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Preterm birth, defined as birth occurring before 37 weeks gestation, is one of the most significant contributors to neonatal mortality and morbidity, with long-term adverse consequences for health, and cognitive outcome.


The aim of the present study was to identify risk factors of preterm birth (≤36+6 weeks gestation) among singleton births and to quantify the contribution of risk factors to socioeconomic disparities in preterm birth.


A retrospective population–based case-control study using data derived from the Finnish Medical Birth Register. A total population of singleton births in Finland from 1987−2010 (n = 1,390,742) was reviewed.


Among all singleton births (n = 1,390,742), 4.6% (n = 63,340) were preterm (<37 weeks), of which 0.3% (n = 4,452) were classed as extremely preterm, 0.4% (n = 6,213) very preterm and 3.8% (n = 54,177) moderately preterm. Smoking alone explained up to 33% of the variation in extremely, very and moderately preterm birth incidence between high and the low socioeconomic status (SES) groups. Reproductive risk factors (placental abruption, placenta previa, major congenital anomaly, amniocentesis, chorionic villus biopsy, anemia, stillbirth, small for gestational age (SGA) and fetal sex) altogether explained 7.7−25.0% of the variation in preterm birth between SES groups.


Smoking explained about one third of the variation in preterm birth groups between SES groups whereas the contribution of reproductive risk factors including placental abruption, placenta previa, major congenital anomaly, amniocentesis, chorionic villus biopsy, anemia, stillbirth, SGA and fetal sex was up to one fourth.  相似文献   
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) production by respiratory Complex I from Escherichia coli was studied in bacterial membrane fragments and in the isolated and purified enzyme, either solubilized or incorporated in proteoliposomes. We found that the replacement of a single amino acid residue in close proximity to the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH)‐binding catalytic site (E95 in the NuoF subunit) dramatically increases the reactivity of Complex I towards dioxygen (O2). In the E95Q variant short‐chain ubiquinones exhibit strong artificial one‐electron reduction at the catalytic site, also leading to a stronger increase in ROS production. Two mechanisms can contribute to the observed kinetic effects: (a) a change in the reactivity of flavin mononucleotide (FMN) towards dioxygen at the catalytic site, and (b) a change in the population of the ROS‐generating state. We propose the existence of two (closed and open) states of the NAD+‐bound enzyme as one feature of the substrate‐binding site of Complex I. The analysis of the kinetic model of ROS production allowed us to propose that the population of Complex I with reduced FMN is always low in the wild‐type enzyme even at low ambient redox potentials, minimizing the rate of reaction with O2 in contrast to E95Q variant.  相似文献   
The C-terminus of the NuoL subunit of Complex I includes a long amphipathic α-helix positioned parallel to the membrane, which has been considered to function as a piston in the proton pumping machinery. Here, we have introduced three types of mutations into the nuoL gene to test the piston-like function. First, NuoL was truncated at its C- and N-termini, which resulted in low production of a fragile Complex I with negligible activity. Second, we mutated three partially conserved residues of the amphipathic α-helix: Asp and Lys residues and a Pro were substituted for acidic, basic or neutral residues. All these variants exhibited almost a wild-type phenotype. Third, several substitutions and insertions were made to reduce rigidity of the amphipathic α-helix, and/or to change its geometry. Most insertions/substitutions resulted in a normal growth phenotype, albeit often with reduced stability of Complex I. In contrast, insertion of six to seven amino acids at a site of the long α-helix between NuoL and M resulted in substantial loss of proton pumping efficiency. The implications of these results for the proton pumping mechanism of Complex I are discussed.  相似文献   
It is well known that the Escherichia coli inner membrane-bound protease DegS is a periplasmic stress sensor for unfolded outer membrane proteins (OMPs). Previous studies have also shown that the outer membrane protease OmpT activates plasminogen in vitro and this may be exploited by bacteria in the course of pathogenesis. However, there has been no research on the plasminogen activation ability of the important periplasmic protein DegS. Accordingly, in this study, the whole-length and truncated degS genes were separately overexpressed in Escherichia coli, the recombinant proteins purified by affinity chromatography, and their plasminogen activator role tested in vitro. The results suggested that the whole-length DegS was able to activate plasminogen on a plasma plate. The truncated form of DegS (residues 80-345), designated delta DegS, also acted as a plasminogen activator, as confirmed by different assays. The serine protease property of delta DegS was verified based on the complete inhibition of its enzyme activity by PMSF (phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride). Therefore, the present results indicate that DegS is a plasminogen activator in vitro.  相似文献   

Alkali-activation (or geopolymer) technology has gained a great deal of interest for its potential applications in water and wastewater treatment during the last decade. Alkali-activated materials can be prepared via a relatively simple and low-energy process, most commonly by treating aluminosilicate precursors with concentrated alkali hydroxide and/or silicate solutions at (near) ambient conditions. The resulting materials are, in general, amorphous, have good physical and chemical stability, ion-exchange properties, and a porous structure. Several of the precursors are industrial by-products or other readily available low-cost materials, which further enhances the environmental and economic feasibility. The application areas of alkali-activated materials in water and wastewater treatment are adsorbents/ion-exchangers, photocatalysts, high-pressure membranes, filter media, anti-microbial materials, pH buffers, carrier media in bioreactors, and solidification/stabilization of water treatment residues. The purpose of this review is to present a comprehensive evaluation of the rapidly growing prospects of alkali-activation technology in water and wastewater treatment.

Sequential regioselective periodate-chlorite oxidation was employed as a new and efficient pretreatment to enhance the nanofibrillation of hardwood cellulose pulp through homogenization. The oxidized celluloses with carboxyl contents ranging from 0.38 to 1.75 mmol/g could nanofibrillate to highly viscous and transparent gels with yields of 100-85% without clogging the homogenizer (one to four passes). On the basis of field-emission scanning electron microscopy images, the nanofibrils obtained were of typical widths of approximately 25 ± 6 nm. All of the nanofibrillar samples maintained their cellulose I crystalline structure according to wide-angle X-ray diffraction results, and the crystallinity index was approximately 40% for all samples.  相似文献   
Extensive surveys of biodiversity in protected and managed areas have not been conducted for a majority of taxonomic groups and ecosystem types, which makes it difficult to assess how large a portion of biodiversity is at least potentially under protection. The situation is the same in boreal regions, and only preliminary analyses of the biodiversity patterns of less well-known organism groups, including many freshwater taxa, within the protected area network have been conducted. We studied patterns of species richness and community composition of algae, macrophytes (bryophytes and vascular plants), and macroinvertebrates of headwater streams draining protected areas and managed forests in a boreal drainage basin in Finland. We found no significant differences in the species richness and community composition of these organism groups between the protected and managed streams. Gamma- and beta-diversity varied strongly among the protected and managed stream groups, yet this variation was contingent on the organism group and the beta-diversity measure used. In general, there was much species turnover within both protected and managed stream groups, masking any between-group differences. However, we found a number of redlisted and rare species in our surveys. Of these species, several macrophyte species occurred more frequently in the protected streams. By contrast, rare species of algae and macrophytes did not generally show such inclinations to the protected streams. We found no strong congruence in species richness or community dissimilarity between algae, macrophytes, and macroinvertebrates, suggesting that the main anthropogenic gradient in terms of forestry is not strong enough to modify stream environmental conditions and thereby shape biodiversity in the focal drainage basin. This finding also suggests that surveys of aquatic biodiversity across protected and managed landscapes should not rely too heavily on the surrogate taxon approach, but instead should consider patterns shown by multiple taxonomic groups that represent biologically and ecologically disparate organisms. Our results indeed suggest that the levels of alpha-, beta-, and gamma-diversity show differing among-taxon responses to forest management and naturalness of headwater streams.  相似文献   
Bumblebees in Europe have been in steady decline since the 1900s. This decline is expected to continue with climate change as the main driver. However, at the local scale, land use and land cover (LULC) change strongly affects the occurrence of bumblebees. At present, LULC change is rarely included in models of future distributions of species. This study's objective is to compare the roles of dynamic LULC change and climate change on the projected distribution patterns of 48 European bumblebee species for three change scenarios until 2100 at the scales of Europe, and Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg (BENELUX). We compared three types of models: (1) only climate covariates, (2) climate and static LULC covariates and (3) climate and dynamic LULC covariates. The climate and LULC change scenarios used in the models include, extreme growth applied strategy (GRAS), business as might be usual and sustainable European development goals. We analysed model performance, range gain/loss and the shift in range limits for all bumblebees. Overall, model performance improved with the introduction of LULC covariates. Dynamic models projected less range loss and gain than climate‐only projections, and greater range loss and gain than static models. Overall, there is considerable variation in species responses and effects were most pronounced at the BENELUX scale. The majority of species were predicted to lose considerable range, particularly under the extreme growth scenario (GRAS; overall mean: 64% ± 34). Model simulations project a number of local extinctions and considerable range loss at the BENELUX scale (overall mean: 56% ± 39). Therefore, we recommend species‐specific modelling to understand how LULC and climate interact in future modelling. The efficacy of dynamic LULC change should improve with higher thematic and spatial resolution. Nevertheless, current broad scale representations of change in major land use classes impact modelled future distribution patterns.  相似文献   
Lake Pääjärvi, a boreal Finnish lake, was investigated in winter for weather conditions, structure and thickness of ice and snow, solar radiation, and under-ice current and temperature. Heat budget of Lake Pääjärvi in January–March was governed by terrestrial radiation losses of 20–35 W m?2 recompensed by ice growth of 0.5–1.0 cm day?1. In April, snow melted, albedo decreased from 0.8 to <0.1, and the mean ice melt rate was 1.5 cm day?1. Internal melting and surface melting were about equal. The mean turbulent heat loss was small. The heat flux from the water to ice was about 5 W m?2 in winter, increasing to 12 W m?2 in the melting season. The light attenuation coefficient was 1.1 m?1 for the congelation ice (black ice) in winter, compared with 1.5 m?1 for the lake water, and it was up to 3 m?1 for candled congelation ice in spring, and about 10 m?1 for superimposed ice (white ice) and snow. Gas bubbles were the main factor that reduced the transparency of ice. The radiation penetrating the ice heated the water body causing convective currents and horizontal heat transfer. This increased the temperature of the water body to about 3°C before the ice break-up. After the snow had melted, the euphotic depth (the depth of 1% surface irradiance) was estimated as 2.0 m, only two-thirds that in summer.  相似文献   
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