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A fully automated screening using liquid chromatography–mass spectrometric method applying data-dependent acquisition was developed to identify toxicologically relevant substances in serum and urine. A library including more than 405 spectra of about 365 compounds (main drugs and important metabolites) was established. An easy to use program was created to automate and accelerate library search. Drugs were identified based on their relative retention times, molecular ions and fragment ions. Limits of detection were tested with 100 of the 365 compounds the majority of these were lower than 100 μg/l (67%). The developed LC–MS–MS system seems to be a valuable alternative to other general unknown screening methods allowing fast and specific identification of drugs in serum and urine samples.  相似文献   
Many effective anti-cancer strategies target apoptosis and angiogenesis mechanisms. Applications of non-ionizing, nanosecond pulsed electric fields (nsPEFs) induce apoptosis in vitro and eliminate cancer in vivo; however in vivo mechanisms require closer analysis. These studies investigate nsPEF-induced apoptosis and anti-angiogenesis examined by fluorescent microscopy, immunoblots, and morphology. Six hours after treatment with one hundred 300 ns pulses at 40 kV/cm, cells transiently expressed active caspases indicating that caspase-mediated mechanisms. Three hours after treatment transient peaks in Histone 2AX phosphorylation coincided with terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling positive cells and pyknotic nuclei, suggesting caspase-independent mechanisms on nuclei/DNA. Large DNA fragments, but not 180 bp fragmentation ladders, were observed, suggesting incomplete apoptosis. Nevertheless, tumor weight and volume decreased and tumors disappeared. One week after treatment, vessel numbers, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), platelet derived endothelial cell growth factor (PD-ECGF), CD31, CD35 and CD105 were decreased, indicating anti-angiogenesis. The nsPEFs activate multiple melanoma therapeutic targets, which is consistent with successes of nsPEF applications for tumor treatment in vivo as a new cancer therapeutic modality.  相似文献   
The site-specific integrase from bacteriophage phiC31 functions in mammalian cells and is being applied for genetic engineering, including gene therapy. The phiC31 integrase catalyzes precise, unidirectional recombination between its 30-40-bp attP and attB recognition sites. In mammalian cells, the enzyme also mediates integration of plasmids bearing attB into native sequences that have partial sequence identity with attP, termed pseudo attP sites. Here, we analyzed the features of phiC31-mediated integration into pseudo attP sites in the human genome. Sequence analysis of 196 independent integration events derived from three cell lines revealed approximately 101 integration sites: 56% of the events were recurrent integrations distributed among 19 pseudo attP sequences. Bioinformatics analysis revealed a approximately 30-bp palindromic consensus sequence motif shared by all of the repeat occurrences and most of the single occurrence sites, verifying that phiC31-mediated integration into pseudo attP sites is significantly guided by DNA sequence recognition. The most favored unique sequence in these cell lines occurred at chromosome 19q13.31 and accounted for 7.5% of integration events. Other frequent integration sites were in three specific sequences in subfamilies of ERVL and L1 repetitive sequences, accounting for an additional 17.9% of integration events. Integrations could occur in either orientation at a pseudo attP site, were often accompanied by small deletions, and typically occurred in a single copy per cell. A number of aberrant events were also described, including large deletions and chromosome rearrangements. phiC31 integrase-mediated integration only slightly favored genes and did not favor promoter regions. Gene density and expression studies suggested chromatin context effects. An analysis of the safety of integration sites in terms of proximity to cancer genes suggested minimal cancer risk. We conclude that integration systems derived from phiC31 integrase have great potential utility.  相似文献   
Modern methods to develop microbe-based biomass conversion processes require a system-level understanding of the microbes involved. Clostridium species have long been recognized as ideal candidates for processes involving biomass conversion and production of various biofuels and other industrial products. To expand the knowledge base for clostridial species relevant to current biofuel production efforts, we have sequenced the genomes of 20 species spanning multiple genera. The majority of species sequenced fall within the class III cellulosome-encoding Clostridium and the class V saccharolytic Thermoanaerobacteraceae. Species were chosen based on representation in the experimental literature as model organisms, ability to degrade cellulosic biomass either by free enzymes or by cellulosomes, ability to rapidly ferment hexose and pentose sugars to ethanol, and ability to ferment synthesis gas to ethanol. The sequenced strains significantly increase the number of noncommensal/nonpathogenic clostridial species and provide a key foundation for future studies of biomass conversion, cellulosome composition, and clostridial systems biology.  相似文献   
Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a highly aggressive skin cancer with an increasing incidence. The understanding of the molecular carcinogenesis of MCC is limited. Here, we scrutinized the PI3K/AKT pathway, one of the major pathways activated in human cancer, in MCC. Immunohistochemical analysis of 41 tumor tissues and 9 MCC cell lines revealed high levels of AKT phosphorylation at threonine 308 in 88% of samples. Notably, the AKT phosphorylation was not correlated with the presence or absence of the Merkel cell polyoma virus (MCV). Accordingly, knock-down of the large and small T antigen by shRNA in MCV positive MCC cells did not affect phosphorylation of AKT. We also analyzed 46 MCC samples for activating PIK3CA and AKT1 mutations. Oncogenic PIK3CA mutations were found in 2/46 (4%) MCCs whereas mutations in exon 4 of AKT1 were absent. MCC cell lines demonstrated a high sensitivity towards the PI3K inhibitor LY-294002. This finding together with our observation that the PI3K/AKT pathway is activated in the majority of human MCCs identifies PI3K/AKT as a potential new therapeutic target for MCC patients.  相似文献   
Freshwater mussels of the order Unionoida have life cycles that include larval attachment to and later metamorphosis on suitable host fishes. Information on the trophic relationship between unionoid larvae and their host fishes is scarce. We investigated the trophic interaction between fish hosts and encysted larvae of two species of freshwater mussels, Margaritifera margaritifera and Unio crassus, using stable isotope analyses of larvae and juvenile mussels as well as of host fish gill and muscle tissues before and after infestation. Due to different life histories and durations of host‐encystment, mass and size increase in M. margaritifera during the host‐dependent phase were greater than those of U. crassus. δ13C and δ15N signatures of juvenile mussels approached isotopic signatures of fish tissues, indicating a parasitic relationship between mussels and their hosts. Shifts were more pronounced for M. margaritifera, which had a five‐fold longer host‐dependent phase than U. crassus. The results of this study suggest that stable isotope analyses are a valuable tool for characterizing trophic relationships and life history strategies in host–parasite systems. In the case of unionoid mussels, stable isotopic shifts of the larvae are indicative of the nutritional versus phoretic importance of the host.  相似文献   
The isoprenoid lipid crenarchaeol is widespread in hot springs of California and Nevada. Terrestrial and marine data together suggest a maximum relative abundance of crenarchaeol at ~40°C. This warm temperature optimum may have facilitated colonization of the ocean by (hyper)thermophilic Archaea and the major marine radiation of Crenarchaeota.  相似文献   
Xylanases are capable of decomposing xylans, the major components in plant cell wall, and releasing the constituent sugars for further applications. Because xylanase is widely used in various manufacturing processes, high specific activity, and thermostability are desirable. Here, the wild‐type and mutant (E146A and E251A) catalytic domain of xylanase from Thermoanaerobacterium saccharolyticum JW/SL‐YS485 (TsXylA) were expressed in Escherichia coli and purified subsequently. The recombinant protein showed optimal temperature and pH of 75°C and 6.5, respectively, and it remained fully active even after heat treatment at 75°C for 1 h. Furthermore, the crystal structures of apo‐form wild‐type TsXylA and the xylobiose‐, xylotriose‐, and xylotetraose‐bound E146A and E251A mutants were solved by X‐ray diffraction to high resolution (1.32–1.66 Å). The protein forms a classic (β/α)8 folding of typical GH10 xylanases. The ligands in substrate‐binding groove as well as the interactions between sugars and active‐site residues were clearly elucidated by analyzing the complex structures. According to the structural analyses, TsXylA utilizes a double displacement catalytic machinery to carry out the enzymatic reactions. In conclusion, TsXylA is effective under industrially favored conditions, and our findings provide fundamental knowledge which may contribute to further enhancement of the enzyme performance through molecular engineering. Proteins 2013; 81:1256–1265. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
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