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In this communication is described a new technique for the determination of sedimentation coefficients of macromolecules banded in equilibrium density gradients. Initially, the macromolecules are banded in the analytical ultracentrifuge at a low temperature of about 5°C. After equilibrium has been obtained, the temperature is increased to 25°C. The equilibrium band will now sediment to a new equilibrium position in the ultracentrifuge cell: (a) By following the position of the migrating band as a function of time, sedimentation coefficients may be determined. (b) If several species having different sedimentation coefficients are present in the original band, then during the course of the migration the band may split into several new bands which eventually reunite at the final equilibrium position. (c) If different chemical species of macromolecules such as nucleic acids and carbohydrates are present, in general they will exhibit different temperature density relationships, and can move different distances and directions in response to temperature change.  相似文献   
Pure cultures of Physarum gyrosum were grown on agar plates with autoclaved Escherichia coli suspensions as the growth medium. Portions of such agar, after growth of the slime mold, contained diffusible materials that inhibited the growth of Bacillus subtilis, B. cereus, E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Paper chromatography of extracts of such cultures revealed at least three different active fractions. Preliminary fractionations increased the specific activity by one order of magnitude, probably in part by removal of inactive material and in part by separating active components. The fractionations also demonstrated the multiplicity of the antibiotic activity. Fractions variously obtained always retarded the growth of the bacterial species listed above.  相似文献   
Summary We present a linkage map of DNA probes around the X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (IMD4) locus at Xq11-13. DXS159 and PGK1 show no cross-overs with the disease locus (Lod 3.01 at = 0.00). The order of loci is DXS1-DXS106-(DXS159-PGK1-IMD4)-DXS72-DXYS1. Members of families whose carrier status has been established by X-inactivation patterns were included in the analysis. As the probe (pSPT/PGK), which is used for investigation of X-inactivation patterns, has been shown to be linked to the disease itself, it is possible to assign phase in mothers of sporadic cases who have been shown to be carriers, even when they have no surviving male offspring.  相似文献   
Predation on Protozoa: its importance to zooplankton   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
Protozoa are an important component of both the nano- and microplanktonin marine and freshwater environments and are preyed upon byzooplankton, including suspension-feeding cope pods, some gelatinouszoopiankters and some first-feeding fish larvae. The clearancerates of suspension-feeding zooplankton for ciliates, in particular,are higher than for most phytoplankton. For at least some suspension-feedingzooplankton, protozoans are calculated to be quantitativelyan important component of the diet during certain seasons. Inlaboratory studies, protozoan components in the diet appearto enhance growth and survival of certain life-history stagesor enhance fecundity. These data suggest that protozoans arequalitatively as well as quantitatively important in the dietsof marine zooplankton. Most studies of predation on Protozoahave focused on the euphotic zone in nearshore waters. Predationon Protozoa is expected, however, to be particularly importantboth quantitatively and qualitatively in marine environmentsand seasons in which primary production is dominated by cells<5 µm in size, such as nearshore environments afterthe spring phytoplankton bloom, in oligotrophic waters, andin environments dominated by detritus-dominated food webs, suchas the deep sea. In detritus-dominated food webs, Protozoa maybe a source of essential nutrients and may thus facilitate utilizationof bacterial and detrital carbon by metazoan plankton.  相似文献   
We have cloned the first bifunctional gene dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylate synthase (DHFR-TS) from a free-living, ciliated protozoan,Paramecium tetraurelia, and determined its macronuclear sequence using a modified ligation-mediated polymerase chain reaction (PCR) that can be of general use in cloning strategies, especially where cDNA libraries are limiting. While bifunctional enzyme sequences are known from parasitic protozoa, none had previously been found in free-living protozoa. The AT-rich (68%) coding region spanning 1386 bp appears to lack introns. DHFR-TS localizes to a 500 kb macronuclear chromosome and is transcribed as an mRNA of 1.66 kb, predicted to encode a 53 kDa protein of 462 residues. The N-terminal one-third of the protein is encoded by DHFR, which is joined by a short junctional peptide of 12 amino acids to the highly conserved C-terminal TS domain. Among known DHFR-TS sequences, theP. tetraurelia gene is most similar to that fromToxoplasma gondii, based on primary sequence and parsimony analyses. The predicted secondary protein structure is similar to those of previously crystallized monofunctional sequences.  相似文献   
This study identified facilitators and obstacles to maintenance of weight loss following a very-low-calorie-diet and behavior modification program. A survey was mailed to a random sample of 178 program completers and received a 61% response rate; the most frequent follow-up period was more than 2 years. Twenty-nine percent reported weighing the same (within 10 lbs) or less than the end of their participation in the treatment program (maintainers), while 71% reported their present weight was a mean of 65% higher than their initial weight loss (regainers). Maintainers were significantly more likely to report engaging in regular aerobic exercise, attending a maintenance support group, and confidence in their ability to manage their weight in the future, while regainers were more likely to report stress and motivation as frequent weight management obstacles. Respondents consistently identified the need for low/no cost ongoing support. Maintainers and relapsers reported similar challenges in managing their weight, yet with different results, suggesting the need to identify subgroups for which different post-treatment support options could be applied.  相似文献   
Zoophthora radicans Brefeld was tested for control of Plutella xylostella L. in a caged‐field trial. No infection was seen in control cages, but between 36% and 68% of larvae in live samples, and 38% and 55% of larvae at the final harvest, were infected in inoculated cages, suggesting the biological control potential of this fungus.  相似文献   
In many egg-laying reptiles, the incubation temperature of the egg determines the sex of the offspring, a process known as temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD). In TSD sex determination is an “all or none” process and intersexes are rarely formed. How is the external signal of temperature transduced into a genetic signal that determines gonadal sex and channels sexual development? Studies with the red-eared slider turtle have focused on the physiological, biochemical, and molecular cascades initiated by the temperature signal. Both male and female development are active processes—rather than the crganized/default system characteristic of vertebrates with genotypic sex determination—that require simultaneous activation and suppression of testis- and ovary-determining cascades for normal sex determination. It appears that temperature accomplishes this end by acting on genes encoaing for steroidogenic enzymes and steroid hormone receptors and modifying the endocrine microenvironment in the embryo. The temperature experienced in development also has long-term functional outcomes in addition to sex determination. Research with the leopard gecko indicates that incubation temperature as well as steroid hormones serve as organizers in shaping the adult phenotype, with temperature modulating sex hormone action in sexual differentiation. Finally, practical applications of this research have emerged for the conservation and restoration of endangered egg-laying reptiles as well as the embryonic development of reptiles as biomarkers to monitor the estrogenic effects of common environmental contaminants. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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