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Summary Patterns of genetic control of hybrid resistance to the BALB/c plasmacytoma LPC-1 were studied for comparison with those to MPC-11, a plasmacytoma investigated previously. The overall patterns of hybrid resistance to the two tumors were similar, i.e., hybrids between BALB/c and BALB congenic resistant (CR) strains, A and A CR strains, SJL and DBA/2 were as susceptible to LPC-1 as BALB/c mice themselves, whereas hybrids between BALB/c and AKR, C57BL/Ks, DBA/1, C57BL/6 (B6), C57BL/10 (B10) and B10 CR strains were resistant to LPC-1 as previously shown with MPC-11. Heterozygosity within the H-2 complex alone was insufficient for resistance to either tumor. Among hybrids between BALB/c and the B10 CR strains, however, the presence of certain H-2 haplotypes influenced the degree of resistance seen and this H-2 effect was different for the two tumors. A sex effect on resistance to LPC-1, but not to MPC-11, was seen among F1 hybrids between BALB/c and DBA/1 although not in any other F1 hybrids. Among ((B10×BALB/c)F1×BALB/c) and (BALB/c×(B10×BALB/c)F1) and ((BALB/c×B10)F1×BALB/c) and ((BALB/c×B10)F1×BALB/c) backcross mice, however, significantly more males than females were resistant to LPC-1 and the results of this study are compatible with the idea that in F1 hybrids between BALB/c and B10, resistance to LPC-1 is controlled by two dominant autosomal genes, one of which is sex-limited and neither of which is linked to H-2. In contrast, hybrid resistance to MPC-11 in this cross is controlled by a single gene. Cross-protection experiments indicated that the two tumors share at least one tumor-associated transplantation antigen.  相似文献   
The present study documents the presence, in the serum of one allergic individual, of auto-anti-idiotypic antibodies cross-reacting with public idiotypic determinants expressed on human IgE and IgG anti-Rye I antibodies. Sera from rye-sensitive patients were tested for specific IgG and IgE antibodies to Rye I by double antibody. The IgG fraction, isolated from the serum of a patient with a history of previous hyposensitization therapy, was repeatedly absorbed on Rye-I-Sepharose as well as on IgM- and IgG-Sepharose to remove anti-Rye I antibodies as well as any possible anti-heavy or light chain activity. This IgG fraction, named anti-idiotypic fraction (a-IdF), blocked in a dose-dependent fashion the reaction of IgG and IgE anti-Rye I antibodies with Rye I antigen. The a-IdF also blocked the binding of anti-rye antibodies to Rye I antigen in the serum of 20 unrelated allergic patients, indicating that these anti-Rye I antibodies bore public idiotypic determinants.  相似文献   
Diets specifically deficient in selenium (Se) and/or vitamin E or adequate in both nutrients were fed to chicks from the time of hatching. Lymphoid organs (bursa, thymus, and in some instances, spleen) were collected from chicks 7-35 days of age. Growth of the chicks fed these diets was monitored over the experimental period as was lymphoid organ growth. The development of the primary lymphoid organs was further assessed by histological techniques and the organ contents of vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) and Se were determined. Specific deficiencies of either Se or vitamin E were found to significantly impair bursal growth as did a combined deficiency. Thymic growth was impaired only by the combined deficiency diet. Severe histopathological changes in the bursa resulted from the combined deficiency and these were detectable by 10-14 days after hatching. These changes were characterized by a gradual degeneration of the epithelium and an accompanying depletion of lymphocytes. Similar changes, although slower to develop and less severe, were observed in the thymus as a result of the combined deficiency. When both serum and tissue levels of vitamin E and Se were monitored, it was observed that these were rapidly and independently depleted by the specific deficiency diets. These data suggest that the primary lymphoid organs are major targets of Se and vitamin E dietary deficiencies and provide a possible mechanism by which immune function may be impaired.  相似文献   
Thiosulfate-oxidizing enzyme has been demonstrated in cell-free extracts of the marine, thiosulfate-oxidizing pseudomonad strain 16B. The enzyme, partially purified by ion-exchange chromatography and calcium phosphate gel treatment, catalyzed the oxidation of thiosulfate to tetrathionate with the concomitant reduction of ferricyanide. Native but not mammalian cytochrome c was also reduced by the enzyme in the presence of thiosulfate. The enzyme was located exclusively in the supernatant of ultracentrifuged cell extracts. The most purified enzyme preparation, like intact cells, exhibited a temperature optimum of 30 to 31°C. However, it exhibited no definite pH optimum. At pH 6.1 to 6.3 and 30°C, the Km for thiosulfate was 1.57 mM. At lower temperatures, the apparent Km for thiosulfate increased, but the apparent maximum velocity remained virtually unchanged. Thiosulfate oxidation in intact cells exhibited an increase in the pH optimum at lower temperatures. The thiosulfate-oxidizing enzyme of marine heterotroph 16B is compared with thiosulfate-oxidizing enzymes from other bacteria, and the effect of temperature on the relationship between pH and thiosulfate oxidation is discussed with reference to the natural habitat of the bacterium.  相似文献   
Summary Different mycorrhizal fungi were tested for their effectiveness in promoting growth of Sitka spruce seedlings, in two contrasting soils, in a glasshouse pot experiment. In nursery soil,Laccaria amethystina significantly improved growth of seedlings in comparison toL. laccata. Seedlings inoculated with a forest isolate ofThelephora terrestris were significantly larger than those inoculated with a nursery isolate when grown in forest soil. The effectiveness ofComplexipes moniliformis in forest soil was poor in comparison to other mycorrhizal fungi. Strains aswell as species of mycorrhizal fungi affect seedling growth differently. These effects are further influenced by soil type.  相似文献   
The requirement for the synthesis of RNA and DNA in early germination of wheat (Triticum aestivum var Newana) embryonic axes has been studied by incubating embryos in the presence of appropriate inhibitors and monitoring both embryo growth and the rates of specific metabolic processes. Experiments with 5-fluorouridine showed that both rRNA and DNA synthesis could be curtailed by 60 to 70% without affecting embryo growth to 24 hours. Similarly, the presence of mitomycin C and methotrexate inhibited DNA synthesis 70%, with only a small effect on growth. Experiments with a range of concentrations of cordycepin and α-amanitin indicated that mRNA synthesis could be curtailed by 30 to 40% within the first 8 hours of germination with only a small effect on embryo growth. Thus, at least the initial phases of seed embryo germination are not closely linked to the synthesis of mRNA, rRNA, or DNA. Maximal sensitivity of embryo growth was obtained with cycloheximide and 2-(4-methyl-2,6-dinitroanilino)-N-methyl propionamide, supporting the idea that protein synthesis is the macromolecular process most closely linked to early germination.  相似文献   
Short ragweed allergenic extract has been studied by means of crossed radioimmunoelectrophoresis (CRIE) with the use of sera from 37 allergic patients and the relevant control sera. In this study 22 of 52 antigens, detectable in crossed immunoelectrophoresis (CIE) against polyspecific rabbit anti-ragweed IgG, were able to bind specific human IgE to their corresponding immunoprecipitates. This binding was semiquantified by comparison with the binding of a standard serum pool. Nine antigens were identified as important allergens, including the previously isolated components, AgE, AgK, and Ra6. Certain allergens (e.g., AgE, AgK, and Ag 31) bound IgE in almost all patients' sera, whereas others showed a bimodal distribution for sera of responder and nonresponder patients. The total CRIE score was found to correlate significantly both with ragweed-specific serum IgE antibody determined by RAST (rs = 0.88; p less than 0.001) and with total IgE level (rs = 0.55; p less than 0.01). Patient's CRIE scores to AgE also correlated significantly with their specific IgE antibody to AgE measured by RIA (r = 0.47; p less than 0.01) and with skin-test sensitivity to AgE (r = 0.44; p less than 0.05). It was concluded that CRIE is well suited for identification of important ragweed allergens without the previous need for laborious isolation procedures.  相似文献   
Specific and nonspecific T-cell invasion into cerebrospinal fluid has been investigated in the nonfatal viral meningoencephalitis induced by intracerebral inoculation of mice with vaccinia virus. At the peak of the inflammatory process on Day 7 approximately 5 to 10% of the Lyt 2+ T cells present are apparently specific for vaccinia virus. Concurrently, in mice primed previously with influenza virus, 0.5 to 1.0% of the appropriate T-cell set located in cerebrospinal fluid is reactive to influenza-infected target cells. This vaccinia virus-induced inflammatory exudate may thus contain as many as 500 influenza-immune memory T cells. These findings are discussed from the aspect that such nonspecific T-cell invasion into the central nervous system during aseptic viral meningitis could result in exposure of potentially brain-reactive T cells to central nervous system components.  相似文献   
Spin probes have been used to study at the molecular level the influence of cholesterol on bilayers of egg lecithin and dipalmitoyl lecithin. Distinct differences between the two lecithin systems were revealed. Increasing amounts of cholesterol result in extension of the fatty acid chains and decreased amplitude of motion of the long axes of the fatty acids in egg lecithin. In dipalmitoyl lecithin cholesterol causes an increase in the mobility and amplitude of motion of the fatty acid side chains, presumably due to alteration of the molecular interactions between phospholipids by relaxing the close packing of these molecules. These data provide an explanation for the condensing and fluidizing effects of cholesterol in water-containing phases and monolayers of egg lecithin and dipalmitoyl lecithin, respectively, and for the permeability behavior of egg lecithin and dipalmitoyl lecithin liposomes in the presence and absence of cholesterol. Differences are revealed between the spin bilayer environments in hydrated phospholipid films and vesicles.  相似文献   
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