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Objective: Insulin resistance in obese subjects results in the impaired use of glucose by insulin‐sensitive tissues, e.g., skeletal muscle. In the present study, we determined whether insulin resistance in obesity is associated with an impaired ability of exercise to stimulate muscle blood flow, oxygen delivery, or glucose uptake. Research Methods and Procedures: Nine obese (body mass index = 36 ± 2 kg/m2) and 11 age‐matched nonobese men (body mass index = 22 ± 1 kg/m2) performed one‐legged isometric exercise during hyperinsulinemia. Rates of femoral muscle blood flow, oxygen consumption, and glucose uptake were measured simultaneously in both legs using [15O]H2O, [15O]O2, [18F]fluoro‐deoxy‐glucose, and positron emission tomography. Results: The obese subjects exhibited resistance to insulin stimulation of glucose uptake in resting muscle, regardless of whether glucose uptake was expressed per kilogram of femoral muscle mass (p = 0.001) or per the total mass of quadriceps femoris muscle. At similar workloads, oxygen consumption, blood flow, and glucose uptake were lower in the obese than the nonobese subjects when expressed per kilogram of muscle, but similar when expressed per quadriceps femoris muscle mass. Discussion: We conclude that obesity is characterized by insulin resistance of glucose uptake in resting skeletal muscle regardless of how glucose uptake is expressed. When compared with nonobese individuals at similar absolute workloads and under identical hyperinsulinemic conditions, the ability of exercise to increase muscle oxygen uptake, blood flow, and glucose uptake per muscle mass is blunted in obese insulin‐resistant subjects. However, these defects are compensated for by an increase in muscle mass.  相似文献   
Human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma and mouse L929 fibroblast cells were exposed to 872 MHz radiofrequency (RF) radiation using continuous waves (CW) or a modulated signal similar to that emitted by GSM mobile phones at a specific absorption rate (SAR) of 5 W/kg in isothermal conditions. To investigate possible combined effects with other agents, menadione was used to induce reactive oxygen species, and tert-butylhydroperoxide (t-BOOH) was used to induce lipid peroxidation. After 1 or 24 h of exposure, reduced cellular glutathione levels, lipid peroxidation, proliferation, caspase 3 activity, DNA fragmentation and viability were measured. Two statistically significant differences related to RF radiation were observed: Lipid peroxidation induced by t-BOOH was increased in SH-SY5Y (but not in L929) cells, and menadione-induced caspase 3 activity was increased in L929 (but not in SH-SY5Y) cells. Both differences were statistically significant only for the GSM-modulated signal. The other end points were not significantly affected in any of the experimental conditions, and no effects were observed from exposure to RF radiation alone. The positive findings may be due to chance, but they may also reflect effects that occur only in cells sensitized by chemical stress. Further studies are required to investigate the reproducibility and dose response of the possible effects.  相似文献   
Endosialidase (endo-N-acetylneuraminidase) is a tailspike enzyme of bacteriophages specific for human pathogenic Escherichia coli K1, which specifically recognizes and degrades polySia (polysialic acid). polySia is also a polysaccharide of the capsules of other meningitis- and sepsis-causing bacteria, and a post-translational modification of the NCAM (neural cell-adhesion molecule). We have cloned and sequenced three spontaneously mutated endosialidases of the PK1A bacteriophage and one of the PK1E bacteriophage which display lost or residual enzyme activity but retain the binding activity to polySia. Single to triple amino acid substitutions were identified, and back-mutation constructs indicated that single substitutions accounted for only partial reduction of enzymic activity. A homology-based structural model of endosialidase revealed that all substituted amino acid residues localize to the active site of the enzyme. The results reveal the importance of non-catalytic amino acid residues for the enzymatic activity. The results reveal the molecular background for the dissociation of the polySia binding and cleaving activities of endosialidase and for the evolvement of 'host range' mutants of E. coli K1 bacteriophages.  相似文献   
Populations of migratory species have undergone dramatic changes in recent decades, but little is known about the factors actually driving those changes. Of particular concern are quarry species such as migratory ducks (Anatidae), many of which have an unfavourable conservation status in Europe. By including both quarry and non-quarry species, as well as habitat preference and life history characteristics of the species, we investigated the relative importance of hunting pressure, both in Finland and at the European level, in explaining population changes of 16 species of migratory waterbirds in Finland during 1986–2011. Ban of lead shot in 1996 resulted in considerably lower annual hunting bags in Finland thereafter. Species which had the highest hunting pressure had the most negative slopes in population trends from 1986 up to 1997, suggesting that hunting probably limited those populations. However, in general population trends of the species were not strongly associated with hunting pressure in Finland or in Europe. Nor were basic life history characteristics (body mass and clutch size) associated with population trends of the species. In contrast, recent population declines were associated with habitat preferences of the species: those breeding mainly in eutrophic lakes had more negative population trends than those breeding in oligotrophic lakes or generalist species. Reasons for the relatively poor status of species preferring eutrophic lakes probably include over-eutrophication of nutrient-rich lakes, resulting in less abundant food resources, and increased nest depredation.  相似文献   
The influence of sinusoidal 45-Hz magnetic fields on the brain functions of 20 volunteers was investigated in a double-blind study using spectral analysis of EEG and measurements of Omega potentials and reaction time (RT). The field strength was 1,000 A/m (1.26 mT) and the duration of exposure was 1 h. Ten volunteers were exposed to a continuous field and ten received an intermittent exposure (1 s on/1 s off). Each person received one real and one sham exposure. One half of the volunteers got the real exposure first and the sham treatment after at least 24 h. For the rest, the sequence was inverse. The measurements of EEG, omega potentials and RT were performed before and after each exposure. Several statistically significant changes were observed, most of them after intermittent exposure. In the EEG, an increase of alpha (7.6–13.9 Hz) activity and a decrease of delta (1.5–3.9 Hz) activity were observed. β waves (14.2–20 Hz) increased in the frontal derivations as did the total power in occipital derivations. The mean and peak frequencies of EEG increased mainly in the frontal derivations. No direct effects on RT were seen. Learning to perform the RT test (decrease of RT in repeated trials), however, seemed to be affected by the exposure. The persons who received real exposure first learned more slowly than those who got sham exposure first. Further experiments are necessary to confirm the findings and for understanding the mechanisms of the effects. © 1993 Wiley-Liss. Inc.  相似文献   
We analyzed the ecological conditions that may favor a habitat selection process in which later arriving individuals (colonists) use the presence of earlier established species (residents) as a cue to profitable breeding sites (heterospecific attraction). In our model, colonists assessing potential breeding patches could select between high-quality source and low-quality sink patches. A proportion of the source patches were occupied by residents. Colonists could either directly sample the relative quality of the patches (termed samplers) or, alternatively, they could also use residents as a cue of patch quality (cue-users). Cue-users gained benefit from lowered costs when assessing occupied source patches. The cue-using strategy is an efficient way to choose the best possible patch not only when interspecific competition is intense, but also when benefits from social aggregation exceed the effects of competition. High relative cost of sampling empty patches increases the fitness of the cue-using strategy relative to samplers. The strongest attraction to heterospecifics was predicted when the benefit from aggregating with residents exceeded the effects of competition, and approximately half of the landscape consisted of occupied, high-quality source patches.  相似文献   
The human OSBP related protein (ORP) family consists of 12 members, which can be divided into six subfamilies based on the genomic organization and amino acid homology. Here we performed basic characterization of subfamily III, which consists of three members: ORP3, ORP6, and ORP7. According to cDNA hybridization, the three genes are expressed in a tissue-specific manner. While ORP3 mRNA is most abundant in kidney, lymph nodes, and thymus, ORP6 shows highest expression in brain and skeletal muscle, and ORP7 in the gastrointestinal tract. Using monospecific peptide antibodies, we confirmed the presence of the three proteins in human and mouse tissues. ORP6 gene expression was induced upon differentiation of F9 embryonic carcinoma cells into parietal endoderm, while ORP3 and ORP7 mRNA levels were unchanged. In the F9 cells, endogenous ORP6 associated predominantly with the nuclear envelope. When expressed from the cDNA in cultured cells, the three proteins were distributed between the cytosol and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membranes, with a minor portion found at the plasma membrane. Experiments with truncated constructs showed that the N-terminal portion of the proteins, containing a pleckstrin homology (PH) domain, has markedly strong plasma membrane targeting specificity, while the C-terminal half remains largely cytosolic. The expression data demonstrates that ORP3, -6, and -7 are not merely redundant gene products but show marked quantitative differences in tissue expression, suggesting tissue-specific aspects in their function. The dual targeting of the proteins indicates a putative role in communication between the ER and the plasma membrane.This study was supported by the Clinical Research Fund of Helsinki University Central Hospital (J.T.), the Academy of Finland (grant 51883 to M.L.; grants 49987, 50641, and 54301 to V.M.O.), the Sigrid Juselius Foundation, and the Finnish Cultural Foundation  相似文献   
Bayesian statistical methods based on simulation techniques have recently been shown to provide powerful tools for the analysis of genetic population structure. We have previously developed a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm for characterizing genetically divergent groups based on molecular markers and geographical sampling design of the dataset. However, for large-scale datasets such algorithms may get stuck to local maxima in the parameter space. Therefore, we have modified our earlier algorithm to support multiple parallel MCMC chains, with enhanced features that enable considerably faster and more reliable estimation compared to the earlier version of the algorithm. We consider also a hierarchical tree representation, from which a Bayesian model-averaged structure estimate can be extracted. The algorithm is implemented in a computer program that features a user-friendly interface and built-in graphics. The enhanced features are illustrated by analyses of simulated data and an extensive human molecular dataset. AVAILABILITY: Freely available at http://www.rni.helsinki.fi/~jic/bapspage.html.  相似文献   
We have earlier developed a handheld ultrasound indentation instrument for the diagnosis of articular cartilage degeneration. In ultrasound indentation, cartilage is compressed with the ultrasound transducer. Tissue thickness and deformation are calculated from the A-mode ultrasound signal and the stress applied is registered with the strain gauges. In this study, the applicability of the ultrasound indentation instrument to quantify site-dependent variation in the mechano-acoustic properties of bovine knee cartilage was investigated. Osteochondral blocks (n=6 per site) were prepared from the femoral medial condyle (FMC), the lateral facet of the patello-femoral groove (LPG) and the medial tibial plateau (MTP). Cartilage stiffness (dynamic modulus, E(dyn)), as obtained with the ultrasound indentation instrument in situ, correlated highly linearly (r=0.913, p<0.01) with the values obtained using the reference material-testing device in vitro. Reproducibility (standardized coefficient of variation) of the ultrasound indentation measurements was 5.2%, 1.7% and 3.1% for E(dyn), ultrasound reflection coefficient of articular surface (R) and thickness, respectively. E(dyn) and R were site dependent (p<0.05, Kruskall-Wallis H test). E(dyn) was significantly higher (p<0.05, Kruskall-Wallis Post Hoc test) in LPG (mean+/-SD: 10.1+/-3.1MPa) than in MTP (2.9+/-1.4MPa). In FMC, E(dyn) was 4.6+/-1.3MPa. R was significantly (p<0.05) lower at MTP (2.0+/-0.7%) than at other sites (FMC: 4.2+/-0.9%; LPG: 4.4+/-0.8%). Cartilage glycosaminoglycan concentration, as quantified with the digital densitometry, correlated positively with E(dyn) (r=0.678, p<0.01) and especially with the equilibrium Young's modulus (reference device, r=0.874, p<0.01) but it was not associated with R (r=0.294, p=0.24). We conclude that manual measurements are reproducible and the instrument may be used for detection of cartilage quality in situ. Especially, combined measurement of thickness, E(dyn) and R provides valuable diagnostic information on cartilage status.  相似文献   
This study examined the effects of long-term estrogen treatment (sc 17 beta-estradiol minipellets) on learning in C57BL/6J female and male mice using a position discrimination task in the T-maze and a win-stay task (1/8 arms baited) in the radial arm maze (RAM). In addition, hippocampal monoamines and ChAT activity were measured at the end of the study and correlated to task performance. Female sham-operated (gonadally intact) and ovariectomized (OVX) mice were treated with estrogen either for 7 or 40 days before the behavioral tests and intact male mice for 7 days before the behavioral tests. In sham-operated mice the 40-day estrogen treatment improved RAM performance and in OVX mice both the 7- and 40-day estrogen treatments improved the performance in both maze tasks. The estrogen treatment also improved RAM performance in males. The hippocampal ChAT, NA, 5-HIAA, and DOPAC levels were decreased in OVX mice. Furthermore, the effects of estrogen treatment on the levels of hippocampal 5-HT and its metabolite 5-HIAA were different in sham-operated than in OVX mice. We could find no correlation between cognitive measures and neurochemical variables. This study gives new information about the effects of estrogen on learning and hippocampal neurotransmitters in mice.  相似文献   
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