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Aphelenchoides rutgersi was axenically cultured in modified Soytone, yeast extract, lyophilized chick embryo extract medium (3% ST:2% YE:20% CEE-L, w/v:w/v:v/v). Earlier formulations used 10% CEE, v/v, before the manufacturer changed the preparation. After reestablishing A. rutgersi in medium that permitted continuous subcultivadon and reproduction, a second medium was tested that contained 0.5% sucrose and 0.5% Lipid Concentrate. The commercially available Lipid Concentrate made it possible to incorporate nonaqueous soluble chemicals into the medium. In addition, 0.1% Fast Green #3 was added to both media to visually demonstrate active ingestion of nutriment.  相似文献   
Ethylene glycol (EG), a chemical which causes skeletal malformations in rats, was administered by gavage to sperm positive CD rats on gestational days (gd) 6 through 15 at doses of 0 or 2,500 mg/kg/day to assess its effects on the pre- and postnatal skeletal development. Dams and fetuses/pups were killed on gd 18, 20, postnatal day (pnd) 1, 4, 14, 21, or 63, and offspring were double-stained for examination of skeletal malformations and degree of ossification of rapidly developing skeletal districts. No difference in gestational day of delivery between controls and the EG-treated dams was seen. Fetal weights per litter were significantly decreased with EG treatment in both the gd 18 and 20 groups. Pup body weight on pnd 1 was significantly below controls; however, EG had no effect on pup body weight on pnd 4-63. The percentage of fetuses/pups with skeletal malformations per litter was significantly increased after EG exposure for all time points except at pnd 63, with a predominance of axial skeletal defects. The percentages of total ossification, of sternabrae ossified, and of vertebral centra ossified were significantly reduced in the EG groups on gd 20 and on pnd 1-21, but not on gd 18 or on pnd 63. When the ossification data were subjected to statistical analysis with fetal/pup weights as a covariate, the values for EG-exposed pups on gd 20 were not statistically significantly different from the control values. The reduced ossification values for EG-exposed pups on pnd 1-21 retained statistical significance even after covariate analysis. There was no effect of dose or body weight on ossification of fore- or hindlimb digits. In conclusion, the differences in incidence of skeletal alterations observed prenatally and through pnd 21 were not evident by pnd 63, suggesting that perinatal skeletal abnormalities may not always be permanent.  相似文献   
The role of P450 IA2 in the hydroxylation of acetanilide was examined using an inhibitory monoclonal antibody (MAb) 1-7-1 and vaccinia cDNA expression producing murine P450 IA1 (mIA1), murine P450 IA2 (mIA2), or human P450 IA2 (hIA2). Acetanilide hydroxylase (AcOH) activity was measured using an HPLC method with more than 500-fold greater sensitivity than previously described procedures. This method, which does not require the use of radioactive acetanilide, was achieved by optimizing both the gradient system and the amount of enzyme needed to achieve detection by uv light. MAb 1-7-1 inhibits up to 80% of the AcOH activity in both rat liver microsomes and cDNA expressed mouse and human P450 IA2. MAb 1-7-1, which recognizes both P450 IA1 and P450 IA2, completely inhibits the aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH) activity of cDNA expressed in IA1. The inhibition of only 80% of the AHH activity present in MC liver microsomes by MAb 1-7-1 suggests that additional P450 forms are contributing to the overall AHH activity present in methylcholanthrene (MC)-liver microsomes as MAb 1-7-1 almost completely inhibits the AHH activity of expressed mIA1. Maximal inhibition of IA2 by 1-7-1 results in an 80% decrease in acetanilide hydroxylase activity in both liver microsomes and expressed mouse and human IA2. The capacity of MAb 1-7-1 to produce identical levels of inhibition of acetanilide hydroxylase activity in rat MC microsomes (80%) and in expressed mouse (81%) and human P450 IA2 (80%) strongly suggests that P450 IA2 is the major and perhaps the only enzyme responsible for the metabolism of acetanilide. These results demonstrate the complementary utility of monoclonal antibodies and cDNA expression for defining the contribution of specific P450 enzymes to the metabolism of a given substrate. This complementary approach allows for a more precise determination of the inhibitory capacity of MAb with respect to the metabolic capacity of the target P450.  相似文献   
The Ca2(+)-independent neural cell adhesion molecule, NCAM, is expressed by both nerve and muscle cells and has been shown to mediate both nerve-nerve and nerve-muscle cell interaction. A role for NCAM in muscle-muscle cell interaction has been proposed but not demonstrated. Here we report evidence that NCAM is expressed by embryonic chick muscle cells during in vitro development and functions together with Ca2(+)-dependent adhesion molecules in mediating myoblast interaction during the formation of multinucleate cells.  相似文献   
The nucleotide sequence of a segment of mtDNA from Rattus norvegiens (rat) which contains the genes for tRNAile, tRNAgl and tRNAf-met has been determined. A detailed comparison has been made between this sequence and the corresponding sequences of mouse, human and bovine mtDNAs with regard to the primary and secondary structure of the tRNA genes, the regions connecting the tRNA genes, and the regions flanking the tRNA genes which code for the carboxyl terminus of URF-1 and the amino terminus of URF-2. No differences were found in the nucleotide sequences of the genes for tRNAile, tRNAgln and tRNAf-met in mtDNAs from three different female lines of rats (SASCO-1, SASCO-2 and Wild-UT) that differ by substitutions of 0.8% to 1.8% of their total nucleotides.  相似文献   
Rapid, sensitive, and selective methods for the determination of the 15N abundance of amino acids in isotopic tracer experiments with plant tissues are described and discussed. Methodology has been directly tested in an analysis of the kinetics of [15N]H4+ assimilation in Lemna minor L. The techniques utilize gas chromatography-mass spectrometry selected ion monitoring of major fragments containing the N moiety of N-heptafluorobutyryl isobutyl esters of amino acids. The ratio of selected ion pairs at the characteristic retention time of each amino acid derivative can be used to calculate 15N abundance with an accuracy of ±1 atom% excess 15N using samples containing as little as 30 picomoles of individual amino acids. Up to 11 individual amino acid derivatives can be selectively monitored in a single chromatogram of 30 minutes. It is suggested that these techniques will be useful in situations where the small quantities of N available for analysis have hitherto hindered the use of 15N-labeled precursors.  相似文献   
Under far-red (>650 nm) illumination Anacystis nidulans grows poorly and develops a low chlorophyll content. During continued culture over many generations there are increases in growth rate and in the chlorophyll/phycocyanin ratio, usually occurring in concomitant and stepwise fashion. From such selection cultures six clones have been established which differ from the parent in pigment content and show improved growth rate in far-red light. From the evidence at hand the six clones are presumed to be spontaneous mutants selected under the photosynthetically restrictive condition of far-red illumination.  相似文献   
The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) molecules of different albino, domesticated rats (Rattus norvegicus) of the SASCO colony are of two kinds (SASCO-1 and SASCO-2) in regard to their sensitivity at certain sites to a number of restriction enzymes. MtDNA molecules from Utah wild R. norvegicus (Wild-UT) have sensitivities to restriction enzymes which differ at some sites from either SASCO-1 or SASCO-2 mtDNA molecules. Four single nucleotide differences were found among the HindIII F fragments (169 nucleotides) of SASCO-1, SASCO-2, and Wild-UT mtDNAs. Arguments are presented in favor of the interpretation that each variant nucleotide is the third nucleotide of the codon containing it, and that none of the four differences would result in a difference in the respective amino acid translated.Dedicated to Professor W. Beermann on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   
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