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Multiple single case reports of asphyxiation in dolphins caused by fish lodged in the esophagus exist. However, the significance of this cause of mortality in a single population has not been documented. We performed a retrospective evaluation of pathology records from stranded bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) from the Indian River Lagoon to evaluate the impact of this cause of death on this population. From 1997 to 2011, asphyxiation due to choking was identified as the cause of death in 14 of 350 cases (4%). Sampling of an unrelated but adjacent population over this same period yielded 186 necropsy cases of bottlenose dolphins with no cases of asphyxiation. Asphyxiated animals presented with a fish lodged in the cranial esophagus associated with a dislocated and obstructed or compressed larynx. There was no clear sex predilection. Affected animals included 12 adults and two juveniles. The fish species involved included sheepshead, black chin tilapia and striped mojarra. In five cases, recreational fishing gear was also present. Cetacean choking is related to selection of prey fish species with strong dorsal spines and may be secondarily associated with fish attached to fishing gear. Prey abundance and dolphin behavior may influence these selections. Environmental alterations leading to changes in prey availability or increased interactions with fishing gear may change the significance of fatal choking in dolphin populations.  相似文献   
Exposure to estrogen-mimicking chemicals during critical periods of development, such as infancy, may have adverse effects. However, these effects can be difficult to characterize in most epidemiologic studies. For example, growth of reproductive organs may be susceptible to estrogenic chemicals, but measuring it requires skilled ultrasound examination; timing of pubertal onset may be altered, but observing it requires long-term follow up. To address the need for a simple marker of response to estrogenic exposures in infants, we propose a novel application of a classic marker of estrogen response in adult women: cytological evaluation of urogenital epithelial cells. In this cross-sectional study of 34 female and 41 male infants, we demonstrate that epithelial cells can be obtained from swabs of the vaginal introitus (females) and urethral meatus (males), as well as from spun urine, and that these cells respond to differential estrogenic conditions, as indicated by the relative abundance of the superficial epithelial cell type. To model varying estrogen exposure, we sampled from infants who were either newborn (highly exposed to maternal estrogens), or 12 weeks old (12W) (negligibly exposed to estrogen). Newborns had a higher percentage of superficial cells (%S), as compared to 12W (mean ± standard error: 8.3 ± 1.8 vs. 0.9 ± 0.2) (p < 0.01), consistent with an estrogen response. This difference in %S from newborn to 12W was observed similarly for swab (-7.6 ± 1.7) and urine (-7.3 ± 2.6) specimens and for males (-9.6 ± 2.9) and females (-5.2 ± 2.1). Examination of urogenital epithelial cells can successfully demonstrate estrogen response in both sexes, using cell specimens collected from either swab or urine sampling. In future studies, this simple, non-invasive method may be applied to assess whether estrogen-mimicking chemicals produce an estrogenic response in infants.  相似文献   
Black soldier fly (BSF) larvae, Hermetia illucens L. (Diptera: Stratiomyidae), bio-convert organic side streams into high-quality biomass, the composition of which largely depends on the side stream used. In the present study, BSF larvae were reared on feed substrates composed of dried brewers’ spent grains, each supplemented with either water, waste brewer’s yeast, or a mixture of waste brewer’s yeast and cane molasses to obtain 12 different substrates: barley/water, barley/yeast, barley/yeast/molasses, malted barley/water, malted barley/yeast, malted barley/yeast/molasses, malted corn/water, malted corn/yeast, malted corn/yeast/molasses, sorghum-barley/water, sorghum-barley/yeast, and sorghum-barley/yeast/molasses. The crude protein, fat, ash, and mineral contents of the BSF larvae fed each feed substrate were quantified by chemical analyses. The effect of substrate, supplementation, and their interaction on crude protein, fat, and ash contents of BSF larval body composition was significant. Calcium, phosphorus, and potassium were the most abundant macrominerals in the larvae and their concentrations differed significantly among substrates. These findings provide important information to support the use of BSF larval meal as potential new source of nutrient-rich and sustainable animal feed ingredients to substitute expensive and scarce protein sources such as fishmeal and soya bean meal.  相似文献   
The molecular basis of insulin resistance induced by HIV protease inhibitors (HPIs) remains unclear. In this study, Chinese hamster ovary cells transfected with high levels of human insulin receptor (CHO‐IR) and 3T3‐L1 adipocytes were used to elucidate the mechanism of this side effect. Indinavir and nelfinavir induced a significant decrease in tyrosine phosphorylation of the insulin receptor β‐subunit. Indinavir caused a significant increase in the phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate‐1 (IRS‐1) on serine 307 (S307) in both CHO‐IR cells and 3T3‐L1 adipocytes. Nelfinavir also inhibited phosphorylation of Map/ERK kinase without affecting insulin‐stimulated Akt phosphorylation. Concomitantly, levels of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B), suppressor of cytokines signaling‐1 and ‐3 (SOCS‐1 and ‐3), Src homology 2B (SH2B) and adapter protein with a pleckstrin homology domain and an SH2 domain (APS) were not altered significantly. When CHO‐IR cells were pre‐treated with sodium salicylate (NaSal), the effects of indinavir on tyrosine phosphorylation of the IR β‐subunit and phosphorylation of IRS‐1 at S307 were abrogated. These data suggest a potential role for the NFκB pathway in insulin resistance induced by HPIs. J. Cell. Biochem. 114: 1729–1737, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   


Our aims were to characterize the fate of leaf-litter-derived nitrogen in the plant-soil-microbe system of a temperate beech forest of Southern Germany and to identify its importance for N nutrition of beech seedlings.


15N-labelled leaf litter was traced in situ into abiotic and biotic N pools in mineral soil as well as into beech seedlings and mycorrhizal root tips over three growing seasons.


There was a rapid transfer of 15N into the mineral soil already 21 days after tracer application with soil microbial biomass initially representing the dominant litter-N sink. However, 15N recovery in non-extractable soil N pools strongly increased over time and subsequently became the dominant 15N sink. Recovery in plant biomass accounted for only 0.025 % of 15N excess after 876 days. After three growing seasons, 15N excess recovery was characterized by the following sequence: non-extractable soil N?>>?extractable soil N including microbial biomass?>>?plant biomass?>?ectomycorrhizal root tips.


After quick vertical dislocation and cycling through microbial N pools, there was a rapid stabilization of leaf-litter-derived N in non-extractable N pools of the mineral soil. Very low 15N recovery in beech seedlings suggests a high importance of other N sources such as root litter for N nutrition of beech understorey.  相似文献   
Respiratory complex II (succinate:ubiquinone oxidoreductase) connects the tricarboxylic acid cycle to the electron transport chain in mitochondria and many prokaryotes. Complex II mutations have been linked to neurodegenerative diseases and metabolic defects in cancer. However, there is no convenient stoichiometric assay for the catalytic activity of complex II. Here, we present a simple, quantitative, real-time method to detect the production of fumarate from succinate by complex II that is easy to implement and applicable to the isolated enzyme, membrane preparations, and tissue homogenates. Our assay uses fumarate hydratase to convert fumarate to malate and uses oxaloacetate decarboxylating malic dehydrogenase to convert malate to pyruvate and to convert NADP+ to NADPH; the NADPH is detected spectrometrically. Simple protocols for the high-yield production of the two enzymes required are described; oxaloacetate decarboxylating malic dehydrogenase is also suitable for accurate determination of the activity of fumarate hydratase. Unlike existing spectrometric assay methods for complex II that rely on artificial electron acceptors (e.g., 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol), our coupled assay is specific and stoichiometric (1:1 for succinate oxidation to NADPH formation), so it is suitable for comprehensive analyses of the catalysis and inhibition of succinate dehydrogenase activities in samples with both simple and complex compositions.  相似文献   
Though the vascular endothelial growth factor coreceptor neuropilin-1 (Nrp1) plays a critical role in vascular development, its precise function is not fully understood. We identified a group of novel binding partners of the cytoplasmic domain of Nrp1 that includes the focal adhesion regulator, Filamin A (FlnA). Endothelial cells (ECs) expressing a Nrp1 mutant devoid of the cytoplasmic domain (nrp1cytoΔ/Δ) migrated significantly slower in response to VEGF relative to the cells expressing wild-type Nrp1 (nrp1+/+ cells). The rate of FA turnover in VEGF-treated nrp1cytoΔ/Δ ECs was an order of magnitude lower in comparison to nrp1+/+ ECs, thus accounting for the slower migration rate of the nrp1cytoΔ/Δ ECs.  相似文献   
The life cycle of higher plants alternates between the diploid sporophytic and the haploid gametophytic phases. In angiosperms, male and female gametophytes develop within the sporophyte. During female gametophyte (FG) development, a single archesporial cell enlarges and differentiates into a megaspore mother cell, which then undergoes meiosis to give rise to four megaspores. In most species of higher plants, including Arabidopsis thaliana, the megaspore closest to the chalaza develops into the functional megaspore (FM), and the remaining three megaspores degenerate. Here, we examined the role of cytokinin signaling in FG development. We characterized the FG phenotype in three triple mutants harboring non‐overlapping T–DNA insertions in cytokinin AHK receptors. We demonstrate that even the strongest mutant is not a complete null for the cytokinin receptors. Only the strongest mutant displayed a near fully penetrant disruption of FG development, and the weakest triple ahk mutant had only a modest FG phenotype. This suggests that cytokinin signaling is essential for FG development, but that only a low threshold of signaling activity is required for this function. Furthermore, we demonstrate that there is elevated cytokinin signaling localized in the chalaza of the ovule, which is enhanced by the asymmetric localization of cytokinin biosynthetic machinery and receptors. We show that an FM‐specific marker is absent in the multiple ahk ovules, suggesting that disruption of cytokinin signaling elements in Arabidopsis blocks the FM specification. Together, this study reveals a chalazal‐localized sporophytic cytokinin signal that plays an important role in FM specification in FG development.  相似文献   
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