relative, Kosmotoga olearia. Primer set A was the most successful set, detecting a wider diversity of Thermotogales sequences than set B and being more Thermotogales-specific than primer set C (Table (Table22).


Primers targeting mesotoga M1 bacteria constructed and used in this study
PrimerSequence (5′ to 3′)Position in mesotoga 16S rRNA geneNo. of heterogeneity hot spotsaPotential primer match in other Thermotogales lineages
Primer set A1 (helix 17)
    NMes16S.286FCGGCCACAAGGAYACTGAGA286Perfect match in Kosmotoga olearia. The last 7 or 8 nucleotides at the 3′ end are conserved in other Thermotogales lineages.
    NMes16S.786RTGAACATCGTTTAGGGCCAG786One 5′ mismatch in Kosmotoga olearia and Petrotoga mobilis; 2-4 internal and 5′ mismatches in other lineages
Primer set BNone
    BaltD.42FATCACTGGGCGTAAAGGGAG540Perfect match in Kosmotoga olearia; one or two 3′ mismatches in most other Thermotogales lineages
    BaltD.494RGTGGTCGTTCCTCTTTCAAT992No match in other Thermotogaleslineages. The primer is located in heterogeneity hot spot helices 33 and 34. This primer also fails to amplify some mesotoga M1 sequences.
Primer set C9 (all 9 regions)
    TSSU-3FTATGGAGGGTTTGATCCTGG3Perfect match in Thermotoga spp., Kosmotoga olearia, and Petrotoga mobilis; two or three 5′ mismatches in other Thermotogales lineages; one 5′ mismatch to mesotoga M1 16S rRNA genes
    Mes16S.RACCAACTCGGGTGGCTTGAC1390One 5′ mismatch in Kosmotoga olearia; 1-3 internal or 5′ mismatches in other Thermotogales lineages
Open in a separate windowaHeterogeneity hot spots identified in reference 1.


Mesotoga clade sequences detected in environmental samples and enrichment cultures screened in this studya
Site (abbreviation)Temp in situ(°C)WaterfloodedEnvironmental samplesb
Enrichment cultures
Primer set A
Primer set B
Primer set C
Thermotogalesdetected by primer setc:
Lineage(s) detected
No. of OTUs (no. of clones)LineageNo. of OTUs (no. of clones)LineageNo. of OTUs (no. of clones)LineageABC
Sidney Tar Ponds sediment (TAR)TemperateNA1 (5)M11M1+++M1, M2, M5
Oil sands settling basin tailings (05mlsb)∼12dNA1 (6)M1+M1
Grosmont A produced water (GrosA)20No1 (15)M11 (22)M12 (14)M1+++M1
Foster Creek produced water (FC)14No1 (21)M11 (23)M11 (1)M1+NDM1
Oil field D wellhead water (DWH)e,f52-53gYes1 (14)Kosmotogai1 (6)M1i1 (1)KosmotogaiNANANANA
Oil field D FWKO water (DF)f,h20-30Yes1 (45)Kosmotogai1 (17)M1i++M1, Kosmotoga, Petrotoga
Oil field H FWKO water (HF)j30-32Yes7 (59)M1, M2, M3, M4, Kosmotoga1 (29)M1++M1, Petrotoga
Oil field H satellite water (HSAT)e,j41 and 50gYes1 (8)M12 (16)Kosmotoga, ThermotogaNANANANA
Oil field H wellhead water (HWH)e,j41 and 50gYesNANANANA+++M1, Petrotoga
Open in a separate windowaSee the supplemental material for site and methodological details. NA, not applicable; ND, not determined.bThe number of OTUs observed at a 0.01 distance cutoff is given for each primer set. The numbers of clones with Thermotogales sequences are in parentheses. —, PCR was attempted but no Thermotogales sequences were obtained or the PCR consistently failed.c+, sequence(s) detected; −, not detected. For more information on the enrichments, see the text and Table S3 in the supplemental material.dFrom April to May 2004, the temperature at the depth where the sample was taken was 12°C (7).eThere were no water samples from DWH and HSAT available for enrichment cultures, and no DNA was available from HWH.fThis reservoir has been treated with biocides; moreover, at this site, the water is filtered before being reinjected into the reservoir.gTemperatures of the oil pool where the water sample was obtained. The HSAT facility receives water from two oil pools, one at 41°C and one at 50°C.hWe screened DNA from samples taken in 2006 and 2008 but detected the same sequences in both, so sequences from the two samples were pooled.iThe mesotoga M1 and Kosmotoga sequences from DWH and DF were >99% similar and were assembled into one sequence in Fig. Fig.11.jThis reservoir has been injected with water from a neighboring oil reservoir.Since the putative mesophilic Thermotogales have been overwhelmingly associated with polluted and hydrocarbon-impacted environments and mesothermic oil reservoirs are the only natural environments where mesotoga M1 sequences previously were detected (see Table S1 in the supplemental material), we selected four oil reservoirs with in situ temperatures of 14°C to 53°C and two temperate, chronically hydrocarbon-impacted sites for analysis (Table (Table2).2). Total community DNA was extracted, the 16S rRNA genes were amplified, cloned, and sequenced as described in the supplemental material.  相似文献   
A complete temperature study of the proton resonances of the hexanucleotide, 2′-OMeGpApApYpApψ, from Torula yeast tRNAphe has been carried out at 300 MHz. The data has been interpreted in terms of a base stacked oligomer in which the glycosyl conformation of the Y-nucleoside changes from syn to anti with temperature increase. An alternative structure for the Y-base is proposed to permit this conformational change.  相似文献   
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