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Functional and kinetic constraints must be efficiently balanced during the folding process of all biopolymers. To understand how homologous RNA molecules with different global architectures fold into a common core structure we determined, under identical conditions, the folding mechanisms of three phylogenetically divergent group I intron ribozymes. These ribozymes share a conserved functional core defined by topologically equivalent tertiary motifs but differ in their primary sequence, size, and structural complexity. Time-resolved hydroxyl radical probing of the backbone solvent accessible surface and catalytic activity measurements integrated with structural-kinetic modeling reveal that each ribozyme adopts a unique strategy to attain the conserved functional fold. The folding rates are not dictated by the size or the overall structural complexity, but rather by the strength of the constituent tertiary motifs which, in turn, govern the structure, stability, and lifetime of the folding intermediates. A fundamental general principle of RNA folding emerges from this study: The dominant folding flux always proceeds through an optimally structured kinetic intermediate that has sufficient stability to act as a nucleating scaffold while retaining enough conformational freedom to avoid kinetic trapping. Our results also suggest a potential role of naturally selected peripheral A-minor interactions in balancing RNA structural stability with folding efficiency.  相似文献   
This report summarizes the proceedings of the structure mapping working group meeting of the RNA Ontology Consortium (ROC), held in Kona, Hawaii on January 8-9, 2011. The ROC hosted this workshop to facilitate collaborations among those researchers formalizing concepts in RNA, those developing RNA-related software, and those performing genome annotation and standardization. The workshop included three software presentations, extended round-table discussions, and the constitution of two new working groups, the first to address the need for better software integration and the second to discuss standardization and benchmarking of existing RNA annotation pipelines. These working groups have subsequently pursued concrete implementation of actions suggested during the discussion. Further information about the ROC and its activities can be found at http://roc.bgsu.edu/.  相似文献   
Two series of fused tricyclic indoles were identified as potent and selective S1P(1) agonists. In vivo these agonists produced a significant reduction in circulating lymphocytes which translated into robust efficacy in several rodent models of autoimmune disease. Importantly, these agonists were devoid of any activity at the S1P(3) receptor in vitro, and correspondingly did not produce S1P(3) mediated bradycardia in telemeterized rat.  相似文献   
Two rounds of chromosome segregation after only a single round of DNA replication enable the production of haploid gametes from diploid precursors during meiosis. To identify genes involved in meiotic chromosome segregation, we developed an efficient strategy to knock out genes in the fission yeast on a large scale. We used this technique to delete 180 functionally uncharacterized genes whose expression is upregulated during meiosis. Deletion of two genes, sgo1 and mde2, caused massive chromosome missegregation. sgo1 is required for retention of centromeric sister-chromatid cohesion after anaphase I. We show here that mde2 is required for formation of the double-strand breaks necessary for meiotic recombination.  相似文献   
The automated docking program AutoDock was used to dock nine phosphatidic acids (PAs), six phosphatidylcholines, five phosphatidylethanolamines, four phosphatidylglycerols, one phosphatidylinositol and two phosphatidylserines, which have two identical saturated fatty acid residues with an even numbers of carbon atoms, onto the active site of Streptomyces sp. PMF phospholipase D (PLD). Two PAs with one double bond on the fatty acid chain linked to the C2 of the glycerol residue were also docked. In general, binding energies become progressively more negative as fatty acid residues become longer. When these residues are of sufficient length, one is coiled against a hydrophobic cliff in a well that also holds the glycerol and phosphate residues and the head group, while the other generally is bound by a hydrophobic surface outside the well. Phosphatidylcholines have the only head group that is firmly bound by the active site, giving a possible structural explanation for the low selectivity of Streptomyces PLD for other phospholipid substrates.  相似文献   
Frey JE  Frey B 《Hereditas》2004,140(2):92-98
The mitochondrial genome is increasingly being used as a species diagnostic marker in insects. Typically, genomic DNA is PCR amplified and then analysed by restriction analyses or sequencing. This analysis system may cause some serious problems for molecular diagnosis. Besides the errors introduced by the PCR process, mtDNA sequence variation of amplified fragments may originate from mtDNA heteroplasmy or from nuclear integrations of mtDNA fragments, both of which have been shown to occur in insects. Here we document abundant variation in PCR-amplified sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene of Thrips tabaci. We confirm that the most common haplotype is of mitochondrial origin. Some of the observed mutations were introduced by the amplification process. However, the occurrence of some haplotypes at elevated frequencies indicates that within-individual variation of the respective fragment exists at low levels in T. tabaci. The frequencies of these sequences are too low to negatively affect mtDNA-based molecular diagnosis of T. tabaci. The possible origin of these variant haplotypes is discussed.  相似文献   
Gertsch J  Schoop R  Kuenzle U  Suter A 《FEBS letters》2004,577(3):563-569
Echinacea plant preparations are widely used in the prevention and treatment of common cold. However, so far no molecular mechanism of action has been proposed. We analyzed the standardized tincture Echinaforce and found that it induced de novo synthesis of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) mRNA in primary human monocytes/macrophages, but not TNF-alpha protein. Moreover, LPS-stimulated TNF-alpha protein was potently inhibited in the early phase but prolonged in the late phase. A study of the main constituents of the extract showed that the alkylamides dodeca-2E,4E,8Z,10E/Z-tetraenoic acid isobutylamides (1/2), trienoic (3) and dienoic acid (4) derivatives are responsible for this effect. The upregulation of TNF-alpha mRNA was found to be mediated by CB2 receptors, increased cAMP, p38/MAPK and JNK signaling, as well as NF-kappaB and ATF-2/CREB-1 activation. This study is the first to report a possible molecular mechanism of action of Echinacea, highlighting the role of alkylamides as potent immunomodulators and potential ligands for CB2 receptors.  相似文献   


The post-translational modification pathway referred to as pupylation marks proteins for proteasomal degradation in Mycobacterium tuberculosis and other actinobacteria by covalently attaching the small protein Pup (prokaryotic ubiquitin-like protein) to target lysine residues. In contrast to the functionally analogous eukaryotic ubiquitin, Pup is intrinsically disordered in its free form. Its unfolded state allows Pup to adopt different structures upon interaction with different binding partners like the Pup ligase PafA and the proteasomal ATPase Mpa. While the disordered behavior of free Pup has been well characterized, it remained unknown whether Pup adopts a distinct structure when attached to a substrate.


Using a combination of NMR experiments and biochemical analysis we demonstrate that Pup remains unstructured when ligated to two well-established pupylation substrates targeted for proteasomal degradation in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, malonyl transacylase (FabD) and ketopantoyl hydroxylmethyltransferase (PanB). Isotopically labeled Pup was linked to FabD and PanB by in vitro pupylation to generate homogeneously pupylated substrates suitable for NMR analysis. The single target lysine of PanB was identified by a combination of mass spectroscopy and mutational analysis. Chemical shift comparison between Pup in its free form and ligated to substrate reveals intrinsic disorder of Pup in the conjugate.


When linked to the proteasomal substrates FabD and PanB, Pup is unstructured and retains the ability to interact with its different binding partners. This suggests that it is not the conformation of Pup attached to these two substrates which determines their delivery to the proteasome, but the availability of the degradation complex and the depupylase.
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