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Behavioural displays to gustatory stimuli in newborn rabbit pups   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Motor displays in the face and head regions of 33 neonate rabbits(less than 24 hrs post partum) in response to taste stimulationwere examined. A droplet of taste solution was placed mediallyon the pup's lips and the ensuing behavioral repertoire wastallied over a 60 sec period in a double blind situation. Tastantsincluded 2 concentrations each of sucrose, saccharin, citricacid and quinine. Distilled water was used as a stimulant andfor intertrial rinses. Response characteristics to the varioustaste stimuli were differentiable, specific and reproduciblewithin and across animals. Certain response features were moreoften associated with one stimulus than with another. Quinineoften produced mouth opening (gaping) and head movements, whereassucrose was associated with a quiet animal licking and makingcharacteristic mouth movements. Sour reactions often resembledthose to sweet, but other features helped distinguish thoseresponses. Reactions proved to be concentration-dependent anddifferent from those to water. Quality and hedonic value wereusually accurately judged and corresponded to adult preferencebehaviors. It was inferred that rabbits at this early age arealready equipped with a functioning taste system up to the brainstemlevel. Cross-species comparisons of stereotyped reactions werediscussed.  相似文献   
Prostaglandin E (PGE) and F (PGF) levels were measured in mouse uteri at various times after either trauma (hemostat crushing) or oil stimulation of the decidual cell reaction (DCR). The oil induced DCR led to an early increase (within 5 min) in both PGE and PGF levels. Both returned to baseline by 1 h after stimulation. A second peak in PGF levels was observed at 120 min after oil stimulation. This study demonstrates a distinct difference between the pattern of PGE and PGF changes in the uterus following oil stimulation of the DCR. Indomethacin pretreatment completely blocked the oil stimulated DCR as well as all prostaglandin increases following either stimulus. The trauma stimulated DCR was not completely blocked by indomethacin pretreatment.Pretreatment with tranylcypromine, an inhibitor of prostacyclin biosynthesis, did not block the prostaglandin E and F increases, but did block the oil stimulated DCR. These findings suggest that prostacyclin may be an early mediator of the DCR.  相似文献   
Analyses for zinc in high specific activity preparations of yeast alcohol dehydrogenase (YADH) indicate a metal content of 1.8–1.9 moles of zinc per mole of enzyme subunit. This zinc content is observed for YADH prepared from Bakers yeast by recrystallization from Am2SO4 containing 1 mM EDTA, followed by chromatography on DE-52 and Sephadex-G-200. YADH obtained from Boehringer-Mannheim is characterized by a variable specific activity: preparations with Sp. Ac. = 380–400 U/mg contain 1.8–1.9 moles of zinc per mole of subunit. Dialysis of YADH against EDTA (pH 8.5, 25°, under N2) reduces the specific activity and zinc content in an approximately linear fashion down to a Sp. Ac. = 150 U/mg, consistent with the preferential loss of a single, weakly bound zinc per subunit which is essential for catalytic activity. Dialysis of YADH against 1 mM ZnCl2 (pH 6.5–8.5, 25°, under N2) does not lead to an increase in the zinc content of the enzyme, indicating that under these conditions zinc does not bind adventitiously to YADH. Dialysis against 50 mM CoSO4 (pH 5.5, 25°, under N2, 60–90 hr) leads to an exchange of ≈ 40% of the enzyme-bound zinc by cobalt. Our preparations of YADH are consistently characterized by a zinc content of ≈ 2 per subunit and we are unable to reduce the zinc content of YADH by dialysis against EDTA without a concomitant loss in enzyme activity, in contrast to reports of one zinc per subunit [Veillon, C. and Sytkowski, A.J., BBRC 67: 1499 (1975); Vallee, B.L. and Hoch, F.L., Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 41: 327 (1955)]. The findings reported here, together with the observed structural similarities between YADH and horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase [Jornvall, H., Woenckhaus, C. and Johnscher, G., Eur. J. Biochem. 53: 71 (1975)], suggest a role for zinc at both a structural and catalytic site in YADH.  相似文献   
In Tenebrio molitor, as well as in other biological systems, there are indications that differences in leucyl-tRNA synthetase activity may play a role in translational control. However, it has not been clear whether the difference in activity is due to the appearance of a multiplicity of enzymes during development or to the alteration of a single enzyme.The purification of leucyl-tRNA synthetase from day 1 and day 7 after the larval pupal molt of Tenebrio molitor is described. The enzyme from both developmental stages was purified over a 1000-fold. The two enzyme preparations are identical in molecular weight (99,000). They show the same characteristics after aging. The pH optimum, heat inactivation behavior, and dependency on divalent cations are the same for both enzymes. They also show identical kinetics with similar values of Km for leucine, ATP, Mg2+, and tRNA day 1. However, leucyl-tRNA synthetase purified from day 7 exhibits an additional function in recognizing a new species of isoaccepting tRNA in day 7 tRNA. We have tentatively concluded that the two enzymes are probably different forms of the same enzyme and the additional activity is due to alteration of the enzyme at the macromolecular level during development.  相似文献   
It is known that the home-cage maternal behavior of rats which become maternal after daily pup exposure (sensitization) is almost indistinguishable from that of lactating mothers, but that sensitized and lactating rats can be distinguished by their pup-retrieval performance in a T-maze extension of the home cage. The present study explored this difference further. Postpartum mothers which could not suckle due to prior nipple removal (thelectomy) retrieved as well, if not better, than intact controls in the T-maze. Hormonal induction of maternal behavior (in ? 3 days) was carried out by hysterectomy-ovariectomy plus 100 μg/kg estradiol benzoate; the performance of these females was similar to that of the postpartum groups. In contrast, only a small percentage of the sensitized mothers retrieved in the T-maze, whether the latency to onset of their maternal behavior was long (4–10 days) or short (? 3 days). Thus, hormonal factors associated with pregnancy and/or parturition, but not suckling stimulation, may facilitate T-maze retrieval of pups. The possible ethological significance of the T-maze test as a measure of maternal responsiveness is discussed.  相似文献   
The population structure of 4 California Iridaea cordata (Turner) Bory populations was studied. Random sampling procedures were used to measure seasonal variations in standing crops, density and size-class distribution of life history stages. The results describe aspects of the in situ life history; a prerequisite to realistically considering the distribution, ecology or life history expressions of an alga. Seasonal fluctuations in density occur only in the juvenile stage, which is initiated during the winter (November to January) predominantly from the basal perennial crusts. Both the gametangial and tetrasporangial stages are present throughout the year. The tetrasporangial stage is dominant in relation to the sexual stages in both density and biomass during most of the year, except spring when the new crop in just maturing and all stages are abundant. Density in nearly constant and observable changes in the populations are due to biomass fluctuations. Seasonal lows in biomass occur during the winter with the majority of thalli in the smaller size-classes. Growth and maturation culminate in peak summer crops and dominance of the tetrasporangial stage, followed by autumnal senescence and die-back in winter. Carrageenans analyzed from immature thalli showed a predominance of lambda-type, previously determined as specific for tetrasporangial plants. This indirect evidence for the tetrasporangial nature of immature plants suggests that dominance of the diploid stage occurred prior to blade development and most likely at the spore level. Alternatively, field results indicate a major contribution and possible replacement of alternation of gametangial and tetrasporangial stage by thallus perennation and vegetative reproduction.  相似文献   
Centrioles duplicate once per cell cycle, but it is unclear how daughter centrioles assemble at the right time and place and grow to the right size. Here, we show that in Drosophila embryos the cytoplasmic concentrations of the key centriole assembly proteins Asl, Plk4, Ana2, Sas-6, and Sas-4 are low, but remain constant throughout the assembly process—indicating that none of them are limiting for centriole assembly. The cytoplasmic diffusion rate of Ana2/STIL, however, increased significantly toward the end of S-phase as Cdk/Cyclin activity in the embryo increased. A mutant form of Ana2 that cannot be phosphorylated by Cdk/Cyclins did not exhibit this diffusion change and allowed daughter centrioles to grow for an extended period. Thus, the Cdk/Cyclin-dependent phosphorylation of Ana2 seems to reduce the efficiency of daughter centriole assembly toward the end of S-phase. This helps to ensure that daughter centrioles stop growing at the correct time, and presumably also helps to explain why centrioles cannot duplicate during mitosis.  相似文献   
Isolated rat hearts perfused with Chenoweth-Koelle solution exhibit tachyphylaxis to tyramine. This tachyphylaxis was prevented if tyrosine was included in the perfusion solution. Other amino acids, including glycine, serine, phenylalanine, valine, tryptophan, glutamate, aspartate, arginine, lysine and -tyrosine, failed to prevent the tyramine-induced tachyphylaxis. Hearts from reserpinized animals showed increased chronotropy after tyramine only when tyrosine was present in the medium. This response could be blocked by , m-hydroxybenzyl-hydrazine and d,l-propanolol, indicating that it was mediated by the synthesis and release of catecholamines. These experiments suggest that sympathetic nerves in the isolated rat heart exhibit a requirement for tyrosine when catecholamine release is enhanced.  相似文献   
In recent years, structural information about bacteriorhodopsin has grown substantially with the publication of several crystal structures. However, precise measurements of the chromophore conformation in the various photocycle states are still lacking. This information is critical because twists about the chromophore backbone chain can influence the Schiff base nitrogen position, orientation, and proton affinity. Here, we focus on the C14-C15 bond, using solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to measure the H-C14-C15-H dihedral angle. In the resting state (bR(568)), we obtain an angle of 164 +/- 4 degrees, indicating a 16 degrees distortion from a planar all-trans chromophore. The dihedral angle is found to decrease to 147 +/- 10 degrees in the early M intermediate (M(o)) and to 150 +/- 4 degrees in the late M intermediate (M(n)). These results demonstrate changes in the chromophore conformation undetected by recent X-ray diffraction studies.  相似文献   
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